Working from Home

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My friend, working from home, has a visitor while I watch.
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We were sitting at Kristin's kitchen table, drinking a morning cup of coffee before getting really into the day's work. When the weather was uncomfortably hot, I would drive the hour or so to my friend's house and share her air conditioning for the day. I always found it so much more pleasant to work without sweat pouring out of me. We're both in our forties and work from our individual homes, for the same company. On the occasions (most of the time) when we do work from separate houses, we're on IM all day long, exchanging tidbits of conversation to make the day go faster.

It was a hot day in August and I had shown up at Kristin's a little after rush-hour. Her one son had gone to spend the day at the beach with friends and her older son, home from college for the summer, was still asleep in bed.

As we sat at the kitchen table, Kristin told me she thought one of her son's friends had the hots for her, but she wasn't sure. When I asked what made her think that, she explained Joey had been around quite a few times recently and while she dressed casually-but-covered around the house, thought she'd caught him checking her out a few times, especially her boobs and her butt. Her normal attire around the house was a ponytail, a t-shirt and workout shorts. Nothing revealing, but I could see just by looking at her she could make the fabric of her t-shirt pull tight across her chest and her shorts tight across her butt.

Figure-wise, Kristin's no model. She's definitely carrying a few extra pounds, mostly in the "right" places. Her torso is well-rounded, but she maintains a waist. Her limbs are a little on the thin side, so she usually hides her legs in public with pants. Definitely not a dress or skirt person! Her head is really attractive, though - if she wasn't pushing fifty, she could likely be head model. Firm jawline, good nose, smiling dark brown eyes. And a very, very approachable smile.

As she rinsed out her coffee mug at the sink, she bent over slightly and I had to admit, I'd kill for a rounded butt like hers, filling her shorts perfectly. Some women have all the luck. She was the one men would fawn over all the time. Me? I was practically ignored next to her. And I didn't begrudge her one little piece of the attention she got. She'd often complain to me she was getting too much attention, and not always of the sort she wanted, but every time I'd have to remind her she flirts without even realizing it, so of course she gets attention, especially from men!

Kristin explained that Joey had been coming over almost every morning, getting earlier and earlier, almost as if he was trying to catch her alone.

"How old is he?" I wanted to know. She replied he was eighteen or nineteen.

I winked back at her - "So, old enough to be legal, eh?"

Kristin then totally astonished me by pondering this, closing her eyes and pursing her lips as she considered something. Then she opened her eyes and broke into a smile.

"Maybe it would be kinda fun to tease him a little, specially if he comes over when Jim's at they beach and John's still asleep...."

"Okay....just be careful, please. You know you don't realize when you're flirting, so don't take it too far - err the other way, please? And anyway, if he does come over this morning, he won't try anything while I'm here!" I rationalized with her.

She lapsed back into thought again..."You know, I'm in exactly the kind of mood to let him play just a little bit, tease him more than he's ever been teased, show him how a real woman can drive him nuts...Tell you what, if he comes over before John's up and downstairs, could you maybe go into the basement and let me see if I can tease him a bit?"

I was stunned. This wasn't my best friend Kristin, this was some crazy lady! Was it worth trying to dissuade her? Probably not, once she got an idea in her head, she usually followed through with it.

"Hey, if you're really serious about teasing him, what if things get out of hand? What if he takes thing too far? How will I know to come upstairs and 'rescue' you?" I asked.

"I already thought of that one", she smirked back at me, making light of my concerns. "I'll leave my laptop right where it is on the table here, facing the kitchen and I'll turn on my webcam. You can watch via IM and if you see me in trouble, you can come upstairs and break things up, OK?"

"Wow, you DO have things figured out, don't you?" I gasped. "But unless Joey knows Jim's at the beach, or has been watching your driveway for him to leave, I don't think you'll see him this morning, if you're what's really on his mind."

Ironically enough, at that moment, the doorbell rang. We both looked down the hallway to the front, glass door and discerned a single person there, wearing a muscle shirt and shorts.

"That's HIM!" Kristin whispered, frantically ushering me and my laptop toward the basement door.

I went willingly enough, still shaking my head in disbelief, closing the basement door behind me. And she hadn't enabled video on IM yet!

I heard muffled voices as I settled myself on the sofa downstairs, trying to find the spot with the best wifi reception and hoping, hoping, hoping Kristin remembered to enable the video on IM.

Footsteps overhead, making their way back to the kitchen. Had it even been Joey at all? Maybe it was somebody else and hearing Jim wasn't home, had just left again.

The IM video alert burst into life - would I like to view video on Kristin's conversation? Well, duh - of course I would. My camera was off (taped-over, as well!), so I knew nobody could see me.

The window enlarged and I could see the kitchen island, oven and sink. No people, but I heard Kristin's voice asking someone if they wanted anything to drink. Joey came into view (well, I assumed it was Joey, since I'd never met him). Sure enough, a young man dressed in a muscle shirt and knee-length basketball shorts. Mop of light brown hair, largely unkempt. Couldn't really make out any facial features with the distance and webcam resolution.

Kristin was explaining John was still upstairs, asleep and even if she woke him right now, he'd still insist on taking a shower before coming down, so the least he'd be would be maybe twenty minutes. Joey thought for a moment then suggested she go upstairs and wake him. I heard the sound of footsteps down the hall, then running footsteps up the stairs. I assume she knocked on John's door and passed on the message, for she was very soon back down in the kitchen again.

And she had been right - this would seem to have been Joey's plan all along! As she bent over the dishwasher to transfer a mug from the sink into it, Joey stood a few feet behind her and casually commented "That's a great-looking butt you have, Mrs Davis. It's nice to watch you bending over."

As Kristin straightened up, her face was red. Had this already gone too far, I wondered. But apparently not. "Why, thank you, Joey. I do my best to keep in shape. I guess I'm not bad for an old lady, eh?"

"Oh, Mrs Davis, you're not old. You're younger than my mom. And you look MUCh younger"

"Why, you flatterer, you, Joey! I don't mean to seem stupid, but which one is your mom again, of all the neighborhood moms? I know we all have nicknames you kids use behind our backs, is she 'uptight-Tess'?"

Joey broke into a wide grin as he walked closer to the table while Kristin moved back, a bit toward the patio door. "Yeah, that's my mom, Tess Gariola"

"Might you be willing to tell me what all the boys call me?" Kristin asked. "My sons will never tell me, even though I've asked on many an occasion. They tell me I'm better off not knowing."

Joey squirmed a bit at this, obviously of two minds, still slowly stalking Kristin around the island. She paused, right in front of the camera and placed her hands flat on the island, perking her bottom out toward the dishwasher and her chest out toward the front door. Joey moved up behind her and positioned himself so his crotch was almost touching her butt and placed his hands on her hips.

He put his mouth close to her ear and muttered or whispered something. I couldn't pick it up. But whatever it was it had the result of making Kristin stand a little more upright, but still with her hands on the island. Joey moved his hands around Kristin's hips to her butt, opened his palms and put them slightly under, squeezing and jiggling her cheeks through her exercise shorts. This had clearly gone significantly further than I would have expected Kristin to have let it. But she wasn't protesting, at least that I could tell.

It wasn't clear to me if she pushed back with her butt, or if Joey pressed forward with his crotch, but next thing I knew, they were pressed against one another and Joey's hands were making their way up the inside of the front of Kristin's t-shirt.

Her chest appeared to take on a life of its own as Joey manipulated her boobs beneath her shirt. She drew her head back and let him cover her neck (she does have a good neck) in kisses. She was a whole different woman from the one I thought I knew!

Suddenly, they both stopped and looked upward. Kristin smiled and explained that was John getting into the shower. They had at least ten minutes to be noisy, maybe more.

They certainly wasted no time getting more "intimate". Kristin let Joey pull her shorts down, closely followed by her panties. I recognized an old, ratty pair of Vanity Fair as she kicked them off. If she was expecting "company", you'd have thought she'd wear something a bit nicer. Joey didn't spend much time on foreplay. His own shorts and underwear (man, were they WHITE, almost dayglo) followed immediately, getting a bit tangled in his sneakers.

He pulled up the back of Kristin's t-shirt and undid her bra, not really removing either the shirt or the bra, but giving him better access to her boobs, I guess. It was only a moment later that he put his left hand between her thighs and fumbled around for a few seconds. "Please, Joey, I'm already wet, put it in me" came from my dear friend's mouth, perfectly audible and perhaps as much for my benefit as for Joey's.

He steered his crotch closer to her (I never did get a good look at his cock) and wiggled a little, obviously trying to find her hole with his manhood. She squirmed a bit too, trying to help him in, then pushed her bottom back toward him and exhaled deeply. He was in.

Kristin reached back with both hands to keep him in and prevent him from starting to thrust right away. She was obviously manipulating him in some way with her vaginal and/or thigh muscles, for Joey let out several long gasps of pleasure without even moving. His hands had returned to her chest, under both her t-shirt and bra this time, judging by her calls of "oh yes, twist them, pull them!" I'm sure he was obliging, given the strange profile her t-shirt was taking on.

After a few more seconds, Kristin relented her grasp on Joey and allowed him to start thrusting, sliding back and forth, in and out of her. she was audibly wet, for the slurping and sucking sounds from her vagina were easily heard over the computer. Not for the first time, I lamented there was no 'record' feature on IM video. Kristin deserved to see herself in action, she was acting like a bitch in heat, with no care for anyone or anything else. Did she even remember I was watching and listening?

Apparently she did. Gasp, grunt, gasp, "Joey - tell me again what you boys call me? Tell me again, it gets me so hot..." They continued to slam together, Joey still hanging onto Kristin's boobs. "Tell em again, please, Joey, tell me again...ugh"

Once it sunk into Joey what was being asked of him, he put his head closer to Kristin's again and muttered something I couldn't hear again. "Louder, Joey, louder! What do they call me? What do all the boys call me?"

Joey's voice rose in volume and also in pitch. He was starting to get close. Not much longer unti he shot his load into my best friend. OMG - birth control! Kristin wasn't on the pill as Jim Senior and she had a practically nonexistent sex life. And she was still ovulating, not all dried-up yet. was she going to let Joey shoot his young, vibrant seed inside her? Was she too far gone to care?

"We all call you.....Hockey MILF. That's what you are, isn't it? A hockey MILF?"

OMG. I was stunned. Appropriate for sure, but I'd never have guessed that was what the boys called her. She was always taking one or other of the buys to hockey tournaments, sometimes taking along one of the boy's teammates, too. Did she fool around at those times, too? Surely not, or if she did, at least she'd have told me. Wouldn't she? Wouldn't she?

Now I was having all these doubts about how much I really knew about the inner Kristin. I had no idea she'd go this far with Joey, for one! Was this her first time, or had there been others?

They were both nearing climaxes now. I was a little surprised Joey had held out so long already. I know if I had lesbian tendencies, I'd have been all over Kristin, many a time (assuming she responded, of course!). Just the sight and sound of the two of them going at it had me itching for some attention myself. I slipped my right fingers into my shorts and down the front of my panties, pushing through my bush to my labia. I slipped a finger between my oily lips, all the way down to my inner opening. God, I was wet! I was apparently finding this quite a turn-on, never really having been into voyeurism before - and it was sanctioned by one of the involved parties, at that!

As I watched their bodies slamming together on the IM video, I slid my middle finger in and out of my own opening. On the in-strokes, I pushed more toward the back, getting an additional kick out of pressing against the membrane separating my normal hole from my naughty hole. I do believe I was on the verge of coming myself, without hardly touching my clit! I don't recall the last occasion upon which I'd been so excited, especially before 10am! God, this was so gooood!

I saw Kristin push back very, very hard against Joey, then pull forward as his cock bobbed free of her hot embrace. He tried to stab it back inside of her, but she wasn't going to allow him. Her butt cheeks wobbled and shook as an orgasm ripped through her, yells of "I'm there, I'm there" resonating through the house. I have to admit, that was what pushed me over. Joey had yet to come, far as I could determine, but Kristin's obvious orgasm caused mine. I shook as my finger vibrated inside my vagina, my walls clenching down hard upon it, squeezing it with a surprising force. I was sweating, the front of my t-shirt showing little droplets. And the basement now stank of my sex.

Once I recovered enough, I shook my head a couple times to clear it, wiped my eyes and looked back at the IM video. They were both pulling up their underwear and shorts. I never did see Joey come, as Kristin extricated her bra through one of the armholes of her t-shirt, stacked the cups together and wobbled out of camera, toward the laundry room, I assumed.

Joey then also left the field of view and I heard the front door opening and then closing. I waited a couple minutes, making myself presentable again, and Kristin called down from the top of the basement steps "More coffee?"

Taking that as my cue for the all-clear, I brought my laptop back up to the kitchen, sat down and stared at Kristin. Other than her boobs obviously dangling bra-less (with significant nipples) and a flush to her complexion, there was no visible indication she'd been up to any mischief. As I was formulating what to say to her (something like this doesn't happen to me every day, you know!), John came downstairs and asked where Joey was. Kristin turned away from him, winked at me and said "he couldn't wait. There was something he had to do."

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AuralStimulationAuralStimulationover 1 year ago

Working from home these days, I love this

AtrampboyAtrampboyabout 5 years ago
Loved it!

This just begs for a sequel! I loved it and now look forward to the rest of your stories. One thing though is this the one that's more than 95% true?

JoeehartleyJoeehartleyover 5 years ago

Love the voyeuristic aspect to this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Mmmm.... Great Writing! Very Erotic!

Phew! Great description of Kristin! I definitely see her, after your introduction to her. I like this “doesn’t realize she is flirting “ angle. A “subliminal slut”? My favourite.

I also like the voyeuristic laptop part of your tale. Makes it hotter.

You and your friend are hockey moms I would have loved to hook up with on those many tourney weekends. 🏒

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

After reading your most recent story I looked at your profile and found this one. OMG!!! Sizzling hot is the best way to describe. Love your writing. Hope to read more in the future.

mottfanmottfanalmost 9 years ago

When Kristen's friend came, so did I. Your story is fantastic, and I wish I could have been Joey, but only if I knew I was being watched through IM. Please write more!!


EelunPhetmooreEelunPhetmoorealmost 12 years ago

Well written and believable. Would love to hear the conversation between Kristin and her when they were alone again.

shiannshiannalmost 12 years ago

wow what a way to get some young cock i liked it but to short

RossDanielsRossDanielsalmost 12 years ago
Well written

And very hot. A voyeuristic delight!

wdelanderwdelanderalmost 12 years ago

Very hot story. I love the way it's told from the "voyeur's" point of view.

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