All Comments on 'Yesterday'

by Harddaysknight

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  • 398 Comments (Page 2)
AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
the best

simply the best

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

This story has now joined the 100+ comment club - an exclusive club that only 28 stories and 16 authors have managed to earm membership in. WONDERFUL STORY SIR KNIGHT - Gabby in South Beach

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Of the entire thing, I think I like this line best...."You mean like shitting all over me is a biological function? I shouldn't take it personally?" Damn but that's good!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
husband sounds like a chum

your family in pain and the lover can fuck up another family.wife been another man whore for months and now she wants to be a family again.wife still working with the lover and lover get away clean.husband not a hero,but chum.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

If someone is bying this shit your selling i want in because these stories are getting as stupid as you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
With a 105 comments

and growing, not much left to be said. I thought it was a good read, and from the feedback most readers agreed. Definitely a new approach of handling infidelity.I liked the ending,it doesn't have to be black or white. Enough said.

CastleStoneCastleStoneover 15 years ago
One of your best, wish there was a sequel

One of your best, wish there was a sequel. But I say that about a lot of your work.

BallsOfSteelBallsOfSteelabout 15 years ago
loser married to a loser

What is it with these women who behave like flies to shit. Shitty people attracted to other shitty people. Such a waste of life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Great turn around by husband - divorce the bitch!

A great tale with a decent revenge angle however, we still believe the husband should get rid of the "rotten slut" before the cancer spreads to the kid's perspective. A bullet between the eyes of this friggin slut would eliminate the possibility of future gene pool contamination. And give the kids a chance to not witness such a despicable role model of a want-to-be mother.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Anon in Canada

the only stupid ass on this feedback is you. Go somewhere else to whine. As to Anon below you don't put a bullet into a persons head for adultery. What uncivilized country are you from? Author, as mentioned before I'm sure,this was an unusual way to handle adultery. Thanks for a good read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
You messed up the ending.

When she finally realized what she was and told the girls he should have handed her the divorce papers and notified her the school board was getting their copies tomorrow and since she told their children he was telling Kurts wife. You dont keep trash, you throw it away!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Anon in AUS what are you a cuck?

Maybe a bullet would be more appropriate if he caught the two in bed fucking, that after all for years was considered a crime of passion and not punishable by law. However to keep this slut as a role model for two girls especially after what she said to them is totally irresponsible. She is not a fit role model for girls growing up, she needs to be out of their home.

mike2710mike2710over 14 years ago
good story

Good story, that cries for chapter 2 . Thanks for the entertainment. Mike from Texas

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
please fuck off

please fuck off with yoyr silly stories, oh yea that right you already did.

RealDocRealDocabout 14 years ago

Your detractors identify themselves via their superb vocabulary.

Keep writing so those of us who appreciate your style and humor can continue. Thaks for taking the time and effort to write these interesting stories. Realdoc

curioussscuriousssalmost 14 years ago
I agree with one 'Anon'

"A Masterpiece

The husband takes her children, her self-respect, her pride, and even all exciting memories of the affair in a way nobody ever thought of before. The best and most original story I have read on this site!"

Maybe the ending was open-ended but I think that was the point. The main thrust was this unique way of punishing the wife and the rest of their story almost doesn't matter.

Good read - thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
What the last guy said!

You need to finish what you started. One star.

movermoverover 13 years ago
Agree with Curiousss

Never saw this coming. Thank you for sharing your very fertile imagination with us. I can only hope these immature young people never have to learn why I think your stories are so FUCKING GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very enjoyable, sorry for venting Billy and Anons, but live and learn apparently aren't in your vocabulary.

KyuzioKyuzioover 13 years ago
Great story!

A great story HDK! I agree with several Anon's and Curiousss, an unexpected way to deal with cheating and, at last, an unexpected reaction from the cheater.

I like the open ended story format. It means I can make the ending whatever I want! And if you have imagination, you can make several endings. Not just one that pleases you most, but a whole spectrum of endings consider! Consider that, falconcrazy88...many authors here write for themselves, not for you specifically. If you don't like how they do it, shut your yap and move on! There are a lot more stories to read out there! I notice you have no stories posted - why don't you write one with an ending you like?

And as for the haters, just like I said to falconcrazy: If you don't like how they do it, shut your yap and move on! There are a lot more stories to read out there! You don't like people bitching about what you do, don't bitch about them. And man up and give a name, at least. Jeez! At least HarryinVA gives his name so you know who is comment. All Anonymous means is that you are too much of a pussy to take any heat back from what you write and think that anonymity protects you.

saratusaratuover 13 years ago
I see two sides in this story.

One is he took her back and hopes that it won't happen again. The other doesn't seem to see the fact of premeditation about her mind set, so there you have it, yin-and-yang, do I like it? Yes I kinda don't. R.T.

in2itdeepin2itdeepover 13 years ago

This story, while portraying a husband far more in control of his emotions than humanly possible, was laid out, developed, and ended more true to life than most I have read here...future unknown.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Complete Bull Shit

She cheats on him and all he does is make her keep fucking the other guy. Story was complete wast of time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

another pile of ca ca - in this stupid tale

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
comment about the comments

There seems to be a large group that judges every loving wife story on one criteria: Did the wife cheat? If the answer is yes, no matter the circumstances, the author must have the husband toss the wife to the curb. If he doesn't, they judge the story as pure crap. If he does, it's a five star effort. The quality of the writing doesn't seem to matter.

What they don't realize is that sometimes an author puts his characters in a situation that is not realistic on purpose, just to show what would happen. By the plot contrivance in this story, the author shows what it does to the marriage when both partners know about the affair. Both pull away. The wife loses time with her family and also a lot of their love. She replaces it with sex with a colleague, but also loses respect for herself and the enjoyment of sex since the excitement has been lost and there never was any love. In the end, the wife is punished much worse than she would have been had he just divorced her. She has to live her infidelity as infidelity and can't lie to herself about it. None of the cliches apply: It won't hurt him because he'll never know, etc. He does know and he is hurt. She gets to watch as as she destroys her marriage. No quick break, divorce, and then getting on with the rest of her life. She's forced to live with what she has done. And in the end, she doesn't know if her husband will divorce her, or if they will ever recapture some of what she destroyed. By this time her lover is gone, and she is waiting to see if she's lost her family as well.

GualterioGualterioover 13 years ago

How does their "relationship" improve while their "marriage" sucks? So their relationship as husband and wife is somehow distinct from their marriage. Who is going to explain that to me?

MystykOneMystykOneabout 13 years ago
well done harddaysnight!

i am totally a burn-the-bitch kinda guy. i need to preface this missive with that statement. BUT buddy tou are fiendishly clever.....i love your stories. half the time i notice by the comments that the idjuts dont even get how much your kind of quirky revenge. in this story you decimated the womans psychie and then you rub her nose in it till it nearly cums off and then she fully understands how much she has hurt them, and admits to kids.....and THEN he tells her he doubts itll even work anyways!! i LMAO!!!! and from reading the comments from some of your similar 'revenge' stories the dumbies very rarely got how devious the revenge was!! GAWD i like your writing!

if i was a woman, ide much rather have an irate husband kick ma ass and divorce me and take ma kids away and then be done with me so i can go on with my life and then tell all ma new BFs that he was an asshole and beat and cheat on me and thats why we divorced then live a life of total destruction of ego and crushing guilt while my family looked at me like the piece of shit i am, going on for years......gawd.....that would be horrible....physical scars heal....mental ones with understanding they are completely deserved often do not! LMAO if he just tossed her out she would have it all blamed on him superfast. she would never learn from her mistake, matter of fact it will make it easier the next time(isnt human psych weird?LOL). isnt this better?? even if he kicks her to the curb do u think she wouldnt think twice b4 doing it again?? LMAO not likely! she would have to have actual braindamage or mental illness to wanna cheat again!! LMAO good damn story and sneeky revenge! you have a few sneeky ones like this....heh....cant call these characters wimp! LMAO

huedogghuedoggalmost 13 years ago
I gave it a 3 star

I don't think he has to kick her to the curb but I think he gave up his pride as a man with the way he handled the whole thing. She had no respect for him to start with, after 20 years you wife is getting fuck by another man and you want her to continue. And you think a man would go for that. I don't think its possible, maybe I am an asshole and pride does go before the fall. but that's all he has left is his pride and he gave that to her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
You have outdone yourself!

This is possibly the biggest piece of shit on this website. She cheats on him for months is found out and continues to cheat for months and only then relishes that she doesn't like acting like a slut. Are you kidding me? The husband isn't even mad and doesn't seem to want revenge and by revenge I meen that he should have exposed them both and gotten them fired from the school and then devoured the bitch, not this supposed revenge that some people seem to think happened.

You really should stop writting if this is the standard of story that you can come up with.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
What a stupid ass story.

Must of been high on that funny weed when this pile of crap was conceived.

tazz317tazz317almost 13 years ago

said everything and meant nothing. TK U MLJ LV NV

norcal62norcal62almost 13 years ago
Plot was over done to make your point. Probably the reason for complaints.

Can only make someone stupid so far without making it tedious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Complicated as trying to end one.

Another Harddaysknight's half story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I gave it 4 stars...

...I think I see what you were going for; a different spin on the "how to deal with a cheating wife" tale. I just wish you'd continue with the story and explore the aftermath. Beatle boy you don't need to end with rainbows and puppies, in fact it would be weird it did BUT IT SHOULD END.

gyjunkiegyjunkieover 12 years ago

have no choice but to say "This was s**t".

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

The author seems the same whimp. Frustrating story.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@Dear Anon You must read some stories of this Author. I recommend you to read eg. "Not Guilty" first if he is a whimp or not whimp.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
"whimp or no whimp"

doesn't matter; duna is a clueless wannabe cuckold which trumps "whimp"

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@ Again a beastlover who injures others after his favorite female danish dog refused him at night.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
duna and his animal fetish

is really really creepy, what a scuzzy misanthrope.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@ Were you other Anon the NECROPHIL Anon?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
OK, let's talk turkey! have been recognized for your technical merit, creativity, ingenuity, and a well deserved story-telling capability. All of this it true. What you have NOT done is complete this story. I have looked through your story list, and do not see a sequel. To leave a story hanging like this one does not show respect for the reader. You have so many fans that you should reveal to them, in an adequate sequel, what you see as the ultimate resolution to this unresolved problem. (You know, introduce the framework for the story, then develop the crisis, and resolve the crisis. Or, how a good story should be organized.) To do less is to, in a very real sense, insult your readers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
in the real world...

Actually, previous Anon, HDK was showing you a great deal of respect by the way he ended this story. He was assuming that you are able to think. He was assuming that you are a grown-up who can handle ambiguity. He was assuming that you could read beyond the comic-book level.

I guess he was wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Do you only tell half of the story always?????

Your endings have no end.........bill?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

cliffhanger20cliffhanger20almost 12 years ago

This is pretty much a scenario of dumb and dumber. Unless your the scare crow you have a brain and need to use it. But it would be nice to read one of you tails in it's entirety instead of the crap you throw us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Is the author over the age of fifteen?

Just because you can write, doesn't mean that you know what you're saying . You just dish out a lot of verbal diarrhoea meaning to tell us something, and then you put your characters acting in a completely different way. For the life of me I can't understand people thinking you're clever or even see any logic to the semi-ending of your stories.

Oh well, maybe it's just me.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
147 reader comments

& a 5 from me.

For what it's worth, you're still one of the top few writers on Lit. And you DO finish your stories. Only children expect all stories to end with the prince & princess riding off into the sunset. Reality is that many stories end like Jacob at Peniel, wrestling all night with God and, when the sun comes up, he limps away, wounded but now Israel.

We are wounded--but life goes on, two people with a marriage that is irrevocably and lastingly damaged but who choose to endure.

You short-dicked assholes who complain of the story not being finished are really complaining because he didn't kill her, bury her, dig her body up & drive a stake through her heart & then incinerate her carcass & then dance about on her ashes singing hallelujah.

But you know something? It's HIS decision, not yours & nobody gives a shit what you un/under-employed losers think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well said, Anon with title the real world

You said better than I could have. 5* from me also. This story is NOT incomplete. While a SEQUEL could be written (hint, hint HDK), this is a complete story: point, counterpoint, resolution. Cynthia resolved the dilemma he had placed her in after she had created the problem in the first place.

(sorry about anon, I seemed to have messed up my login/password)

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Ultimate wimp husband

There's really no other way to describe a man who acknowledges he has been a shit father and then, when he finds out his slut wife has been cheating on him, rewards the asshole she's cheating with by making her into the guy's sex slave. That's called refusing to face the problem. She might learn something from it, but she'll still be a slut and he'll still be a wimp who let another man fuck his wife.

Also, dumb as fuck, considering blackmail is a crime and now any divorce that takes place has to end on her good terms or he is gonna get fucked when the court finds out what he did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well If you HAVE to be a wimp husband.....

No, actually I think this guy figured out how to really change his wifes attitude and behavior. So many will say "once a cheater, always a cheater", but is the guy really a wimp if he can make her think, and get her to change? For her to wake up and realize the cost of her betrayal. So few of the husbands ever get the message through to the cheating spouse, that the love she had shit away will become the same source of all the pain, regret, and remorse that any revenge could possibly bring. Well there are exceptions to every rule, but I like how this story illustrates how the husband can be proactive without compromising his principles or sinking to a baser level. Besides, for being a wimp, he didn't take any of her shit, and certainly didn't give her what she wanted. She (maybe) wanted both, or to have it all, but he denied her that, and left her with the option that he knew would leave her more unfullfilled in the long run. Well it might not have been the most realistic solution, but it did give us a unique take on a all too familier story. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Still one of the best!

imhaplessimhaplessover 11 years ago

Very original and well written. Of course I can't see a guy being that patient in real life but reality is not a pre-requisite for a great story.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Enjoyed it

A bit unorthodox, but very intriguing. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Ever notice that the cheating wife shows more concern for the consequences to her lovers family than to her own?

krosis666krosis666about 11 years ago

If it took until her lover got bored with her for her to see what she was doing was wrong, despite knowing her husband knew and her children were being neglected by her, then she has no redeeming qualities and doesn't deserve to be married and have a family.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Brilliant and original

Great story telling. We all know we wouldn't do this in real life, but, this is fiction designed to titillate and entertain. It also gives us a chance to wonder 'what if.' HDK is giving us a glimpse into a twisted mind who shows the cheater the error of her ways by demonstrating to her the consequences of her action. She learns that her 'lover' treats her like an unpaid whore. She learns that the only enjoyment she got was due to illicit secret meetings. There was no superior loving going on, just sneaky cheap thrills. It is nice to read something different. " Honey, look at these pictures that my PI took. Sob, sob, sob. We are divorcing." does not make an interesting read. Well done HDK. *****

phil2213phil2213almost 11 years ago
Sorry but not good at all.

This story was flat. There very little emotion and coupled with bizarre irrational behavior. Eventhough, this is fantasy, there wasn't any plausibility in the behavior of the characters. Thank you at any rate.

bobyroy69bobyroy69over 10 years ago
I'm amazed...

HDK is a sick writer but he has the right to shape the characters in the stories to his liking.

But what amazes me is - "How does his stories get such high ranking?"...

WilsonMeisterWilsonMeisterover 10 years ago
Rest of the Story…??

HDK is a Good Author with the exception that some of his stories, such as this one seem incomplete. There appears to be a need for a more polished resolution to this one.

I'd prefer a stronger finish/close and it doesn't always have to be a complete BTB ending.

bearbait2002bearbait2002over 10 years ago

This is the last story of yours that i will ever waste my time on.Grow a back bone!!!

z926538z926538over 10 years ago

It is interesting in reading the comments on this story that many of the best writers who have ever graced this site declare this work to be brilliant while many of the anonymous commentators give it poor marks. It is almost as if the anonymous commentators can not see the subtle but brutal revenge in the husband's actions. Not only did he throw away his wife, but he did so in a way that completely takes away all avenues through which the wife was enjoying her affair. This is brilliant writing by one of the masters of this genre.

There's a reason why HDK gets great numbers. His short stories are exceptional. This is one of his best.

FD45FD45over 10 years ago
The lack of resolution sort of ruins it

But it is a VERY good story.

For one thing, HDK tends to write slightly more realistic female characters. They aren't 'Oh Bob, I just GOT to have that large cock...but I love you anyway...' or 'Oh honey, I am SO sorry! Let me drag myself through the gutter to have a chance to get back to you'

No, they have self esteem, are intelligent, and reflective, though this one seems to be a bit lacking in that department.

I was interested in smoking as a kid. My dad got an unfiltered Camel cigarette for me and made me smoke two.

I haven't touched a cigarette since.

Going from 'tee hee, isn't this naughty fun' to 'if I want a sex life at all, I have to fuck this man who is basically a stranger' really takes the bloom off the rose.

Frankly, I could see this spinning out over 5 or more pages as the lesson sank in. The wife's reaction seemed strangely straightforward. She never seems to resent what she is being forced to do.

Here, more than other stories, I could see him getting a drunken phone call in the night saying "Honey...I'm fucking him now. You won't fuck me but HE is...and it feels so good..."

Because this experience must be painful to her and I bet she wants to share her feelings.

reasonablemanreasonablemanover 10 years ago
Great story. I remember when we would get at least one a day from someone

This is a sad but real story. HDK is a master of the short humorus story but this one has a interesting twist on the right way to punish a cheating spouse. I thank HDK and other writers for their work in this genre. LW has degenerated into a mess of cuckold stories.

Rogn123Rogn123over 10 years ago
in your stories

And unlike those mustang stories, The man and woman have and seem to use their brains.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Pity you didn't bother to finish. Perhaps you can't.

Hopefully the unoriginalist will finish his take on it.

Saxon_HartSaxon_Hartover 10 years ago
I just re-read this

And I know why it was so easy to closure. No satisfying, or irritating pay off. There is no end to this story so why remember it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Now I see what HDK meant when he wrote the outline for Unorignalist's Boilerplate story. I disagree with Saxon Hart. This story has a perfect ending just not closure. It is very powerful this way. In real life there are many ways this situation could go. HDK is one of the classic writers in this genre of lit. He has a dry understated style that is unique. Unoriginalist may add the closure that Saxon wants since he is writing a more fleshed out story filled with emotions and pathos for the Husband but it will be hard to beat this classic HDK outline that Unoriginalist is using. Was this plot (compelling the Wife to continue the affair to teach her a lesson) boilerplate on Lit when HDK wrote this story or was this an original plot line at the time?

Anonymous 1.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Like everyone else

I came back after reading the unoriginalist's story.

I remember this one.

It was just fine before, still is.

Obviously, the point of similarity is that the husband finds his wife is having an affair and tells her to continue. Not because he's a cuck. He hates it. In both cases, kids are involved, two daughters.

However, I think the differences are greater than the similarities.

As always, Hart is wrong. This story concludes just fine. Hart's lust for punishment was not satisfied. That says more about him than HDK.

There's more than enough pain, past, present, and future, to satisfy normal people in this story. At least 4 people with live with that pain until the day they die.

The pain in the Unoriginalist's story in progress is more explicit, more visceral.

I don't know how these 4 people turned out since HDK wrote the story. I suspect lots of hard times.

I don't think the other story is going to end quite as civilized. I sense mayhem in the offing.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsover 10 years ago
read it again

So, like everyone else I read this again and still think it is a great story, not perfect.

HDK did you mean it when you said " You have a viral lover" ? He is a carrier of a virus ? Or were you looking for virile ?

Otherwise really good writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
but sometimes

But sometimes adultery is a love triangle or even quadruple. What happens when a married person loves both spouse and lover?

TavadelphinTavadelphinover 10 years ago
This is a re-read -

Although I cannot find my original posting -

It is a very interesting way to deal with the situation - I do not think i could begin to deal with it that way - it did make quite a learning experience for her - but what he went through to teach it was beyond the pale. I love to educate by not at that price.

Ignoring that - she had a plan which he did not think of an actual ending for - she called his bluff and grew a lot in the end - not enough to fix the damage certainly - she continued fucking this guy without getting the clue what she had done - not for way too long - she is just now learning (in her what 40"s) how to be a responsible adult? To put other ahead of her selfish wants at least occasionally? Not sure he says she was all things until then but you gotta wonder.

It would be an interesting 2nd chapter but we will never see so move on and think for yourself.

xtchrxtchrover 10 years ago

This was a very interesting, original and well-written story. Hopefully, he was gathering more evidence of her cheating. When she finally confessed to her kids, he should divorce her and reveal his information to the other cheaters wife, the school board, etc. and walked away with the kids, the house and everything. She had her fun, now it was time to pay.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This is not in regards to this story, but in regards to the author. Everyone of his stories are letting the wife get away with cheating and the husbands staying with the cheating whores. So what I am saying to author is that he is the BIGGEST WIMP, CUCKOLD, ASSHOLE WRITER on Literotica. He probably even watches his own wife getting fucked and whacks off. No real man would stay with these whores. Everyone of his stories, the wifes tells the the husband that they love him only and it`s only exciting sex with their lover. What a JOKE just like the author. Grow some balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Closet Cuckold

"Everyone of his stories" - true closet cucks like cuntabidebyit, betrayed, ID, huecuck and the rest live by that: read many cuck stories, thousands even.

True closet cucks, read 'em, spank a little monkey, then off to leave a nasty comment to wash away the guilt and shame.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mover 10 years ago
IQ of the anonymous posters?

Very low I expect. So let me explain it to them. As others have posted, it's unlikely that any man could do this. The author says what if you could? It's a story. He examines what would happen if a wronged husband could do this. The wife is forced to continue her affair with a man she has no future with. She can't enjoy it any more because she now sees she is losing her family. Before she was in denial. Each date with her lover increases the probability of divorce and that the kids would choose her husband. They're old enough to have a say. She has no family life anymore. It's torture for her because her lover is now a pain in the ass(literally), she's lost the love of her husband, and she has pushed her daughters away.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
re: Closet Cuckold

I notice you comment a lot about closet cucks, "Everyone of his stories" - true closet cucks like cuntabidebyit, betrayed, ID, huecuck and the rest live by that: read many cuck stories, thousands even. It seens to me you are the TRUE closet cuck. You run behind each of the people your calling out, yet your also at everyone of the stories you say their at. So what does that make you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
And this

There are shepherds in Albania diligently guarding their flocks but still they see their innocent billy goats buggered.

Damn you Duna, Buggerer of Billy Goats!

Let the poor ruminants be!

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 10 years ago
I hated it the first time I read it

and I hated it even more, re-reading it now. It's horrible, since the idiot of a husband character the author created had LESS CLUE as to what to do than his already incredibly stupid slut of a wife...

at the end, "she came clean" and he took out a beer from the refrigerator and turned to the audience and twirled his thumb and said, "I have no idea what to do now!" LOL

at least the story turned into an impromptu comedy, except it didn't really start out as one and so ending it as a comedy was just really stupid...

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
Selfish to the End

Her admission to the children only caused them pain! She did not do the right thing. She only dropped her burden on her daughters and made them suffer with the knowledge that their mother was a selfish slut who cared more about her own ego than her children. She also dumped a heavier load on her husband, the man she claimed to love. Now he had to suffer with his daughters pain as well as his own. She only proved what a totally selfish bitch she was.

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago
Selfish to the End

Her admission only burdened her daughters caused the pain of knowing their mother was a selfish slut. It also added to her husbands burden making him suffer as he watched his daughters in pain. I just checked to see if there was a part 2 to this story. I couldn't find one. Here is how it goes: Gil and his daughters talk about what has happened and they realize the depth of his wife's selfishness and takes to nuclear option. He destroys all the parties involved and he and his daughters move on with their lives. When the go to court, the daughters come out against their mother and tell the judge that she has shown no interest in them for years. They tell the judge that she is a bad role model and that she encouraged them to lie to him about her behavior. They also tell him that she told them how wonderful her affair was and how little she thought of their father and that when they grew up and got married they should cheat on their husbands as well. In the end, mom is out with less than half, she has to pay child support and she can only have supervised visits once a month. Once, the divorce is over, the evidence is mailed to the school district and the other family. That is how you handle a traitor short of an actual execution.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Wow, normally I love you work but this was terrible!

Did you suddenly turn into JPB? Even though he had a plan he was still a willing cuckold, no revenge against her lover and you left him completely off the hook to go cheat on his wife and kids again and ruin other marriages? Then, on top of all that, "NO ENDING!"

Were you sleepwalking when you wrote this?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Great Story

Two Points

If she really loved husband she would have refused to continue with her boyfriend after he confronted her. Of course, there would be no story if she had.

If he got back with her I hope H got anal from wifey if he wanted it.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Another Part

Sorry, but I think there should be another part.

His wife just told her daughters that she was having an affair with another man so there is no reason for the affair to be clandestine now. The husband should wait for the other teacher to be alone, beat the living shit out of him, beat his nuts/dick to a pulp, divorce his slut wife, bring all before the school board and get both fired and force the asshole to leave town before he ends up in a ditch, dead. But then I believe in a scorched earth policy. samsiewamsie

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
more please

really good... want another chapter!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I enjoyed it.... long AS, there is another chapter and he makes her find a new fucktoy and never has sex with her again. She can look at what she ruined, what she is missing and what she'll never have unless she divorces him. Just a nasty skanky ho.

sugnasugnaover 10 years ago

If your wife is cheating on you and you have kids it is a tough situation. You are left with few options. It is possible to stay married and raise the kids and have no real relationship with your wife until the kids are grown. It happens all the time! The youngest goes to college and a few months later there is a divorce. Another option is an immediate divorce with all the pain and disruption it causes the children. There really are no good solutions to the situation. There can be an apology and amends, there can be forgiveness, there can be two people trying, but the truth is the truth and it cannot be forgotten. Like a steel splinter in the heart, eventually the heart will die.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
So horrible

To write about a person who is pretending he isn't a helpless sissy-cuck enabler,as in giving another man power over what should be his.

Why any woman worth a nickel would want anything to do with a little bit of nothing like him would be beyond me.

cap5356cap5356about 10 years ago
great story

great story. quite an interesting way of going about her affair. but I can see how that could possibly work. but in the end will he ever really get to point of trusting her again? that is the true question and will she be able to go without as long as it takes?

mike9698mike9698about 10 years ago
really stupid

much like his whore wife. im not saying that a marriage cant survive cheating, in some cases like a one time mistake. or someone got drunk. but this was as dumb as i can imagine. the husband plan to punish his wife for cheating was to make her keep cheating. plus he himself would go a full year without sex. and then what? as he gonna spend the rest of his life without sex. hell i bet if the story got out he would get plenty of women that would marry him. just from reading this site i find alot of women that think he could be their soulmate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Pussies want cock

That's why the pathetic loser couldn't fuck his wife, because he is a worthless pussy that wanted a cock for himself. He was jealous of his wife. Worthless subhuman pieces of shit like him don't deserve to live, let alone procreate! All cheaters are disgusting scum, but sub humans like the loser in this are even worse! Turned out that his whore wife had a bigger set of balls than him!

Tootight1Tootight1about 10 years ago
good story

after marriage, kids, and a profession, finding a quick solution to a problem, takes some time, and it isn't quick. I think they will grow back together, why, because I believe in happy endings, no. there has been so much love over the years, that the mind will not abandon it.

dyonysosdyonysosalmost 10 years ago

I truly believe in second chances because i'm a sucker for "happy endings",with a cheating wife you have two chances :or she will do it again and then you can toss her out or she will be remorsefull and will do everything to make it up ,allso remember that when you are turning 40-50 it's not so easy to let go of an otherwise good marriage and that at this age you just might turn out to be allone for the rest of your life

Richie4110Richie4110almost 10 years ago
Interesting Development

I liked this story a lot and would love to read the "rest of the story." I know it is possible to forgive but this one may be a little over the top. A sequel would help me understand better how this forgiveness could develop.

Thanks for a good read.

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago
Dump Her!

Several reasons:

“Working late” - teachers may occasionally have to work evenings, but NOT so late that her husband “shouldn’t wait up.”

As Gil said, if she loved him she would be faithful. She WASN’T faithful, ergo she couldn’t love him.

The fact that she didn’t even notice that over three weeks had gone by since they had sex.

The fact that apparently she does things with Kurt that she doesn’t do with Gil.

sugnasugnaalmost 10 years ago
Best course of Action

As I said in an earlier comment, all she did was to throw the burden of her misconduct on her daughters - she is a selfish bitch. So, this is what you do: Promise to not reveal the truth to the school board and the families involved in exchange for a quick divorce and custody of the children. Then, as soon as the divorce is final break your promise and expose the affair to everyone in the most dramatic and painful way possible. File a frivolous lawsuit against the school district just to publicize it more. File a lawsuit against her boyfriend as well just to keep it in the papers longer. Get a restraining order against her for threatening your life and the lives of the girls. Eventually that will be thrown out but before then, she will feel the pain and embarrassment that she deserves.

ErotFanErotFanalmost 10 years ago
You don't do "what happens next" very well

I'll have to read one of your novellas to see how you sustain a story.

Best Line: "Yeah, and the odds in Russian roulette are one in six, but I still don't want to play."

gara5289gara5289almost 10 years ago

Another great story where I'd love another chapter

impo_60impo_60over 9 years ago
For this ending...

To write this story to have this ending it's to turn the title true...No man would go this way...They didn't have any consideration for him, and why would he have any doubts to fuck the lives of those cheaters? In the end she confessed to their daughters, so he didn't save the children from it...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
She just fucked up her family, just so she could not be blackmailed by him ????

Funny his most precious concerns were his daughters welfare. She sure fucked that up for him/them, sounds like she is being a true bitch. I think I would let the Hell Hounds out now.....bill

5 very emotional and cleaver

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 9 years ago
Don't know

don't know how to rate this. On one hand I can appreciate the husband not wanting to destroy his, and the other man's, children's lives. But, the other man was fucking around, and in day of diseases that are so easy to catch he could infect his wife and children, not to mention the others he could spread whatever he catches to. Then there is the question of his own life, he must become a celibate due to his wife's actions? Somehow that just adds to the misery she has caused, not only has she wrecked their marriage, they are in effect only putting on a show for the children and her family and fellow workers, but now has deprived him of his sex life as well. How long can he live like this before he comes to resent and hate her to the point of not being able to stand being with or hearing about her? His kids will suffer the total loss of their father if he has to abandon them to get away from her.

That is the problem with unfinished storiesw, they just leave you hanging out there with no answers at all. Even if you don't like an ending at least it is an ending....this type of story is only a slice out of hell....without hope of anything even remotely like salvation or satisfaction in the offing.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 9 years ago

What do I say about this tale? I've read thousands of tales and I have never been rendered speechless. I have never seen such a preposterous way to teach a cheating wife a lesson. Now after her big reveal to the children he is ready to move forward with the marriage? She felt blackmailed having to screw her lover?

Here's the bottom line. There are too many unanswered questions to treat this as a viable tale. You're a great writer but, damn. I'm actually surprised that no one asked you to write another chapter. Then it might make sense.

no rating

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