Yes Miss Murphy Ch. 03


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One of Mandy's classes met only once weekly, on Tuesday nights, from 6:00 to 9:35. I had to tell Becky that I had been assigned this course, and of course Becky said, "Why did they give you a night course!? They know better than that. Besides, you just covered that other night course last semester for them, because they needed someone. This is how they repay you? By turning around and REQUIRING you to do one?" I made up some bullshit about being the department being short-handed, and TCC budget cuts, and besides, I told her, I didn't really mind. One night a week might be a nice little change of pace. "Are they giving you some extra pay for this?" she asked.

"Welllll, no. I'm afraid not. But it's OK. It's no big deal, really." But the money issue WAS becoming kind of a big deal. Becky still hadn't noticed our savings dwindling, but it was only a matter of time.

A month-and-a-half after Mandy had "emptied my balls" for me, she perceived that I was getting desperately horny again. She scheduled another session, again requiring me to produce a 500 dollar deposit for obedience. I gladly complied, because I assumed that I would simply have to lick up my mess again, and, truth to tell, as disgusting as that was, it was better than not cumming at all. And I was again prepared to have to sacrifice part of that 500. But this time, when we finished, and she required me to kiss her feet in gratitude, she said, "Now, David, I want you to say, 'Thank you, Miss Murphy, for emptying my balls, and this time please keep my 500 dollar deposit for your wonderful kindness to me.'"

I whimpered but repeated what she said. There goes another 500 from our savings account just to pay bills, I thought to myself.

This couldn't continue forever. With each passing day, I felt like the Sword of Damocles was descending lower and lower toward me. I couldn't hide the financial losses from Becky forever; any day now, she would notice something amiss. And once she started investigating, and doing some calculating, she would know that somehow we were short by several thousand dollars. Actually twice that amount. Just under 4 months of forking over money to Mandy came to somewhere between 5 and 10 thousand dollars, which would mean instead of saving that much, we had lost that much. So the shortage would be between 10 and 20 thousand.

I had no idea what I would tell Becky when she discovered what was going on. There really wasn't any way to hide it, so this meant I would have to make Mandy understand the dilemma. If Becky demanded an explanation, how could I then avoid telling her I was being blackmailed? The natural next question would be, By whom, and for what?

I tried to impress upon Mandy that if she really wanted to continue this arrangment, it was in her interest not to take my money anymore, because there was no way to keep the whole thing from crashing down once Becky discovered money was missing. Mandy wasn't convinced. She told me it was my problem and to figure it out. She suggested when summer came, I could get a summer job. I told her that wouldn't work, because #1, I already teach in the summers, #2, getting an additional non-teaching job would be completely out of character for me, and my wife would of course know that, and #3, a summer job to make up for our losses would not avert Becky's suspicion at all, because the supposed additional income should put us even farther ahead, not just even.

I pleaded to no avail. Mandy just didn't seem to get it. In my view, we both stood to lose everything if the blackmail was revealed. Once the blackmail is out, the purpose of the blackmail evaporates, and then there can be no more blackmail. Her greed was going to make her lose all the money, AND the little slaveboy ringer doing all her work.

I agonized over her intransigence for days. Then, one night, as I lay awake in bed, fretting over what to do, I had a flash of inspiration. The idea would have sent me bolting out of bed if Becky hadn't been lying asleep beside me. I quietly slipped out from under the covers, and went into my home office. I turned on a lamp and stood in my pajamas, staring at my filing cabinets. In one of those drawers, I had filed away something which just might be my salvation. Where had I put that?

When I found it, I sat down at my desk and switched my computer on. I typed out an email, asking the recipient, "Do you have a few minutes to talk tomorrow, say around 9:00? I have an issue that has come up in my Math 320 class and could use some advice."

The next morning, before leaving for campus, I checked my email to find a short reply: "Sure." I grabbed a bagel to eat on the way to work, kissed Becky, and headed to campus. I stopped by the lounge and poured myself a cup of coffee, then proceeded down the hallway. Promptly at 9:00, I arrived at the open door to the office of my colleague Katherine Mullens.

I stood in the doorway and observed that she was already in conversation with one of our other colleagues. We all exchanged good-mornings, and Katherine said, "Come on in, David. What's up?"

"Well... ummmm... I have a... a little situation... uh... there's a student in my Math 320 class, and I believe you had this student before. So... ummm... I was hoping you could give me a little insight... uh... into... this matter... um... I think it might be best if we discussed this person privately, though?"

At that point our colleague said, "Ah. I'll leave you two alone, then. Have a good day." And he left.

I walked to Katherine's door and closed it. Immediately I said, "OK, um... there is no student situation. That was bullshit. I have to talk to you about something else. I'm in a... uh... a terrible, terrible fix, Katherine... and... I... uhhh... really, REALLY need your help."

"Ohhh kayyy," she said, leaning back in her chair.

I took a deep breath, and reached into my briefcase, pulling out a plain file folder. "Um... OK... what I'm about to show you, Katherine, is... deeply... DEEPLY embarrassing. Um... as you know, you and I haven't... um... done anything... together... in about, um, I guess 6 months, something like that. Uh... but... *sighhhhh*... well, um, around 4 months ago, I wrote you a letter... which you never received. And... ahem... I also... made sort of a... phony photograph, um... well... you'll see. But... um... I was really missing you at the time, and I... I wanted us to, uh... you know, continue, um, seeing each other. So... I put these items I'm about to show you in an envelope, and put them in your department mailbox. Or... at least I thought I did. But it, uh... ahem... turned out that I accidentally placed them in Mandy Murphy's box."

Katherine stared at me, expressionless, while I continued holding the closed file folder close to my chest. After a few moments of silence, I said, "So, um... are you ready to see this?"

"I suppose so. Obviously you think I should."

"OK," I said, and I placed the folder on her desk in front of her. She opened the folder, scanned the three photocopied sheets, and I saw her eyebrows raise when she looked at the phony picture of her "little cum cleaner" in an apparent act of cunnilingus. She read the letter I had written months earlier, where I apologized for getting upset in our last encounter, where I told her how much I missed her and couldn't get her out of my mind, where I told her I needed her and would do anything she wanted me to do from then on, including cleaning her husband's cum out of her pussy if that's what would make her happy.

Katherine snickered as she read the letter, and then looked at the fake photo again, smirking. Then she examined the copy of the envelope that had contained the incriminating materials. "So," she said, "you put the envelope in Mandy Murphy's box, accidentally. Oh my lord, haha. How embarrassing. And I assume Mandy Murphy FOUND the envelope. And let's see... this shows you put 'From DT to KM' on it. Not to mention 'CONFIDENTIAL' written rather large right here," and she pointed. "Did she think it said 'to MM'? I assume so, or in any case, she opened it?"

"Yes. She did. She said she didn't see that it said 'to KM'."

"I see. So... she opened it, and saw this letter and this picture. Now, either before or after that, someone made copies?"

"She made copies. And... *sigh*... she brought the copies to show to me. Those copies, which I've had since."

"So she still has the original letter, and envelope, and everything?"


"I see." Then Katherine chuckled. "Well... let me guess: Mandy Murphy then hit you with some kind of blackmail."

"Yes, she did, Katherine. And it's... uh... it's becoming a real problem. And I don't know what to do. I really need your help."

I then spilled the beans on everything. I told Katherine how Mandy was extorting money from my paycheck, every two weeks like clockwork, how Mandy had me doing every bit of her classwork, lesson plans, grading, test-making, everything. How she had me teaching virtually all her classes, made me pose as "Davey, the teaching assistant", was humiliating me in front of students. How she forbade me to masturbate and had extorted even more money for me to gain the privilege of "emptying my balls". I told Katherine the whole sordid, degrading truth. EVERYTHING.

When I finished, and sat at the edge of my chair, wringing my hands, and shaking my head, Katherine just smirked, and chuckled. She fingered the documents in the file folder for a moment, then closed the folder, slid open one of her desk drawers, and slipped the folder into it. As she closed the drawer, my posture stiffened, and I almost said, "Um... what are you doing?"

But she spoke first. "Well... Davey." Then she chuckled, and shrugged. "What do want ME to do about it?"

I thought the answer was quite obvious. "Well... I mean... I, I, uhh... I need your help here, Katherine. I mean... we... you know, uh... well, what I want is... um, you can't let Miss Mur- um, Mandy... you know... can't let Mandy get away with this. You know? She's not doing her job. I mean... you know... you could, uh, you could, you know, tell Randall? You know? Tell Randall that Mandy Murphy doesn't show up for her classes. You know, I could not show up, and Mandy would be counting on me to be there but I wouldn't show up, and then, you know, you could have Randall come and ask the students, 'Where is your instructor?' You know?"

I was rambling and nearly hyperventilating by this point. I took a deep breath or two to calm myself, and Katherine interjected: "David, why would I want to do all that? Why would I want to cause trouble for Mandy Murphy? I don't have anything against Mandy Murphy. Are you suggesting I should try to get her fired?"

"Well... yes! Of course! I mean, look, I'm, I'm, I'm completely doomed if my wife finds out that I've been forking over our savings to some... you know, to some 24-year-old, or whatever she is, um, blackmailer! You know? Not to mention if Becky finds out you and I had an affair, and... um, you know..."

"But how does this affect me, David? What do I care what you're doing with you and your wife's money?"

I scoffed. "Katherine... Obviously you're exposed, too. Hello??? Am I on another planet here?"

"You've made a critical miscalculation here, David. You see, you're assuming that I care whether or not Randall finds out you and I fooled around. I don't. First of all, there's no evidence that I was obsessed with you, or indeed had any feelings at all for you. The evidence is that YOU were obsessed with ME. If what we did becomes known to Randall, the result would be about a 10 minute conversation where I tell Randall, Yes, I had a few little encounters with David but it was just sex, just a little excitement, no big deal. You think Randall would get angry with ME? Hell, no, David. I am very good to Randall. I'm always there when he needs me. I'm always by his side at professional functions. I make him feel like the most important man in the world. And I regularly provide him with mind-blowing sex. But he knows he can't quite keep up with me sexually, and now and again I get a little extra on the side. He knows that. But," she shrugged, "I guess it is possible that just because of his pride, he might want to get rid of you. So you might get fired. But I'd be just fine.

"So... as I see it, David... you're pretty much stuck being Mandy Murphy's little work-and-money slave." She chuckled, apparently drinking in my agony as she looked at the shocked expression on my face. "Ohhhh, my. Haha. Mandy Murphy. Wow. I'm impressed. I mean, of course I noticed she's a pretty young thing, but... wow. I didn't know she had THIS in her. Haha. My kinda girl. I have to say, David, hearing you talk about what she has done to you... [at this point she lowered her voice to almost a whisper] is making me wet. Mmmmm, hahaha... I can feel the heat between my thighs. Mmmmm." Then she sighed. "You know, to tell you the truth, David, I'm kinda pissed at you for your fuck-up. By that I mean, putting that envelope in Mandy's box. If you'd put it in my box, I might have done this to you myself. Hahahaha."

I almost cried as I stood up, defeated, and took my briefcase, preparing to leave. I needed to get ready for Mandy's 10:00 class, and I should probably get out of Katherine's office before Mandy caught me in there, anyway. "Um... Katherine... you, uh... you put that folder in your desk. Um... could I, uh... could I please have that folder back?"

Katherine just shook her head, smirking. I nodded, not surprised, and turned to open the door and leave. "Have a good day, Davey," she said.

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