Xmas Presents: Incest Edition

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A virgin boy and some unusual presents from sis and cousins.
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Author's Note: This was intended as a Christmas contest kinda thing for Lit, but I don't really do those and didn't realize that much like everything else Christmas, that stuff starts way too early. Also I was a little slower getting this done than I meant to be. Oh well. It's still well early for actual Xmas, and is plenty incesty since that's what we all really want anyway.


I'd never been drunk before. Maybe I still wasn't. For my eighteen year old, alcoholically-inexperienced self, it was hard to know exactly where the line was.

There were three reasons for my current lack of sobriety: Ash, Mandy, and Jen, aka my sister and cousins respectively. I was the youngest of the four of us, and therefore subject to much corruption and loss of innocence when we all got together.

This evening in particular, we were hanging out in the basement of mine and Ash's house in what was essentially our rec room. The adults of our extended family were all upstairs, probably more wasted than any of us were. Technically we had all reached the stage of being adults too, more or less, but we still clung to our more youthful statuses and kept apart from the older generation somewhat.

The Christmas season had lost its luster as we aged. In years past, Christmas Eve would have been a sacred and revered time; the day before bountiful presents were to be looted in a frenzy of childhood glee. Nowadays, we amused ourselves by other means. Such as, for example, sneaking booze away from the upstairs family and persuading the baby of the family to do shots.

I'd wisely, in my own somewhat hazy estimation, cut myself off when I found myself unable to walk without feeling like I wasn't quite doing it right. I now lounged on the couch in a pleasant stupor, giggling madly at anything even remotely funny the girls said or did.

Ash, for all that she'd been right along with our cousins in attempting to get me drunk, had at least backed me up when I said I was done. Best not to give her baby bro alcohol poisoning so close to Christmas, she reasoned to the others, though I believed in my little heart that there was more love behind her concern than the purely pragmatic.

Christmas movies had been running non-stop on the tv. I watched them in a half zoned out state while Mandy and Jen argued about the rules of a drinking game. I'd figured out a while back that they were talking about different games, and it was mildly hilarious to me that they hadn't figured it out yet.

Ash slipped lightly onto the couch next to me, adopting a posture almost as relaxed and sloppy as my own.

"Holding up ok, Wes?"

"Think so." I shrugged without moving my eyes from the tv. "Every year the Grinch thinks he can stop Christmas, and every year he's wrong."

Ash laughed melodically. "Yeah, you're doing fine." She patted my shoulder. "Want some food to help soak up that alcohol?"

"Nah, still full from supper."

"Yeah, me too." Ash yawned. "Between that and the booze, I could just go to sleep, almost."

"A nap almost sounds good, actually."


Ash snuggled closer and let her eyelids drop. I smiled and returned my attention to the Grinch's cunning ploy that seemed remarkably similar to his devilish scheme from the year before.

Mandy and Jen had resolved their argument while I wasn't paying attention, and were currently engaged in a game of dexterity involving coins. I was pretty sure they still had the rules wrong, but I didn't know exactly what since drinking games weren't my forte. I only knew that there wasn't much drinking going on considering the typical object of such pastimes.

Ash's breathing changed, prompting me to look back at her. I couldn't be sure, but I thought she might actually have dozed off. Certainly her face was relaxed and peaceful, and her chest moved in deep, regular motions.

I hadn't realized before, but the way she'd lain against me pointed an astounding amount of cleavage right at my face. It was a magical combination of her angle of rest, and the way her shirt had fallen open at the neckline.

It wasn't the first time I'd noted my big sister's awesome boobs, but it was the first time I'd been sufficiently inebriated that I kind of just kept staring at them. In my state, they were rather hypnotizing and hard to look away from.

I wasn't quite out of it enough to try grabbing them, but good lord I could have if I'd wanted to. They were right fucking there. It would have been so easy. But wrong. Definitely wrong. And I wasn't even sure she was asleep, for that matter.

I belatedly became aware that the room had gone quieter. Not silent, not with the tv on, but my cousins weren't causing any sort of ruckus at all. I turned my head toward them, only to find two gleaming pairs of eyes staring right back at me.

There was a tenuous silence for a moment longer, then a gleeful, "Oh my god," from Jen.

"Dude," Mandy agreed.

"You were checking out your sister!" Jen said with a manic giggle.

Mandy gave me a disbelieving tilt of her head. "Dude," she repeated with a slightly different inflection.

I realized I'd been caught, and that I needed a cunning and eloquent defense in order to weasel out of the situation. "Uuuhhh..." I said.

"You total perv!" Jen declared just as happily as if she'd found twenty bucks in her pocket.

"Seriously though," Mandy said.

"I didn't..." I protested, "she wasn't... it was... I wasn't..."

"Go on, finish a sentence," Mandy encouraged. "We'll wait."

"Good lord you two are jerks sometimes," Ash mumbled. She stretched, offering me an even more tantalizing view that I had to steel myself against, then sat up straight. "You can't help yourselves, can you?"

"Wes was perving on you," Jen said somewhat defensively. "He was staring right at your tits."

Ash looked down at herself, then shrugged. "I shoulda picked a tighter top, I guess."

"You telling me you really don't care?" Mandy asked. "You don't even think it's funny?"

Ash looked at me, searching my eyes. "Maybe a little funny," she said with a wry smirk. She put an arm around me and pulled me to her instead of vie versa this time. "I do have kind of a pervy li'l bro."

"Aw, come on," I said. "They were right there."

"But you'd have to be kind of pervy to look as long as you did," Ash said.

"How would you even... were you watching me the whole time? I thought your eyes were closed."

"Just open enough to watch the movie. And you, as it turned out."

"Goddamn," I muttered a little sulkily. "I can't catch a break, can I?"

Further implications only gradually dawned on me. Ash had noticed me staring well before Mandy or Jen, and she hadn't said anything. She also hadn't immediately revealed herself as being awake when accusations started flying. Further, she certainly wasn't mad at me. Some of that was good, most of it was just confusing. Had I been missing opportunities to stare at boobs all this time? Well actually, she was still my sister. Probably best not to think that way.

"We need to get you a girlfriend or something," Jen said halfway seriously.

"You think that would help?" Mandy asked.

"I dunno. Maybe."

Mandy peered at me. "You don't have one already, do you? 'Cause that would make checking out your sister that much worse."

"Would it?" Ash asked lightly. "I don't know that it really affects anything."

"Well it's kinda like cheating a bit on top of everything else."

"Looking's not cheating."

"I said like cheating. Not that it fully was."

I debated trying to sneak off, or more likely run away, while the girls were bickering. There wasn't really much hope of that, though. The alcohol in my unhabituated body was a real drain on my ambitions for moving, let alone with much coordination. Plus it seemed to be numbing my embarrassment, because I was pretty sure I should be feeling worse about everything right now. It wasn't great having my sister and cousins debate my perviness and lack of girlfriend, but it wasn't quite as dishearteningly shameful as it could have been.

I flinched as Mandy sat down beside me, opposite Ash. She kind of had to cram herself in between me and the arm of the couch. I'd been too preoccupied to notice her approach.

"So," Mandy said, eyes focused directly on mine, "do you have a girlfriend?"


"Because you've never said anything about having one."

"I might have a friend who'd be into you," Jen added helpfully. "But only if you're not going to stare at Ash's tits around her."

"Oh come on," I whined. "It was one time. I'm all dopey and out of it."

"One time that we know of," Mandy clarified.

"One time that we're making a big deal out of," Jen further clarified. "There's been a couple times you've looked at my tits. But those were normal glances, not actual stares."

"Hold on, what?"

Jen shifted uncomfortably. "You know, when boys look at your tits, but then look away again immediately. 'Cause they wanna look, but know they shouldn't. It's normal. You can't count that."

"She's right," Ash said. "It happens."

"You can count it when it's your cousin. Or brother."

Ash shook her head thoughtfully. "No, I don't think so. Still a boy. Still tits. Rules are the same."

Mandy sighed heavily. "I don't think I'm drunk enough for this. Or maybe you guys are all too drunk for it. I'm not sure which."

"Speak for yourself," Ash said. "I'm not hardly drunk at all."

"Me either," Jen said. "I don't think we were playing that game right. I should have more booze in me by now."

"I might go see what else I can swipe from upstairs," Mandy said, heaving herself back to her feet dramatically.

"Yeah, I'll come with," Jen said. "Could be something good we missed."

Ash and I were left alone, our cousins' banter fading as they ascended to the upper level. I was suddenly far more aware of how close she still was to me.

"Sorry about that," Ash said.

"Sorry for staring."

"It's fine."

"Is it though? Maybe Mandy was right."

"S'not up to her. S'up to me. I say it's fine."

"Oh. Ok."

A moment of silence passed.



"You don't have a girlfriend though, do you?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Have you ever?"

I flushed warmly. "No."

"Didn't think so."

"Kinda pathetic, huh?"

"Only if you let it be. Doesn't have to mean anything."

"Maybe. I feel like there's something wrong with me though. Or I'm just super unlucky. Or something."

"Maybe." Ash had a thoughtful expression. "You wanna change that luck a little?"

"Uh... what?"

"Just a little, though."

"I don't know what that means."

Ash smiled crookedly. "Do you really like my tits?"

"Aw, come on with that already."

"No, Wes, seriously. Just between us. No teasing. Do you?"

"Well..." I glanced toward the stairs. No sounds of returning hooligans yet. "Yeah. They're pretty great."

Ash grinned wider. "Thanks. Wanna feel them?"

My brain broke for a second. "Sorry, what?"

Ash ignored me. She took my hand and slowly brought it up to her chest. "There. Like that."

I stared stupidly at where my hand was gently pressed to her warm breast. It was over her shirt and everything, but still.

"So soft..."

Ash giggled. "Oh shit, you really haven't done this before, have you?"

I flushed and jerked my hand away. She insistently moved it back where it was.

"Sorry, sorry," she said softly. "I don't mean to tease."

"What do you mean, exactly?"

"I guess I'm not totally sure. Maybe this is like... a present."

"A present?"

"Yeah. It's almost Christmas, right?"


"So, like, maybe it's an early present, of sorts."

I squeezed gently on Ash's breast. "As a Christmas present... you're letting me feel you up?"

She giggled again. "Yeah, kinda. You like it?"

I switched to her other boob. It was just as warm and inviting to the touch as the first. "You know, I really do."

"Good. Merry Christmas, then, li'l bro."

I smiled goofily and toyed with my sister's tits. It was strange to consider this a present, but it honestly made me happier than most things I could expect to find under the tree tomorrow.

Tromping footsteps flouncing down the stairs yanked me painfully back to reality. I hastily brought my hand back from the danger zone and endeavored to act as though I wasn't the sort of boy who'd grope his sister if given the chance, though I now knew I was exactly that sort of boy. I met Ash's gaze before Mandy and Jen burst in upon us, and very briefly pondered her sly, enigmatic smile.

"We got snacks!" Jen proclaimed as though she'd made them herself. "An' booze!"

"Good work, team," Ash said. "Let's see the haul, then."

Ash leaned forward to stand up, and I could have sworn she left her butt pointed at me a bare second longer than strictly necessary. Maybe she'd broken me, and now all I could think about was naughty stuff. Or maybe I'd always been a perv, and suddenly it had been revealed that I didn't have to hide it or feel ashamed of it quite as much as I'd assumed.

Either way, my sister certainly could fill out a pair of jeans. Her butt was almost as enticing as her ample cleavage had been earlier, when presented just the right way. Which, I decided firmly in my only slightly impaired mind, she probably had done deliberately just now.

I guessed it was all fun for her. It didn't mean anything, of course, 'cause I was just her derpy little brother. But maybe it amused her, or perhaps even flattered her, and she'd established that she could do something nice for me. That was probably all there was to it. Just some fun for the both of us, never to be talked of again. But maybe, just maybe, I'd be getting a few more flashes of skin from time to time. Maybe.


I'd assumed that Ash and I had gotten away with our sneaky naughtiness. Neither Mandy or Jen said anything, they didn't give me any stranger looks than I'd already been getting from them, and their teasing about me being a perv didn't escalate any. It therefore gave me a bit of a shock when I trudged upstairs to the bathroom later on to find Jen waiting for me as I came out.

My first reaction was that she must be about to accuse me of something since she didn't move to let me past. I got even more panicked when she forced her way in with me, then shut the door.

I calmed down a little when Jen spent a moment examining herself in the mirror rather than jumping right to berating me. Her concern for her appearance replaced some of my concern for pure confusion.

"I had a thought," she said.


"Yeah. About you being... you know. Single."


"You haven't had sex or anything, have you?"

I flushed and moved to the door. "Dammit. Not this again."

"No no. Hang on."


"I'm not picking on you."

"You sure about that?"

"No really."

Jen turned to fully face me, pushing her hair back as she did. There was a subtle shyness to the gesture that I almost didn't even register. She wasn't kidding though. There was something deeper here than just cornering me for more teasing. Either that or she was an absolutely phenomenal actor.

"We were being kinda mean before," she said.


"I mean, it's not your fault, really. In a sense."


"But, like, I think you'd make a pretty good boyfriend, when you find someone."

"Uh... thanks?" I peered at Jen suspiciously. "You're not planning to set me up with someone, are you?"

"No, not that. But, like, I kinda feel like it might be good if you had a little confidence going in."


"You know. Some experience. Even just a little."

I began to feel flustered for a whole different reason. I might not have had any indication where this was going, except that I was fresh off a similar encounter with Ash.

"Are you saying..."

Jen stepped closer and kissed me lightly before I could react.

"Don't make a big deal of it," she whispered. "It's just for practice. And maybe a little fun. Just a little. Think of it like... like..."

"A Christmas present?" I hazarded.

Jen giggled. "Yeah, like that. That's kind of a good way to put it. A little fun to brighten the holidays."

"You know you're my cousin."

"Yeah, well, they call it 'kissing cousins' for a reason, right?"

"I... don't think that's how that works. I think-"

Jen interrupted me with another kiss. It lasted longer than the first, but was still quite soft, like she wasn't quite sure of it yet. I knew I wasn't. Me and my lack of experience were doubly unsure, given who it was kissing me.

"You don't have to stay so stiff like that," Jen said quietly.

"I don't know what else to do, really," I said. "And not just because I haven't done this before."

She flicked her hair away again where it had fallen back in front of her face. "Don't worry about it. Just having some fun. Just think of it like other Christmases when you get a present that you don't even hardly think about by next week."

"I wouldn't say this is the same thing."

"Sure it is. A little fun, then all forgotten. No problem."

This time when Jen kissed me, she pressed herself delicately against me as well. The whole length of her body, especially her breasts, molding itself to me in a feather-light caress.

My arms went around her, hands on her back, half instinctively, and half because it seemed right based on what I knew. She put her hands on my shoulders, then slipped one behind my head. Our kiss grew longer and deeper, and I felt just the barest brush of her tongue on my lip.

"Shit, Wes, you're not too bad, actually." Jen smiled playfully. "You sure you haven't done this before? You haven't just been luring me in?"

"I had nothing to do with this," I protested. "You ambushed me, remember? I'm still not even sure... I mean it's nice, but... I don't know."

"Maybe that's it," she mused. "Not trying to force anything or prove what a sex god you are. It's a nice change. Maybe I should find myself a nice, shy virgin boy to play with."


"Nothing. Just keep doing what you're doing."

We kissed some more, transitioning at some indefinite point to what I considered making out. I wasn't sure exactly where the line was, or even if there properly was a separation, but that's what it felt like.

I was kind of embarrassed when I got hard, because I knew Jen definitely felt my erection a couple times when she shifted against me. She didn't say anything though. And honestly, it wasn't like it was my fault, even. This wasn't a case of me being a sneaky perv; she'd come to me and initiated the mildly incestuous naughtiness. I couldn't help reacting to it.

Jen finally pulled away. I was gratified to see that she was panting softly, her eyes were gleaming, and her cheeks held a rosy, flushed hue. I really didn't think she'd been faking anything, but the sight of her confirmed that it was real.

"Better not stay here too long," she said. "We'll get found out eventually."

"Uh huh," I said dumbly, wondering if I could get away with just a bit more making out.

"That was fun though," she said. "A little practice, that same gentle shyness with some skill behind it... yeah, you got potential."


"Anyway, give me a minute or two before you follow, yeah?"

Jen slipped out before I could answer. I stared after her a moment, then shook my head and stepped out of the bathroom too.

I'd chosen to use the upstairs bathroom in the first place just to get some space for a moment, for all that it hadn't really worked out. In a good way, of course, but still. Now I found myself still in need of a little breathing room. Instead of heading back to the girls, I went to my bedroom, which was on temporary loan to my aunt and uncle.

I rifled through my clothes, ignoring my relatives' stuff occupying my bed and surrounding area. I tried to decide if I wanted to dress down for sleeping time already, but figured it probably wasn't time for that yet. Besides, I had some clothes already stashed downstairs. I was just looking for any excuse to be alone for a moment.