You Stupid Slut Pt. 08


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"I guess I could do that if you'd want. I imagine it would allow you to go home faster. The choice is yours Rosa. I can imagine you're not quite comfortable with me blowing on your nails." Lara said with a blush. This would be very strange, but if that was what Rosa wanted she'd do it.

"It would allow me to go home faster indeed which I would really appreciate." Rosa said surprised that Lara still didn't tell her off, this was amazing, something she would never in a million years do, not even for a well paying client if the machine broke. The fact that Lara was paying big bucks just for this made it even better. The woman on her knees didn't even reply. She just actually started blowing.

Taking her phone Rosa couldn't help but make another pic. The ladies back at the salon were going to love this. While Lara blew on her nails Rosa went through her phone, smiling ear to ear as she read all the messages from her colleagues, after that first picture the chat had simply exploded. Many asking what kind of blackmail they must have on Lara. Rosa simply replied. "I meant it when the bitch asked me to do this, she's even paying big buck for the opportunity. I'll see if I can't get her to do any of you as well, so you can see for yourself." Rosa texted back.

"Thank you Lara, that's great, I think they'll be dry by now." Rosa said as Lara repeated this same process on the next coat and once more on the final clear coat. The results looked decent as Lara had done this job with full concentration, wanting to give Rosa a good pedicure despite the fact that she would probably have it redone.

"They look really good for a first try Lara, Not perfect, but good. I really advise you buy a professional set of tools and you'll be set for a really long time. Also buying a whole array of different colours can be fun. If you do them yourself you can change colour as much as you want. I do advise waiting at least a day or two though as constant reapplication can do more harm than good. Other than that the best tip I can give you is to get a lot of practice in. If you want I could ask my colleagues, provided you pay for their pedicure afterwards for a potential bad result I believe they'll be happy to let you practice." Rosa explained as straight faced as she could.

Lara just giggled. "That would be great Rosa, getting a lot of practice in will be easiest if I have different volunteers if you say constant reapplication can be bad." Lara said genuinely grateful. Apparently Rosa hadn't managed to push the woman to far, maybe she could start a bet among her colleagues, they would all be more than happy to let Lara do her nails, it could be fun to see who would manage to push her to refusal first.

If not out of sheer pleasure to see this bitch fall of her high horse she was certain her colleagues would love to get paid to get their nails done. The job Lara did was good enough to pass really so Rosa wouldn't reapply it. In that regard it was just another 60 dollars extra.

"Great, I'll post your number in our groups chat so they can contact you and you can come to an arrangement of when it would suite the both of you to meet up. I'll probably be able to make it back here next Saturday if that's alright. In any case I believe that's it for now. Unless you have any questions I'll get going." Rosa said as she slipped her shoes back on, for going her tights, just taking those in hand. With a fresh relatively decent pedicure, a stomach full of amazing snacks, fancy wine and 360 dollars richer Rosa left Lara's house with a big smile.

It didn't take long at all for texts to start flowing in. For the remainder of her evening Lara was stuck answering texts and making appointments for the women working at her salon to get their nails done by her in the name of practice. She would only be able to get started on someone else's nails tomorrow and her own as well for that matter since she didn't have the tools yet, not even polish.

By the time she had answered everyone her schedule for the coming week was starting to look busy already. As it stood now she would be stuck doing nails every evening apart from Fridays. For at least the coming week. Back from work all her free time would be filled doing various women's nails.

Despite all of this Lara was rather happy and stress free when she went to bed. Rosa had praised her a couple of times and as such she felt great.

When waking up on Sunday Lara immediately got dressed and ready for the day before heading out to the store to buy her supplies. Wanting to be as prepared as she could be Lara ended up buying every colour they had on offer. It was quite an investment, but if so many women would come to her to get their nails done she needed to be ready.

From the nail supply store she headed out to the speciality store to stock up on snacks once more. She still had a lot left from yesterday, but if she needed to provide for the entire week she would need more. Grabbing another quick lunch she headed home again to prepare. She didn't need to prepare that much as she knew what needed to happen after yesterday, but it paid of to check at least.

With most of her afternoon left to herself Lara got a workout in then went to work on her own nails. It was a relief to see her chipped polish go. The new French tipped pedicure she applied was not quite as good, as it usually was which gave her stress, but it was a lot better than when it had been chipped already. In that regard her new pedicure was a relief. That and no one had had to see her feet in the process.

Now that her own nails were done and she had worked out she got showered and dressed again. Ready for the next woman working at the salon to come and get her nails done so she could get some practice.

The woman showing up at her doorstep was a petite Asian woman. Form the looks of it she also came straight from work, dressed in the same uniform as Rosa had been. She was a little shy and awkward at first. While she had been excited to make use of this offer herself, to see Lara taken down a peg, now that she was here it felt a little awkward. She was afraid that Lara would be the bitch like she had always been.

As the evening dragged on however that fear disappeared gradually. On her knees massaging her tired feet Lara didn't look that threatening at all anymore. She wasn't comfortable enough to push things further than Rosa had pushed them, but she did go for the same treatment including the blow-drying of her nails, sending pictures to the others throughout.

Just like Rosa this woman felt great heading back home, 60 dollar richer with a full stomach and a new red pedicure. Lara in turn felt great as well, she had gotten some more pointers and it had went a lot better than yesterday already. This woman had also paid her some compliments so with a smile and at ease Lara headed to bed, ready to face a new work week.

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Jennifer182Jennifer182almost 2 years ago

Very nice story, we all know some woman like Lara, smug and self centred .

kaele24kaele24almost 2 years ago

so good story, thanks for it and looking for the next part 👍🏼

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Law firm decides to fire Lara due to declining productivity and Tina becomes her mistress by being aggressive. She convinces Lara that she has no future in practicing law and persuades her to turn in her license to practice law to the Bar Association and files a power of attorney over Lara where she moves into her condo where she sleeps on Lara's bed and makes her sleep in the guest bedroom. Money needed to pay for living expenses and Lara will be put out to look for jobs

No $300 per hour retainer and Lara labors in a feet therapy store earning a measley $10 per hour which is not enough as her mistress makes her work another shift stocking food in a store. And this is still not enough to pay the bills!

Finally a good friend of Tina suggests Lara work as a dancer in a porn business where she will be put hard at work dancing with her panties being stuffed with hundred dollar bills!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Maybe Lara needs to fuck a black man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So enjoying seeing this rich B brought down, I agree with the other commenters she should dress more appropriately. We will see just how far you have her fall. Good work as usual.


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