Wonder Woman's New Mission Pt. 01

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Wonder Woman cares for a man, to help him be a better hero.
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This story takes place a year post "graduation day" storyline for Jaime. Please excuse any continuity mistakes, It's been a while since I got to read everything.

Jaime loves every minute of this, if anyone is concerned


Chapter 1


Wonder Woman, Princess Diana, stood atop a pile of rubble in the battle torn downtown of Star City with the result of her struggle strewn about her. Waves and waves of parademons, like rings on a tree, surrounded her on the ground, defeated. Her armor and costume torn, grimy, bloody. Her thick and lustrous hair slightly dulled by ash, but no less of a mane for the warrior. Before her was a very large, but empty depression in the ground, and Diana's mind went back to what had just transpired.

The forces of Apokolips had attempted another invasion of Earth in an attempt to subjugate its people and remove earth's powerful metahuman threat. Diana, the fiercest warrior on Earth, lead a Justice League strike force through Star City to rout Darkseid's forces and protect innocents. She had quickly chosen her team to cover any tactical needs for the mission and they departed the JLA satellite. She brought bruisers and warriors: Big Barda, Starfire, and Metamorpho. Someone she knew she could trust from numerous past missions: Wonder Girl--Cassie Sandsmark. Beth Chapel, Docter Midnight 2, could hold her own and functions as a medic in battle. And lastly, she brought Jaime Reyes, the rather new Blue Beetle.

Diana had met Jaime only once or twice but was familiar with his dossier. She knew him to be a sweet college-age young man but hoped he could serve as a specialist on this mission. The technology of Apokolips was foreign, but Jaime's alien scarab had interacted with it in the past. Cyborg, Mister Miracle, and Mister Terrific had already been assigned to other teams--Jaime would have to do.

Diana's POV:

My warriors look ready. I know they can take on a platoon of parademons each if necessary. Beth knows her role and I know she can get out of a scrape. I have battled with and mentored Cassie for long enough and trust her implicitly. Her skills have been honed, although she is a little guarded. Even at the age of 19 she seems like the kid unwilling to let anyone in. No--I musn't get distracted by my protective feelings for her, she has proven herself capable. Jaime--I musn't use his secret identity out loud-- seems to be a different story. He keeps fidgeting in his seat during this briefing, and his eyes darting to the different people in the room. He seems to steal glances at Cassie, but I can't read much about him with his beetle power suit. Do they know each other? It's impossible to keep track of who is joining what team these days. Maybe Cassie will tell me another time.


That brings us to just before the present. Diana's team fought well against the Apokolips threat and protected the innocent-- the most important mission there is. Diana's many years as a warrior and Justice Leaguer had made here the foremost field general in the world. She broke through countless waves of parademons and inspired her team along the way. Her campaign ended with a one on one slugfest with Kalibak. After many blows, Diana left him smote before her in a large crater.

"Blue Beetle, try to disable his mother box!" Diana shouted.

She felt rather silly calling him "blue beetle," like an adult humoring a child. Diana had stopped hiding her identity early into her career, but Jaime was allowed to have his secrets. He probably didn't know Bruce had a dossier on his identity that Diana had exclusive access to.

"I'm coming! I'll make sure he can't teleport away" Jaime said has he zoomed over to Kalibak's unconscious body.

Just then a huge blast seemed to appear out of nowhere right in the face of Jaime. He was blown many feet away backwards with a loud crash, and a broad figure was standing over Kalibak. It was Granny Goodness! She had boom tubed her way in with her own motherbox to save the son of Darkseid. In just a moment another explosion appeared and both villains were gone. Diana and Beth ran over to Jaime.

Diana's POV:

Damn! I should have realized that would happen! I thought a Jaime would be able to shine, but he wasn't ready. Oh Hera, please tell me he is alright!


Wonder Woman and Dr. Midnight rushed over to him. As the two superheroines crouched over Jaime, his blue beetle armor began to spark and writhe. It created sounds not of this world and was gone in a matter of seconds. What was revealed was a young man, eyes closed, groaning softly, in only a t-shirt and sweatpants.

"He's alive! We have to help him!" Diana said.

"I'm assessing him now." Beth replied quietly.

Beth's figure and thin fingers moved about Jaime's body in a swarm for several minutes before turning to Wonder Woman.

"It's like he's on life support. His vital signs are a little thready, but he's stable." Beth said "We should enable the satellites auto-med evac while we are still making the area safe. "

Diana approved and enabled the feature verbally from her communicator, as Beth moved on to civilians. Provided to the league by Mr. Terrific as an offshoot of his T-Sphere technology, an evac drone would soon fly in and whisk Jaime away to the nearest JLA transporter. Diana remained crouching over Jaime concerned.

She inspected the fallen hero. His face was soft, pale, and covered in soot from the battlefield. He had dark floppy hair, giving him a boyish look. He had always seemed lean, but his frame was even more petite outside of his armor. Not just in muscle, but also in height. The alien armor must have added quite a few inches, because he looked absolutely diminutive next to the Amazon crouched over him.

"P-p-p-p" Jaime whispered out to no one in particular. He was still very unconscious.

As he made the sound, a dark wet spot began to form in the crotch of his sweat pants.

Diana's POV:

Is he peeing? The little warrior must have had to go! He's creating quite the puddle here. I suppose the hit must have weakened him, but I would be so embarrassed if I wet myself like a child...

--Diana paused, taking in the situation.--

This never would have happened if I had protected him. This is all my fault. Seeing you like this, I know you were not ready. Oh Jaime, let me cover you up.


Diana looked around and found a large scrap of fabric to throw over Jaime. She knew he would be humiliated if someone came over and saw he had peed himself while asleep. She felt particularly protective and responsible for the little one after today. A minute or two later, Jaime was taken to the nearest satellite transporter by a stretcher-like drone for care.

Chapter 2

The final forces of Apokolips had been eradicated and the battle was really over now. Despite the need for a debrief session, Diana's colleagues were all called away with more personal missions. This left her alone on the Satellite with its only patient: Jaime. He was still being triaged and supported by the automated medical system, so Diana went to her quarters. The 6' 4" goddess had not had a moment to herself and was sore and beat up from her battle. She stepped into her personal bathroom and turned on the large combination steam room/shower. The sound of water hitting the tile floor provided a familiar a white noise, but also a reminder--Diana had not relieved herself in close to twelve hours. As she noticed the pressure building in her pubic region, she started to remove her armor bottoms. Her outfit was so beat up from her recent mission, it simply fell the floor with barely a tug. She stood for a moment before sitting on the toilet, her reflection showing in the mirror.

Even if her bottoms fell on the mission, Diana had nothing to be ashamed of. Her body was, of course, in the peak physical condition of the demigod that she was. Her perfect triangle of thick black pubic hair sat above a tight and smooth vulva. Despite her muscular and sizable thighs, she had a small gap between them when she stood with her legs together. Diana was accustomed to nudity from her Amazonian upbringing, so she could have vanquished the forces of evil without bottoms if others were less prudish. The world of man had made slightly more aware of her state of dress.

The task at hand could wait no longer as Diana sat on her toilet and let relief wash over her. While it was only a matter of seconds before the Amazon was able to finish, the act felt longer for her. Release was soothing and relaxed her muscles as the sound of her stream hit the water creating a satisfying "trinkling" sound. Her stream had a powerful force, fitting of the warrior. She let out an audible "ahhh" in recognition of the act. She arched her back and looked up realizing she had been holding on to so much for so long.

This mental respite was short-lived as peeing brought her mind back to her tinkling little friend-- Jaime. While lying broken, he peed all over himself in the manner of one who did not know any better. Diana's immediate instinct was to strip him right there and clean him up, but that would have been humiliating she thought. Whether by guilt or motherly instincts, Diana could not stop thinking now about the small one. What should she do? Was he okay?

The warrior princess wiped her tight pussy as she stood up and removed the rest of her armor. First her boots, as her long toned calves came into view in the mirror. Her legs were totally smooth and her skin shown a pale white, but in no way sickly. Next her top was pulled off. In the mirror her eyes traced up from her thick bush up to her flat and toned stomach. Her belly button was just a slight depression in marking her tummy's center. What rested above were her sizable breasts. Just by looking, a weight could be felt. Despite their large size, her chest did not sag over her torso, but sat proudly with nipples pointing slightly up. Their shape firm and melon like, seemingly not affected by gravity. Diana's arms were muscular and toned, super efficient in their form--she being a demi-god. After a self-affirming look in the mirror, Diana walked into her shower.

The hot water washed over her perfect body and made her luxurious mane of hair shiny and wet. Her long strands hung over her back and shoulders. The only other hair on her body, much below, remained curly as droplets formed and fell, like dew drops. Her large perfect breasts had flows of water all their own, and the streams ended in small falls as they came off her erect nipples in drops. As she cleaned herself, her mind wandered again to the one in the satellite's care. She tapped the console on her shower wall, she had to know what was happening.

Immediately she tapped the sick bay tab and a module with Jaime's name and face popped up.

Jaime Reyes/ Blue Beetle


Sex: Male

Diagnosis: Alien implant driven catatonia

Triage: (2) Mismatches to address

Status: Stable

Diana noted the "mismatch" alerts from the computer, knowing she could address them later. Computers often had issues with simple administrative things. The automated sickbay system correctly identified that he had an implanted scarab battle system. It went on the write the system was unresponsive and seemed to be giving off only a baseline hum. Diana reopened his dossier after something sparked her memory.

Jaime had been weak and powerless for a short period approximately a year ago when he suffered a similar attack that damaged his scarab. He had to wait weeks before the alien system rebooted and restored him to health. During that time, his scarab provided life support necessities, but nothing else. It was too wrapped up in every section of his nervous system to be removed from his body. The source of his power also weakened him significantly if it was not functioning. It seemed like his body had become soft with the scarab providing so much help.

Diana's POV

So he's been through this before? I wonder how conscious he is in this state? The system says his mind is undamaged, but most assuredly not functioning right now. He must be so scared if he can think right now. How could I let this happen to him? It seems like he is mostly fine now and will probably make a full recovery, but when? I feel like I've doomed the boy--er man to a bed prison.

-Diana placed her two hands on her large round buttocks with a slap as she exhaled. -

The only way I can make this right is to watch over this one and bring him back to health. Maybe I can give some semblance of peace has he waits for a full recovery. I maybe an Amazonian warrior, but I am also a slave to my compassion. I lead this little one into a situation that left him hurt. I have decided! I will make him my charge and care for him--for however long it takes.


With her mind set on nursing Jaime back to health, she rinsed off her tight and beautiful body and turned off the water. As the cool air of her quarters hit her wet skin, Diana's mind raced with how to start her new personal mission. She would not need battle armor for this task, and was honestly a bit apprehensive to put that uncomfortable piece on a again. She settled for a loose, grey "JLA" sweatshirt and white leggings. There was no reason not to be comfortable in this task. She tied her hair into a ponytail by instinct as she recalled a past life.

Years ago, during Diana's first time living in the world of man, she worked as a nurse during her "civilian" hours. A perfect task for someone so smart and compassionate. She cared for many patients during this time, of all types and ages. This is how she became familiar with the male anatomy, as she knew nothing of it from Paradise Island. The penis was quite fascinating to her at first as it was always a little different and went through phases. It started small in life but would grow to hang. The hair around it, like women's, symbolized a form of adulthood and mettle. It was educational for her when she was naïve, but was not her favorite assignment.

Diana's favorite assignment was always when she got to care for little ones. Holding babies in her arms made her feel full inside and quite protective. The little ones always caused Diana's warrior fortitude to melt away. She would often find herself slipping into baby talk and cooing. She picked up colloquialisms from her fellow nurses that one wouldn't expect a warrior princess to be uttering. She found it quite infectious, and before she knew it, she was calling bottles "babas" and such. "Alas," Diana thought, "I will be caring for a man this time. Not my favorite patient, but I have sworn to him my care."

After getting completely dressed, Diana walked the empty halls of the satellite to the first sickbay room. Before entering the room, she came to a sudden stop outside the door, her breasts and buttocks giving off just a slightly noticeable jiggle. She exhaled and collected herself. People in this state can often hear everything, even if they can't indicate that. She would have to remain professional. She stepped through the threshold.

"Hello, Jaime? It's me Di--" Diana began to say.

The bed and room were empty. Diana stood there with a befuddled expression and pouty lips. Where was he? She went to the terminal on the wall and reopened the sick bay files. She remembered the "mismatch" error messages and began to read them.

They were in technical jargon, but this first room was deemed incorrect for Jaime-- so he was placed in room #6. The second error was also obtuse, saying a "gauge" and "diameter size" was incorrect, and something about insufficient supplies. This seemed like bureaucracy to Diana, who wanted to get to her ward. She walked hastily to room 6, her round sizable buttocks taking a beautiful shape with every movement.

Chapter 3

Diana stepped through the door to room 6 after collecting herself again.

"Jaime, I'm here to help. It's me Diana..."

She stopped a bit stunned again, but for a different reason. Jaime was there this time in bed, unresponsive as expected. The room, however, was quite unexpected. The walls were baby blue with powder pink accents. There were smiling happy cartoon characters in pictures on the wall. The bed was smaller than the one in the previous room and covered by a pink blanket. The walls had stations with tables, baskets, and some sort of seat. The system had placed Jaime into a kid's room! Diana did not even think the JLA satellite would have a kid's room. She moved to the bedside and read the monitors on the wall behind Jaime's head. These highly advanced beds could read all sorts of vital statistics without wires or probes.

Jaime Reyes

Age: 19

Ht: 5'3"

Wt: 106lbs

Status: Stable

She looked down at the one in bed and back at the screen in slight disbelief. She had noticed how much smaller he looked after the scarab malfunction but hadn't realized he was quite this little. Still an adult, but wimpy. The suit must have added several inches and a lot of heft. He was more than a full foot shorter than her, and most certainly looked it. He was very lean as well from what she could see from the top of the blanket. Diana wasn't sure how he ended up in this kind of room, but he was stable. Diana pulled the blanket back and saw Jaime in a gown with teddy bears on it.

Diana's POV

He looks small and helpless already, this view is only breaking my heart more. Why is he wearing teddy bears?! My poor baby, I can't believe I took you to a battle! Wait, wait! My motherly instincts are taking over. He is not a "baby." I can't call him that. He's just petite. I must remain composed and professional.


Diana was just able to fit half her round buttocks on the side of the bed as she assessed her ward. He must have been decontaminated by the automated system as his smooth skin and floppy hair were no longer covered in soot. He looked 19 with the stubble on his face, but indescribably "soft." She inspected his chest, arms and legs for wounds. His limbs were proportioned well for his small frame, but quite gangly. They were lean with almost no muscle mass. His chest and shoulders were narrow, again mostly flat without muscle. She found no wounds, but his skin seemed quite pale.

Diana's POV

I'll leave my assessment there. His basic needs are monitored and fulfilled by the system, so there is no need for me to embarrass the boy by looking lower on his body. Nutrition, positioning, even...toileting should be handled by the system. I just lead him into battle, this is probably not who he expected caring for him. He also has no idea that I know his secret identity.


"Jaime, I'm here for you." Diana said "I will be here for anything you need. I have to make sure you get back to being a healthy little b--."

Diana stopped herself again.

Diana's POV:

I need to remember he can probably hear everything. I'm sure he feels self-conscious enough without me calling him "little boy." He's vulnerable and scared most likely, no need to make it worse. His situation is no excuse to fall into nursery mode. He is an adult!


Diana removed her round bottom from the bed leaving a slowly fading depression in the mattress. She found a chair to put next to the bed and keep watch. The satellite would most assuredly be empty for many days as Diana's colleagues were busy elsewhere. Diana would dab Jaime's head with a cold moist towel from time to time and fluff his pillow -- things an automated system did not concern itself with. Hours passed as she entertained herself with a book. As far as she could tell, there was little to do.

Suddenly an alarm sounded behind Jaime's bed and Diana lifted her gaze from her book. Diana read the monitor warning: