Witches of Lust Ch. 08

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A plot to save Karina. Pursued by a sinister warlock.
22.4k words

Part 8 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/04/2016
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Welcome to the next installment in the series. This story involves dickgirls, deepthroat, cum inflation, a light focus on impregnation, and a lot of narrative as opposed to erotic passages.


"Murder?!" I gasped. "We can't do that!"

"Sure we can." Morgana said coolly. "You got a better way to save Karina?"

"Um, well, no, but you do," I said haltingly. For some reason, Morgana was thinking of a place called the elemental plane of life force. I was reading her mind, involuntarily. "Um, the elemental plane of life force?"

"No way, we can't go there with an invalid. Way to read my mind though," she said archly.

"I can't help it."

"You know how I feel then. We need life force, there's only one place we can get it: people. Would you prefer she remain comatose?"

Deep down, I knew that I really preferred for Karina to live, and let some stranger perish. If only we could find one vicious criminal who had escaped justice, and deliver them a final rebuke! My heart started to pound in my chest at the possibility.

"My my Jeanie. You've barely joined the coven and you're already getting to your first human sacrifice!" Lucille said. "Uh, my first too by the way," she added with a chuckle. "Alright, let's just find some sick bastard and lay the curse on him!"

Morgana fixed her gaze on me for a few moments. I found myself distracted by her thoughts, and Lucille's, as I tried to figure out how I felt about this. Even if we did make the effort to find some criminal to kill with the spell, deep down I would know that our motivation was selfish. The crime part was just an excuse, and I worried about getting an excess of bad karma.

"Are you forgetting something, Jeanie?" Morgana said. "The utility of mindreading?"

I mulled it over for a moment. Of course! We could know exactly what was in the heart of the person we planned to curse - whether it be remorse, or the intent to do it again! We could find a real monster, and prevent him from getting to his next victim! WE would be his bad karma, and potentially save lives! It was a game changer for vigilantism. I nodded slowly, and met Lucille's gaze.

"Yes!" Lucille cheered, pumping her fist. "Let's go ice some motha-"

"So where do you propose we look?" I asked Morgana.

"We can go down to the clubs on the beachfront. There are loads of tourists there. We'll take a look around, if you want." She then scowled at Lucille.Ice some mothafucka? Girl, when are you going to lose that grunt lingo? Morgana thought to herself.

"Um, what about our uh, oversized things? I don't think I can go out with two oversized dicks, and are you going to take down the villain with a belly like that?"

"No," Morgana giggled. "The spell of siphoning works by linking two targets. First, I'll bless Karina as a the recipient of siphoned life force. If things work the same way they did with Irina, and if I have enough energy to pull off the spell, my tummy will go down quite a ways. We will then have three days to designate someone as the recipient of the curse, or else the spell simply fades away. Once cursed, it can take an hour or three for the victim to die. Hmm, that reminds me-" Morgana said, worried that the unnatural death would attract Medina's wrath, as well as undue attention to themselves.

"Hold up, what happens when all this life force from a psychopath goes into Karina? Does she become evil, even a tiny bit?"

"No," Morgana said firmly. "Think of life force as electricity. It's always pure."

"Oh yeah? What about undead?" Lucille asked.

"Undead? Why, they have negative life force, dear. Life force cancels that out, and enough would destroy them," Morgana spoke with a laugh.


Lucille and I shared a glance, and then the blonde asked. "Alright, what about spirit energy then?" She prodded Morgana's overstuffed tummy with her index finger. "Can it be tainted?"

"Hey, that tickles!" Morgana said, batting Lucille's hand away. "Hmm. Tainted spirit energy? It's a good question. Theoretically, it can be tainted. Then again, I have always taken my spirit energy from demons and the moon, and I am neither monster nor cheesy." We chuckled politely at Morgana's limp attempt at humor.

"But?" I prodded.

"Well, the occult texts do suggest that spirit energy can be tainted. Not so much by demons, but by humans." As she spoke, she caressed her stomach, smoothing over where Lucille had poked her, and massaging the soft, yielding bulge. "I wish you could feel this, Lucy," she said softly.

Lucille quickly shook her head no. We both sensed her reluctance, which stemmed from guilt and shame. When Brian decided to join the coven, Morgana had used her powers to make some changes to personnel files, and Brian had been able to go on terminal leave - over one thousand days of leave, all the way past his date of separation. He was able to vanish out of the military, and that had prevented him from being considered AWOL. Brian had signed up with the notoriously dangerous Explosive Ordinance Disposal contract, and received a substantial re-enlistment bonus for doing so. However, when he suddenly left to join the coven he felt bad about abandoning the Marines he was training. At least one of them had died since then, blown up by an Iranian IED while in some sandy shithole.

Until she is at peace with herself about that, Lucille is going to suppress her feminine side. Let's try to help her, okay? I felt Morgana say to me telepathically.


"Well, enough sitting around," Morgana said, kicking her feet off the bed. She began to scoot to the edge, slightly hampered by the ungainly weight of her rounded belly.

"Need a hand?" Lucille said, gallantly assisting the raven-haired witch.

"Thank you Lucille, you are a dear," she said. "By the goddess, that's a weighty load. It feels so strange having a full belly like that. I can't imagine going like this for months on end." She snapped her fingers and her phone appeared in her left hand, and she began reading the spell to herself.

"This is going to be complicated," she said after a few minutes. "I'll need some time to study this spell." With that she ambled over to an alcove under the stairs. She pressed a panel that looked like bare wall, and a secret door opened. She passed through the door and down the stairs to her secret study, and the place where she conducted her rituals.

I was very surprised that she had a basement. Not only do building codes in Florida prohibit basements, but Morgana's house was on a thin strip of sand, a mere sand bar of a barrier island. Clearly, witches like her didn't always follow the rules.

I flopped down on a comfy sofa in the living room. I could still hear Morgana's thoughts in my mind, as she grappled with theories and concepts behind advanced cursing, word choice, and the incantation of power that preceded it. It was fascinating, but too advanced for me.

I could hear Lucille's thoughts as well. She had decided she wanted to be like a comic book superhero, or perhaps Emperor Palpatine, and shoot lightning bolts from her hands. She had begun to study, but frequently grew distracted with daydreams. I was shocked by just how frequently she daydreamed about sex, but then I had started to do the same ever since I had become a futanari. It was quite the ego boost when I realized that she still wanted me, despite the way she acted. She could even accept that I had a cock or two at present, and she even wanted to play with them, but she couldn't handle people knowing that.

It dawned on me that Morgana was right about Lucille. She was repressing her desires. I felt some sympathy for her on the one hand. On the other, I felt that I had violated her privacy by snooping into her thoughts too much. I couldn't help it, I couldn't stop reading their thoughts.

A sudden flash and a loud boom startled me out of my reverie. Lucille had successfully produced a bolt of electricity, and had reduced a night stand to a charred and splintered ruin. With some embarrassment, Lucille hurried to get some water to put out the fire. I went to get a mop, and Morgana simply went back to studying her big spell.

I arrived with a big trash can from the garage, and helped Lucille dispose of the jagged pieces of wood that she had doused with water from a pail.

"I think now I understand why it's best to start with the little spells and work my way up to the bigger ones," she said sheepishly.

"Why's that?" I asked, even though I had already read her mind on the matter.

"Well, there are spells to help clean up messes like this, or even repair the night stand, good as new."

"Wow. Well, I guess we have to rethink our strategy. On the other hand, I'm going to feel a little safer knowing that you can unleash power like that and protect me from trouble."

We stopped and looked at each other with warm smiles.

"Oh come on. You're the high and mighty chosen one," she said. "Pretty soon you'll be able to do stuff like that, or better," she said.

"Nothing's come out yet," I argued. "Not even cantrips."

"Not yet, but soon," she said confidently. "We need to go visit Mother Farold, and see if she can figure out what is going on."

While Morgana worked on the last verses of the spell, we finished cleaning up. The wallpaper was scorched and the brownish scar resisted Lucille's efforts to scrub it, so we both began studying a basic cleaning cantrip. Within minutes, Lucille had figured it out. I, however, seemed unable to make it work.

Lucille was giddy, moving from place to place and cleaning up dust bunnies with a wave of her hand and the word "Hoovasta!" I followed behind her, surreptitiously admiring her curves and enjoying her joyful spirit.

Time flies when you are having fun. She had finished cleaning her Hummer and making her engine bay sparkle when I realized that Morgana had completed her preparations and was casting the spell on Karina that would make her the recipient of siphoned life force. It was just past eleven, which meant it was the perfect time to go looking for trouble.


"I can't believe you are making me the bait," Lucille complained, as we neared our destination. She was sitting in the back of my Toyota, and I was driving.

"It had to be you," Morgana said. "I would do it myself but I have to make sure I can keep my distance in order to properly hex him. I might not be able to cast the spell if he's pummeling me into the ground. Besides, you can handle yourself."

"I know," Lucille said, flexing her bicep. Lucille was probably a touch more muscular than Karina. "I think I might scare a rapist off, ya know."

"Well, Jeanie with her huge cocks is not going to fit into skimpy leggings like that. You had a bulge too, but I knew I could do away with that."

"I'm a freak now! What if I have to take a piss?"

"You refused when I offered to give you a vag, so, are you saying you want one now?" Morgana giggled.

"Just hurry this up." Lucille crossed her arms and huffed. "I still think you're just doing this to fuck with me."

Morgana tried to stifle her gleeful grin, but looked out of the window and said nothing.

We arrived at our destination, a string of touristy night clubs on the south shore of Destin. We pulled into the parking lot, stepped out into the evening chill, and took a look around. We noticed a guy and a girl arguing, and decided to take a closer look.

Morgana cast a spell that would make us very difficult to notice, and we stealthily crept over to get a better view of what was going on.

He was a jerk alright, and his girlfriend was telling him how sick and tired she was of him flirting with other girls. He was getting a solemn speech about how he needed to grow up.

I probed the mind of the player. He was stifling the urge to slap his girlfriend, or perhaps waiting for her to give him an excuse. Nothing she said was untrue, but when she brought up his mother he had enough.

Slap! We could hear it from where we were hiding, crouched beside a rented Mustang in the next row of cars.

"Told you the bait plan was pointless. We already found our guy!" Lucille whispered.

"Him?" Morgana asked. "For slapping a girl?"

"Way good enough!" Lucille whispered in reply.

"Wait," I said. "I don't know. She's been putting him through hell, treating him like an ATM when he's barely getting by. They're on vacation from Tennessee, on his dime. Staying at the Emerald Grand, if you can imagine how much that costs. She's not jealous of him, she's jealous of his money, what little is left anyway. If he wasn't showering her with luxury she'd move on, and he knows it."

"Whatever! You still don't hit a girl," Lucille grumbled.

"Well, I wonder how she'd feel if he up and wasted away before her eyes," Morgana said. "It would be traumatic to say the least. That would stick with her for life."

"I'm not trying to be a white knight," Lucille said, arguing her point.

"I am," Morgana said. "I don't want to cast the evil version of this curse if I can avoid it."

"Me either," I said. "I told myself if we do this, we have to find an absolute friendless monster."

"So what's going on? Are they about to break up?" Morgana asked me.

"I don't know. He's got a promising career so she might stick around, even though he hits her. He just wants her to stop treating him like a money tree and shaking him down all the time, but he's not getting through to her by flirting with other girls."

"I don't get it," Lucille muttered. "He should be glad he's got her. Does she not give head or something?"

"They have their issues, and probably should just break up. The guy needs to stop hitting on other girls, and he needs to stop hitting his girl, obviously, but there may be hope for him. He can change. Look, she's still arguing with him."

"She's fearless," Lucille muttered in awe.

"The guy who we hex, he's gotta be beyond redemption," Morgana said. "Give me a good reason to kill a guy. A good reason."

"Alright, let's leave these twits to their misery then," I agreed.

"Wait girls!" Lucille pleaded. "He hit her, and you just don't hit a lady where I come from!"

We shook our heads, our minds made up.

"Alright, but fuck! Hurry up and find someone worse already!" Lucille said, leading us toward the club.

The plan was for Lucille to walk up ahead, alone. She was outside of our stealth "bubble" and with the way she was dressed, she was sure to attract attention. She wore a white tube top and faux red fox wrap. Riding low on her hips were a pair of long, skin tight hot pink capris, with slits at the hips that were tied with some golden laces. A pair of strappy gold stilettos completed the slutty look that could be spotted from a mile away in the dark.

"After all, that was the whole point," Morgana had explained.

Lucille had never worn pants that showed off every inch of her figure. A part of her wanted men to see her and lust after her, even if only to find herself firmly on the better side of that divide. The way she strutted along on her long, toned legs had every man taking notice, even from afar. Up close, one could see her DD breasts jiggling as she walked, her nipples visibly pushing up against the stretchy fabric.

Oh how she wanted to be noticed, sexy yet out of reach!

"Can you scan auras?" Morgana asked me.

"I still can't muster anything," I said, shrugging helplessly.

"The time will come," Morgana said.I think. "Come on, before we lose sight of Lucille."

Lucille arrived at the stairs to the club. She seemed a pro at walking in heels, even with only a couple of months of practice. Still, she didn't skip stairs. We hurried after her, the stealth bubble melting away from us as we encountered more and more people.

I felt a sudden rush of thoughts hit me, mostly from the people on the stairs. As we drew closer to the top of the stairs, I was deluged with myriad trains of thought. Drunken conjecture, insecure inner dialogues, and base desires staggered me, the melange of unhappy thoughts and emotions unbearable to endure.

"Jeanie?! What's wrong?"

"Too much, too much thoughts! Too many people!" I said with a shuddering sob.

"Okay Jeanie, come back down the stairs," she said, supporting me as I found myself unable to walk on my own.

"Okay, that's better," I said. "I'll stay here and keep an eye out."

"Well dear, just a minute now. We can't have you running from every challenge, can we? We should have done this before, but we'll do it now. We're going to teach you to turn off your mind-reading. So take a deep breath, and think about a wall. It could be a brick wall, or stone. Imagine it, long, waterproof, and impenetrable. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Now, imagine this wall encircles you like a fortress. Got that too? Good. Imagine this circular wall has just one window, like an arrow slit or something, just wide enough for you to walk up to it and spy on people, but you can't really see anything if you walk away from the wall. You can put a draw bridge and a staircase with a rampart in it too.-"

"It's not working," I said.

"Make sure your imaginary fortress is shut tight, with you inside, and no one else in there with you. You should not be peering through the windows unless you are actively trying to read someone."

She coached me for a few minutes, but I couldn't block out any thoughts. I keenly sensed Lucille was growing more impatient by the moment, and felt the way Morgana was a little worried that a bouncer or club visitor would come by to ask us if I was alright, the group of us huddled on the steps, so I stood up and bade the others do the same.

Unfortunately, I kept failing to block out the thoughts of others, no matter how much I imagined the stupid wall.

"It shouldn't be that hard, dear, just picture the wall in your mind," Morgana said, but increasingly, I felt waves exasperation emanating from her.

Just then, I felt a chill run down my spine. A particular someone was leaving the club in a bit of a hurry, and now that he was on the steps he slowed to a normal pace to avoid suspicion. He had slipped a drug into a girl's drink, hoping to take her home. Lucky for her, she was with other friends who had just arrived while she was starting to pass out.

His plan foiled, he was beating a retreat. His rule was always to try once, then flee if it's no good. Never the same place in the same week. Never two places in the same night.

"That guy there, he's a rapist," I murmured.

"Did he just rape somebody?"

"He wanted to. He drugged someone in there."

"I'm going to mind-read him," Morgana said, beginning to walk after him. Lucille and I followed close behind.

I looked into his mind too, a seething cauldron of bitterness. He never knew his father, which was fairly cliché, but his mother had been pretty hard on him growing up. His behavior never improved, he only learned to hit back. He never knew how to relate to women without hitting them. Strippers were straightforward, he just had to pay them. Unfortunately he couldn't always afford them and most didn't like to be spanked. Cheap prostitutes weren't pretty enough for his tastes, and he eventually decided to resort to taking women as prisoners. The more docile ones would last up to two weeks before they needed to be "replaced."

Not that it was always so easy. His first victim had to be killed shortly after capture. The gag wasn't enough, and she was loud enough for the neighbors to hear. After he moved, he took a prisoner that lasted a full two weeks. He thought he had taught her to accept her new fate, and her cries of pain told him that she was accepting his lordship over her. He was wrong. When she bit him in the neck, with a ferocity powered by her utter hate and desperation, the terrible wound she inflicted almost sent him into shock. A chase through the streets came next. Unluckily for her, he didn't live close to any neighbors, and her bare feet were her undoing. Chasing her down the road at night and killing her with his bare hands had seemed like his only option. After two weeks of his merciless training, she was defiant to her bitter end. It enraged him almost as much as the bite. It took months for his neck to heal, but he never forgot how she "betrayed" him.