Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed?


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I almost had to look away. Was she hinting that maybe I wouldn't have a wife to take along on those vacations?

"How could I refuse an offer like that?"

"You can't, or at least, I was hoping you couldn't," she said. "Thank you Bart. I was counting on you to accept my offer. I needed someone I know I can trust to keep our books and accounts as they should be kept so if were ever audited, we wouldn't have a problem. And one other thing, don't let Gregg pull rank on you. He's no longer your boss -- I am your boss."

Tapping the table with her well-manicured fingers she added, "Speaking of Gregg, that brings me to the next item I wanted to discuss with you."

I thought, "Oh fuck, now she's going to lay it on the line about Sandy and Gregg."

Our lunch arrived just in time to break the tension I was feeling. As we started eating, she said, "Bart, will you give me an honest answer if I ask you a question? If I'm out of line just say so."

I nodded and said, "Yes, I'll try my best."

I was pretty sure I knew what was coming.

Meg was stirring her platter with her fork and then said, "Bart, do you think your wife and Gregg are having an affair?"

Oh fuck, there it was, right out in the open. What a fucked-up way to ruin a perfectly wonderful lunch. Even when they're not around, they ruin my day, somehow.

I would have choked had I not been expecting her question or at least had suspected it had something to do with Sandy and Gregg.

"Meg, truthfully, I don't know. I have my suspicions. I'm not sure if they have been together yet, but I am sure it is headed in that direction."

Continuing, I said, "I have talked to her about her actions and she swears nothing is going on, but I'm not so sure anymore. I want to believe and trust her because I still love her, but I told her I won't share her with anyone. I'm positive she knows I will divorce her. Even if I find out it was the first and only time, I don't care. I'm not sure she will risk everything, but you never know about some things. At the same time, I do know that she is infatuated by his referring to his huge cock and how it satisfies all of the women. He keeps telling her he can take care of her the way she needs to be taken care of. I think it started out by him chasing her. She loved the attention and thought she could tease him and get away with it. I told her to stop, but she laughed and said she thought I was just jealous of Gregg, but now, I just don't know. I told her if I ever caught her or found her cheating on me, it would end our marriage. There would be no argument or excuses -- it would be over."

"Well Bart, I'm pretty sure it's going on, but I have no real proof either other than just watching them. They don't seem to care who's watching them, but if I find real proof, Gregg will be gone from my life."

Leaning forward, Meg whispered, "Now let me explain a little bit about his huge cock. He's not lying - his cock is huge - much too large for any woman to enjoy. When we first married, he would only use what I could take, but as time went on, he started hurting me. He has torn me so bad I've had to have stitches."

Meg leaned back into her chair and added, "Even after that, he still wanted me to take all of him and Bart, I just can't. It's just not possible for me to do. So if he's telling her I won't have sex with him, he's not lying. I just hope she knows what she's in for. A huge cock is not my idea of good sex."

She looked me right in the eye and said, "Good sex to me is average in size and above average in effort."

I almost choked on a shrimp and that brought a chuckle.

"My God," I gasped, "I had no idea a man could be that large. I can't believe he would do that to you or any woman for that matter. He will end up hurting someone bad someday."

"You're right," I added, "he has been using the size factor to convince Sandy that sex with him would be the best she's ever had. He has convinced her that you are a prude and just don't want to have sex with him anymore - little does she know. But, if you decide to divorce him, what will happen to your part of the company? Won't he get half of your stake?"

Meg shook her head 'No,' adding, "Some of the papers that he signed after the wedding were pre-nup papers excluding him from ever taking anything other than what he came into our marriage with if he ever cheats on me."

Smiling, I said, "Sounds good to me. I do trust you Meg. I've always wondered how you got stuck with him in the first place."

She said someday when we have time, she would explain it to me. "Bart, I think it would be a good idea if we meet for lunch every Wednesday and share what we have found out. If anything real important comes up, call me or I'll call you."

"Whatever you say, Boss," I said with a smile.

With a false frown she said, "Bart, if you ever call me that again, I'll fire you -- unless we're around company people. Otherwise, I'm Meg to you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, M'am. I mean, Meg."

Grinning she said, "That's one."

Meg tried to argue about who was paying for lunch, but I won out telling her that "No woman pays when she's with me and I don't care if she is my boss, Meg."

That made her smile. It had been a long time since I had enjoyed a lunch as much as I did this one. Things were looking up.

I wouldn't dare tell Sandy about the promotion, otherwise she would know that I had talked to Meg. That may alert her and Gregg - although I'm fast beginning to think that they're both too stupid or so wrapped up in each other to realize they're being watched and suspected by someone other than me.

Up until now, Sandy and Gregg's flirting had been only at the parties, but very soon, I thought, it would be all the time. I needed to call Roger to find out who he hired to catch his wife. He himself had caught her, but he had been tipped off to go home.

Roger gave me the number and I called and told the private investigator that I wanted it set up the same way he did Roger's. If it was found out that she was cheating, he would let me know where and when so that I would be the one who would spring the trap.

I was pretty sure that if she was cheating on me, it would most likely be at my home. The P.I. had one of his guys follow her to the mall to keep an eye on her while he personally went into the house and wired it for video and sound as well as bugged the phone.

Cameras in the bedrooms and family room should be enough I had told him. He agreed and was done and gone an hour before she got back home. He called me to let me know it was now recording. Now it was wait and see.

It was a week later when the P.I. called to tell me so far nothing had went on -- a couple of phone calls from some guy named Gregg, but nothing happened except he was doing his damndest to talk her into trying his big cock as she had said that she had never had a really big one.

Back at work, it was common knowledge we were expanding into Nevada, so when I told Sandy I would be gone for two or three days setting up an office, all she said was to have fun. I couldn't help thinking I bet you and Gregg will plan on having some fun -- right in my bed.

I didn't want a confrontation, so I let it go. By this time I really didn't care if she was fucking Gregg or was going to. For the first time, I just wanted it over and done with one way or another. If she doesn't take advantage of me being gone to fuck him, she probably never will.

I packed what clothes I thought I would need and set the bags by the front door. I was driving to Las Vegas as it wasn't really all that far compared to doing the airport thing. Plus, I would have my car and everything I would need would be with me.

Sandy was still not saying much. I think she was devoting most of her thought power to Gregg and his big cock. Maybe when she's blowing him, he can fill her head with cum and give her a new brain, the one she has now seems to be broken.

I left the house before she got up in the morning mostly so I didn't have to see or talk to her. I went across town and rented a room at the Budget Eight motel and moved my clothes in, went and had breakfast, then called my P.I. and told him I was all set up. I would be waiting for his call, that is, if Sandy and Gregg took advantage of my being out of town. Gregg had been informed of my going to Vegas by some of his loyal supporters in the office.

His departments had been turned over to my department so that meant he didn't have one damn thing to do except walk around and harass people. He still wanted to know what I was doing and when, but had been informed he was no longer my boss, which seemed to really piss him off.

Ch.04 A Big Surprise For Sandy And Gregg

I called Meg and told her what was going on and she got to the motel room about a half hour after I had talked to the P.I. Now all we could do was wait and see what happened. We had both decided that if they didn't get together with me out of town, chances are they hadn't been together yet and it could be stopped.

At 10:15a.m., the phone rang and we were told Gregg was on his way to my home.

We could head in that direction, but to wait for a call telling us we could catch them in the act if we so chose. We stood up, looked at each other, and then I hugged Meg, saying that I was sorry it had to be my wife that Gregg had seduced.

She said she was sorry it was her husband that had started chasing after my wife. Meg looked at me and said, "Who knows? It may turn out for the best," hugging me closer as she said it.

I could only hope I knew what she had meant. We were parked two blocks from my home when we got the call.

The P.I. informed us that it did seem that this was their first time in bed together. We could either go in now or back out and try to save our marriages. As we walked into the house, we could hear them in the master bedroom. He was telling her he wanted to fuck her in my bed.

She said it didn't matter to her where he fucked her. She couldn't wait to feel his big cock after hearing so much about it.

We stood in the family room and continued to listen to them.

"Damn baby, you have nice tits," said Gregg, "and I bet that pussy is so tight after never having a cock any bigger than Bart's."

"He's only about six inches or so," Sandy laughed. "Now let me see that big cock of yours!"

"Damn Sandy, I can't hardly get my finger in your pussy it's so tight."

"Oooh Gregg, yes finger me! God, that feels good - yyesss. Oh my God - it's been so long. I haven't let Bart fuck me since that last BBQ."

He laughed saying, "You're a mean little bitch. You won't ever do that to me because once you've been fucked by me, you won't ever be able to say no and mean it."

"Oohhh my God, Gregg. Finger fuck me! I'm cumming aaagh, ooohhhh!".

Then Gregg said, "Get ready Baby, I'm gonna give you what you've been saying you wanted."

"Gregg! Ouch! Ouch, it hurts! Oh my God, it's too big. Fuck! It hurts! Please stop, you're hurting me. Please no more! It feels like you're tearing me open. Stop it!"

"You've been asking for it for a long time now. Shut up and take it. I'm going to fuck you with every inch of my cock. So far, you've barely got half of it in that sweet little pussy. Too bad it won't stay that way after fucking my big fat cock awhile. When it gets all stretched and loose, I'll have to find me another tight-cunted little wife."

"Ugghh oohhh! No more you bastard! You said you loved me. Owww! God! No more, Gregg! I'm begging you!"

"Fuck my big cock, bitch! Fuck it like you love it! Damn, it's so tight. I'm going to cum in you already. It's not over yet, slut. You haven't started liking it yet. I want to hear you beg me to fuck you with every inch of my big, bad cock. Can you feel my cock filling that tight pussy full of cum?"

"Nnnnnoooo! Stop! Oh my God, please stop! It hurts so bad. No more, Gregg, please! I'm hurting bad. Your cock is just too big for me. I never would have done it if I had known. Please let me go. I'm sorry I teased you!"

I took Meg's hand and led her down the hall to what was once my bedroom. Peeking into the bedroom, she hadn't noticed the Ruger Blackhawk 357 Magnum I was holding in my opposite hand. I held it pointed down at the floor.

When we got to the door of the bedroom, I peeked around the door frame and saw that Gregg's back was to the door. He was so big on top of Sandy that you couldn't even see her.

He was pushing his huge cock in and out of her, telling her that he was going to cum in her. She was screaming and crying - begging him to stop and now I could see why -- his cock was huge! The guys in porn videos had nothing on Gregg. Just as he pushed it all the way into her, growling "I'm cumming," I walked up behind him and pushed about a half-inch of the barrel into his ass and said, "If you move, the bullet will come out of the top of your fucking head. What you're feeling, you big dumb fuck, is the barrel of a 357 Magnum."

Meg screamed when she saw the gun. "Oh God, Bart! Don't - please don't shoot him! He isn't worth it. You have too much to live for. Trust me, please!"

I put my finger to my lips in a quiet sign letting her know I wasn't going to shoot him. I said, "Well, you two just couldn't let it go could you? Now look what you've done. Your bitch here is out on the street and unless I miss my guess, you're sitting right next to her on that curb."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" yelled Gregg. "She won't ever divorce me. She loves my cock too much and besides, I get half of everything she has."

Meg said, "That's where you're wrong on both counts, Gregg. First off, you signed a pre-nup right after the wedding saying that if you were ever caught cheating, you leave with only what you brought into the marriage, which I believe was around twelve thousand dollars. The way you love to spend money, that's only about two weeks worth."

"And Gregg," she added, "as to loving your big cock you're so proud of, I did enjoy it when we first got married because you only used what I could take comfortably. But when you started doing to me what you did to Sandy just now, your cock is too big. Gregg, women can't take that much and enjoy it. What good is it if it doesn't feel good? I'll take Bart's size any day over yours," she said looking my way and smiling.

Turning to me she said, "We have seen all we need to see here."

Walking from the room, she turned and said to her husband, "Gregg, don't come home. Go clean out your desk and let me know where you'll be and I will have your stuff sent to you. I don't ever want to see you again."

I gave the gun a push and Gregg yelped. Then I pulled it out saying, "As for you Sandy, you insisted it was only teasing and I guess you found out he wasn't teasing about his size. I do hope you learn to like and enjoy it as much as you thought you would - you deserve a prick like him."

Drawing down my gun I added, "For right now, I want you both out of my house. You have two minutes or I call the cops. You can call and come by the house and get your stuff. I don't have time to mess with it. If you don't call, I'll throw it all in the trash bin."

I hated what Sandy had done to me and I almost cried, but I didn't want to see her hurt. Losing everything would be hurt enough. When Gregg backed away from Sandy and his huge cock came out of her, she was bleeding quite badly. I said to Gregg, "You'd better get her to the hospital before she hemorrhages. She could die on you."

Sandy was sobbing incoherently, begging me not to leave her there with him and wanting to work it out.

"I'm sorry, Sandy. You wouldn't listen to me and I told you what the consequences were if you ever cheated on me, but no, you just had to do it so now live with it."

Gregg was sitting on the edge of the bed glaring at Meg and I. I took her hand and Gregg screamed, "You've been fucking my wife, you dirty bastard!" at me and I looked back at him, smiling, not saying anything. As we walked out, we could hear him screaming at both of us. We smiled at each other and walked out of bedroom and down the hall towards the front door. I let go of Meg's hand, but she didn't let go of mine, so I closed mine back on hers.

Did Meg and I get together? What do you think? Would you jump right back in after a mess like this?

Life is good. I have a beautiful blond wife and a little boy and a little girl. We manage to spend a week away every three months and two weeks every six months. We take the kids when we go for a week, but we go alone when it's for two weeks. How do you suppose we got the two kids?

The End

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EinzelkampferEinzelkampfer2 months ago

Read the author's bio, and note the comments where he describes himself:

[I,m married,I work as a purchaser for a large reatail co.I injoy going to party's and going to the beach,]

If you cannot write a simple, coherent sentence on your bio page, that is quite revealing.

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian2 months ago

At the risk of double-posting, scroll down and see how many commenters keep returning every several years to read and opine. Why? Are these people addicted to Cheating Wife Tales? Heck, this is the stuff cultural anthropologists and literary sociologists get big fat grants to study! Trippy...

The_John_YossarianThe_John_Yossarian2 months ago

If you want to discover just how awful this story is, especially the dialogue, read it aloud, especially the last third. My favorite is where Sandy is in pain, but her lines are delivered as if she's a mannequin. It's actually quite funny.


In these stories, the writers have zero imagination. Meg and Bart have all the leverage, but they just stand around until the die is cast. Then he sweeps Meg off her feet, and they ride off into the sunset, amidst the worst lines in the story.


This is another story whose author also rode off into the sunset, sobered up, or removed the ankle monitor. However, even unattended, they live on in Loving Wives like literary landmines, sewing havoc and mayhem on anyone with measurable reading comprehension or who demands anything more fulfilling than a BTB outcome.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x6 months ago

I never understood the lover or potential lover telling the wife to cut off her husband. How would he know? Surely he can't trust her not lie, can he?


"He's only about six inches or so," - "Only" six inches is about average.


What about the other women that Greg fucked? Didn't any of them get hurt?

Just_WordsJust_Words6 months ago

There are some realistic characters here. The wife finds excuses for her intended betrayal. The boss gets pleasure from a woman's pain. The best thing the MC can do is walk away. Skip the revenge.

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 2 years ago

This is a very old story by author who no longer publishes, and so comments are useless.

But the legal/financial issues in the story are totally bogus which defeats any interest in the story.

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 2 years ago

I would like to know what happened to the bitch and asshole.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Author’s stories about 50/50 for me. This is bottom 50.

nixroxnixroxalmost 3 years ago

1 star - no comment

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

She gave out a quick laugh and said, "Honey, you don't have a thing to worry about. Even if he did get me in bed, what could you do about it? He's an ex-pro football player."

So stupid I couldnt continue after that.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

Of course Lover Boy gets pissed at the mere THOUGHT that the "cuckold" is fucking LB's wife, LOL!

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago

I choose to focus on the wife's denial. You can't make someone listen when they don't want to listen. I'm surprised she took so long given her inclination, but players will play and they will always be surprised when they are caught.

lee5456lee5456about 4 years ago
Holy stitches Batman

Can that bitch say ow?

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