Wife Goes on Weekend Date


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"When I was young, my dad taught me that if you take an action against someone, you often have no control as to the person's reaction. I begged you not to go away for the weekend, but you called me 'childish' and left anyway. I've never felt so betrayed and disrespected in all of my life. If you would have called it off, when I begged you to, we could have gone to counseling and maybe repaired our marriage and figured out why you thought you needed your weekend tryst."

"Believe me, Lori, I've been down in the dumps some too, since Kelly left for college. But, unlike you, I didn't plan to have a weekend tryst with another woman and spring it on you at the last second like you did to me. The second you hopped in that Uber to take you to the resort to be with Richard, our marriage was over. You just didn't realize it."

Lori started sobbing as she crumbled to the floor. She crawled to my chair and hugged me around my lower legs. "Please, please Bill, don't leave me. I was stupid and I let Richard fill my head with lies. The sex with him was mediocre, at best. He isn't even in your league. Please, we can work on our marriage and be better than ever, please don't leave me!"

I picked my phone up off the table and turned off the recording. "Lori, I have a confession to make."

She raised her face up from my shins and looked at me, "what did you do? Did you see Sarah after I left? Its OK Bill," she excitedly said, "we both took a weekend off from our marriage, that makes us even, right?"

"Yes, I did spend the weekend with Sarah, but its more complicated than that."

"What do you mean?"

I explained how Sarah and I had become close and felt a strong connection after Jon's death even though we never crossed any lines or had an emotional or physical affair.

"I've hardly spoken to her over the past five years. We parted ways when we both realized we could be going down a dangerous path for my marriage. I was happily married and respected my marriage vows. Sarah also respected our marriage, she respected it far too much to ever do anything to come between us. But she did tell me to call her if my marital status ever changed, that's why I called her. You essentially threw our marriage in the garbage and never listened to my pleas to stop with your insane weekend plans. In the end, it turns out that Sarah respected our marriage more than you did."

"Oh my god, what have I done," Lori wailed as she gripped my lower legs tight and pressed her face into my shins once again. "I can't believe this is happening to me."

"That makes two of us," I replied.

"When Sarah and I got together this weekend, we found that our connection is even stronger now than it was when we parted and that we are truly soul mates." I could feel Lori shuddering as she kept her face buried in my shins.

"Sarah and I never would have gotten together, maybe never even spoken again, if you hadn't betrayed me this weekend. But you gave us the opportunity to be together, and now we never want to be apart again. I'll be filing for divorce next week. Given the circumstances, I'll be filing under 'irreconcilable differences' even though I could file under 'adultery'. I promise to be fair in the settlement and not try to leave you destitute as I try to remember the good times we spent together."

"I told Kelly that you spent the weekend with another man, and its only fair that we tell Erin the same thing. I'm happy to let them know that I'm now with Sarah, but I'll tell them that I only reacted to your betrayal. If you don't try to make me out to be the bad guy, then I assure you that the private detective's report, and photographs, won't see the light of day."

I think Lori knew fighting for me to stay married to her was a lost cause. We talked with Erin later that night after she returned. Erin was upset and asked if we could try marriage counseling. Without going into details, she knew her mom had screwed up. She also knew that I had reconnected with Sarah and that we were starting a relationship. She quickly realized that marriage counseling wasn't in the cards.

I stayed in the guest room for a few nights to make sure that Erin would be OK, then I moved into an extended stay hotel splitting my time between Sarah and Lori/Erin. Later that week, I presented Lori with the outline of a very fair settlement offer. Even though the settlement money from Jon's death was in trust for Sarah and Jacob, I knew that I could leave Lori the house and a decent amount for alimony and child support without any financial impact.

To Lori's credit, she never tried to make me out to be the bad guy or claim that I was the reason that we divorced. She'd try and tell people that we simply grew apart. Some knew that was bullshit, so as a last resort she'd tell them that she really screwed up and that my leaving was entirely justified.


Sarah and I married shortly after my divorce was final. The wedding was small, but beautiful and my bride was breathtaking. We only invited close family and friends. I was happy that both Kelly and Erin attended and appeared genuinely happy for us. I think they both realized that there was no way I could stay married to their mother after what she did and they just wanted me to be happy.

Sarah was in her mid-thirties but convinced me that my baby-making days weren't over. I had my vasectomy reversed and we proceeded to have two wonderful, healthy babies. First, we had Jon, named in Jon's memory, but we called him 'Jack.' Then, a year later, we had our little girl, Jacquelin, named after my mother. We called our little girl 'Jackie.' Jacob and I have developed a great father-son relationship. Looking back, he really needed a father in his life. I hope that Jon is up there somewhere looking down at Sarah and Jacob and that he is at peace knowing that they have found such happiness.


Today, it's been almost ten years since that fateful weekend. Sarah and I are as happy as two people have a right to be as we attended Kelly's wedding to her long-time boyfriend, Tom. Jackie was their flower girl and Jack did a great job as the ring-bearer. Jacob was in high school now and was a very handsome and athletic young man. He attended with his very pretty girlfriend.

I hadn't seen Lori in over six years. She looks alright, but can't hold a candle to Sarah. I think having two more kids made Sarah absolutely blossom. Lori had finally re-married to a man named Steven that she met at work. I met Steven at the rehearsal dinner and he seemed like a pretty good, all around nice guy. We had a private moment to chat and he mentioned that Lori told him what happened between us and blamed herself for our divorce, something I acknowledged with a quiet nod. I assured Steven that whatever silliness that had possessed Lori had been vanquished and that, for the most part, she was a wonderful wife and partner. He readily agreed.

I learned that Lori was on seriously thin-ice at work for a while, but they never fired her. She had some crappy assignments for a while, but eventually she showed her loyalty and hard-working nature, so she was eventually promoted to be an area manager, ironically the same job that Richard had before he was fired.

Sarah and I mingled with guests at the reception after the ceremony. We ate, danced, and had a great time. Kelly and Tom were jetting off to Hawaii in the morning for a honeymoon that Sarah and I had given them as a present, along with a sizable check to help them with the down-payment for a house that they wanted to buy.

Towards the end of the evening, I saw Lori approach Sarah and have a brief chat. Lori then came to me and asked me if we could have one dance together, she said that Sarah had said it was OK with her. I glanced at Sarah and she nodded her head. I took Lori in my arms and we danced to the slow music that was playing. It almost felt like old time. Neither of us said a word until the very end of the song when she stopped and looked up at me.

"Bill, I'm so sorry for what I did to us all those years ago. I'm glad I found Steven, but I never stopped loving you. Seeing you so happy with Sarah makes me feel happy for you, but also makes me hurt thinking about what might have been."

"Lori, for what it's worth, I forgive you and wish you and Steven nothing but happiness. I had a chance to talk with him earlier, and he really is a good guy. He and I have something in common... we both love you. You're right, Sarah and I are incredibly happy and in a strange way we have you to thank for bringing us together. Please forgive yourself and love Steven and your family with everything you have."

With that, I kissed Lori on top of her forehead, took her hand and walked her back to our table where Steven and Sarah were waiting for us, quietly watching the last dance between former lovers. I saw the beautiful smile on Sarah's face and thanked God for bringing her back into my life, even though it was in a most unusual way.

The End


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DeanofMeanDeanofMean6 days ago

Nice touch in the final paragraph great story well written

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

This story is so silly and nonsensical that it needs to be rebranded as satire.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The wife was incredibly disrespectful, unrepenant and deserved maximum embarrassment and pain.

First she establishes a date for a weekend with another man and hides it from him.

Then she states: "I doubt that we'll get together again after this weekend" after claiming this was only a one weekend hall pass. She clearly could never be trusted again.

Then when she doesn't like what he is saying, she comes back with: "Maybe I won't even come back on Sunday since you're being so ridiculous!"

She deserved maximum pain and to be burned. Why would he wimp out and be so nice to her during the divorce?

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2about 1 month ago

Like so many of these type of stories, I too don't understand the game playing that the husband plays with the wife, talking about consequences in a very vague manner. I agree with Mountainman that a very clear concise message that if you go with your lover, don't bother coming back and there will be no coming back from her actions. Including that her stuff would no longer be there when she tried to come home and the locks would be changed. The courts might force him to undo that but it would take time.

Also, why not file for infidelity and also notify Everyone that she cares about what she did.

And why would he promise not to interfere? To me, all bets are off after the incredible disrespect and selfishness that the wife is conveying and acting.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Action and response

Good story


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Don't let the site admins see the comment from PhoenixLore1981 a couple of months prior.

If they do, a new story style will soon follow .... 750-Word-Single-Sentence-No-Punctuation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Good story I just so hate cheaters Keep up the writing (jaybee186)

desecrationdesecrationabout 1 month ago

MountainMan1336, I think the stories are designed to reflect how things "feel" not portray them literally. Men feel like time has stopped and they are paralyzed when these events start happening. In real life, it may only be for a half hour, but it feels like years. If you know those dreams where you are trying to escape the Stasi and your feet just...won't...move fast enough, I think that's the feeling they're going for.

MountainMan1336MountainMan1336about 2 months ago

Not a bad story but the same story has been written by many other authors here on Literotica. When reading these stories, I can never understand how weak the husbands all are. Yes, he is an accountant, but he is still supposed to be a man not some wishy-washy wimp. And to call a woman you knew 5 years ago and start a long-term relationship would be difficult to say the least. I would expect any man to at least tell his wife before she left not to bother coming home. I probably would have spent the weekend moving all her stuff to her parents' house. Then going to a hardware store to get new locks changing the locks in all the doors. After the weekend, filing for divorce with the term "Infidelity" as the cause for said divorce. Of course, we all know that cheating will cause a divorce. I have seen this scenario played out many times as I used to own and manage a 50 room no tell motel.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I've read this exact same story more than once. Except the ending is weaker than most.

PhoenixLore1981PhoenixLore19813 months ago

This was a wanna be btb but more importantly the husband sure while he divorced still wasn't a man he was just a fucking pussy he was fair in the divorce when a man would have done what ever nessicery to destroy her and humiliate her he would have taken full custody of any minor child and only allowed her supervised visitation once or twice a month made her pay child support he would have played dirty very dirty to make sure that happened he wouldn't have been nice and fair a man wouldn't be not for what she did a pussy who isn't a man would have acted like this husband but a man wouldn't have I was married before I married my current wife my ex cheated on me and I played dirty and humiliated her in public I took full custody of our daughter Made her pay child support and I sued her lover for Allianation of affection and won I destroyed her relationship with her daughter for quite a few years until I realized I was hurting my daughter in the process so I patched them 2 up but that's the way a man would handle a cheating slut of a wife because you're just not stepping out on your spouse your stepping out on your family you are abandoned your family to be with another man so you deserve it a true loving wife would do the same to the husband if he is caught cheating I have quit being friends with a lot of people in my life cause they cheated on there spouse I can not nor will I ever respect or be friends with someone who cheats on there spouse you cheat you deserve to die no exceptions

LadyLoreLadyLore3 months ago

To schwanze1 as a married woman myself no we don't do this yes some wives do cheat on there husband but we don't do the shit the writers try to make it sound like we do

LadyLoreLadyLore3 months ago

So she decides to step out on her family to have a weekend affair with another man and not care what her husband thinks and he is fair in the divorce he was just a fucking pussy a man would have done what ever it took and destroyed her in the divorce taken everything including the kids well at the daughter that still lived at home assuming she was under 18 however if she is 18 he just agreed to give free money to his cheating slut of a wife in child support when that automatically stops when the children reaches 18

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Is this awful story available to writers as a fill-in-the-blank? You used the same stupid lines, the same stupid theme, the same idiotic pacing as every other so-called writer who's done this. Hell, even cover bands change up the standards they all play, but not you and too many like you. The only person who likes it is the person who hasn't seen or read parts of the other 800 identical stories on this site. Sheesh....

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Cookie-cutter BTB. Terrible!!!!!

FluidswallowerFluidswallower3 months ago

thank for a wsell-written and uplifting read! Good work!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Much too little BTB here

nixroxnixrox5 months ago

3 stars -for an average BTB story.

You should have added the word 'CONSEQUENCES' to your tags.

I like seeing significant and long-term consequences for disrespectful, idiot, selfish, people.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is a common refrain in Lit. The wife springs her going on a date with another man, with no regard to the consequences. Sometimes, she is just bringing out in the open, what she was been doing behind his back. Other times it is supposedly , a “ one off” . I think if you look at these scenarios by coming up with the inevitable “ what’s in his best interest” , you will find, this never ends up very good for the wife. First off, wounding your significant other by telling him/ her you have been, and will continue to date the other person, will not end well for you. It would be like backing a wounded animal into a corner. Telling him / her this is a “ one off”, will never be believed. If you are not immediately divorced, the trust will be gone, as well as the respect. Things like a post nup, and monitoring electronics will be brought into play. Maybe even your sig other will ask for a couple free passes, as well. You are better off just divorcing. Even if your cheating does not cause a divorce, you will never regain the intimacy you had. 5 stars.

CindyTVCindyTV5 months ago

Perfect ending and a great read. 5 Stars - CindyTV

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

re- Better ending-( in comments) Now there is a man, who knows how to end a story. 5 stars for you!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Interesting story. But people always do what’s in their best interests. There was never going to be any kind of reconciliation between Bill and Laurie. And almost all women, no matter how much they crush on a guy, would get seriously involved with him while he is going through a divorce. Bill might have got Sarah to come over, and give him comfort. Possibly even help him pack wifey’s stuff, and change the locks. But Sarah would have pushed Bill to focus on divorcing Laurie, and getting her out of his life, BEFORE she commuted to him. This would have included, broadcasting her betrayal on social media, and to all her friends and relatives. As it is, he lets her off the hook, by admitting he cheated also. But many years later at the wedding, I highly doubt he would have given her the time of day. After all, her stupid stunt cost him 1/2 of all his crap, plus alimony. And child supports payments? Didn’t understand this, as I thought the kids were both out of the house. People didn’t act in their best interests, so I am calling BS on that.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The husband should have torn the pearl necklace off of her and removed her wedding and engagement rings before she left on her date. She had no right to wear those for another man, and their removal might have given her pause about her plans.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Better ending... the next year Bill suggested they both take Erin to school. Lori was thrilled thinking he was maybe considering dumping Sarah and coming back to her. After they dropped Erin off they headed back home but about half way Bill got off the interstate and drove down some back roads promising Lori he wanted to show her something. After meandering down a few deserted back roads Bill pulled into an empty field in the middle of nowhere. There was a small plane with three men standing outside of it. Bill stopped the car, waved to the men and then turned to Lori. "Do you remember me telling you about my dad teaching me you never know what the other person's reaction is going to be?" Lori nodded yes. "Well, you cheating skank slut, this is my true reaction." With that he slapped her hard across the face. "How stupid are you bitch? You think you can disrespect me so blatantly and I'm going to let you walk away?" Lori was trying to get her thoughts together, she was still in shock from her ex-husband smacking her. "Bill, I never.." Lori started when Bill grabbed her by the hair and pulled her close. "The only reason I don't beat the shit out of you and leave you here is because those men now own you. They represent a cartel south of the boarder that owns several whore houses in Tijuana. Remember Lori, young Richard made you feel young and sexy so you parted your legs for him like a bitch in heat. Well, now you get to do it every day, several times a day. I got ten grand for you, I asked for more, but when they saw you were pretty much just an old cow they said they'd be lucky to double their money before you gave out or the STD's got you. So my betraying whore, you now get to be a whore for the rest of your miserably short life. I'm so glad you will never see your daughters again, or never grow old playing with grandkids. You're a piece of trash and it's time to take you out." With that he opened the door and pulled her by the hair, dragging her to the men who were laughing and bantering in Spanish. "Puta" seemed to be a word they were repeating. He dropped her at their feet. "No please, Bill," she began to beg, but one of the men picked her up by her hair and slapped the shit out of her. "Silence bitch, you speak only when we tell you." Lori was sobbing now, realizing her fate. Bill and the leader of the group shook hands. "So long slut," Bill said in a satisfied voice as he headed back to his car.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good story. They both moved on eventually and apparetly lived happily ever after.

Schwanze1Schwanze15 months ago

Good story.

Has anyone ever heard of a wife really doing this?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Newer author and learning.

First lesson to be learned - Get a real editor and not just a proof reader.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Ding dong story

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