Wicked's Metamorphosis


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Wrapped in my arms, her sobs send trembles through her body. I can feel them being transferred to me via those warm breasts pressed against my chest. It's an awful, painful five minutes before Marie calms down enough to respond.

"You're right, Ray, my family has something hidden and locked away from you. All families have skeletons in their closets. Kate's family and mine are no different."

"Please, Ray, get us some lemonade." Marie asks as she gets up while wiping a flow of tears from her eyes with the apron tied around her waist. I stand as well and make my way to the kitchen, while watching her turn and go into the study.

'When are you ever going to learn to let things well enough alone, Ray?' I scold myself as I grab two glasses. I fight down the anger that's building and pour them full of lemonade and return to the swing.

She meets me back on the porch with a folder in her hand. She seems to have gained a grip on her emotions, again. Taking a sip, she gives me the folder motioning me to open it. Looking in, I find a newspaper clipping. The headline began:

Local Army Recruit Succumbs to Injury

Robert "Bobby" Miller, age eighteen, succumbed to injuries sustained in an accidental fall while visiting the farm of Dr. Kathrynne Marie Johnson, a world-renowned psychiatrist. The Coroner's report indicates Miller slipped and fell hitting his head on cinderblocks at the lake site fire pit on the Johnson's pioneer homestead. Dr. Johnson found him on-site after noting that he had not returned from swimming at the lake. Miller was alive, but unresponsive when she found him. She called for emergency services and Miller was ....

"Ray, you and your mom came into my family's life when I turned seventeen, long after our family's skeleton got put in the closet. Kate and I told you some things that occurred between Kate and me. You learned those after you met her that summer. But no one else has spoken about things that occurred before you became a part of our family."

"What you don't know is that Kate's family lived a mile down the road. They moved there when I was thirteen. Kate was fourteen, then. Kate and I met right after they moved in, but I didn't know much about Bobby since he was much older. Bobby was eighteen and had enlisted and was going into the Army that summer. After Bobby's death no one, in either of our families, has ever spoken Bobby's name since then not even Kate."

Marie begins to fill in my gaps in a monotone voice. I can see her face take on that far away reflective look as memories flood back in time to that event.

A Swim at the Lake

"Hey, Kate, meet me at my Grandma's house in ten?" I giggle into the phone when I hear her soft southern drawl answer the other end of my call. I left my mama a note on the kitchen table that I'm heading out to Grandma's house and would be back for dinner so that she would know where I would be.

I knew my Grandma was in the process of writing another book and wouldn't be making time to entertain two girls for the afternoon. Perfect time to be away from prying eyes! I head out knowing that Kate will arrive about the same time since our farms are two miles apart with Grandma's place in the middle.

"Grandma! It's me and Kate! You busy?" I sing out having taken Kate in tow at the kitchen door.

"Girls, I love you both. But, I'm very busy today. My first draft is due next week. Got to get this book out," Grandma calls out to us from her study.

"That's okay, Grandma! We'll just go down to the lake and stay out of your hair. Okay?" I call out from the screen door. Turning to leave for the lake, I barely hear her voice chuckle.

"No swimming! I won't come down there to pull you out if you drown! I'll just let the fish eat you both." She replies.

Kate and I giggle, because we know she is just kidding about not coming to our rescue. We swam all the time without her being with us. I can tell she is deep in thought as her voice tapers off at the part about the fish eating us! That's just fine with me. I remember laughing along with Kate because we both knew you can't drown dolphins!

"Ray, that day, we didn't keep track of time. Kate's mom sent Bobby to get her because it was late afternoon. Grandma said Bobby stopped at the back door and asked her to send Kate home. That's when she told him we were down at the lake. She was so busy with her book that she didn't think about sending him down to get her."

Trembling, Marie's voice is barely audible at this point. I can detect that she is mentally replaying what came next. I reach out and pull her closer to me, trying to calm her fright.

Marie inhales deeply and continues, "Kate and I were swimming. Like when you, Kate, and I would swim together. Bobby came down to the lake and found us like that ..."

She stops recounting the event momentarily as the tears roll down her cheeks. Her body shutters violently against me as she wraps her arms around my neck. Then, turning to look into my eyes, she spoke the words that stunned me, chilled me to the bone. Softly, her quivering voice picks up the story in a flat monotone voice as her eyes take on a distant look into the past.

"Bobby ... Bobby got really mad when we wouldn't come out of the water. He came in and grabbed us, pulling both of us to shore. He swung me into his arms, that's when she kicked at him. He got really violent. He hit her hard, Ray ... so hard that she spun completely around. He punched her in the face and blood spurted everywhere. She went down like a rock, stunned by his blow, she didn't move."

After what felt like hours in her next pause, Marie finally blurts out, "I killed Bobby, Ray!"

I felt my body jerk and stiffen in response to her words as her eyes locked steadfastly on mine. She could read my shock through my widening eyes and dropped jaw as I recoiled when the words registered within me.

Marie loosens her grip on my neck and her hands drop into her lap. Her bowed head stares at the porch floor then slowly picks up on her recall of the event.

"The time that Bobby used to take his rage out on Kate, gave me time to grab the shovel from the fire pit. Bobby was facing away from me, bent on going after Kate. Ray, he dropped down to his knees and fell forward. He wasn't cussing anymore."

"I ran to Kate and pulled her up. Then looking at Bobby I yelled, 'Run!'"

"We struggled to get back to Grandma's house. I had to half-carry Kate most of the way. When I slammed the screen open, I let out a blood curdling scream."

"Grandma! Grandma! Help!"

"By the time I got Kate into a chair, Grandma is flying into the kitchen."

"Grandma took one look at both of us. She didn't have to ask what happened.

"She was screaming as loudly as I was. Kate is dazed and just sits staring straight ahead. Her face is swollen and blood is still running from her mouth and nose all the way down to her knees."

"Grandma grabs some ice packs and applies pressure to Kate's cut lip and has her head leaned back to help stop the flow of blood from her nose."

"Bobby!" is all I could get out between the tears and wailing.

"My God!" Grandma exclaims, "I told him you were at the lake! I'm so sorry, Marie!"

"Where is he?" She demanded.

"At the lake! He's not moving, Grandma!" I could remember telling her.

"Stay here!" Grandma calls out as she grabs her keys.

"I kept pressure on Kate's lip as I heard the car start and speed toward the lane. Grandma was gone for some time; long enough for the ice to help slow the blood flow.

I heard the car drive back and the door slam. Grandma came back into the kitchen, checking on us, before heading to the telephone. After some time, we could hear sirens getting closer to Grandma's place. She met the sheriff at the driveway and directed the ambulance down the lane."

Marie stops talking to me about what happened next. For a long time, she sits motionless until she gathers her thoughts.

"Ray, Grandma felt terrible about sending Bobby to get us. She talked to the Sheriff and later to the doctors at the hospital. I don't know what all she told them, but the Sheriff took one look at us, shook his head, and told Grandma he would take care of it."

"Ray, you can see that the newspaper didn't get the truth about what happened that day. Grandma made sure of that."

Marie heaves a deep sigh, "As for Kate calling out for me not to do it. That was about a week after Bobby died. I telephoned her ... to tell her goodbye and not to come to Grandma's house to look for me."

"I was about to take some barbiturate pills I got from Grandma's study. But Grandma walked into the kitchen just as I was filling a glass with water. She had gone to the store. I expected her to be gone long enough for me to end it all. But she had left her purse on the bench and came back to get it."

"I killed Bobby, Ray. I fucked up, too!"

At this point in Marie's recounting, I knew I had also fucked up by prying into the secrets between Kate and Marie. I should have left well enough alone.

"Now, you know why I never wanted anything to do with men after Bobby's death for a long, long time."

"Grandma felt responsible for what Bobby did. Kate and I spent years in therapy with Grandma. Finally, after Kate's parents felt she was okay, they moved to get away from those terrible memories for them. But Kate and I still remained best friends." Marie sighed deeply and looked at me for some sign, some signal that her new revelation had not destroyed what we had rekindled this weekend.

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to help settle the tremors radiating through her core. We sit without a sound between us, just awash with the revelations that have been locked into that secret vault for so many years.

"Ray, I've had twenty-seven years to come to grips with the trauma of that event. You've had five-minutes. I don't expect you to accept me, now, or even ever, after what you know, now. You already have so much between you and Katrina to deal with, you don't need to carry my baggage as well."

My eyes burn as they well up with tears after listening to Marie's confession.

"Marie, what you did is not on you. You did what Kate would also have done from how I see it. She tried to stop him, too. You've come to grips with it as best anyone can. You were in danger and you saved both yourself and Kate. Let's keep that skeleton in the closet, lock it, and throw away the key."

The Dissolute Daughter Returns

My thoughts turn to Kitten as Marie just brought her up again. She is out, alone for the first time, with a stranger. The potential dangers begin to race through my mind. Just as I think about heading out to the four-way stop, Kitten pulls into the driveway and coasts up to the porch. She slides out of the car. Looking disenchanted, she comes to join us. Kitten takes in the somber mood between Marie and I. Silently, she slips into the empty spot on the swing next to me. Picking up my lemonade, Kitten finishes the half-filled glass while peering over the rim to observe the two of us.

I wrap my arms around both girls. A net of silence cloaks us, not even the birds can be heard as the onset of darkness approaches. I lean over and kiss the top of Katrina's head.

"John Deere?" I whisper, but get no response from Kitten. She sits in a self-induced fog nearly as profound as the one that envelops Marie.

A Promise to John Deere is Fulfilled

I heard Daddy ask something about John Deere, but I was lost in thought about how the day had begun. I didn't have the presence to answer his question at the moment.

As I dressed and waved goodbye to Daddy's slumbering cock earlier that morning, I was flushed with excitement about jumping John Deere's bones. I filled in Marie about it and headed out the door with her admonishment to 'be careful'.

I jumped into the car and buckled up. Safety first, always, I recall my driver's training time behind the wheel. But today is different as I glance around the empty car. No Daddy! Just eighteen-year-old me, solo on the open country roads! Radio on! Windows down! Roaring down the highway to rendezvous with Jack Something. Better, I think, that I keep calling him John Deere. That seems to have a clearer resonance to it. The wind is whipping through my hair and I feel like a jet pilot on takeoff. With my hands on the wheel at 10 and 2, I glance down at the speedometer: holy fuck, 85 mph, I freak out!

"Pump the brakes, Katrina!" I could hear my Dad's voice calling out from the back of my mind.

Damn! Jesus Christ! I just broke the speed limit! Hitting the brakes, I drop back to sixty. That's when I hear the gruff voice rattling around in my head.

"Trying to get a ticket, little girl?" I hear the officer smirk as he pulls me over. He looks down into the seat to inspect my seatbelt for some time before I realize he's not checking my belt -- just checking out my naked thighs with my skirt hiked up under the buckle!

"No, officer. I'm just in a hurry to jump John Deere's bones. So, please, please don't give me a ticket or take me to jail!"

The daydream plays out in my mind as I drive down the deserted roadway. It ends in a tradeoff for clemency with the officer as he pushes me up against the car and I wrap my legs around him. He slips his huge meaty pistol deeply into me, rapidly firing a round straight up the barrel. His pistol recoils and slams back into me as each bullet spins upward through my dripping cunt. With each volley I cum again and again, as the hot sperm sears my gaping cunt until, finally, the officer is out of bullets. He pulls his spent six-shooter out of my cunt and zips up his pants.

Blinding, exploding stars are going off in my head while a crowd of passing motorists stop to chant, "WicKed, WicKed!" as the officer did his duty. I can feel quarts of cum dribbling down my legs to form a huge pool under his boots. Exhausted, I faint as waves of orgasmic bliss course through me.

Coming to, I find the crowd has erected a huge monument on the spot in my honor, 'Wicked Falls Crossing' it reads. My imagination is in hyper speed. Fuck! I can feel that familiar blossom of heat and the creeping wetness seeping out onto the leather seat. Got to get to the four-way stop before I have to pull over into another cornfield and go solo! Finally, I spot the diner on the horizon and pull into the parking lot.

"What's your plan, Katrina?" I hear a nagging voice asking. "Suppose John Deere isn't here?" It continues to pester me.

"I don't know. JD has to be here! Why wouldn't he be here?" I retort in response.

"I came for him, nagging voice, so make him be here!" I hiss rhetorically.

A light tap on the passenger's side window startles me. I look up as a face bends down to peer in. John Deere looks in with a smile on his face, cleaned up with a dress shirt and new jeans. He's looking more like a country western guitar star now than the farm boy in overhauls I let look up my skirt yesterday. I smile, as I roll down the side window allowing him a nice profile view of my nipples poking up and my well-exposed thigh under my hiked up pleated skirt.

"Your Daddy?" He asks with those pretty white teeth sparkling in the midday sun.

"Visiting his cousin," I smile in answer to his question, "recalling old times."

I do my best to imitate a stereotypical southern girl's charms. The warm air rushes into the car adding to the syrupy heat between my legs. The last vestiges of my encounter with the sheriff's deputy dissolve from my memory as I feel like an anaconda is squeezing me as it coils itself around my pussy. My head tips back a bit and my breath catches as my cunt cartwheels. My orgasm switch got flipped on, for just a moment.

"What'cha doing out this way?" JD queries me, oblivious to the previous strain in my voice as I answered his last question.

"Why, I came out here to kidnap you, John Deere!" I answer, letting my attempt at a southern drawl drag out while trying to control the modulation of my voice and the tremor of my orgasm at the same time.

"Jack. My name is Jack Fletcher." He responds somewhat taken aback by my response. Guess he's never been kidnapped; I think to myself. He certainly doesn't get the connection to being called John Deere and the crusty green hat with a tractor on it bearing that label that he wore yesterday.

"Okay, Jack! Would you like me to kidnap you, or you just want stay in the diner all day?" I push him again. Then, softening my response with as much southern girl sensuality as I can deliver, I add, "Or, we could just go for a ride, the two of us and get acquainted. What do you say, Jack?"

It takes a few seconds for him to process my proposal, but Jack's grin begins to spread nearly ear-to-ear as he responds, "Might be fun to get kidnapped!"

Smiling to myself as he readily agreed to my proposal, I slip out of the car and Jack falls in alongside me as we walk into the diner.

"What's your favorite shake, Jack?"

"Chocolate. I like chocolate best."

Jack responds hanging back as we enter the diner. Guess he doesn't want his mama to see us together after his falling out on the floor, yesterday. The diner is nearly empty, but several guys are watching a baseball game on the wall-mounted television.

"Hi, mam," I call out in my cheeriest voice. It floats over to the ballgame watchers. A head turns, then the others as he nudges his buddies. I can hear some low mumbling and then they break out in laughter. I pick up a few words ... about getting into her skirt, too.

"Fat chance today, boys," I think as I turn to look at John Deere and smile. "Today, boys, this lioness has a Deere in her sights and all of you will just have to dream about what I have planned for my Deere." I muse.

Mama Deere comes to the counter looking a little nonplussed. She asks, "Your daddy not with you, today, honey?"

"Yes, mam. He's in the car listening to the radio. Just can't get men away from baseball games, you know!" I answer her question while looking over at Jack sitting in a booth by the window. I know he's listening. Wonder what he's thinking, knowing full well my Daddy isn't in the car!

"Same as yesterday?" Mrs. Deere asks with a little less frost in her tone. Guess that comes about from thinking my Daddy is outside waiting for me. I'm beginning to suspect that she thinks I might be here to mess with her baby boy, again. So ... WicKed.

"No, mam. My Daddy would like a chocolate shake today. And can you make a cherry shake for me, with a real cherry on top?" I put emphasis on the real cherry part just a bit louder hoping it tickles Jack's pickle a bit.

While the shakes are whirling, I turn toward Jack Fletcher and hook my head toward the door expecting him to leave and meet me outside. But he gets up and comes to the counter instead, "Mama, I'm going over to Ray's to shoot some pool. Okay, Mama?"

"Be back here by 6:00. You know your daddy is coming by to pick us up." She answers back. Jack flashes me a grin and walks out the door. Sly devil can lie, too!

Getting into the car, I realize in an instant that I have no place to go other than that hot cornfield driveway Dad and I stopped to fuck in, yesterday.

"So, Jack when you get kidnapped out here, where does a girl take you ... so you can talk to her, in private? Got some quiet place in mind?"

Jack may have been slow on the uptake earlier, but he chimes in quickly in answer to my question, "The walnut grove back up off the highway is shady and the breeze is nice there most of the day. People go there for Sunday picnics, mostly. Right now, there won't be anyone there, I guess. We could go that away, if you like."

Jack motions to turn left as I pull out of the diner and we are off to the grove.

"Ah. Um. I don't know your name?" Jack manages to untie his tongue after spending the last four minutes ogling my bare thighs. I hadn't bothered to adjust my skirt as I slid into the seat and fastened my belt earlier. Warming him up a bit, I think.
