XXXecil's: The Siege Book 03


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Todd wasn't sure of anything the morning... or evening of day six... only muted whispers, jiggling teats, and the warm embrace of a wet, aroused cunt encircling his meat reached his thoughts. Or were they dreams? It was too difficult to remain awake, as the Gynomycota genitalium waged war upon every cell in his body.


"... apparent now that the leadership of the CDC was deliberately concealing evidence of the 'Triple-X' plague, because several key administrators had been infecting their own interns for use as sex-partners. Legal experts agree that it would be difficult to prosecute them if medical science did not recognize the existence of this disease." proclaimed the local, female radio announcer.

"The scheme came to light when the Director was found naked on the streets of Atlanta, propositioning passersby for sexual intercourse. Police identified the young woman as the transformed Director. Documents reveal that the senior staff had synthesized a prototype vaccine against the fungal infection, but it now seems that it's effectiveness was only temporary. Further testimony states that a circle of officials wanted an unending supply of willing sex-partners, and to that end suppressed the truth about the disease as long as possible to impede countermeasures. And in later news, gas prices drop sharply today as-"

"N-not FAIR!" he screamed, as the wooden bed-post was torn asunder in his rage. With a grunt of aggression, and frustration, the second post was also torn from its moorings as he... wait... his arm...

Todd examined himself; his arm was thick, bulging with muscle, and..and male! Very masculine! As was his other arm. But... it made no sense, these were the rippling limbs of a weight-lifter or body-builder! And..his COCK! STILL THERE! If anything... bigger? How could this be? This was... had to be... Day 7... a week since Natalee had infected him... no one, never, under any circumstances had resisted feminization for an entire week! More than that, he'd never looked like this!

Easily extricating himself from the leg straps, Todd stood, noticing the nearby, full length mirror. Unreal! This was the body of a hulk! He looked like a Neanderthal on steroids! A massive chest with bulging pecs, six-pack abs that looked to be chiseled in ebony. His... his COCK! Not only was it still there... wow... he... even flaccid, it was almost 9-inches! What might he be if aroused? He had become a he-man, a muscle-bound giant of dark virility to put a Pro-Wrestler to shame! He'd been infected; there was no way around it; he'd felt the feverishness... he'd felt the delirium... he remembered what it felt like to have an erection all throughout Day 4... all undeniable symptoms.

It hit him then; this was just like his childhood, being infected by a host of the deadliest tropical diseases known to man. Yet he'd survived it. His rare immune system had once again been attacked by a potent, virulent, infectious agent that he should not have been able to defeat. But instead, his body had again turned the tables on the disease-organism in a novel way. No doubt, the infection was advanced; but his body had manipulated the mycosis; and was using it for its own purposes! The fungi's ability to reconstruct cells had instead been reversed; his immune cells must have tricked the disease into making him MORE masculine, instead of converting him into a female, milk-laden whore!

"I've... read about cases like this... " Natalee replied, kneeling in the doorway; lust and awe warring in her green eyes. "In every population; someone always survives. No matter how infectious, how lethal a disease could be, somewhere there is an immune system that can weather the storm and repel the sickness." Todd stared down at her; his black face solid, firm-jawed, with a somber and yet enigmatic expression.

"You thought that your history with me gave you the right to use my body." His voice was now a booming resonance of coiled strength. "You thought to make me a big-breasted whore; so that you might control me for your own purposes." Natalee could say nothing, she could only quiver in confused, anxious torment.

"But now, you will become MY whore." he boomed; easily hoisting her curvaceous body in one beefy hand.

"YEEESSSSS!!" She shrieked; as her legs encircled his pelvis, while Todd's penis began the long, inexorable rise to the full might of his erection. He had her pinned to the wall with his massive strength, about to ravish her womanly sanctum as never before when he heard the shouting.

The apartment would soon be in ruins, as eleven other lactating sluts tore each other apart in a frantic, royal-rumble catfight over who would become his personal whore. Foolish girls; Natalee was only the first, but she would not be the last! He chuckled in a booming tone as his full, 12-inches of spectacular manmeat speared into his first slutslave.


The Siege had begun yesterday. He had no doubt that word about him would have spread. But he was pleasantly surprised at the mob of hundreds of Triple-X girls that had surrounded Natalee's - HIS apartment. There seemed to be two major strategies; some thought it best to wear the most revealing of lingeries, lacy garments that screamed lust and seduction; others thought to give a man what he really wanted, and flaunted their naked, jiggling assets at the building. The barbed wire and Mamazons with pistols and baseball bats had stalled the lusting mob, and would enable him to control the situation on his terms.

Natalee lay slumbering behind him, after falling off the bed. For all their hysterics, these transformed girls really weren't all that insatiable; Fifteen orgasms back-to-back and they're out like its naptime. It was high-time to enlarge the harem yet again; for while Natalee had done her best, she'd promised him twenty orgasms without passing out; but she'd failed him, again.

His former landlord, now called Paula was massaging the vast, steely muscles of his broad back, while Jocelyn, once his nemesis Jason Cavendish had her ass bared before him, pleading and begging for just a drop of his semen. That was his favorite punishment for her; Todd had learned to control his response enough to send a cunt into at least 4 orgasms without needing to cum himself. For hours now, he'd ravaged Jocelyn's weeping womanhood, yet had not given her even the merest taste of sperm. It only served to aggravate her yearning yet more. But they would accept it; there was something about Todd, when he did allow an X-girl to taste his sperm, it seemed to trigger some hormonal switch inside them, and their obsession for men shifted largely to him; perhaps it was because he was immune to the transformation. Oh yes, he was definitely infected, but his body controlled the disease, and had made him the Master of these women.

Vicki, his former male employer at the bookstore, came in with a tray bearing his hot lunch of Peking Duck. For Vicky, it was only her hard work that would earn her the semen she craved. She did most of the unsavory, menial chores around the house, but seemed almost grateful to do so, for the chance to earn some of his ejaculate.

On reflection, he didn't need to be so stingy with his seed; not only did he produce perhaps ten-times as much sperm as a normal male, he could feel with the tightening in his balls that his body's capacity for cum was still increasing. With each day, he became just a little more virile. Still, Jocelyn deserved to squirm and beg. And while he was tantalizing her, he would also torment the girls watching from below; he knew that they could make out his profile in the third-story window, entered a woman from behind, as she thrashed with passion. His legend would only increase with each passing day; the audience could see him, for hours on end, entering a parade of women from behind, sideways, missionary, etc. He suspected that he could come very close to pleasuring half of this mob before he was totally spent; but he had resolved to save himself only for his loyal harem; which he needed to enlarge.

"Vicky, turn on the television; I need to know what goes on in the world before I decide." he boomed.

"Yes Great Sire," she said respectfully as she activated the giant, plasma-flatscreen T.V. set with digital cable connection.

"... to welcome Emilia Xavier, Doctor of paleontology at Brandeis University," began the talk show host. Of course, a woman as young and fresh-faced as this Emilia Xavier could not possibly have been old enough to earn a Ph.D. At least, seven months ago that was true. While her bosom was exceptionally large in her silken blouse, from her high stature, even while sitting, Todd guessed that she was a Mamazon. She exchanged the usual burst of pleasantries with the host, and she began a topic that was of increasing interest to 'Great Sire' Todd.

"We believe that during the remote past all continents were pooled together into a supercontinent called Pangea, the changes that brought about in climate are believed to have triggered a mass extinction; which wiped out so much animal life that; for a brief time, there could have been an Age of Fungi, where molds and mushrooms of all types might have proliferated as never before.

"My theory states that during the much later meteoric impact that destroyed the Dinosaurs, much debris and dust was blown into space. We think it's possible, over thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of years for debris sent into orbit in this way to drift between planets."

"So you don't think this... Gynomycota is in fact of Martian origin, brought back from the Mars Lander crew?" asked the perky, brown-haired, female host. The doctor made a halting gesture.

"We can't rule that out; it's likely that dust and spores can drift between planets over millennia, so this species could have been a long-extinct variety from an 'Age of Fungi', that died out on Earth, but survived on Mars thanks to a few, miniscule spores just waiting to be discovered. But it could be that this species might have decimated an ancient population of Martian lifeforms.

"We're still unsure; much about the Gynomycota genitalium is a revelation for mycologists; it has enzymes and genetics we never imagined could exist; but it can easily utilize human cells and human DNA. So it's my belief that this species has returned to us from the remote, primordial past, via Mars."

"Thank you Dr. Xavier, and next up is the inventor of a filtration device with the purported ability to neutralize fungal-based pheromones." Hmm... Todd considered this as he shut off the T.V., that would make it more difficult for the Skanks. Yes, his next slutslave would be one of them.

He'd selected a lot of Teasers in the past; they usually had a hard time, having to run around in public naked and dripping. By taking them into his harem, he gave them a life of much greater safety and comfort. But perhaps the Skanks would need him soon. His enlarging cock would enable him to comfortably handle at least three more women with ease; but he could select more. Six out of his twenty slutslave were now pregnant, and weren't allowed their regular duties. Triple-girls lactated even more fiercely when pregnant, and it just got too messy. The mycosis tended to consume sperm, making pregnancies less likely, but if it could be done, Todd was the man.

And he wondered how many other men around the country, (and world) were making similar decisions. There had to be others like him, but Todd found that he didn't miss having other men around. These girls had once been guys, and so could understand male activities; Bambi, once the linebacker, was still excellent at most Playstation games; and the girls often held tournaments; with Todd rewarding the winner with a copious gout of semen. Yes, the mycosis would consume human civilization as it now existed, but Great Sire Todd Caldwell would be one of the privileged few to define the new world order.


An End? Or a beginning? Others may continue this universe if they wish. There are still areas unaffected by the plague; and there could still be many more new girl-types resulting from different cures! Take the idea, and run with it.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

i... how... gah...

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