Wolf Lake Ch. 06


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“Only as my mate and even then I don’t know that any of them would want me. I don’t offer much in the way of pack politics.”

“What about your connection with Sam and Nafarius? That has to be worth something? The fact that you’ve lived with them for almost a year and they both obviously care for you should strength your position.” Alex’s heart went out to the young woman.

“I don’t know.” Maddie stood and gathered her things.

It was obvious that she was upset by what she saw as a hopeless situation and Alex felt bad for having brought it up. “I know it is a pretty worthless offer but if there is anything I can do to help please let me know. It’s the least I can do for the kindness you’ve shown me.”

Maddie smiled but said nothing as she left. Alex spent the rest of the day thinking about their visit and waiting for her to return. To his disappointment another young women brought him his supper that night. Dark hair that reminded him of Sam she introduced herself as Natasha. She was heavy with pregnancy, but her movements were still sure and graceful despite her bulging belly. Natasha set down his food and left.

The next day Nafarius and Sam stood outside in the clearing. Nafarius had stripped down to the waist while Sam wore a pair of tight shorts and a tank top. Both of them were covered with a fine sheen of sweat. For all her natural ability Sam had not been born a fighter and Nafarius was working with her to see that her training went well. Despite her smaller size she insisted that Nafarius treat her as he would any other member and all she had to show for it was a back covered in bruises. Time and time again Nafarius attacked. Quick and lethal he knew her strengths and weakness and exploited them both. Finally, after an hour Sam learned how to compensate for the weakness on her left side. She was naturally inclinded to attack and defend from the right, which was her stronger side. Therefore, Nafarius came at her left side, which was often open and vulnerable. He was pleased when she finally caught him coming at her from the left and defended accordingly.

Proud of herself, Sam watched as Nafarius was caught off balance and landed on his side. Taking advantage of the situation she came back and moved in for the attack. Nafarius saw her coming but instead of defending let her momentum carry them both over. Laughing, they ended up in a pile of sweat covered limbs. Those pack members that had been watching shook their head and moved off knowing that the serious training had ended for the day.

Riley waited until the two had once again regained their feet before approaching. “Nafarius, may I have a moment of your time?”

Nafarius gave Sam a silent look. They had discusses Riley’s interest in Maddie and the events of a few nights before and both had come to an agreement. “Of course.”

Riley looked from Nafarius to Sam and realized that he would have to make his request before his mistress as well as his leader. “I would like to formally ask your permission to take Madeline as my mate.”

Nafarius thought for a moment choosing his words carefully. “While it is true that Maddie has been under the protection of my mate for nearly a year she is a grown woman on her own. She no longer lives at her father’s hearth but has chosen to share ours therefore it is up to her to decide who she will take as a mate.”

Riley was speechless. Usually, a woman could choose her mate and in fact he had to be strong enough to take her. If he could not conquer her during the mating processes then she was free to choose a stronger mate. However, Maddie was the weakest member of their pack, she couldn’t defend herself against Riley or anyone else. If she was left to decide for herself then it was likely that she would end up with someone other then himself. Unbeknownst to either of them, Alex had been correct. Maddie’s position with Nafarius and Sam made her an ideal mate beside which she was beautiful and there were many males within the pack that would be more than happy to have her in their furs.

Sam could see that Riley understood the implications and was struggling to come to grips with them. “You’ll need to speak with Maddie yourself. Neither Nafarius nor I will interfere on any members’ behalf when it comes to who she chooses.”

“I see.” Riley turned and went to find Maddie. He didn’t like the idea of approaching her and requesting that she chose him as her mate. It felt too much like begging which was something he didn’t do. However, if he didn’t approach her soon there was every chance that someone else would.

He found her in the gardens. She was bent over weeding wearing a simple sundress. A large straw hat covered her head from the afternoon sun. “Maddie.”

She looked up at her name, a slight frown forming between her blonde brows before she pasted a small smile on her face. “Hello, Riley, what are you doing here?”

“I came to speak with you. I just spoke with Nafarius and Sam. They informed me that you will be allowed to choose your mate despite residing at their hearth.” The last was added to show his disapproval of the situation.

“Yes, I know. We talked about it last night.” Maddie knew what was coming and sought to cut him off. “I haven’t yet decided who I want as a mate.”

“I would like you to consider me.” Riley stood still and waited.

Maddie sighed and sat back on her heels. It would have been so much easier if Riley had just left well enough alone. Although she didn’t know who she wanted as a mate one thing she was sure of was that she didn’t want Riley. While he was a good match in many regards he wasn’t someone she could see spending the rest of her life with. He wasn’t blonde, broad across the chest with blue eyes like…oh Lord. She couldn’t be seriously considering…if anyone knew what she was thinking…

“Maddie? Did you hear what I said?”

“As I said, I’m not ready to make a decision.” She was trying to be diplomatic but he wasn’t taking the hint.

“I’m not asking you to make a decision, all I’m asking is that you at least consider me.” Riley bit his tongue and swore he wouldn’t say another word. Otherwise he would start to beg.

Maddie knew it would be easier to let him believe she was seriously considering him but it wouldn’t be fair. “I’m sorry Riley. I don’t see myself spending the rest of my life with you.”

“Why not?” Now he was angry; how dare she dismiss him out of hand!

“Because I don’t love you.”

“Love! What the hell does love have to do with anything?” Riley took a threating step forward.

Maddie stood and dropped the gardening tool she had been using. Fear started to break out along her skin and she could feel the animal within her responding. “I refuse to marry for politics. If you had hoped to get closer to Sam and Nafarius through me then you were mistaken. I will not allow someone to use me that way nor would I do that to Sam and Nafarius.”

“Why you stupid…”

“I think you had better leave.”

Maddie turned in surprise to find Alex walking out from between two trees. She had no idea how long he had been standing there but it was obvious that he had heard at least part of her conversation with Riley.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Riley growled and baring his teeth he slowly lowered himself to the ground.

Maddie saw the signs of an impending attack and moved so as to put herself between Alex and Riley. “Alex, you shouldn’t be out here.”

“Sam suggested I get out and get some sun. Considering that I have no idea where I am Nafarius figured it would be safe enough and that I was unlikely to try and escape.” Alex didn’t like the looks of things. He had no doubt that Riley was willing to take by force what he couldn’t have.

“I suggest you keep walking. This is none of your business; you don’t belong here.” Riley didn’t even bother to try and fight it. His animal surged through to the surface forcing him to change.

Alex watched with absolute fascination as Riley shifted before him. Where once there stood a man now stood a large, dark brown wolf. Even on all fours, Riley’s head came to chest level on Alex. Alex wasn’t a short man.

He saw it coming but was powerless to do anything about it. One moment Riley was standing across the clearing and the next he was air born. His lips were curled back, his teeth bared and a low threatening growl coming from his throat. Just when Alex though enough to move a large, light colored blur shot out from his right.

Maddie caught Riley in mid air. Sinking her teeth into his shoulder she knocked him out of the air and onto his side. Riley recovered quickly and was on his feet shaking the small woman off. Maddie was barely half Riley’s size and she wasn’t use to fighting but her fear for Alex drove her on.

With both of them in animal form Riley saw his opportunity and moved in. But instead of attacking he moved to cover Maddie’s body with his own. If he could join his body with hers then she would be powerless to do anything about it.

Maddie sensed Riley’s intent and turned so that they were face to face. They circled each other and still she waited. Finally, Riley made his move only before Maddie could do anything about it another large shape moved out from the forest and went after Riley.

Growls and the distinct sounds of a fight had drawn her attention. Before reaching the clearing Sam had been able to discern the situation and knew that both Alex and Maddie were in danger. With decisive action she knocked Riley out of the clearing and followed him to the ground where she wrapped her jaws around his neck. When he tried to move she issued a loud growl in warning that had him holding still.

Nafarius, still in human form, arrived a second later. He left Sam to take care of Riley and went to see that Maddie was all right. Already back in human form she was breathing heavy but other than a few scrapes and bruises she looked to be in good shape. “What happened?”

Nafarius wrapped her naked form in his arms and held her. Maddie couldn’t stop shaking. She’d never been involved in a fight before and certainly never with a male member of the pack. “He wouldn’t take no for an answer. When Alex tried to intervene Riley went crazy and attacked him. I couldn’t let him hurt Alex.”

Nafarius looked up to where Alex still stood at the edge of the clearing. “It seems I owe you a thank you.”

Alex seemed to sense that Nafarius wouldn’t be put off. “You’re welcome. Is she okay?”

“She will be just as soon as we get her back home.” Nafarius stood and helped Maddie to her feet. “Can you walk?”

“I’m fine.”

Nafarius looked from Maddie to where Sam still stood with Riley firmly planted beneath her paws. Torn, he wasn’t sure whether he should escort Maddie home or take care of Riley. He was afraid of what Sam would do if left alone with the young man.

Alex stepped in. “I’d be happy to help her home if you’d like.”

“Thank you.” Nafarius transferred Maddie to Alex’s open arms and went to deal with Riley. Neither Alex nor Maddie spoke on the way back to the cave. Once there he helped get her settled before returning to his own alcove. Only one guard remained and Sam assured him it was more for his safety then to prevent his escape.

The next morning Sam wasn’t surprised to see Alex approaching. “Sam? Can I talk with you?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Well, first I was wondering what happened with Riley?” When Sam just stared at him, saying nothing, Alex realized that he wasn’t going to get that information so he moved on to his next question. Taking a deep breath he jumped in with both feet. “What would I have to do in order to approaching Maddie?”

“To what end?” Sam crossed her arms over her breasts and waited. She already suspected but wanted Alex to voice his intent.

“As her mate.” The words came out on a rush of air. Having said them he felt ten times better. He’d spent the night thinking things through and had come up with what seemed like a perfect solution.


Alex knew better then to try to bullshit Sam. She’d never appreciated it before and he doubted that as a werewolf her opinions of it had improved. “It would solve everyone’s problems. Nafarius wouldn’t have to worry about me leaving and Maddie would have a mate.”

“There are other ways we could take care of both those issues without you joining the pack.”

Alex gulped audiably. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

“I didn’t think so. In order to mate with Maddie you would have to become a werewolf. No human is allowed in the pack and even if you were allowed to remain human you wouldn’t be able to protect her and she isn’t strong enough to protect you.”

“You think another female might be?”

“Yes, but that isn’t an issue here. None of them would have you.” Sam sighed. “Alex, why do you want to mate with Maddie? Some new curiosity?”

“No!” Alex was offended. “I care about her and she needs someone…”

“Maddie doesn’t need anyone to protect her. Nafarius and I are here for that. She needs someone who will love her for her and not for what she can give them.” Sam wasn’t sure how she felt about this but in the end it wouldn’t really matter. What mattered was how Alex and Maddie felt about it. “Have you spoke with Maddie about this?”

“No, I figured it would be best to talk to you first and maybe then speak with Nafarius.” Alex shrugged. “Who knows, she might not even want me as a mate even if I am willing to join the pack.”

“On, I think she’ll want you.” Sam smiled. “Talk to her and ask her what you’ll have to do to prove yourself to her and the pack. Then come and see me. I’ll speak with Nafarius in the mean time.”

The pack was divided. Several members agreed that the best thing was for Alex to join them. Maddie would be taken care of and the rest of them would be safe. If Alex joined the pack then he would have a vested interested in keeping their secret. He assured them that no one knew where he had gone. He also spoke with Nafarius at length and together they decided that he would have to return to the city for a time to take care of loose ends. They didn’t want another missing person reported. If the authorities believed that he’d disappeared in search of Sam then it was sure to draw more attention.

Maddie had made her feelings known. While she was attracted to Alex and therefore unopposed to taking him as her mate she worried about his reasons. She spoke with Sam and voiced her concerns that Alex was coming to her out of a sense of guilt. Sam assured her that while Alex was kind and gentle he wasn’t the type to sacrifice his life for something less then love.

The rest of the pack were opposed to taking on another human. Sam had been special and they were grateful for her guidance as Nafarius’ mate but Alex had little to offer. While he was young and strong there was little need for more male members. Furthermore, there were several single male members that understood the implications of his mating with Maddie. As Sam and Nafarius’ charge she would bring considerable power to her mate.

The two groups clashed in a debate that ended with a formal challenge. Riley stood glaring at Alex. “I hereby challenge you for the right to take Madeline as mate.”

Standing next to Alex, Sam groaned quietly. Alex, still learning the complications of pack politics raised his brow in question.

Sam answered. “Remember survival of the fittest? If there is more the one male after the same female then a fight is waged to see who is the strongest.”

“I can’t possibly fight him. As a werewolf his has superior strength even in human form.”

Nafarius nodded. “There are other ways to answer a challenge.” Stepping forward he addressed the crowd. “A member of this pack is only as good as his ability to hunt, whatever the prey. We will see who is better suited to the task. As equals they will hunt only in human form; whoever is able to bring her back will be awarded the right to mate with Madeline.”

All eyes turned to the small woman. Her eyes grew round in surprise. She understood the old ways. She would be expected to do her best to avoid both the hunters no matter her true feelings. If she was do anything to aid either man the victory would be worthless. She could take any form and use whatever means necessary but once the outcome was decide there would be no going back no matter who the winner. Although it wasn’t expected she lifted her head and gave a brief nod in agreement.

Sam squeezed Maddie’s hand and gave her a gentle nudge. “Go.”

Without looking at either man, Maddie shed her clothes, drop onto all fours and shifted. Once again Alex appreciated the sight of her golden fur as she streaked from the clearing and disappeared into the forest.

“She will have an hour lead time. You will enter the forest together; neither of you are to do anything to inhibit the other. Once one of you successfully mates with Maddie it will be done. There are no rules as to what form the mating must take place however if Alex does succeed he must be infected during the mating process. Is that understood?”

Both men nodded. Sam led Alex away from the clearing. While she wouldn’t be allowed to interfere once the hunt began she could offer his a few words of advice. Riley, a natural hunter and tracker would have little trouble even in animal form. Alex needed to be told what to look for and how to follow the signs. He was attentive, listening carefully to everything Sam said. When the time came to depart he gave her a small smile and slipped into the trees.

Riley entered the forest only a few feet from Alex. With a sneer, he turned and jogged off to the north. It was quickly apparent that he had picked up Maddie’s scent but Alex resisted the urge to follow. Instead he searched the area surrounding the clearing until he came upon Maddie’s tracks. Sam had pointed out her prints in the clearing and he’d committed them to memory. He knew what her tracks looked like in both human and animal form. Nafarius had ordered Maddie to do what ever was necessary to avoid both of them.

Alex suspected that the scent Riley was following was a ploy to lure him away. Maddie couldn’t help Alex but she could make it harder for Riley. Between the two men, it was more important for her to avoid Riley which left Alex to find her.

Fifteen minutes later Alex came upon the place where Maddie had switched from animal to human form. Her feet were bare and left clear prints in the soft dirt. He also found several broke branched to indicate where she had left the main trail.

In the end it wasn’t his newly learned tracking skills that helped Alex to find her. It was luck. Still shifting through the under bush, Alex heard the distinct sounds of a fight. It was the same unmistakable sound of two wolves fighting that he had heard once before. Breaking out into a run, Alex entered a clearing just in time to see Riley make a leap for Maddie.

Maddie twisted her body and moved out of the way just in time. Turning she struck out with her claws and sliced Riley’s side open. Riley howled in pain; shaking it off he started circling his prey. For the first time in her life Maddie didn’t wait to be the victim. Seeing Riley move in closer she hurled herself at him. Riley, caught off guard, landed on his back striking a rock with his head. Letting out a low whimper, he fell unconscious.

Maddie spotted Alex on the other side of the clearing and shook herself. He hadn’t said anything during her fight with Riley and she wasn’t sure what he was thinking. She was relieved to note that he didn’t look as if he feared her or was repulsed by the sight of her in animal form. For several seconds she just stood there staring at him waiting to see what he would do.

Alex had no idea what was expected of him. Sam had explained that this was a test to see if he could dominate his intended mate but he found it hard to believe that any man could dominate a female werewolf. Maddie, for all her quiet nature was still an animal and while he knew she would never intentionally hurt him there was no telling what she would do if he approached her.