Wife's BDSM Scene Ch. 01


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"Wow," I said, "I cannot believe how wet you are."

"I have been that way almost constantly since Paul demonstrated the equipment for me. The rational, logical part of me is scared witless but another part is just incredibly turned on by what will happen to me in two weeks," Ann said.

We stopped conversing and got down to the sex which was fantastic. Ann came again and again and I saw that she was right about a part of her being incredibly turned on.

The next two weeks went by normally except for more frequent sex. We talked about the scene only once when Ann asked me, "Paul did not say anything about putting clamps on my nipples and shocking me there. Do you think he will want to do that to me as well?"

"I talked to him about that and he said that he does not use electrodes above the waist which is what most of the people who make the gear recommend," I replied. "Apparently there may be a small risk to the heart and Paul said that even a small risk was not worth it," I continued.

Ann gave me a small smile as if to say thanks for looking out for me at least a little.

The Friday of her scene finally arrived and Ann took the day off from work as she said she would not be able to concentrate anyway. Ann spent the afternoon getting ready and she shaved any stubble from her body and cleaned herself out with an enema as she assumed that her ass would be used. She did her hair and makeup to perfection even though she knew that once the current started to flow into her that she would quickly look disheveled at best.

It did not take her long to dress. After all, how long does it take to put on a pair of heels?

At a few minutes before seven she came down the steps and got her trench coat out of the foyer closet.

I could see the fear in her eyes as I helped her on with her coat.

"Is there any way out of this?" she asked.

I took her nipples in my fingers and gave them a light squeeze and said, "You know the way out."

"If there were any other forfeit than getting my nipples and clit pierced I would take it in a heartbeat," Ann said.

"Then, I guess we should be on our way," I said.

We rode in silence to the club and I parked the car. I went over to the passenger side, opened the door and helped Ann out. She took my hand as we walked to the door.

Paul was waiting just inside the door and as soon as he saw Ann he said, "Give me the coat." Ann shrugged the coat off of her shoulders and handed it to Paul.

"I will see you at nine," Paul said and he slapped Ann's ass lightly as he walked away.

We stepped over to the table where they were collecting the cover charges and waited as other people paid. "Don't forget your tickets for the door prize," the woman at the table called out to the couple who had just walked away. They returned and she gave each of them a raffle ticket.

When we got to the table the woman there told us that they had waived the charge for us because Ann was doing the scene. I started to walk away and heard Ann say, "Wait, you forgot our door prize tickets."

"Honey, you are the door prize," the woman replied and Ann suddenly knew that it would not just be Paul who would be abusing her tonight.

I led Ann over to the bar and ordered a couple of drinks. While we waited for them Ann nervously scanned the room and suddenly realized that she was the only person there who was not wearing clothes.

"My gawd, I'm the only one here who is naked," she exclaimed.

"And you look great," I replied.

Ann did not respond to my compliment and I could see her face redden as the humiliation built up inside of her. Even though this was an on-premises swing club and we had swapped with a number of people there it was somehow different, and humiliating, for Ann to be the only person not wearing clothes in a room filled with over 75 people. Paul was obviously already playing with her mind and soon would be playing with her body.

"Well, here's hoping for a blackout," I said as I raised my glass in a toast to Ann. She smiled wanly at my attempt at humor but clinked her glass against mine and started to drink. By the time she had finished half of her second drink she had begun to relax and I could see her still scanning the room, perhaps trying to guess who the door prize winner would be.

We spent the next hour or so talking with people including a couple where the woman had been trained to be a sub by Paul. "You are so brave," she gushed to Ann. "I thought I was going to go out of my mind when Paul set the intensity at seventy five percent on the old unit. I understand you will have no safe word and the new unit is twenty five percent stronger."

Ann cringed when she heard these words and later said that the bottom fell out of her stomach.

We were talking with another couple a little before nine when Paul came over and told Ann that she needed to get ready. He took her by the hand and as he led her away the woman said, "By the way, love your shoes," and everyone, including Ann, cracked up.

Paul allowed Ann to use the rest room and then led her up on the stage. He hushed the crowd and explained that he would be using his electro sex gear on Ann for the next several hours. There would be two separate sessions and there would be audience participation. He said that Ann had no safe word and the only way for her to end the scene was to agree to have her nipples and clit pierced. If Ann elected the piercings they would be done tonight on stage.

"Ready for an electrifying experience?" Paul asked as he looked at Ann. She did not respond and I thought that I could detect a hint of a tear forming in the corner of her right eye.

"Ready to go or do we just do the piercing?" Paul asked again.

"I'mmmm ready," Ann replied in a shaky voice.

"OK, then put these on," Paul said as he handed Ann a box with various bondage gear. Ann took out the items one at a time, placed them on the bench and sat down next to them. She fastened first the ankle cuffs, then the straps around her lower thighs, then the wide leather belt and collar and finally the wrist cuffs.

She later told me that it was even more humiliating to have to do that to herself with so many people watching than it would have been if Paul had done it. Unfortunately, she did not yet know the half of it.

Paul next gave her the butt plug and dildo and said, "You know where these go."

Even though Paul had told Ann that he would use larger sizes for her sessions she was amazed and frightened at how large the toys in her hands were.

Ann took the tube that Paul gave her and squeezed some out onto her fingers. Ann thought that the tube contained regular sex lube and did not notice that it was actually conductive gel that would enhance the ability of the current to reach its intended targets. She smeared it around and into her ass and slowly forced one, then two and finally three of her fingers into her own ass. Ann pumped the fingers in and out doing her best to loosen her ass for the huge plug that would soon be residing there. I could see her face redden in humiliation as she fingered her ass in front of such a large crowd.

"Come on, we don't have all night," Paul said. Ann took the plug, smeared a coat of the gel on it and positioned it at the opening of her ass. She started to push but no matter how hard she did she could not get more than about two thirds to go in and the fattest part was still to come. Ann continued to struggle with the butt plug for another couple of minutes.

"Here, sit down on it," Paul said to Ann as he moved a wooden stool next to her. Ann sort of waddled onto the stool with the plug still partially protruding from her ass and positioned it directly underneath her. She lowered herself down several times but still had the last inch to go.

"Dammit, I told you to get that in your ass," Paul said as he walked behind Ann and put his hands on her shoulders. He pushed her down hard and as the plug finally seated Ann let out a plaintive wail that was merely a portent of things to come.

Ann just slumped on the stool as she recovered from the exertions she had put herself through. She tried to get used to the fullness that now filled her ass and could not imagine how she would get the giant dildo inside of her. Ann did not have to wonder for long as Paul said, "I need a volunteer from the audience to help Ann."

A number of hands shot up and Paul surveyed the crop of volunteers and zeroed in on a big guy standing just a little bit off to the right side of the stage. "Henry, come on up here," Paul said, "I think I need some muscle."

Henry walked up on the stage and you could see that he was a bear of a man. He was around 6'2" and at least 250 pounds. He had dark hair and a dark beard and a rugged Scandinavian look about him.

"Pick this bitch up and get her on the bench," Paul directed Henry. The "bench" Paul referred to was a narrower version of the tables used by gynecologists with stirrups to hold a woman's feet. Henry walked over to Ann, said, "Hello, Ann, fancy meeting you again under these circumstances." Ann looked at him with a puzzled look on her face as she tried to remember where they had met before.

Henry put his hands under Ann's arms and picked her up effortlessly. He carried her over a few feet and deposited her unceremoniously onto the bench.

"You can do the honors," Paul said as he pointed to the clips on the bondage gear and the hooks on the bench. Ann watched fearfully as Henry started to clip her securely to the bench and did not resist. Of course, her mind was racing a hundred miles an hour as she struggled to remember where she had seen Henry before. When it finally hit her she let out a gasp as she remembered that her company had done some consulting for his firm a year or two ago. She and Henry had interacted a few times on that project and she never imagined that Henry would someday be affixing her to a bondage bench so that she could be tortured. Ann had always scrupulously avoided mixing her business life and sex life and she became even more frightened when she realized that her secret was now out at least as far as Henry was concerned.

"You know I always suspected that you had a hot little body under those conservative business suits you wore," Henry said as he busied himself in securing Ann to the bench. He also took full advantage of the situation and played with Ann's nipples and flicked one of his fingers over her clit.

Henry made short work of his assignment and he soon had Ann tightly tethered to the bench. I could see her try to move but there was very little give in the restraints that now held her fast. Ann was trapped and she knew that there was no way out except to endure what Paul had in mind for her or to consent to the piercings.

"You're doing such a good job you may as well keep going," Paul said to Henry as he handed him the large dildo saying, "You know where this goes."

Ann looked warily at the dildo and could not imagine how it would fit inside of her. It was not only very thick, almost as thick as Ann's wrist, but it was nearly twelve inches long.

Henry took the dildo, spread a thick layer of the conductive gel on it and put it aside. He took one of his thick fingers and slipped it into Ann's tight pussy. He fingered Ann for a bit before forcing a second finger into her. Ann grunted at this further intrusion into one of her private spaces.

"Wow, I can feel the butt plug through the walls of your pussy," Henry said. "It is going to be a tight squeeze in there for the dildo."

Henry took the dildo and positioned it at Ann's cunt. He started to push it in slowly.

"Nooooo, please, it's too big," Ann cried.

I could tell that Ann was doing what she could to clench the muscles of her pussy in a valiant attempt to keep the second intruder out.

Henry continued to push the tool home and Ann continued to protest. "I can't take that in my pussy with what I have in my ass," Ann wailed.

"Yes, you can, if you stop fighting it," Henry said as he pulled the dildo away. No sooner was it away than Henry slapped Ann on the pussy three times very hard. Ann grunted with each slap.

"I can slap your pussy all night, now shut up and take it," Henry said as he repositioned the dildo at the opening to Ann's cunt and began to push it forward again.

Ann knew that she could not resist the intrusion into her pussy being restrained the way she was and that if she continued to struggle it would only make things worse. She willed herself to relax and be still and even managed to spread her legs a bit further in an effort to make herself more open to the insertion that she now knew was inevitable.

Henry continued to put pressure on the dildo and slowly the walls of Ann's cunt began to yield as more and more of the dildo disappeared inside of her. I could see Ann biting her lower lip as she did her best to stay silent while another mammoth intruder made its way into one of her nether passages.

When the dildo was nearly half of the way in Henry pulled it out and started to fuck Ann with it. Despite the pain of having her pussy stretched open by the dildo Ann responded almost immediately and emitted a low groan. Henry continued to saw the dildo in and out of Ann's pussy getting a bit more in on each stroke.

Ann was getting closer to an orgasm but before she got over the edge Henry pushed the dildo once more inside of Ann and he felt it hit bottom deep in her pussy. He held it still and said, "You don't get to cum quite yet little lady," and left Ann hanging on the edge.

Ann moaned in frustration as Henry attached a strap from her belt to the dildo to insure that it would not slip out.

Paul handed Henry three clamps and said, "These two go on her pussy lips and the last one goes on her clit."

Henry took one of the clamps in his right hand and pulled one of Ann's pussy lips out with his left. He slid the clamp as far down as it would go and released his hold and the clamp snapped cruelly into place. He quickly did the same with Ann's other pussy lip.

The clamps were tight and their surface was covered with little teeth that insured the clamps would stay in place. Ann whimpered as she felt the teeth dig into a very sensitive part of her anatomy. Ann steeled herself and waited for the third clamp to be placed on her clit.

Instead Henry started to finger her clit and as Ann was still close to an orgasm from before she started to get warmed up almost immediately. Henry played with Ann's clit for a few minutes and you could see that Ann was getting closer and closer to cumming. He suddenly stopped and let Ann hang just short of the orgasm she desperately wanted.

"Not so fast baby," Henry said, "You've got some work to do before you get to come tonight."

Ann whimpered in frustration and slowly slipped away from the precipice that would have marked her first orgasm of the evening.

Henry let Ann come down even further and then said, "If you beg nicely, maybe I will let you cum this time." He put his lips on Ann's pussy and sucked her clit into his mouth. Ann gasped as she felt the suction on her clit and said, "Please don't leave me hanging, I need to come."

Henry continued to suck on Ann's clit and it became more and more engorged. Ann continued to beg for the release that she desperately craved but somehow she knew that her pleas would not be answered.

After another minute Henry let Ann's now fully engorged clit slip from his lips. He quickly picked up the remaining clamp, opened its jaws and snapped it onto Ann's clit. Ann yowled as the clamp pinched her clit harshly and her fears that she would be denied an orgasm proved to be well founded.

"One more thing," Paul said as he handed Henry a blindfold. Henry put it over Ann's eyes and made sure that it covered them completely.

"The blindfold was the worst," Ann later told me. "Being tied the way I was I knew that I could not stop whatever was going to be done to me but not being able to see what was coming, when it was coming or who was going to do it made it ten times worse."

Paul took Henry's place between Ann's widely splayed legs and started to plug the connectors from the toys and the clamps into a box that was in turn connected to the control unit by a thicker cable. When he was done he walked around to Ann's head and gently stroked her hair. He leaned over and said quietly, "It's time to get started. First you will feel pleasure, then pain, then more pain than you have ever felt before. That pain will eventually transform itself into pleasure as well but it will not be an easy journey getting there."

He stroked her hair a final time and then walked over and picked up the control unit. It was at this point that I noticed that there were more wires connected to the unit than there were when he used his equipment at our house. Paul pushed a button and even in the din of the gathered crowd you could hear a thump as the circuits came to life.

A few electronic beeps came through the sound system of the club followed by a computerized female voice saying, "System check in progress." Three slightly different beeps followed and after a pause of a few seconds the voice intoned, "System charging."

I was watching Ann's tethered form as this went on and saw her visibly flinch at the last words.

"System ready," the voice said and Ann knew her moment of truth had arrived.

Story continues in Chapter 2.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I know, such stories are beyond imagination, but at some places looks like exaggerated.

Looking forward for some realistic stories.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

While I understand that this is fantasy, the whole idea of Ann not being allowed a safe word is wrong. No submissive would submit without a safe word and no experienced Dominant would expect her to. I stopped reading this the minute I saw that.

1 ⭐ because I cannot rate it lower.

PCseniorPCseniorabout 1 year ago

The build up had been worth reading especially with Henry playing his part. Loved how he stopped letting her cummmm. Will enjoy the next chapter

rodryder44rodryder44about 5 years ago

Ouch! Poor Ann. Great story.

pete100pete100over 10 years ago
really stimulating

The buid up to the application of electo currents is great. just hope Ann can take it OK??

sexJDeesexJDeeover 13 years ago

Anne is an excellent character. I love the dynamic between her and her husband. If I had the capital, I'd seriously consider making this into a HBO or Showtime series. Real "Real Sex". This goes for the one with the card game also. Again, LOVED IT!

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