Wishes Gone Wrong - I Can Do Better


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"Don't even worry." I gave her the same game-winning smile I gave him. "I got this."

"Thank you Nikkie. You're an absolute life saver!" She squeezed me tighter. I was unaccustomed to such close affection but I grinned at the praise. "Now hurry up and get changed!"

I rushed inside. Sure enough, the place was crowded with impatient men. There was a lone girl flittering from table to table trying to keep everybody entertained. I hurried my way past the employees-only sign to the changeroom. Mine, no surprise, was the locker done up in all kinds of glittery stickers. Inside was a variety of Hooters shirts in increasingly smaller sizes and several pairs of orange booty shorts, some modified well beyond regulation.

I held the shorts up and tugged at the waistband. Great, and after all the effort I'd gone through to squeeze my way into these jeans.

Again I caught myself questioning the reality of the situation I had found myself in. I wasn't really about to do a shift waitressing at Hooters, was I? This was ridiculous. I was a lawyer for god's sake - a man! - this was beneath me.

But if it meant seeing Noland in the same position... oh, I'd dream of seeing him mincing around in heels getting his butt pinched by all the boys. Not so manly then, are we? Not that - I tugged the tiny shorts over my ass - not that I was doing much better. My rump bulged like cleavage.

But still. This was crazy! I didn't know anything about waitressing. I didn't even know the menu! How was I going to tell them about the $4.99 boneless chicken tenders with their choice of side and drink, or which of the rotating special sauces they could choose from? I took a deep breath. I'd just have to make it work.

I pulled the tight, form-fitting fabric down over my braless tits, the prodigious flesh of my perky melons squeezing out as proudly as was humanly possible.

Here I was. A hooters girl.

And you know what? I cracked my knuckles. It was game time.

I stepped out into the restaurant to a drunken cheer and the unmistakable odor of sweat, beer and wings.

Crowded tables of men turned to look as I took stock of the situation. The other waitress was over by the corner table getting manhandled as everybody else looked on impatiently. I blushed. I recognized some of these guys from the law firm - perverts and chauvinists the lot. I didn't envy that girl one bit.

My heels clicked as I made my way to the table. My pulse elevated. There was something about this girl that put my hackles on edge. She was smoking hot. Hell, she had a body that could put mine to shame. All the guys seemed to be eating her up. I crossed my arms over my chest. Why did that bug me so much?

Wait, this was the girl from the photos.


Fuck. I stood up straight and hoisted my tits into position. Was she actually somehow hotter than me? No, not quite. My boobs were maybe a little bit bigger, my ass just a little bit rounder, lips just a bit fuller. She could hardly be said to be going for the natural look, but I clearly had put more work into it. It was like someone had built me by looking at her 10 and cranking it up to 11.

So - I frowned - why were those guys bothering with her when I was right here?

She took a step back, clutching the menu over her top as she retreated from their advances. From the angle I was looking I could just make out the fleshy pink orbs of her breasts peaking out from a tear in her shirt. Ah, that was why.

She was trying to extricate herself from the situation, but they were having none of it. One had a hand cupped around her sizeable ass and was keeping her from scootching away.

I clenched a fist. He wanted an ass to grab? I'd give him one.

"Hi boys." I purred, wrapping an arm intimately around the other waitress' waist. "Enjoying the service this evening?"

"Nikkie!" Noland's eyes lit up.

She had fumbled the ball and now I was here to run it to the net.

I half expected the other girl to turn away, but instead she pressed into me. I doubled down, stroking gently at her side, softly caressing her tight belly. I knew just where to touch. She gave a slight gasp. The guys grinned at the implication of girl on girl.

"You're have to be careful with Noland here, she's, ah, -" I licked her ear - "delicate." A shiver ran through her, just like I knew it would. Guffaws and wolf whistles rose from the other tables. Fuck that was a good feeling. It was like as soon as I was there Noland didn't even matter.

Noland pressed into me harder, her face flush, her breathing elevated and exaggerated. Soft saphic moans escaped her lips, amplified by my touch. She had figured out the game and was running the assist.

"But oh dear, what's this?" I stepped behind her and cupped my hands over her sweet melons, gripping the tear shut while hoisting and squeezing those jiggling mounds for the delight of our audience. She, too, was braless beneath. Good. "Gentlemen, it seems my colleague here is out of uniform. That's very naughty, isn't it? A girl like her can't help it though, poor thing. I'm sorry you had to see this. I'll have to think of a way to punish her." I gave a wink. "Why don't the two of us get you cute guys a round of beers, okay? After I've given my coworker a spanking, that is."

There was another round of cheering as I pulled Noland away, hand around her hip. She tugged her shirt back down into her waistband with one hand as she tried to still her still-quivering mammaries with the other.

"Thanks for the save, Nikkie." She let out a sigh of relief as we pressed into the changeroom. "I can't believe I froze up like that! I wish I had your confidence."

"Oh, pfft" I waved a hand dismissively, trying to hide my jubilation. "Boys are easy."

"Yeah, for you," she giggled. "You always make it look so easy." She was trying to put on a brave face, but underneath she was flush. I could count the number of times on one hand I'd seen that look on his face. She was blushing, upset, humiliated. Fuck, I couldn't hold my grin back any longer, I drank this up.

"Uhg, and I can't believe I ripped another top! Look at this!" she tugged at the wound in her shirt, her unrestrained boobs fighting beneath to see which could escape fastest. "I don't know how this keeps happening."

"Do you have a spare?"

"After last time? Yeah, yeah I learned my lesson." she pulled off her tattered top and let her enormous tits flop out like the nudity between us was nothing. I looked away, grin widening. My nipples were bigger than hers too. "But it's from before I got the latest upgrade, so it's gonna be kinda..."

Her tits spilled around the fabric as she held the new top up to her torso. It was several sizes too small and modified into a croptop. Her flesh bulged beneath as she squeezed into it, underboob threatening to spill out if she so much as raised her arms.

Croptops were technically forbidden - Hooters had strict uniform regulations - but something told me that at this particular restaurant they weren't exactly sticklers about such things.

I frowned as she tugged it on. She wore it so well that it almost made mine look small in comparison. Did I have a shirt that could compete with that?

"You know what?" I opened up my locker. There had been a few different sizes in here. One of them had to give me the effect I was looking for. "I'll wear an extra small too."

"Aw, for solidarity? You'd really do that for me?"

"Of course! You know me!" I couldn't let her get all the stares.

"Thank you Nikkie!" she pulled me into a hug, our heavy tits crashing together like blimps. My heart pulsed. Her body was hot. The heat of shame, the heat of arousal. She did a poor job hiding it. I traced a hand down her back. I knew just where to touch her to comfort her, even as my own heat climbed to reach hers.

There was something about this girl that was driving me crazy. I could feel myself growing slick, my pussy empty, hungry. I wonder what her tongue would feel like against -

I pulled away and shook my head. No! Keep it together. This was Noland, for fuck's sake.

Or, at least, the girl version of him. This world's version of him. It was so easy to forget. How different was she from he? How much of my Noland was in there? Was this truly the man I had spent my whole life struggling to reach? He was just as much of a slutty bitch now as I was.

Was this - was this really how I wanted to catch him? Was this really what I had wished for?

I mean, yes. Despite everything, my trepidation did little to spoil my amusement. The fact that it had been me who saved this girl? It felt good.

"Uhg." She wiggled. "I can't believe I let them get to my head again. I'm such a fuck-up sometimes. I was doing so good too - but today, all alone, and then my shirt ripped? I just... I froze." She shook her head then let out a little laugh. "I guess you were right."

"Right about what?" I manhandled my boobs into my new, tighter top. It seemed easier than the last one.

"I've definitely earned this." She pulled off her pants and bent over, leaning against the wall and arching her back to display her plump juicy ass and the sparkling sapphire plug within.

"Whoah- hey!" my face turned red as I looked away. "W-what are you doing?

"Mmm, come on, I lost the bet." She wiggled her ripe rump. "I couldn't go a week without showing everybody my tits. Now I face the punishment... you said I'd earned a spanking right?"

I balked. Bet? Shit, the sumo suit had nothing on this.

"I'm not..." what the hell? "I'm not going to spank your stupid ass!"

"Aw, come on! What?" she pouted and waved her plump keister in the air, "Why not?" There was an undertone of legitimate worry to her voice, to her this was a serious rejection.

My hear lurched. Was this really just a thing we did? Noland and I were always making stupid dares as kids. Loser has to eat a worm, that sort of stuff. I pressed my lips. I had eaten a lot of proverbial worms over the years. Maybe this slut did deserve a spanking after all.

And besides - my gaze traveled along those almost perfect curves - here was a super hot slut begging me to spank her naughty ass. Who was I to turn that down?

"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "Ready?"

She nodded, biting her lip.

My hand came down thick and heavy against her flesh, a wide performative swing that let out a fleshy clap and a soft moan, her trembling pussy glistened. She squeezed her tingling cheeks around the sparkling princess plug in her ass. It was smaller than mine. I shook my head. This girl wasn't going to get anywhere if she didn't commit.


Again and again I brought my spread palm to bear, each time sending her enormous ass jiggling and bouncing. It wasn't long before her cunt was overflowing, the smell of her arousal quickly rising to fill the small changeroom. Punishment? She was eating it up.

Every slap sent electric shivers through her as her body undulated against the locker wall. I'd never been one for spanking, but with every hit she roiled. I was good at this. I knew exactly where to hit to make her moan, to make her squirm.

By the end she was moaning and twitching with each slap, biting her tongue to keep from crying out loud enough for the customers to hear.

She was literally cumming around my hand. Lucky bitch.

"Thank you, Nikkie." Her legs trembled as she pulled her shorts back over her ripe red ass. "I really needed that."

"You did?"

"Yeah, you know how much cumming clears my head. Especially after a big fuck-up like that. But you know what?" She took a deep breath and bounced on her toes as she pulled her shorts back up, the booty spilling out still a vibrant red.


"I think we can do this." Her eyes glinted. "I think we can win this thing. It's early on, and we're behind and we're outnumbered, but if we double down and do our best - like, if we really get in there and show them what we're made of, I think we can pull together a huge upset."

"Noland?" I raised an eyebrow

"What?" She laughed. "What's with that look?"

"Sorry, I just..." I shook my head. There was the Noland I knew. That all-canadian quarterback so keen to lead out on the field. I didn't buy it for a second, of course. She was trying to convince herself just as much as me. I could see the doubt in her eyes. She was still reeling from earlier.

I frowned. As much as I loved seeing her like this, this was almost too easy. I knew just how to cheer her up.

"Hey," I gave her a playful nudge. "I'll tell you what."


"How about we make a game out of it?"

"A game?" her plump lips curled into a smile. Now I had her attention.

"I bet I can make more tips than you by the end of the night."

"Oooh," She laughed. "Jokes on you, though. I've already got a huge head start."

"What's the matter? Afraid it won't be enough?

"You're on!" She stuck out her tongue.

I grinned. Now we were talking.

"Alright!" She gave her tits one final adjustment, "I'm heading back out! We've got a lot of work ahead of us."

"I'm right behind you!"

I took a deep breath. It was time to take to the field.

I stopped in the doorway.

Something wasn't right.

How was I not freaking out right now?

Here I was, stuck in some kind of pornographic nightmare. I'd been turned into some kind of girly slut! I should have been terrified, I should have been furious! And now, what? I was about to try to outwhore some other bitch? So that I could humiliate a girl who didn't even know she was my hated rival?

If anyone should be humiliated here, it should be me. I knew what I was and still I was prancing around like an oversexed bimbo hitting on anything with a pulse.

But... but I wasn't humiliated, was I?

Why not?

I looked down at my hands as I flexed them in the air. Sure, I was a girl, but I didn't give a fuck who saw me like this. Hell, I wanted them to see me. I was hot as fuck. I was proud, confident. And you know what? - I twisted in front of the mirror - I was ready to be the best damn slut I could be. I'd show all those yummy boys what a real woman could do.

I giggled at the thought of all those men out there with their firm muscles and their hard dicks, lavishing all their attention on me. God, it made me all warm and gooey just thinking about it.

But see, that wasn't right, was it? I shouldn't be looking forward to that! Red flags were exploding in my brain. The room went dizzy. I stumbled back in my heels and sat down.

Why was I handling this so well? I wasn't even a real girl and I still had Noland beat for sheer slutty exuberance.

Wait, fuck. The lamp. My heart pounded. The genie.

This had been my wish hadn't it? To be better than him - her - at all the things she held dear. She wanted to be confident. She wanted to be effortlessly sexy. She had to struggle for it. I didn't.

That bitch.

So of course I was confident, of course I was proud and funny and flirty and a million other things a girl like me needed to get things done. Because she wasn't, but she wanted to be.


Alien thoughts swirled around my head. Makeup and clothes and gymnastics and how to suck dick. Worse - modes of thought. Empathy and feminine confidence and emotional intelligence and a flirty can-do attitude. I should be horrified. It wouldn't let me.

This wasn't right, this wasn't me. Where was my determination? My grit? My rage? I had to fight this. I needed to turn around and leave. To run and to hide as long and as hard as I could. I should never have left the apartment, I should have just hunkered down and tanked through until this could all be reversed.

My heart thumped.

I looked at the door. It wasn't too late.

All I had to do was leave. I could abandon Noland to her fate, to all those men.

My heart thumped all the louder.

I mean...

All those men, all to herself.

I could just picture it. Her, laughing and giggling and getting all the attention while I went home and sulked. I frowned. And why? Because I couldn't handle a little flirting? No, that couldn't be it. I was better than her. If she could handle it than I sure as hell could do it too.

So why?

I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. I'd made up my mind.

I wasn't about to let that slut win.


"Hi boys!" I slid up to my first table. My heart pounded. They were good looking at least. Laborers or athletes, these were boys who used their body for a living and it showed.

They grinned hungrily as they eyed the morsel that was my body. I demurred and played coy, the sheep to their wolfish appetites. Every tiny expression of body language was deliberate and flirtatious and playful. I gave them something to chase. Something to hound over.

God, the idea of them chasing me down and catching me, picking me up and taking me back to their beds, having their way with me. I bit my lip.

Not that - I tried not to furrow my brow - not that I wanted them to. No matter how horny I got at the idea. No matter how many of a thousand different ways I could use them to scratch this deep raunchy itch.

It was just the tips that I was interested in, I swear.

It was a rough shift. Crowded and rowdy. Way too many horny men here for a show and not nearly enough girls to please them all. They were hungry and bored and impatient. Noland scrambled table to table but despite her best efforts, she was in over her head.

Me though? I fucking soared. Table to table, group to group, giggling, winking, jiggling. I was everything they had come to see. I barely even had to think about it. It was so easy to sink into the role, so easy to lose myself in what I was, and what I was was sexy.

I kept glancing over at Noland. She was good, don't get me wrong, she was really good, but I was better. I was at the top of my game and - I shook my ass at a lecherous old man pulling bills out of his wallet - I was scoring big. She may have had a head start, but I was gaining.

I took a breath between tables. I was flush. Of course, the men weren't the only horny ones. All those staring eyes, all that flirting. My pulse pounded. I was hot and wet and squirmy. Every wink they gave me, every little grope or illicit caress, all tantalizing me with the promise of the good hard pounding they knew I needed. I mewled. I tried to use it, to incorporate it into my waitressing, but how much more of this could I take before I gave in and had one of them just bend me over and fuck me silly while the whole restaurant watched?

And that's when he walked in.

"Noah!" I gasped.

"Hey Nikkie," his smile was like a flash of lightning straight to my heart. "I didn't know you were working today."

"No, you're right, I'm not even supposed to be here today. But now that you're here I'm glad I came." I gave him a wink.

I was trying very hard not to think about all those mouthwatering dick pics he had sent me this morning. Did the real thing live up to the hype? God how did it taste?

"Noah!" Noland rushed over and pulled him into a hug. Her eyes sparkled. She wanted him as much as I did. I couldn't blame her. Fuck, had he always been this hot?

"Noland! How are my two favorite girls?"

"Much better now that your here," she giggled. "You want to come sit in my section? I'll get your usual?"

I flinched. She was making a play, trying to steal him away from me. I'd have to pull some tricks out of my sleeve to convince him to sit in mine. I'd show her how to -

Wait, I wasn't really going to fight with Noland over a man was I? Over Noah of all people? I mean... I'd win, right? No question. But I wasn't really going to stoop that low, was I?

I mean...

No. No. No? No. I looked at the shining love in her eyes. I wasn't gay. No matter what my body said. I'd let Noland have him.

Even if... fuck, he was so hot.

I let her drag him off into her section. Maybe it was for the best. She kept tripping over him the rest of the shift. She kept stopping to talk. Sloppy.