Whom You Least Expect Ch. 04


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"Three members of the squad found out what you had been doing with their boyfriends, that you had seduced them and they wanted revenge. I was afraid of your retribution, you still had the picture and I wanted none of that. But the girls pressed on and I faltered. All that time I feared your response, of that picture to finally appear on Tony's phone, but nothing happened. I couldn't believe it. You didn't take any action against me. I needed to know why you had forgiven me, so I decided to find you even if I'd have to pay a high price to reach you."

"I told you I wouldn't send that picture. I erased it the moment you were gone from my house. I felt so bad." I told her.

Theresa held me tight, she kissed my forehead with her soft lips.

"Now I feel worse than before."

"Is this the end of your story?" I questioned not caring to wipe my tears.

"Well..., there are certain things that I told you that could be... not entirely true." She bit her lower lip.

The look I gave her screamed 'I knew it!' She smiled at my expression, as if saying 'you know me well'.

"First off my father spent almost all my college funds in his gambling vice. So even though I got accepted I couldn't attend. So I got stuck with a job. I mean, I need to find a job. I was updating my résumé on line when you showed up early."

I stealthily averted my eyes to her laptop. It had Theresa's picture and some personal data. She told me the truth.

"Second, except for your parents no one else knows I'm here. I spent a third of my savings just to be here with you. If my mom ever knew what I did she'd be mad. I told her I'd be sightseeing for a month with a local tourism company."

"Then there was the problem of Tony's infidelities. I had known he was unfaithful since the beginning. This was an arranged match after all, but we used to cuddle together from time to time. But he was a fucking egotistical moron, and when he told me that I should be accustomed to his escapades I just couldn't handle it anymore. And here I am, unemployed, and searching for a method of subsistence."

"You want to be with me? With a woman of the lowest reputation?" I asked, my heart thundering against my chest. Did she love me?

"You keep saying that." She looked troubled, "I shouldn't have maintained that lie." She sighed. "Sweetie, I never made public the page address. I only sent the address to Bobby, Violet and your parents. I lied to you."

"What? Why?" I was shocked.

"The girls wanted your head. The complete public humiliation, but I could convince them to send it were it hurts most. They agreed at the end. Besides, I had a personal reason for sending it to Bobby."

"Don't tell me that you...!"

"Yes Sweetie, I wanted him out of the picture." She made me look at her, "If he bailed out, as it happened, I wanted the chance to get you all to myself."

"You conniving bitch!" I pushed her and tried to get up. She stopped me by grabbing my waist.

"He chose to leave you. Do you think he really loved you? He didn't even try to talk to you. Am I right? He just ran away!" Her arms were on my waist and gripped me hard. "Did you love him? I think that if you did you wouldn't be fucking around when he wasn't looking."

"You gave me another reason to hate you," I muttered between breaths, "It wasn't your choice to decide for me!"

"No. It wasn't my choice, it was his. And he deserved to know the truth you so thoroughly hid."

Her words hit me like a truck. I was rotten, the same as she. I did everything I wanted, took everything I could, without care for consequences. I was an immature girl, a mischievous child. My mom's words returned to my head, 'She is immature Fred', I wanted to scream, I fought Theresa's embrace, not because I hated her, but because I wanted to run and hide in a dark spot where no one would find me. Tears streaked from my eyes as I tried to escape her lock. As seconds passed my mind was accepting the truth, I didn't hate her, I hated myself.

"You bitch!" I said after a while, my sobs mixing with my weary breath. My eyes had already stopped pouring tears. "I should have sent that picture."

"Maybe you should have, but I'm glad you didn't. My ex-boyfriend knows by now the number of times I had cheated on him, including our episode. I told him when he was still rolling on the floor. He deserved to know." I could felt her smile behind those words.

"You are horrible." I said in a calmed voice, the worst of my outburst already gone.

"So are you." She retorted.

"We are such a pair Theresa." I turned my head to see her face.

"We deserve each other." She kissed my ear. I shuddered. Then I realized that there was something else that didn't fit.

"Theresa. Why am I known as a slut if you didn't send that page to everyone?"

She sighed.

"You were never a good keeper of your secret life, people talk, and the boys like to talk a lot about their sexual exploits. Sandra, for them you were a slut, and that's how they'll remember you. You are the one to blame for that." She looked intently at me. "But if you want to leave that in the past you need to change. You need to exceed as a professional. Someone that they'll respect every time they talk about you, and remember with fondness the time you allowed them to partake with you."

I looked at her eyes and it was back. The spark I saw in her when we first met, the gleam that attracted me to her.

"You can let me go now. I won't run." She released me warily. "There's only one thing I need to know. Why are you with me?" I faced her and put both hands on her face. "And I need to hear that answer. Dammit Theresa! I need to hear it!"

Theresa gave me a sweet smile and said the words I have been waiting to hear all this time.

"My beautiful Sandra, I love you. I have loved you since that first night in your room, I just didn't know it then."

I bent down and kissed her. All my doubts and fears disappeared. I gave her my hopes and dreams in that kiss, I gave her everything.

She pulled me to our bed as we devoured each other in that sweet kiss. But sadly, all good things need to end. Theresa was the first to break our kiss. She was flustered, and breathing heavily.

"I need to hear it too. Please." Her lips were trembling. She was so cute.

"You told me before that I'll learn to love you, and my sweet and devious Theresa, I already memorized the lesson. I love you my 'pillow princess'."

The memory of our first time lingered in my head. I had misinterpreted her, she wasn't crying because she felt impotent, she cried because she couldn't handle her feelings. Suddenly my conscience felt free, the weight of my sin lifting from my shoulders. Don't get me wrong, it was still there, it just wasn't hurting anymore.

My lips kissed her neck as I had always wanted to do, the short gasp she produced evoked a sense of pride in me, if that small touch excited her, what other reactions could I extract from her next?

My hands caressed her side, lightly touching her ribs. She giggled like a school girl, but let escape a moan the moment I touched her right breast. Her nipples pushed against my flimsy blouse, clearly fighting to get free of that annoying t-shirt. A grin spread around my face..., she was bra-less.

I pressed my hand firmly against her breast. I relished in the rough feeling of cotton against skin. Her heavy breath and low pitched moans made me want to go further. I put my mouth where her nipples should be and sucked.

She went wild.

"Take off my clothes, please." She pleaded between breaths. I obliged.

I removed her t-shirt and returned to her breasts, one at a time. I slid my tongue around a beautiful mound while my fingers played with the other. Her saliva coated nipple erect and proud.

A mischievous idea crossed my head. It would be fun.

I unbuttoned her shorts and unzipped her. She moaned even louder, she knew what was in store for her. Or at least suspected.

"Allow me." I lowered my body, leaving short kisses on my way down. I stopped on her navel, my fingers fumbled with her shorts and tried to pull them down, succeeding only partially. Then her panties followed.

My tongue worked on the little hole of her belly and I felt her shudder. She moved her legs desperately, trying to free the shorts trapped by her knees. My hands traveled her thigh, enjoying her softness, caught her shorts and panties and finally freed her leg.

When I let her go I kneeled in front of Theresa. My eyes locked with hers. Her strong breath showed her state of mind, confused, yet exultant. I took her hand and made her grab my head.

"I'm ready my love. Are you?" I asked.

She didn't have to say anything, her face spoke volumes. I leaned forward and licked her clit. She moaned loudly.

I kept licking and sucking until I felt her pull me against her pussy. I changed my objective and started to slide my tongue inside her folds. Her taste was sublime. From a hidden place in my mind, memories of our first night appeared. Her supple body laid in my bed, naked, her legs open, and I between them worshiping her. That thought was unnerving, had I really done that or was it a dream?

She closed her long legs around my neck as I ate her. She didn't last long, it seemed I had kept her on edge for weeks because I felt her grab my head with her two hands and went rigid soon after. Her release was in silence, just a little gasp. I didn't realize she could be that quiet. Her sweet juices mingled with my saliva as I drank from her. Her taste was strong and sweet, just like she was.

When she came back to her senses she caressed my cum covered cheek, collected some of her own essence and brought her fingers to her lips. She licked at them with delight.

"My beautiful Sandra, those were the eyes I had been looking for. Come to me Sweetie, you deserve a reward." Her seductive voice stirred feelings hidden deep inside me.

Theresa helped me on my feet, then made me recline on the bed. She walked to the closet and opened a drawer; I knew what was inside and shivered. I watched how her legs slid in the strap-on, how her hands deftly secured the device, and how her eyes remained locked on me during the whole process.

I watched, mesmerized by her actions, how she applied the lube on the dildo, and how she proceeded to apply a generous amount on her hand.

The first thing I felt was the coldness of the gel as she spread it around my pussy, but that changed rapidly when her warm fingers slid it inside.

I felt my back pressed against the mattress, and saw her squat in front of me, the dildo's head teasing at the entrance. This wasn't the first time we had done this, but today it felt special, new.

She slowly entered me and I adjusted to her toy with ease. All the time she paid attention to my body's reaction. When she was completely inside I felt a whimper escape my lips.

"Are you okay?" She asked worried.

"Yes. You had never been this concerned before. Why is that?"

"This time is special. I want it to be perfect." She started to move her hips in a grinding motion. The base of her harness hit my clit and I moaned again.

"Forget about perfection. You have been fucking me to exhaustion the last two nights. Just let me come you bitch!"

Theresa yanked my hair hard. I strangled a yelp as she immobilized my head.

"Watch your mouth Sweetie, it could very well end up between my legs tonight."

"Is that a promise?" I queried, sporting a big smile.

"Yes, Sandra. That's a promise." She lowered her lips and kissed me. Her lips parted and locked with my own. I felt her mouth devouring me, taking me to places hidden within my dreams.

My dreams? What about them? My wishes and darkest secrets, all were within this lovely woman. She was everything I wanted and more. Why had I been so blind?

I didn't have time to ponder about that when I felt her moving again. I broke the kiss at her sudden thrust, I was seeing stars. Was it from her skills or was it because I was still sore from yesterday's session?

"If you wanted the hard treatment you only had to say so." She told me playfully, a 'know it all' grin on her lips.

She fucked me hard and fast, as she was accustomed to doing. I felt her fake cock moving in and out of me, taking me to heaven.

I was a mess, my mind was a whirlwind of memories and dreams all mingled together in a mad symphony of sensations. I felt all strength leaving me. She had dragged me to the cliff and pushed. I saw her eyes fixed on me and for the first time I was sure there was love in her gaze. I shut my eyes and came hard, moaning her name as I convulsed below her. I think I blacked out then.

When I opened my eyes I found Theresa by my side sleeping, I felt a calmness wash over me, I was finally at peace with myself. She had given me what I longed for.


"This is going to be hard." I heard Theresa muttering with her phone against that lovely ear.

I held her hand and blew a kiss in her direction. We had been rehearsing this conversation the whole morning.

"Hello Mom! It's me Theresa..." The quiver on her voice made me suppress a giggle, she was so cute. "That how was my trip? Fine, fine... I need to tell you something... No. I don't need money... Nope, not pregnant either... Mom, please listen..., No! I'm not going back to Tony, he is a cheating asshole...! Enough of that Mom! I'm in love...!" I heard Theresa sigh, "Yes Mom, like in 'ever after'... That's the weird part, it's not a guy." Theresa removed the receiver from her ear, I could hear some phrases like 'you're nuts' and 'I never raised a lesbian', but apart from that everything else sounded quite low. Thankfully.

"I think she didn't take it well." Theresa looked at me with apologetic eyes.

"Relax! She'll get over it within a day or two..., I hope." I commented.

"I think it'll take longer, she is deeply involved with her church."

Uh-uh! A zealot. That could explain a lot of Theresa's previous bigotry.

"Did you finish your ranting Mom...?" She was back on the phone, "Yeah Mom! I know I will burn in hell with aunt Hellen and her girlfriend, but aren't we all...? Geez! Mom it was only a joke, don't take it that way—."

Theresa removed the receiver from her ear and looked at me while shrugging her shoulders.

"She hung up. I wonder what your parents are going to do after they found out."

"They already know I like girls, Dad will be okay with it but Mom..."

"Don't worry Sweetie we'll solve this puzzle together." She held my gaze, "You just focus on your studies, okay?"

She kissed my lips.

If there was a reason for me to finish Law school this was it, forget about my mom picking a groom for me, that reason faded from my memory as a leaf in autumn. This beautiful woman wanted me to finish my studies. I would do it not only for myself, but for her. I would become someone she'd be proud of. And for me that reason was enough to go on.

I had finally found my happy ending.


This is the end of Sandra's arc. For all you loyal readers I will try and end 'Whom You Least Expect' in a couple of chapters. Elsa and Violet still have a lot to tell, but I will try to make next arc short (I don't know why but I always end up with long stories). That way I can focus on new projects. Thanks for reading my work.


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Nicole2023Nicole2023about 1 year ago

I like a long story good job

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Good One

after Long time got some good story. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Very good ending for Sandra and Theresa. Would love to see more of Violet and Elsa. No need to shorten them, I like the longer stories. Can't wait for next story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Yup best one so far. Perhaps best is yet to come :)!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Best one so far

Sad to see this arc end but so so glad to see how it ended and the sweetness that came out of it. It was the best and most striking chapter so far and I only hope for the future ones to be just as good.


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