Wolf's Pet Ch. 08


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Lee found Carr and Jeff in the kitchen. "I've been looking all over for the two of you. Figures I'd find you in the kitchen." They looked like little boys with their hands in the cookie jar, only it was the ice cream tub. Lee sat next to her mate and leaned into him. She loved the feel of his hard body next to her. She couldn't get enough of it. "Trey looks good. He's healing really well."

"He's doing great. It helps that he's young and strong, not even 100 years old yet." Jeff was so glad to be able to relax after having two critical patients in the last week. He liked delivering babies and taking care of a broken bone here and there or a simple laceration. Just the thought that his patient could die on his watch made him shiver.

"So, just a question, don't you think that Karen has healed awfully fast for a human? I mean, She was almost dead when she was brought in. And now, six days later she's up and around. I think if she hadn't been on Morphine all this time she would have been up sooner." Carr and Jeff both stared at her, spoons in mid air.

Carr looked at the Omegas cleaning the kitchen and getting ready for the next meal. They saw him glance their way and immediately walked out of the room, closing the doors behind them. "Actually, I was thinking the same thing. Jeff, what do you think?"

Jeff pursed his lips, thinking about how to say what he'd been thinking for the last few days. "I agree, I think she heals way too fast for a human, but not fast enough for a Were. I thought it was strange that all of her close friends at work were pack. So two questions."

Carr interrupted. "Three. She told Cole she's dreamt of wolves before they met. So she dreams of wolves, has Were's as close friends, and heals faster than a normal human. Could she be a hybrid? I mean there are lots of us out there. I have human ancestors. If the Were genes were diluted enough could that account for everything?"

"That's a possibility. We'll have to do a little research on her family to figure that out. I wonder how much she knows about her family history." Jeff would look back over her records and track her healing progress.

"I'll have Becky start working on Karen's family tree. You know, it could be quite a few generations back. But it just seems like too many coincidences for her to be 100 percent human." Lee leaned over and gave Carr a quick peck on the cheek and started to walk out of the kitchen. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. "Oh, and don't ruin dinner with too much ice cream boys." She walked out the door and let the Omegas back in to finish their work.


Brett closed his phone and put it in his pocket. All three teams were in place, all three of Gary's followers were in their homes, and none of the women were there. It was time. He gave the order to move at exactly ten pm. Each team was made up of eight men, two who would watch the outside of the houses, two would be in wolf form, and four would be carrying tranquilizer guns. He didn't want a repeat of the last apprehension. They had doubled the doses on the tranquilizers just to be safe.

he was sitting in his car, about equidistant from the three houses, ready to respond to any of the locations at a moment's notice. His phone rang and team one reported they were done and the subject was in custody, no injuries. They were on their way to the compound. He breathed a sigh of relief, one down, two to go. Five minutes later he got the same response from team three. Now he was just waiting on team two. He kept an eye on the time and thought maybe he should make his way towards team two, just in case.

He half expected the last call on his way to team two, but it never came. He was around the corner from his destination when a gray wolf darted in front of his car. He slammed on the brakes but couldn't stop in time and hit it. He saw the black and brown wolves running towards the street and slam to a halt in front of him. He could see James had a torn ear and Steve had a gash in his shoulder, but other than that, they were in good shape. The gray wolf though, was badly hurt. "Get him into the van and to the hospital. We'll talk about what happened later at the compound. James, do we need to have a clean up team at the house?"

James nodded, still in his wolf form. Two of the wolves had run back to the house and gotten the cars. By the time they got back, everyone had shifted. James' ear didn't look as bad in his human form. Steve, however, would need some immediate first aid. Brett took care of calling the Omegas to clean things up at the house before the female returned home. He walked in the door and surveyed the damage. Damn. He didn't know if three clean up teams could get this place in order before she came home, but they'd give it their best. She didn't get home til seven in the morning. It was almost midnight. Seven hours, piece of cake. Yea right. He left Craig in charge of the clean up teams and returned to the compound.

Brett walked into the holding cell area and saw Gary's followers in the cells to his right. They both looked young, and like they didn't want to be here. They were looking at the ground, fidgeting. Gary, in the cell to the left, had a smirk on his face, like he was the one in the driver's seat. He really was crazy. Brett shook his head on his way to the hospital to look in on the gray wolf.

He heard the wolf before he saw him. "Let me go, you have no right, no right! Gary will take you down." He walked into the hospital room and saw the male in his human form, handcuffed to the bed. His eyes were wild, and Brett had the feeling he was as crazy as Gary. He watched Jeff give him a tranquilizer and everyone gave a sigh of relief when he fell asleep.

He walked to Trey's room and saw Steve laying in the bed next to his. He was sedated but looked like he was going to be OK. Jeff was talking to Carr and he joined the conversation.

"Steve will be fine, just needs a day in bed. The gray wolf has a punctured lung and a broken leg. I want him out of the hospital as soon as his lung is healed, maybe two days. I'm going to keep him sedated as much as possible. He's definitely a rogue, no doubts in my mind. I also took a look at James' ear. Just a nick, he'll be fine."

"Thanks Jeff, sorry to be keeping you so busy lately. Brett, guess we have some guests to talk to huh? I want to talk to them before talking to Gary. Let him stew." Brett nodded and they walked towards the holding cells.

James and Bryant had the first one in a room away from the holding cells. He looked scared as they interrogated him. James got up when he saw Carr and Brett and walked out to fill them in on what they knew so far. "His name is Ben, he was from the Torrance Pack. He sounds like a good kid who was caught up in the wrong thing. He met Gary a few months ago and says Gary told him he'd never find a mate if he stayed in the pack. That his only chance was to look for a human female. He found him the room to rent and told him to take the female who owned the house as his mate. Ben said he and his wolf weren't interested in her. Gary was asking him for progress reports and he kept telling him she was dating other men, which wasn't true. I believe him. He's been cooperative, so I promised him we'd get him some food. He hadn't had dinner yet."

Gina walked in with a tray from the kitchen for the captive. She stopped when she walked in the door and stared at the man sitting in the room. He slowly lifted his head and looked in her direction. They couldn't take their eyes off each other, and they both walked slowly toward the window. They stopped on either side of the glass. He lifted his hand and put it flat on the window, she did the same.

Carr and Brett stared. James was ready to pull her away from the window, but Carr put out an arm to stop him. "But Carr, she could get hurt." Carr shook his head.

Gina and Ben couldn't take their eyes off each other. Carr walked slowly to the window and heard Ben growl. Gina looked to see what he was growling at. "That's my Alpha, he'll be your Alpha if you let him."

Carr spoke softly. "That's right Ben. If you and Gina mate, you are welcome in this pack. I'd hope you wouldn't take Gina from her family without her consent. We'll welcome you with open arms. But I expect loyalty." He watched Ben's face for any signs of deceit. Seeing none, he told James to open the door and let Gina in.

Gina walked in slowly and went to Ben, reaching for his face she touched him slowly. He bent down to get closer to her scent and buried his head in her neck. He looked like he was in heaven.

Carr watched them for a few minutes and then walked to the doorway. "Ben, do you want to join us? Do you trust us?"

Ben looked up at Carr, indescribable joy in his eyes. "Yes Alpha, I'd like to join this pack and take her as my mate. May I?" Gina was beaming at his side.

"Please Alpha, please, I never thought I'd find a mate." Gina looked up at Carr, almost begging him to let Ben join the pack and mate with her.

He smiled down at her. "Let me call the Torrance Alpha first, and then I'll let you know, OK? But until then, he stays here. You can visit with one of my Betas watching over you. And Ben, no one here wants your mate so don't pick any fights, got it?"

"Yes, Alpha, thank you." Ben couldn't take his eyes off Gina. His head was swimming and his wolf was elated. They had finally found their mate. His mate was from a pack and wasn't human. He would have missed out on his one chance if he'd done what Gary wanted.

"Oh thank you Alpha, thank you." Gina turned back to Ben, their hands entwined.

Carr walked away shaking his head in disbelief. They bring in a possible rogue and he's mate to one of his Omegas. This was getting better by the moment. He made his way to his office and sat down. He picked up the phone and dialed, waiting for the Torrance Alpha to answer. Lee walked in and sat in a chair, waiting for his call to be done. He smiled at her. What a week. Good thing her heat cycle had ended a week ago.

Lee listened to the one sided conversation. "Torrance, how are you? It's Baxter. I have one of yours here, Ben, took off with the rogue Gary. He seems like a good kid, is he? Uh huh, OK. He's been cooperative, gave himself up when confronted by my Betas. He's answered all questions. No, he never mated with the human female. But he has found his mate, one of my Omegas. Yeah, fate steps in. Are you OK with him starting over here in my pack? Uh huh. That's great. Thanks, I owe you one. Oh really? Well, tell her he's fine, and his mate is a good girl. She'll make him happy. Have a good night. Sorry to have woken you up."

Carr hung up the phone and looked at his mate. "I guess you figured out what that is all about."

"Are you kidding? It's all over the compound already. I take it he was OK with Ben staying here with Gina?"

"He was fine with it. Turns out Ben is his mate's nephew. She's been after him to bring Ben back to the pack. They never thought he'd gone rogue. They said he's an Omega and a hard worker, and it shocked them when he left. He can't wait to tell his mate that Ben found a mate and is staying with us now. He gave his blessing. Guess I should give them the good news. Think we'll wait on the interrogation of the second one. I don't want anymore surprises tonight. Besides, if Ben doesn't come back to the holding cells, it will throw them off. Gary might lose that smirk."

Lee moved to behind Carr and started massaging his shoulders. His muscles were tight. Too much stress. She didn't like to see him so tight. She kept up the massage and felt a few of the knots working loose.

His head fell forward. "Oh thank you baby, that feels so good. I didn't even realize how tight I was."

Lee leaned down and licked his neck, over the scar from her mating bite. His body shuddered. She loved when she did that to him. She slid her hands under his shirt and skated her fingers across his skin.

"Now how am I supposed to get any work done when you do that?" He leered at her and pulled her around in front of him and into his lap. His hands found their way underneath her blouse and bra and started teasing her nipples. She gasped and pushed into his hands. He pulled up the blouse and bra and leaned forward to latch onto a nipple. He sucked gently at first and then harder and harder, pulling her breast into his mouth as well. Her moans were driving him on. His cock was pushing against his jeans, and he needed to fill her. He picked her up by the waist and stood her up in front of him. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them to the floor. She smiled and did the same.

He sat down on the chair and pulled her into his lap, his cock standing straight up. She straddled him and slowly impaled herself on his staff. He pulled her towards him and thrusted up into her pussy as he groped her breasts, kneading them. She kissed him hard, their tongues fighting for control. His hands were working her breasts, practically mauling them. God he loved to touch her, any part of her. She rode him, matching his thrusts and leading him on to fuck her harder and deeper. They were both rutting like animals, mindless in their need for each other's bodies.

Carr held her under her ass and stood up with her still impaled on him. He moved to the desk and sat her on the edge. He pulled himself from her, his cock rock hard and dripping with a combination of his pre-cum and her fluids. Lee slid off the desk and onto the floor on her knees at his feet. She opened her mouth and sucked him in with one movement. She loved tasting herself on him. She took him as far as she could down her throat, wanting to please him and hearing the grumbling coming from his chest. She knew she was succeeding. But now she needed to feel him cum inside her.

Lee let go of his cock and quickly turned her back and went to all fours on the ground. She shifted and a blond wolf stood in front of him, her tail standing to the side, looking over her shoulder at him. She wiggled her ass at him, inviting him to mount her. He shifted immediately and was on her in moments. His cock slid into her wet swollen pussy and thrusted with all his might. He needed to fuck her hard, he needed her. His large paws gripped her in front of the hips. If she had wanted to pull away she wouldn't have been able to. But she would never pull away from him. She needed him as much as he needed her.

Cole was showing Karen around the large house, giving her the tour and walked past Carr's office. Carr had forgotten to close the door. It wasn't until Karen gasped that Cole realized what was going on. She stood mesmerized by the huge brown wolf fucking the smaller blond one. At first Cole thought she was horrified but then looked at her and saw she was excited by it. He held her from behind, his chin on her neck, watching his brother and his mate fucking. Her breathing was faster, and she was holding his hands tight as he wrapped them around her. She couldn't look away.

Carr thrusted deeper and harder when he realized Cole and Karen were watching. The Alpha couldn't be perceived as weak and had to show anyone watching he was the most virile of the pack. It was wolf instinct working now. He felt his knot forming and pushed it into his mates pussy, stretching her more. She howled with pleasure as his knot seated in her. His jaws closed over her neck as he felt himself close to exploding inside her. He bit down and she howled again, her orgasm on her and her pussy spasming around his pounding cock. His cock erupted and jets of cum shot into her womb. He howled as he came with short thrusts of his cock. He pulled his mate to the floor to wait for his knot to recede. When he laid them down, they both saw the couple watching from the hallway.

Karen blushed when she saw them watching. "They know we're here. I'm so embarrassed that we just stood here."

Cole whispered to her. "This is life in the pack pet. You might walk in on someone at any time. It's natural and normal. We aren't repressed sexually like humans. And they are the Alphas. A strong Alpha pair means a strong pack. It's OK to watch. But we can leave now." He took her hand and gently led her to their room. He couldn't wait til he was tied to her. He couldn't wait.

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MickeyKayMickeyKayalmost 3 years ago

I'm Hoping when they research Karen's family lineage there's Royal blood in her family line! Maybe she'll end up being a powerful wolf! So looking forward to finding out!!! Love that she had dreams where she was her red wolf with his brown one! I Love there's action both in human and were forms!!! Fantastic job and I'm wondering if the other two rogues find their mate. Well Maybe not the one that went down fighting and seems to be rogue crazy!! And WHAT IS IT WITH Gary's SMIRK!?! Looking Forward to someone knocking it off his face!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Damn but this is hot! Too many free reading sites won't allow any fur/skin action let alone fur/fur. Just because we find werewolf sex erotic as hell doesn't mean our dogs are at risk of being molested. Ew! Sorry but I heard that once as an excuse.

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_ealmost 10 years ago
hot story!!!

Great story! My only advice is that the dialogue can be a little cheesy sometimes. But other than that, bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Everyone is making comments about her age bing older than that of the male she is with. However if youall pay attention thats not even true yes she is around in her 50's but almost all of these wolves are over 100years old so I fail to see what everyoneis going on about they all LOOK younger andso willsheonce she is turned so good job narrow minded fools next time you read one of your vampire stories think how old most of them are before you go calling acharacter a "granny"

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago

FU nonnie. You the same one age hating on other stories?

I'll repeat for your immature selective hearing...


And stay off the porn sites until you can at least vote in an actual election.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Is Karen 50? It is hard for me to get into this granny thing...

reader018reader018almost 12 years ago

There are other were races than the wolf,as we will soon see I bet!

oneboobeeoneboobeeabout 12 years ago

This story is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EpixrysonEpixrysonover 12 years ago

loved this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Can't wait...

for the next chapter.

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