Yes Man


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I must have looked blank or something because she smiled for a half second at me then changed the subject.

"Tonight, I want you to read the room."


When we go to the party, I want you to look at everyone there and tell me who you think is a good client prospect."


"Yes, oh. Read them. You know what you're looking for. Body language, appearance, interest in you and the company. Read the room and then tell me what you see."


"Because I want you to."

"Then what?"

"You'll see."

Try as I might, she wouldn't explain that cryptic remark. Instead she kept asking me questions about who I thought would be there, what kind of business they had, and anything else I knew about them. After she refused to answer my questions about why she was doing this, I gave up and started answering her questions instead. Which was good because it got me prepared for tonight and got my head back into the game about why I was there in the first place. Which absolutely wasn't so I could sleep with my secretary.

Except, damn it'd been good. I'd never been so hard and so horny in my life as I'd been just a few hours ago. Just thinking about it made my balls tingle. Lydia suddenly sharpened her gaze on me and licked her lips.

"Is that you just remembering this morning, or do you really need to use me again before the party?"

"I didn't use you." I tried to deny what I'd done.

"You used me. You know you did. You also know I wanted you to and that I liked it. You also know it wasn't about pleasing me, even though you did, it was about you getting sexually satisfied because you needed it." She leaned back on her arms, the bath towel she'd worn wrapped around her body after her shower parting to give me a tiny glimpse of what was underneath. Seeing where my eyes went, she uncrossed her legs and arched slightly to lift her breasts while flattening her stomach at the same time. "If you need to again, you can. If it's just wishful thinking, thank you."

Knowing she was serious, I looked internally to assess what I was feeling.

"I could. I want to because sleeping with you was amazing and the thought of doing it again right now is giving me a hard on." I was blunt because she deserved to know exactly how I was feeling without having to decipher it. "On the other hand I don't need to. Not right this instant anyway, so I can save myself for later if you're still interested in sleeping with me."

"Yes." She stood up, the towel dropping away as soon as she was on her feet. Moving over toward where I sat on my bed, she straddled my knees and sat on my thighs. "I want you so much. I want your hands on my body, your lips on mine, and you telling me that you need me. I want to sleep with you. I want to be the one who makes you happy. I want you to be the one who makes me feel special."

"Why?" I asked again hoping for a better answer this time. "Why me specifically and not someone else?"

"I told you, I like the way you smell. I like how you treat me. I like the way you look. You punch all my buttons in exactly the right way." She kissed me lightly. "You're like a craving I have and sleeping with you is the only way to satisfy it."

"What about Ben?"

"Him too." She wiggled a little bit and kissed me again. "I like sex. I'm not ashamed to admit it like most women are. Ben understands that."

"Does he ever...?" I didn't finish the question.

"Sometimes." Lydia ran her palms up my chest. "I don't mind because I understand that sometimes Ben needs to have a little fun with someone else. He needs to. All men need to. Very few people are willing to say it and even fewer are willing to do it if they're in a relationship with someone."

"But you do."

"I'm not ashamed of saying that I like sex and that I want to have sex. If someone I desire wants to sleep with me, I will. If they ask me that is." She kissed me again. Sitting up she looked me in the eyes. "Come in my mouth."


"I want you to come in my mouth. Now." She got off of me and knelt between my knees to reach for my belt buckle again. Seconds later hot lips slid over the head of my still hardening cock.

"Mmmmm...." She hummed as she worked her head up and down. Sucking strongly, she let me slide all the way out of her mouth until only her lips were on very the tip as her hand started pumping my shaft. Pulling away just far enough for her to land my cock on her tongue as she opened her mouth she kept pumping.

"Come in my mouth." She looked up at me with excited eyes and began pumping me harder with her fist. "Now. Come now. Now lover, I want you now. Come in my mouth."

Heaven help me, I groaned and lifted my hips off the bed; my cum squirting into the back of her mouth as she kept pumping me and holding me against her tongue. Her lips closed over the head as she swallowed and swallowed while I kept filling her mouth until I ran dry and stopped throbbing. Even then she kept pumping my shaft, squeezing and milking me for every drop she could get before she sat up and swallowed a final time.

Letting me go she swallowed again and licked her lips while shifting to re-straddle my legs. Her arms snaked around my neck and she looked into my eyes.

"Will you kiss me?" She got closer. "Some men won't afterward."

"Then they're fools." I tipped my face up and stretched, my lips touching hers as her eyes closed.


I spent the afternoon with a naked woman on top of me. We kept trading kisses and continued talking about the party and who I thought would be there before Lydia eventually pushed up and checked the clock again. Instead of letting her get away, I wrapped my arms around her and rolled the two of us over. Instantly her legs lifted to lock her ankles around my hips.

"Tease." She scolded me. "I know you can't."

"But I want to." I agreed with her. "If you want to."

"Yes. Any time, anywhere, any place." She looked up at me. "Except now. Right now we need to get up and start getting ready for tonight."

"In a little bit." I started leaving a trail of kisses down her body as I slid lower. Gently biting her nipples, I kept going lower. Her breathing increased as I got to her belly, catching when I kissed her over her hipbone and went lower still.

My tongue slid into her cleft, finding the hard little button right where I expected it to be. Settling myself between her thighs, I started working on her clit with my tongue as her fingers laced themselves into my hair.

She arched as I slowly inserted my fingers into her, her fingers latching on and pulling at my hair while her vagina alternately clutched and pulsed in time with my licking. Switching it up, I started pumping my fingers in and out while giving her tiny kisses and nibbles on the insides of her thighs. Her breathing turned into gasps when I went back to licking her clit, flicking it with the tip of my tongue as she pulsed and throbbed more.

Her breath caught and I could feel her clamp down on my fingers for a moment before she relaxed and started whimpering at me. I pulled back slightly, her hips tilted while trying to keep in contact with my lips and tongue as she stopped breathing and clamped down again.

"Come. Now." I pumped my fingers in and out of her as I said it then went back to working on her clit with my tongue, pressing harder at first then pulling away slightly to make her follow me.

Suddenly clamping down hard she arched and strained while holding her breath. Instead of releasing like she had twice already, she stayed tight around my fingers for a long second then suddenly blew out the breath she was holding to begin throbbing while tipping her hips down and away from my mouth as she began coming.

Waiting until she was done, I eased my fingers out and crawled up on top of her again.

"Happy?" I kissed her lightly.

She only nodded.

"Want to wash my back? I'll wash yours." I kissed her again, marveling at how easy she made everything. "And anywhere else you want me to wash while I'm at it."

That got me a laugh and another nod yes.


Waiting for Lydia to finish putting on her makeup after we showered together, I started fretting. Once I was dressed I was ready to go and the delay was making me feel anxious for no reason other than I was ready to go but wasn't leaving. Pacing across the room I paused to look out the window at the building across the street before turning and walking the length of the room again.

"Jason?" Lydia called from the bathroom where she was leaning over the sink with some kind of tiny brush in her hand.


"Can you come here for a second?"

"What's up?" I leaned into the tight space.

"Here." She motioned me into the room. "Behind me."

"What do you need?" I stepped closer trying to be careful not to get too close and muss her. Compared to my corporate regulation navy blue suit with a white shirt and tie, what she was wearing was amazing. A slinky looking knee-length red dress that shimmered as if it were sequined even though it wasn't. The color contrast against her skin made her impossible to miss. The simple cut of the dress enhancing, without overshadowing, her looks to the point that it was difficult for me not to look, and harder still to keep my hands off of her.

"I need your arms around me." She leaned back into my chest and used her free hand to pull one of my arms forward around her waist. "Just for a minute so you'll relax and stop acting like a caged tiger."

"Is it that obvious?" I put my other arm around her waist.

"Yes." She looked at me in the mirror as she clamped her free arm over mine to hold me in place. "Stop worrying. It's just a party to meet other people who are here for the same reason we are."

I nodded. I understood why I was there.

"Sex." She clarified what she meant so I wouldn't misunderstand.

"Business." I corrected her.

"Same thing." She released me to hold up her little brush thing. "Now, stop mauling me and let me finish putting on my makeup."

"You're beautiful." I kissed her on the side of her neck before letting go so she could finish getting ready.

"Any time, anywhere, any place you want me." Her eyes were on mine as she leaned over the sink again and applied the brush to her eyelashes. One itty bitty swipe with the brush later she paused. "Right now if you need me to, even if it makes us late."

I raked her with my eyes and leered instead of answering. She watched me for a second then went back to using her little brush, her nipples suddenly making shadows in the fabric of her dress.

"Go away." She told me a few swipes with the brush later. "Before I accidentally poke myself in the eye because I'm looking at you and thinking about how sexy you are instead of concentrating on what I'm doing."

"Ben was right."

"About what?" She asked as she stuck the brush into a tube of something and pumped it a few times before pulling it back out.

"What he called you."

"Hmmm?" She leaned closer to the mirror and hummed her question at me.


That made her stop and look at me in the mirror. Straightening slowly she pivoted to look at me directly but didn't speak.

"What?" I asked as she kept looking at me.

"Are you trying to make us late?" She put down her little brush by standing it on its cap end. "Because if you are, we're going to be late, late, late by the time I'm done with you. It's possible that we might not make it to the party at all."

"I'm not trying to make us late, I just think you're beautiful. I've always felt that way since I met you. That's all."

She stepped over to touch my lips with a fingertip.

"If I actually kiss you, we're going to be late, even if all I have to do is fix my lipstick instead of showering and getting dressed again. So consider yourself kissed."

I touched my lips to her fingertip in answer.

"Go away before I change my mind." She turned back to the mirror and picked up her little brush again.

It wasn't much longer before she came out of the bathroom and grabbed her purse from where she'd left it on the bed after laying out her outfit for the evening. Once she appeared I turned away from the window and offered her my arm. Closing and locking the room behind us we headed for the elevator, Lydia lightly resting one hand on my arm and walking beside me.

"When we get down there, you'll have to stop acting like my lover and start acting like my boss again." Her voice was low as we waited for the elevator. "I won't mind because I understand how important this is for you."

I glanced at her and placed my hand over hers while we waited, keeping it there while we descended in the elevator to the lobby level where the conference room was. By the time we stepped out of the elevator we were boss and secretary again, Lydia holding her clutch purse in the hand nearest me as we walked across the lobby floor together.

"Read the room."

She murmured the instruction as soon as we entered the conference hall. Stopping I glanced at her and then at the people in the room. A few were looking at us but most were gathered in groups of three or four and talking like they knew each other from other conferences and business dealings. Of the ones looking at us most looked away as soon as they realized we weren't anyone they knew. The four or five who didn't caught my attention.

A pair of men in suits cut too tightly gave us the once over while talking under their breath to each other. The lone woman in the white evening gown glanced away as soon as I looked in her direction but returned to watching us as soon as my gaze passed by. The remaining man of the bunch who hadn't ignored us after we came in, homed in on the single woman and changed course to head directly for her. Heavyset, he was almost sweating even in the air conditioning of the conference room.

"What do you see?" Lydia prompted me.

"Most of the people here know each other." I told her what I thought. "They've done this before and aren't trying to dig up new clients."

"They're here for the party and the time away from work. This isn't work for them and they aren't going to do what they're supposed to be here for unless they're forced to." Lydia agreed with my assessment. "Now tell me who's here for sex."

"What?" I looked over at her.

"Read the room and tell me who is here because they want to have sex with someone else here." She flicked her eyes toward the conference attendees. "Describe them and tell me what you think they want."

I kept looking at her.

"You can do this." She used a slight movement to get me to look at the others instead of her. "Take McSweaty over there, the big guy trying to pick up on the blonde with curls. He's trying too hard. He wants to have an affair while his wife is back at home worrying that he doesn't love her anymore and it shows in how desperate he is."

I looked where she was facing to see the lone man who'd been heading for the single blonde had finally gotten there. From her expression she wasn't interested in whatever he was trying to tell her. As I watched she glanced in our direction again and caught me looking.

"Don't look away." Lydia suddenly told me very softly. "Don't stare, but don't look away. Be curious, not aggressive. Wait, just hold her eyes and keep looking. Make her comfortable enough that she's okay with looking at you too. Now slowly slide your eyes someplace else as if that caught your attention. Don't be uninterested or dismissive, just look away as if something or someone caught your attention."

I had no idea what she was talking about but I stopped looking at the blonde, running my gaze over the crowd to stop at the group of musicians on a tiny raised platform over to one side of the room. Without saying anything I started moving in that direction, Lydia following me until I stopped at the bandstand. One of the members looked at me.

"Can you play something a little bluesey and slow? Something than can be danced to?" I held up a single folded bill in their direction.

"We aren't supposed to start playing until after happy hour is over." He looked at me, then to Lydia, then back to me.

"Begin now. Please?" I held the money up a little higher.

Taking the cash from my fingers he turned to his fellows for a short low-voiced conversation. Moments later they all grabbed their instruments.

"Would you like to dance?" I offered my hand to Lydia as the band began to play.

Lydia looked around the room. No one else was even considering dancing in the small space near the bandstand. I didn't think it had been set aside for dancing in the first place but that wasn't going to stop me.

"Lydia?" I held out my hand a little further. "Will you dance with me?"

It took a few more seconds before she put her hand in mine and stepped close but not right up against me. Smoothly I danced her around the tiny area, avoiding the people who were around the edges while almost forcing them give us space so we could continue without bumping into anyone. Lydia eased herself closer until she was against me, her cheek touching mine as she followed my lead in time with the music.

"Yes." She whispered in my ear as I swung us past the musicians on another turn around the floor. I couldn't help myself, I grinned briefly after she said it and held her tighter, feeling the heat of her body responding to mine.

Eventually the music ended and I let Lydia step gracefully out of my embrace, holding her hand for a last lingering moment as I looked her in the eyes. Someone started clapping.


The blonde from earlier was standing at the edge of the crowd clapping her hands together in our direction. Not knowing what else to do, I escorted Lydia in the blonde's direction.

"That was amazing." She stopped clapping when we arrived. "I didn't expect anyone to dance."

"I don't think the intention was for anyone to actually dance despite there being music." I looked around for a second then back to the blonde and shrugged once. "On the other hand, I just felt like it."

"I'm glad you did, it looked so beautiful. You must dance together often." She looked at Lydia.

"Actually, it was the first time." Lydia touched my arm lightly making me look over at her. "It was a total surprise."

"So you're not..." The blonde left the rest unsaid.

"Jason is my boss." Lydia shook her head no.

The blonde looked at me.

"Jason Penterwast." I hinted at a tiny bow. "I'm a project manager for Stanwood Perkins Global Engineering."

She continued to look at me.

"Lydia Robinson." I introduced Lydia to the blonde. "My secretary, and dance partner for the evening."

It took a few seconds before the blonde almost shook herself as she realized I was waiting for her to introduce herself.

"Oh, sorry. I'm, ummm, Cassidy... Day." She twisted slightly to indicate the general room. "This is my first business conference. I didn't know what to expect but when I saw you dancing I had to come over and tell you how pretty you looked together. I didn't realize you weren't a couple, you looked like you've been together for a long time."

Lydia just smiled and touched my arm again. The blonde, Cassidy, saw her do it and then looked at me with a question hiding in the back of her eyes.

"We're good friends outside of work." I changed the subject. "Speaking of work, who do you work for? What company?"

"I, ummm, work for my grandfather." She hesitated again like she had when she gave her name. "He's not here, something came up and he had to stay behind to handle it."

"So you came alone?" Lydia asked her.

She nodded.

"Well, it's our first time too. We'd be happy to accompany you for the evening if you'd like." I made the offer pleasantly. "So far you're the only person we've met here."

"You wouldn't mind?" She looked at the two of us. "I wouldn't want to intrude or anything."
