You Enchant Me Ch. 04

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Arie and Nisha's first date.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 09/11/2014
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Hello! This is the fourth installment, and I recommend reading the previous installments to understand this chapter! This may possibly be the last chapter for a while on the couple, but I hope that you thoroughly all enjoyed it! Again, I really appreciate any feedback and constructive criticism. Really, I just love to hear what people think! As always, thanks to Alicia and Azure_skies for all the help!


So there we were; on her couch, me on top of her -bodies pressed tightly into one another, on fire. My thighs were on either side of hers, straddling her as my hips pressed into her lap, one arm around her neck, the other tugging her hair. Her hands were under my shirt, grasping my breasts. We were mouth on mouth, kissing hungrily. So far, this date was going alright. Okay, it was going really fucking amazing. She was amazing. The night wasn't going exactly as planned- but somehow, that didn't matter anymore.


The week before our date passed slowly and quickly all at the same time. What I mean by that is when I saw her during lecture, time seemed to speed up, but the times in between took longer than ever. Every time I saw her in lecture I was a little bit distracted to say the least. You can be sure that my notes weren't as thorough as usual. I had to force myself not check my phone, even though I knew she had texted me. The text messages ranged from the adorable cute that gave me butterflies, to something that ignited a fire within me. While we didn't text often, she made sure to text me during the class. I think part of her probably enjoyed my reactions all too much...

We had talked the next night as well after our first conversation, and we both agreed that we didn't want to be tied at the hip to our phones and be talking all the time. Better yet, we also didn't want to just get to know each other on the phone, we wanted to get to know each other in person. It was actually what I brought up. With my past relationship, it felt like technology ruled my relationship... letting the words on a bright screen get us lost in translation.

So, we occasionally texted, and still called each other to say goodnight and only spent a few minutes on the phone. Funny enough, it wasn't awkward at all, mostly it was just the odd ends of our days. It was the funny parts that made us laugh or sympathize, depending on the situation.

That Friday was when trouble began. I walked into the professor of my class' office after having only seen her in lecture throughout the week. She had seemed more stressed out than usual in lecture as well, which is why I had half expected this to be a tougher meeting than usual. Professor Stone, like me, is a very blunt person. Sometimes this is funny but today I feel more intimidated. Her body language upon me entering was stiff and the tension in the air caused my anxiety to spike a little - considering I didn't know what was up.

"Hello Julia," my voice squeaked out a little bit, and she didn't smile.

"Arie, sit down please." I sat down pretty much immediately. It may seem like I was cowering but in reality, I just have a lot of respect for the woman and honestly didn't know what was going on. Not to mention, I was worried to find out what was going on.

"How's your week been, Julia?" I tried out, my voice steadying.

"It's been better Arie. Any idea why?" At this point, I had to try to keep my face as calm and composed as possible.

"No...I don't know." I looked at her, watching her stare at me intently back, behind the black frames of her glasses.

"I know what you did in the parking lot with one of the students, Nisha." Her voice came out steely with a slight echo as it rebounded against the walls of the silently still room, or it may have been my imagination and shock.

But instead, my first words weren't denying it or anything about the specific incident, my words chased each other, "How do you know Nisha?"

She let out a derisive snort, "I tell you that I saw you, and that's the first thing you say?"

My face was flushed with some embarrassment, here I am in a situation where my advisor is telling me that she saw me with a student, and I don't even confront the incident in general. I ask her how she knows one of her own students: smart Arie, real smart. I've got it bad, maybe a little too bad.

"I'm sorry, Julia. I know it was unprofessional...what happened. I didn't mean for it to happen there, especially there of all places. I don't really have any excuses for what happened, except to hope that this doesn't change how you view me, or that in some way that you could understand," my eyes drifted away from hers at this moment, being so embarrassed at my behavior and my first gut reaction to what happened.

"Arie... what you did, is extremely unprofessional, considering you're in a position of power. I know for a fact that Nisha is in this class, and since you're the TA for this, I can't allow it to go on. I'm not going to report you, as long as I have your word that this will stop immediately. You can do whatever you want when she isn't your student, but for now you're abusing a position of power." Julia's voice was stern and measured. It sounded like she had practiced this speech, basically giving me an ultimatum.

I slumped a little in my chair, relieved by the fact that she wasn't going to report me. On the other hand, I was upset: to be told that I wouldn't be able to see someone who I felt like I could develop real feelings for...

"Make the right decision here," Julia said softly, as she traced her manicured nail around the rim of her coffee mug, looking down for a moment and then back up at me, "It's your secure future versus an insecure relationship."

I sighed out. I didn't really have to make this decision now... She could just think that I was making the decision. As long as we could be discreet... as long as we didn't act any certain ways on campus, I think we could pull this off...

I cleared my throat, "You're right... I don't want to risk my future just for a girl. I'll stop seeing her, you don't have to worry about any indiscretion on my part."

Professor Stone smiled, assuring me I had made the right decision, and the rest of the meeting went on like usual.


I didn't call Nisha right away or even that night because she was out with her friends which meant that I had to talk to her about it before our date really started. I wanted to talk to her about the situation in person anyway. Text and phone calls can detract and mess with the translation of tricky situations like this and I'd rather see her in person and tell her what had happened. I was picking her up from her apartment that evening. We were going to go out for dinner at this trendy Thai restaurant that just opened up downtown and then back to her apartment to watch a movie. It was a way of making the date something to dress up for but still casual, comfy, and intimate at the same time.

This was the first date in months that I actually cared about so I wanted to look my best. I took a shower a couple hours ahead, shaving everything, applying lotion so I was smooth all over, and spritzing perfume. I went for a more natural makeup look except for my winged eyeliner. I opted for a high-waisted skirt, tucking in my top. It clung to my ass in the right places. My shirt was a silky long sleeve shirt that was sheer right above my chest over my collarbone. I added a leather jacket to the mix and took a look, very satisfied with what I was wearing. Of course this was all covering a pair of black boy shorts and a lacy half cup black bra.

Upon getting there, a bottle of red wine in hand, I started to get nervous. I had to talk to her about what happened with Julia. So combined with the nervousness of that confrontation, along with the excitement of waiting to see her, I had butterflies in my stomach and also in my chest.

I would have rung the buzzer, but she had told me the apartment number, and someone had just opened the door. I slipped in along with them, excited for the fact that she didn't know I was already there. I like surprising people, keeps them on their toes... not that she needs to be any taller.

Grinning, I was about to knock on the door, when I heard her voice in the apartment, it was tinged with a bubbly nervousness. I'll admit it, I eavesdropped. Leaning close to the door with a smile plastered on my face, here is what I heard.

"Well I mean, she isn't here yet and I already feel like I have butterflies coming out of my fucking chest Leah! I've been looking forward to this so much this past week...well I mean, if you think about it, since the day I first saw her though I never thought it would happen! And..."

As Nisha was finishing her sentence, one of her elderly neighbors happened to be walking down the hallway, while I was so engrossed in the conversation and not paying attention to anything else. Which was a funny coincidence on my part, considering that I was so focused that when her neighbor spoke out to me,

"Dearie! Are you waiting for Nisha? I could have sworn she was still in," my cheeks flushed red, as I mumbled out a lame response about how I was just about to ring the doorbell. The neighbor then went back to her apartment, as I heard Nisha shuffle around, ending her phone conversation abruptly after hearing what went on outside.

By the time Nisha opened the door, I was blushing quite a bit still and sheepishly smiling, as was she, knowing that I probably heard the tail end of her conversation. But when I started getting over my embarrassment and actually looked directly at her, I stopped.

And damn. If there's a sight that would make a girl go speechless, this would be it.

Her hair was gorgeous, that same auburn color with hints of red. Her brown eyes were accented by her makeup, and they were as warm as the color gold, and made me want to sink into them. As I looked over her, I saw the pink tinge in her cheeks increase not just from the embarrassment from before, but from the fact that I was checking her out intently. My eyes drifted down to her breasts and how they were held up by her bra and shirt covering them. She was wearing a cute dressy blazer with her sleeves rolled up, over that wonderful shirt that showed just enough to make me want to ask her pick something up so I could see further, and leather leggings that hugged her toned legs deliciously.

Fuck, she was gorgeous and sexy as hell.

When my eyes came back to her face she was grinning widely, "Where'd you go stranger?"

I smirked and shook my head, "Had to remember what you looked like, Don Vito". I stepped forward to her, smiling widely, "Do I get a hug?"

She giggled, "That and some more if you're lucky", she stepped into my arms, hers around my waist and my arms over her shoulder. Her head tipped down as she nuzzled my cheek tenderly for a moment, I could hear her breathing me in and a soft whisper of how beautiful I looked. It made my heart jump in a way that it hadn't for a long time. She'd probably make it pull a muscle before tonight was over. It reminded me of that hug we shared at the club before we slipped away off the dance floor.

I wiggled my eyebrows teasingly, "How about if I pay for dinner?"

She let out a surprised laugh and nudged me away, stepping out of my arms, "That's for me to know and you to find out".

And then I remembered why I had been half so nervous in the first place. I had to talk to her about Professor Stone. I grasped her hand, "Is it okay if we go inside for a second just to talk about something first? Also I brought you a bottle of wine."

She grinned, "If you think I'm going to put out before dinner, you're completely wrong. And already the talk? We haven't even gone out on our first date yet!"

I only half smiled, being nervous about bringing up Professor Stone. Her grin faded off her face as I murmured out, "Please," squeezing her hand.

She let me pass through and I set the bottle of wine on a table nearby the sofa. My eyes darted around, trying to get a feel for her. The apartment was tasteful; bright colors, a warm sunny feel, and lots of comfort. We walked towards the couch. Sitting down next to her, I tried to ignore the fact that this was the first time we were in a completely private setting together, especially considering how beautiful and sexy she looked. Her legs were crossed, one long toned leg over the other. I started on the hard part holding her hand in my lap.

"So... I didn't get a chance to tell you about this, but I had my weekly meeting with Julia... Professor Stone? And well, she saw us kissing in the parking lot." My voice was steady but quiet, looking over at her to see her reaction.

She was biting her lip in that nervous way, her fingers gripping mine slightly tighter, "Fuck! I'm sorry... Did you get into trouble? What did she say?" Her words tumbled out bumping into each other.

I looked carefully at her, my words slower now, "Well no... She actually promised not to tell anyone... if I stopped seeing you that is." My eyes were locked onto her now, her eyes darting away from mine. I noticed that Nisha's body tensed and I got more worried. Maybe Nisha didn't want to see me anymore... maybe she didn't think I was worth the risk.

I scooted closer to her. Our thighs pressed together and I held her hand tighter to me.

"Arie..." She tilted her head now, tendrils of her curly hair falling away from her face as she looked at me with worried brown eyes. "I really don't want you to get into trouble for this. I couldn't stand it if I was the reason that you lost this job... but at the same time, I feel like we have the potential for something real here. I would never ask you to compromise your position... but I just..."

"I know, I know. We really should have been more careful. But... I have a possible option, and I'm willing if you're willing," I murmured out, squeezing her hand softly, while looking at her.

"What is it?" Nisha asked me quietly back. Her eyebrows were furrowed with nervousness and worry, I wanted to smooth it all away.

"Well, we could still see each other... just not be so outright about it when we're at school. Okay, we'd have to hide completely. It's just that I don't want to stop seeing you when we've barely started." I watched her, worried that she would turn me down more than anything else.

Nisha's eyes were locked on mine now, and her body started to relax a bit more as she leaned into me, her shoulder pressed into mine, "If that's all that it takes, I'm willing to do it. I've wanted a chance with you since I first saw you, and I'm not giving it up for a stupid rule."

Shaking my head, I curled my arm around my waist, "Something tells me that you're a bit of a rebel..." I grinned softly.

Nisha laughed, "I have a problem with authority...going to punish me?"

I burst out laughing and narrowed my eyes, "That is a definite possibility, considering I've known you were trouble since the first time I saw you." Stroking her hand, I looked at her intently, "But seriously, if you want to stop at any time or if you're feeling uncomfortable... you can always talk to me... Or, not talk to me if you don't feel like it."

Nisha looked down into my eyes, wiggling her eyebrow playfully, and let out a small giggle, leaning into my hand, "Maybe I'm done talking for now."

Grinning back at her, I bit my lip, "I meant in case you just needed comforting- Not like that you minx!" I slipped my hand down Nisha's waist and tickled it playfully, my head shaking in mock reproach.

Nisha smirked, a glint in her darkened brown eyes, "Not like what?" She squirmed underneath my fingers, letting a grin fill her face again.

I giggled and then narrowed my eyes at her, "Not in the way you-"

And then she leaned forward and I stopped midsentence. Her eyes had caught me as well as her proximity. Her lips were a breath away, one of her hands moving and dragging her finger slowly down my cheek. I was in a trance while watching her look at me, feeling her finger draw my chin closer until she pulled my lips to hers.

Our lips met slowly and sweetly at first, it felt so good after what felt like ages without this. My hand slipped down to press on Nisha's thigh, letting my body turn and lean into hers.

Our hands started to roam over each other as we kissed deeply, slowly, and passionately. It was a kiss that had been interrupted when we were in the classroom, the one that wanted to continue on that couldn't. It was the way that the kiss at the club had started, that liquid heat seeping throughout my body.

My mouth was filled with hot breath, small sighs, and then her tongue. I couldn't help but let out a ragged moan into her mouth, my hand gripping her thigh now over her leather leggings. And then, she moved her hands to my hip, pulling me onto her lap. My skirt hiked up as my legs spread apart on either side of her thighs.

This was the first place where we kissed, where we were completely alone, and she was completely intoxicating.

Her teeth caught onto my lip and tugged at it, nibbling and making my head swim from the sting and the heat. I was purring out at all of her ministrations. And then she started licking over to my ear. I almost lost it at that point. My hips were starting to rock into hers and I felt hers against mine. Her teeth then caught my lobe as she flicked it, sucking it, tugging it, licking along the curve of my ear and breathing out hotly into it. She murmured out, "I can't control myself with you."

I couldn't help but let a whimper escape as my fingers raked down her back, scratching over her blazer, "Maybe I don't want you to."

Our hands roamed all over each other, and one of my hands grabbed her arm as I felt her pulling my hips into hers. I started raising it over her head, not wanting to let her take total control... I wanted to play with her too, and as it slid down to her wrist I felt her watch.

Her watch...

The time...

I groaned out, biting my lip..."Nisha baby..."

She didn't stop from kissing my ear and purring into it, "Tell me Arie..."

I think she was expecting something else as I leaned back, tilting myself away, breathing out raggedly, "We have our dinner reservations."

She let out a laugh, partly out of amusement and partly out of frustration and pressed her face into my neck. My hands fell and threaded through her lush curly hair, cupping it to my neck and sighing out. My head tilted, resting on hers as I let my breathing start to calm down. Nisha nuzzled my neck and my body leaned forward, relaxing on hers as she pressed back into the couch. Just as I was about to urge us out, she started to kiss over my neck. They were soft, warm kisses that made me start to melt against her body.

I groaned again out of what she was making me feel and the frustration of having to stop her, lightly tugging on her hair, "We're going to be late if we don't leave now Nisha."

Nisha nipped my neck lightly, making me jerk against her. And she lifted her head and smiled softly, lightly biting her lip. Her fingers moved to my cheek and traced down it and as I looked into her darkened brown eyes I leaned my cheek into her hand.

She whispered softly, "You make me go a little crazy", she smiled at me.

I laughed and looked back at her, "If it makes you feel better, the feeling is totally mutual."

Nisha leaned in closer, her smile brighter as her fingers lazily traced over my lips, "In the spirit of a little craziness...What if we just skip the going out part of dinner? We could order some food here... Get comfortable and just spend time alone."

I grinned, moved my hand to lightly hold her wrist, softly kissing the pads of her fingers, "I am not opposed to that idea."

She let out a bright giggle and tugged my waist, pulling me into her with her other arm, "Could you even say I'm making you an offer you can't refuse?"
