Wonder Woman's Fantabulous Fuck


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Hands now free to play with Diana's hair, Harley twisted her long black waves into oh-so familiar knots. Becoming impatient for greater pleasure, the dyed blonde then began to maul her own chest with her other hand. Reaching through the flimsy fabric of her t-shirt, the blonde grasped her engorged nipples, Harley shrieking in delight as she twisted her pointy pink buds; this skank liked it rough.

Groaning again, a delicious squeal of pained induced pleasure escaped Harley's ruby red lips as she tugged at her nipples, send jolts down through the blonde's twitching body and into her pussy as Diana's strong tongue worked steadily inside her.

But Harley just couldn't help herself; it was time to assert her dominance once and for all.

Grasping the Amazonian's head she held Diana tightly against her pussy, smothering the Warrior Princess. Bucking her hips back and forwards, Harley made sure to wipe her wet core back and forth against Diana's firm lips.

"Oh fuck Yesss! Eat my cunt!"

Ignoring the criminal's mad grunts the brunette held her resolve, remembering what she was fighting for. But in spite of her own morality, something dark and lustful was brewing within her; the thrill of forbidden submission overwhelming the warrior's brain.

Diana's beautiful face mashed repeatedly into the plump pussy before her, it wasn't long before the brunette's perfect olive skin was doused in hot cream as she fought to lick over every inch of needy flesh, her mouth squelching against the blonde's soaking lips.

Bare knees shifting on the cold floor, a telltale drip of cream descended from under Diana's pleated skirt; dripping down the olive skin of her inner thigh.

Grinding wantonly into the foreign Princess, Harley screamed with unrestrained joy; having brought the untameable Wonder Woman to heel. Why was the light always so attracted to the dark? All it had taken was the promise of further insight and she had control of a Greek Goddess; Not bad for a two bit Gotham Skank.

Suddenly Harley's arousal went into overdrive, pleasure signals exploding throughout her ecstatic system. The maniac's whole body tensing Harley made sure to let it all out:


Flexing against Diana's face, the brunette could only gasp as the blonde's orgasm exploded all over her brown lips. Squirting the warrior again and again, Harley made sure to lift a knee over the brunette's shoulder, clinging against the Amazonian as she spasmed.

Moaning as the blonde's juices were rubbed over her beautiful face, the rest ran down Diana's chin, only to drip onto her exposed chest. Gasping for breath up above, Harley beamed for the camera as Diana dutifully lapped up her messy juices.

A low, guttural moan accompanying Harley's final stream, the blonde grinned as she gushed into Diana's waiting mouth. Several mouthfuls of cum ballooning Diana's cheeks, the brunette refused to let herself swallow; such an act was forbidden in her culture. Tugging away the Amazonian's crown however, Harley replaced the golden band on her own head, inspecting the jewellery in the long mirror.

Finally released from Harley's nethers the brunette was too distracted to notice the theft, taking a moment as the full weight of her whoring became impossible to ignore; she has submitted to the desires of a mortal! A known criminal!! Slowly rising up to her full height, the two women once again came face to face. This time Diana refused to make eye-contact. Staring back at the Amazon, the blonde giggled naughtily, blue eyes following the brunette's pursed lips.

"Don't forget to swallow Harley Twin!"

Nonplussed Diana shook her head, determined to spit out the cream in her mouth before questioning the strange statement further. Catching her reflection in the mirror however the Amazonian froze:

Still dressed in her red and blue costume Diana's face was now painted white with the girl's warm juices, her own make-up smeared by Harley's cum. Long dark hair tied up in girlish pigtails the warrior had an undeniable new appearance:

Diana swallowed instinctively; She had become a Harlequin.

"Told yuh we weren't so different!" Harley chirped.

A fresh wave of arousal and humiliation punching her in the gut simultaneously, Diana set her jaw, eyes shimmering as she turned back to Harley:

"What did you do to me??"

"You did all the work honey!"

Becoming angry once more Diana pressed Harley back against the wall, whining as she blinked back tears:


Harley giggled:

"I didn't summon you here, remember? You made a deal with the Devil!"

Eyes widening Diana murmured:


Cackling with glee, Harley laughed madly:

"Tell me you didn't have fun??"


Infuriated Diana turned away, the once virtuous brunette now full of self-loathing. Waller had baited her! Used this whole interrogation set up to make the Amazonian Princess her bitch. And worst of all? It had worked! Wonder Woman was aroused by Harley Quinn!

Stomping over to the door Diana slammed her fist on the solid steel:

"Let me out!!"

Finding there was no response Diana pounded impotently on the frame:

"Open this door!"

"Sorry Sugar, looks like the crazies are runnin' the asylum!"


Hammering on the frame repeatedly Diana screamed in frustration; it was a trap, the whole thing was a trap.

"Superman-proof, remember?? I'm guessin' they has plans for yuh. Ready for your first Suicide Mission??"

Defeated Diana's shoulders slumped. So Amanda Waller had set this whole thing up, put Wonder Woman and Harley Quinn together. But why?? Turning to face the girl Diana questioned her once more:

"What do they want Harley??"

"To show you we ain't so different!"

Tugging up her tiny short shorts, Harley sauntered over as Diana slumped against the door; expecting a final jab that never came: Harley instead hugging the brunette tightly:

"You ain't sad because of me, are yuh? Don'tcha see WW? The people that run this place see you as a freak, like me! They need ya when they need ya and the rest of the time they wanna put you in a box. Am I lyin'?"

Realising the blonde had grasped her golden lasso Diana blinked in amazement; this master criminal was actually telling the truth.

"I'm the only friend you got 'n here Sugar! Now let me help yuh feel better..."

Standing with the dirty girl's arms around her, in spite of everything Diana welcomed the embrace. Harley was right. With the world against them they needed each other. Dejected, just this once Wonder Woman needed a kiss; even if it was from her arch nemesis.

This time Harley took control with lustful, invasive kisses; the girl's twisting tongue outmanoeuvring Diana's own. Mouths meeting again and again, soon the brunette became lost in the strange embrace; two equal and opposite forces becoming intertwined.

Just as Wonder Woman was beginning to get her bearing, to feel she might have found common ground with the infamous criminal she felt something ... something dangerous.

"What are you doing?" Pulling her lips away, Diana whispered urgently. Never breaking eye contact Harley's hand found its way beneath Diana's short skirt, cunning fingers running along the warrior's inner thigh.


Diana's eyelashes fluttered as she was impaled, the brunette's breath hitching as Harley stirred the pot with her digits. Gripping the blonde so hard she was worried the girl would break, Diana shivered as Harley gathered up her juices.

Finally pulling out Diana moaned, Harley grinning back at her as she revealed glistening fingers:

"See!? Was that so bad???"

Shaking her head in amazement, Diana watched intently as Harley brought those wet digits to her ruby red lips, popping them into her mouth and sucking dramatically. Closing her eyes the blonde purred, caught off guard by Diana's intoxicating flavour; Wonder Woman tasted like a rich wine, immediately addictive.

"Unnngh... Sooo yummy!!"

Dark brown eyes watching this lurid display Diana felt an uncontrollable heat begin to build at her very core; the fires of passion burning brightly between the two women:

"I understand what you've been trying to say Harley; we are two sides of a coin. But there is nothing you can show me I haven't already seen. I am immortal!"

Pressing up against her, Harley whispered her retort:

"Then whats the harm huh? We're locked in here together right? Why not?? Come on Doll face; be bad with me..."

Succumbing to her curiosity Diana allowed the dirty blonde to lead her by the hand, the girl sauntering over to the central table. Facing away from the Amazonian Harley smiled deviously. Temptation was like gravity; all it took was a little push.

Patting the metal surface Harley issued an instruction:

Just lean over here an' I'll do the rest:

"And why would I do that?"

Diana bit back warily; still unsure whether to follow a criminal's instruction.

"Cos you're just dying to know ain't cha? What its like to give in? Even just a little..."

Pointing to the mirror, Diana saw their reflections standing side by side:

"You wanna know what its like in the darkness... to be me."

Staring at her own dishevelled reflection Diana bit her lip, no retort coming to her as Harley positioned her body like a limp mannequin.

Pressing on the small of her bare back Diana did not resist when she was bent over the steel table, falling so low that her armoured bustier clinked against its surface. Eying the mirror before them, Diana watched the reflection of Harley Quinn saunter behind her.

Tugging the lasso from Diana's belt, Harley ran the fine Themysciran fibre between her pale fingers, unfurling the golden rope:

"Now that'cha a bad girl you're gonna need to be punished!"

Cracking the whip across the floor the blonde grinned.

Frowning Diana glanced up at Harley's reflection:

"That makes no sense..."

"Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy..."

In spite of herself Diana agreed; perhaps some small measure of penance could silence the guilt; she had fallen a long way since she had left Themyscira, become complicit in every sin imaginable. How else had she fallen in with the likes of Waller. Why not accept some small consequence?

Behind the conflicted brunette Harley flipped up her pleated blue skirt, running her fingers over the Amazonian's magnificent behind. Groping a tan cheek the blonde whistled in admiration. Wonder Woman's derriere was a work of Grecian perfection; an ass sculpted by Zeus himself! Behind them the surveillance camera zoomed in.

"Damn WW you've got a nice tush! It would be a travesty to damage this work of art! But that won't stop me!"

Raising her arm Harley flicked out the lasso; bringing it crashing down on a soft olive cheek.


Body stiffening as she accepted the harsh blow, Diana barely reacted:

"Is that the best that you can do?"

"Mmmmm... you kinky little minx!"

Keen to show the blonde she was not so easily subdued, nevertheless the brunette wriggled in place to calm her stinging flesh. Of course this injury couldn't compare to those the Warrior had sustained over a century... But then her own lasso came crashing down again:


Groaning Diana flexed away from the blow, arching into the table, eyes watering as her tan cheeks reverberated. Harley giggled in delight; enjoying this submissive reaction for this immortal woman. Drawing back the lasso, the blonde lashed Diana yet again:



"Ohh sugar does that hurt??"

Wincing in pain Diana shook her head, clenching her perfect whit teeth. Feeling her behind redden the brunette held firm, accepting this was a fair punishment for all her weakness.

Reaching over Harley groped the brunette's stinging flesh, enjoying the red welts she had left on the Amazonian tush. Grateful for the incidental massage, Diana appreciated the crazy girl's empathy. And beneath it all she felt a spark, something flaring alongside the pain in her toned flesh; but it couldn't be...

"Don't pity me," Diana growled, "Don't hold back. I need to know! Show me the darkness!"

"Your wish is my command!"


Brutal lashes beginning to fall like rain, Diana's ass was soon on fire with glorious pain, the Themysciran's butt becoming covered in criss-crossing angry red lines. Obscenely aroused by the agony she was in, with each additional strike Diana was reminded she had brought this on herself. Beginning to whimper, soon Diana was yelping in pleasured pain, Wonder Woman's facade of strength and beauty cracking gradually to reveal the true submissive underneath.

Harley's arm aching from all her exertion, sweating but satisfied. The criminal was pleased by the sight of the Goddess' bruised butt, her mocha coloured skin now red and sore. Amusing soft cries and grunts escaping Diana's lips Harley mocked the brunette:

"To think they see ya as a rolemodel?! Can't they see what'cha are?!?"



Yelping in pain Diana squeezed her eyes shut as the blonde brought the whip down again and again onto her behind, flesh jiggling with every harsh blow.

Diana's mind transforming the hurt into a tingling pleasure the warrior was forced to confront the sadistic part of herself that loved this cruel punishment; to be presented with the taboos that had always been off-limits to the proud Themysciran. Overwhelmed by these contradictory sensations, the lasso of Hestia compelled Diana to admit her feelings:

"Ugh yes! Do it! Hurt me!!"


"Say it!" Harley exclaimed.

"You and I are the same! I am a whore! Just like you!"

Enjoying Diana's confession Harley watched her face and body subtly contort and twist in a mixture of pain and pleasure. Having the stone-faced Wonder Woman admit her true submissive feelings was truly erotic:

Repeating a further series of blows Diana just laid there, taking her punishment willingly as tears slid down her cheeks, the tough woman revealing her true self.

Finally when the whipping subsided Diana felt the insane revelation rush over her; curvaceous bottom now covered in criss-crossing red lines. Pressing her hot thighs together, unfortunately for the brunette she failed to hide her stream of juices from the criminal behind.

Satisfied with her work, Harley threw aside the lasso, grasping her bat from the table beside Diana:

"W-What are you doing?"

Rolling the long wooden pole over in her palm, Harley read the words 'Good Night' inscribed along its surface:

"I just wanna introduce ya to a friend of mine."

Reaching between Diana's legs Harley knocked apart the brunette's knees, giggling as the superhero collapsed onto table's surface. Taken by surprise Diana balked as she felt the bindings around her nethers unraveled:

"Mmm..." Harley moaned, as she examined the brunette's dripping pussy: "I knew you warrior chicks loved pain!"

"I do not!" Diana barked, denial flaring in the confused Amazonian. Twisting to face her tormentor the weakened warrior stood tall, clenching her fists.

"Then what's all this?" Harley asked, pressing the end of her bat between Diana's legs and against the brunette's wet pussy lips.

"Ugh!" Diana gasped, desperately trying to stifle the moans which were escaping from her mouth as the blunt instrument pressed up against her apex beneath the warrior's skirt.

"So I guess if I were just to slide my friend here inside between these nice long legs of yours you wouldn't react right?" Harley murmured, reversing the direction of her bat and twisting it against Diana's core, "A warrior wouldn't moan would she? A warrior wouldn't thrust herself forward to try and get more? Or clench my friend here with her thighs, or make him wet, or at least, wetter..."

Diana whimpered but did not answer her tormentor. She couldn't, she was far too busy trying not to hump Harley's bat or beg the blonde to fuck her; For the immortal warrior this filthy uncontrollable arousal was beyond confusing.

"I'll tell you what Dollface." Harley said, snapping Diana out of her furore, "How about I slide my bat here back and forth against yuh puss and if you don't react I'll leave yuh alone, but if you moan, or groan, or thrust yourself forwards, or drench my friend in your pussy juice, or anythin' like that then I get to play with yuh in any way I want! Sound fair?"

Diana opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

"Goodie!" Harley exclaimed, making good on her promise and shoving the hard shaft of her bat up against the brunette's pussy.

In a matter of seconds Diana had done everything Harley had prophesised; moaning and groaning as she humped against the wooden shaft, clenching her thighs around the bat and soaking it with her juices. Falling against the table Wonder Woman clenched its rim; metal crumpling between her fingers.

Staring back at Harley, Diana could not ignore the wicked grin that crossed the blonde's face; It was a beautiful and yet sinister grin, an expression that clearly said 'gotcha'.

"Looks like you're mine Sugar."

Diana didn't know what to do, clinging to the interrogation table, a baseball bat held between her thighs by a low-life criminal; staring into her own darkness. It should have been horrifying but it felt amazing.

Knowing that Wonder Woman needed a little more encouragement Harley leant in so that her mouth was directly against the brunette's ear:

"Does my new best friend want me to fuck her? Does she want to hump my bat until she screams??"

Clenching her teeth the beautiful brunette nodded weakly:

"Say it Superhero." Harley growled, "Tell me what' cha want."

Diana gasped again when she felt the wooden pole rise up against her nethers, driving the brunette's desire as her round brown eyes rolled, forcing the Amazonian to find her voice and whisper:


"Good girl." the blonde responded, "Now you're getting it."

Before Diana got a chance to answer Harley began driving the bat back and forth between her tan thighs so fast the brunette had no choice but to moan loudly in pleasure, the criminal bringing her to the edge of orgasm within seconds.

Nothing in Diana's long life had ever come close to feeling this good; Harley seemed to know her very nature, the blonde forcing her to ride the bat with a skill and confidence no man had ever possessed.

Thrusting the baseball bat against the Amazonian, Harley placed a hand on Diana's shoulder, keeping the bucking brunette relatively steady as she worked her heavy shaft up and down, Diana screaming in pleasure as she rode the weapon towards an explosive climax.

In a vulnerable emotional and physical state Diana could only focus on pleasure, for once her sacred duty all but forgotten. Harley meanwhile knew she was doing this brunette a favour; even Goddesses needed to let of fsome steam every century or so.

"Oh Hippolyta forgive me!!" Diana screamed in ecstasy: "Urgghhh!! It feels so good!"

Spasming against the table, cream dripped down the long wooden bat as Harley tugged it back and forth, pressing the hot shaft sliding between the brunette's pussy lips with a pronounced squelch. Addicted to the humiliating pleasure, Diana's eyes finally rolled as she came hard.

Spattering her weapon Harley cackled in delight as Wonder Woman collapsed against the table, sprawled out on her back against the cold metal surface.

Gasping for breath, Diana's chest rose and fell as the brunette swallowed her shame; brought so quickly to heel by a deranged criminal.

Watching the blonde raise the baseball bat to her ruby lips, Diana felt her hear flutter as Harley licked the wet wooden shaft from its handle to the rounded bulbous tip, the girl's eyelashes fluttering as she tasted Amazonian cream.

"Mmmmm... So Yummy!"

Rattled by her fall from grace, Diana felt powerful dark lust; Everything she thought she knew had been wrong: