Young Boss Tricked & Exposed Ch. 42-43

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The focus group girls get the upper hand over Tim.
3.6k words

Part 23 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/04/2020
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Part 42

Tim looked at the focus group girls, who were all smiling at him. "So," Beth said, "role-playing. I like the sound of that!" She looked at the grinning faces surrounding her, and received a flurry of nods and a few giggles. She held the clipboard up again, and said, "I guess we're supposed to, and I quote, 'create a detailed walk-through' for an ad."

"Let's do the car wash!" Stephanie said.

Debbie said, "We can't really do a walk-through of that one, without soap and water and cars to wash. I say we do the strip poker one, if that one isn't already written?"

She looked at Tim.

He was thinking fast. "Um, no, I wouldn't say it's written yet. But we have already done the broad strokes."

Martha leaned over to Beth and loudly whispered, "I'd like to give him a broad stroke," and Beth snickered.

Tim's mind was racing down a path that he'd be struggling with for the last month or so. On the one hand, he was mortified at the thought of yet another group of women trying to get him out of his clothes in front of them.

But on the other hand, he felt himself getting hard, and he knew that there was something wrong with him! It was flattering to be the center of this kind of sexual attention from a group of attractive women, no doubt. But it was some kind of perversion to be simultaneously turned on and humiliated by the thought of some clever females denuding him in the middle of an office, in the middle of a work day!

Wasn't there?

He made up his mind, and then cleared his throat. "I think I need to get a little guidance about what the client means by 'role play' and a 'detailed walk-through," he said, and he walked quickly to the door. He reached it and turned the handle before any of the women could react.

He wasn't really going to ask Shawna or Danielle or anyone else for any detailed guidance. He needed to get out of here, right now. He'd just leave the office, and he could email Pam tonight, explaining—"

The door wouldn't budge. The knob turned, but the door wouldn't move. He pushed it twice, but no luck.

He heard a soft coughing behind him, and turned to see Beth, smiling at him once again. He thought, "Pam! That sneaky little..." He looked at the reflective glass, and suddenly knew that she must be on the other side, watching him. She'd blocked the door somehow, trapping him in here with these horny females!

For a moment he wondered whether anyone else was in the observation room with Pam, but ruled that out. The rest of the women in the building were surely in the back room, dissecting his embarrassing ads and the focus group's reactions to them.

So Pam had used this little dirty trick to set him up, and create a voyeuristic private show for herself, with Tim as the main attraction, whether he liked it or not. While he could feel himself blushing at that prospect, he also realized that she might have inadvertently strengthened his long-shot plan to regain some authority in the office.

But if he was going to pull that off, he didn't see any way out of this trap that-

"Is there something wrong with the door?" Marisa asked in a teasing, sing-song voice.

"I guess we'll have to push through without any guidance, at least for now," Beth said.

Tim looked away from the one-way glass and back at the women in the room with him, and swallowed. "Yes, well... I guess we can at least try to do some... planning."

"Let's do the hypnosis one," Brittany chirped. "We don't need any props or anything for that."

As the women talked over each other in excited agreement, on the other side of the window, five more females watched, equally excited.

"I can't believe you locked him in there," Anna said, grinning. "It's like you threw Daniel into the lions' den."

"And these lions have claws!" Julie snickered. "And they're hungry!"

"He's got to know that you set him up," Mia said.

"I know," Pam said. "That's the one flaw in my plan."

"If those girls end up attacking and groping him, he's going to be pissed at you!" Kaitlyn warned.

The other women nodded, looking simultaneously eager and worried.

Finally Mia said, "It will be so worth it, though!" And they all laughed and turned back toward the conference room. Each girl had a cell phone in her hand, held up to capture whatever fate befell their hunky, unlucky boss!

Tim had returned to the conference table, only to find Beth directing the other women to move the table backwards, and pulling some of the chairs into a row near the white boards at the front of the room. "Let's create some space so we can plan this out," she said.

Tim knew that he was in trouble, and miserable, and still hard. What was wrong with him?!

Beth said, "The hypnotist will be a female, of course."

"Of course," Tim grumbled.

"I'll be the hypnotist," Marisa sang out, stepping forward.

"Good," Beth said. "Let's figure this out. Debbie, this was your idea, so how should

we start?"

Debbie's smile showed her dimples. She looked at Marisa. "You'll be doing a corporate show for all of the employees at the company. You'll ask for volunteers to come up on stage."

Stephanie and Brittany raised their hands and skipped up in front of the white boards. Martha also raised her hand, but she then went and grabbed Tim's arm, tugging him to the front of the room with her. Tim's handsome face wore an expression like he was going to the gallows.

When the volunteers were seated, Debbie said, "You'll put them under, and having them do something goofy and embarrassing."

"We can cluck like chickens!" Brittany said. "I've seen that in hypnotist shows!"

Marisa adopted a serious expression and stood in front of Brittany and Stephanie. She picked up the held a marker from the white board out in front of her. "Follow this marker with your eyes. You're getting very sleepy."

Brittany and Stephanie badly over-acted, robotically moving their heads from side to side. Marisa said, "Sleep!" and they both comically dropped their chins to their chests and started snoring theatrically.

"When I snap my fingers, you will open your eyes, but you will still be under my command," Marisa said. She snapped her fingers, and both women raised their heads, their eyes snapping open as they tried not to laugh.

"We are under your command, Mistress," Brittany said in a flat voice, with just a trembling hint of a laugh.

"Ooh, I like the sound of that," Marisa giggled. "Okay, when I snap my fingers again, you are both going to be chickens. You'll squat down and waddle back and forth, clucking and flapping your wings. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mistress," Brittany and Stephanie said in unison, drawing some giggles from their audience.

Marisa snapped her fingers, and both girls immediately squatted down, and waddled comically around the room, flapping their elbows and clucking through their chuckling.

When the "chickens" had roosted back on their chairs, Martha said, "Do me next!"

Beth leaned toward Marisa and whispered into her ear. Marisa waved the marker in front of Martha's face, and when the cute brunette was "under," Marisa said, "You are going back in time... way back. You are now a baby, just learning to walk."

Martha was a natural ham, and she popped one thumb into her mouth, sucking it and getting a round of laughter from the others. She slowly and tentatively got to her feet, and wobbled her way along the line of chairs, reaching out to steady herself on chairs, and Stephanie, and Tim.

She ended her walk by plopping back onto the seat and leaning over onto Stephanie's shoulder for a nap, her thumb still in her mouth.

"Now it's Tim's turn," Beth said, and all eyes turned to the uncomfortable, lone male in the room. Beth and Debbie and Marisa huddled for a moment, whispering among themselves, then Marisa clapped, and they all smiled at Tim.

Marisa walked in front of Tim and waved the marker, repeating her corny trance talk. He half-heartedly followed the marker back and forth a couple of times. Marisa lowered the marker and said, "You are now under my control!"

Tim sighed and gave her a small nod.

Marisa leaned forward, her eyes twinkling, and said, "What do you say?"

Tim swallowed. "Yes, mistress."

The women in the conference room, and the women in the observation room, all giggled.

"That's right!" Marisa said. "Now, you will stand up, but when you do, you'll realize that you've got some small, sharp rocks in your shoes that hurt when you put your weight on them." She looked back at her attractive co-conspirators, who nodded and grinned. Then she looked back at Tim. "Stand up!"

Tim stood, and then winced not very convincingly, as he shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"What seems to be the problem, sir?" Marisa asked innocently.

Tim shook his head. "I don't know. I think there's something in my shoes."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. You should probably take them off."

Tim sat back down and started unlacing his shoes. Marisa waggled her eyebrows at the other girls.

When Tim had pulled his shoes off, she said, "Let's try that again."

Tim stood up. Marisa stared at him for a moment. "Oh," he said. He half-heartedly shifted his weight again. "It still hurts."

"I guess that means the problem was in your socks and not your shoes," Marisa said. "Why don't you take them off, too?"

Tim quickly sat down. Everyone knew where this was going, but he didn't know if he wanted to stall, or to go as fast as he could, to get it over with.

As he was pulling off his second sock, Beth stepped behind Tim's chair, announcing,

"I'm the Amazing Marisa's lovely assistant." She curtseyed as Tim turned to look at her, and the other girls gave her some mock applause.

Beth held her empty hands up in front of her, as if she were holding up a product. "I just happen to have a bottle of Naked Attraction, which I carry with me at all times."

Brittany laughed, and Stephanie gave a little whistle.

Beth mimed pouring out a little liquid onto one hand, and then rubbing it into both hands. She stepped up closer to Tim, and said, "Would you please stand up sir?"

As Tim started to get up, Beth placed both her hands on the back of Tim's neck, and slowly, dramatically rubbed them down onto the tops of his shoulders, and then slid one hand forward beneath his ear and across his jawline.

Tim couldn't stop himself from flinching a little at the touch of her hands - and the phantom body spray - on his neck and the side of his face.

Martha said, "I know what THAT means!" The women in the observation room laughed.

When Tim had drawn himself to his full height, Marisa stepped toward him, her head about level with his broad shoulders, saying, "Now—"

Then she abruptly stopped, closed her eyes, and got up on her tiptoes as she leaned closer to Tim's neck. She flared her nostrils dramatically, and purred, "Mmmmm," as she swayed a bit, and then opened her eyes. She smiled a slow, sexy smile, and took her time walking in a circle around him, looking him up and down as she went.

The other women giggled, and Tim forced himself to keep looking forward, though he felt the heat rising in his face.

As she completed her orbit of her prey, Marisa muttered almost under her breath, "Mmmm, is it getting hot in here?"

Then she stopped herself, and her smile grew larger, as if a thought had just occurred to her. "I mean, it IS getting hot in here." She stopped directly in front of Tim, and looked up into his worried, brown eyes. "You can feel it, getting warmer and warmer, can't you?"

In the observation room, Julie said, "Oh, she's good."

"Yes she is!" Mia agreed, snickering.

Tim seemed paralyzed, staring down into Marisa's twinkling eyes. "Can't you?"

Tim gave his head a small shake, as if he had really been falling into a trance. "Um, y- y- yes."

Marisa shot a sideways glance at Beth and Debbie, and winked, then she looked back up into Tim's eyes. "Yes what?"

Tim swallowed again. "Yes, mistress," he squeaked, then cleared his throat as the women in the room laughed.

"Good," Marisa said, patting his forearm, and beginning to circle him again. "It's getting warmer and warmer." When she was once again behind him, she leaned up, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder and her lips just inches from his left ear. "In fact, it's getting hot now. Wouldn't you be more comfortable without that hot, heavy shirt on?"

Tim looked like he was actually starting to sweat. "Y- yes." Marisa started to speak again, but before she could, Tim said, "mistress."

"Good," Marisa breathed. She lowered herself back down from her tiptoes and circled back until she was directly in front of him. She looked up into his handsome face and waited until he met her eyes. "Take it off."

Both rooms were quiet for a long moment, while 11 women held their breath.

Then Tim swallowed, and raised his hands, and with shaky fingers, began to unbutton his shirt.

Part 43

There was silence in the conference room while Tim undid the buttons on his shirt, starting at the top. He could feel a slight trembling in his fingers, and he could feel the eyes of the women in the room - and, somehow, the eyes of Pam from the other side of the glass - on him. He also felt himself getting harder.

When he had undone the last button above his beltline, he pulled his shirttails up and out of his pants. The shirt was blue, short-sleeved, and made of cotton, and he felt the material sliding over his pecs and abs as he undid the bottom two buttons. The two sides of the shirt separated, revealing the middle of his chest and his clearly visible abs.

He looked into Marisa's eyes, which were still locked on the flat space between the bottom of his abs and his beltline. Could she see his partial hard-on under the khakis?

Her eyes slowly rose until they met his, and the skin at their corners crinkled slightly, as the pretty Latina raised one eyebrow just a bit. "You'll feel more comfortable without that shirt in this, hot, hot room," she purred.

Tim raised his hands and lifted each half of his shirt to the side, until the top of both sides edged outward and backward. When they cleared the top of his shoulders, he moved his hands downward toward his sides, and the shirt slipped down and off of his muscular shoulders and arms. His firm pecs flexed as the shirt fell away. As both sleeves fell clear of his forearms, he gripped the shirt in his right hand.

Before he could do anything with it, Marisa held out one small, delicate hand and said, "I'll take that."

Tim surrendered the garment to her, and she tossed it behind her toward the conference table without looking to see where it fell. Her eyes traveled up and down Tim's exposed torso. He suddenly found that he had goosebumps, and he knew that his nipples must be rock hard in the open air.

"Wow!" Martha breathed softly.

Debbie learned toward Brittany and whispered, "I wish that Shawna had let us keep our cell phones! I know that she didn't want any secret recordings of the ads, but I can't believe we won't have a video of this to remember!"

"I don't think we're going to forget this," Brittany whispered back. "But I know what you mean!"

In the observation room, five smiling women held their cell phones up, as five small screens recorded the gorgeous, embarrassed, shirtless man on the other side of the glass.

Marisa grinned up into Tim's handsome, blushing face and said soothingly, "There now. Doesn't that feel better?" She stepped to her right, and placed the palm of her left hand flat against the goosebumped firmness of Tim's left pectoral muscle, just inches away from his erect nipple. "Without that heavy shirt, your chest feels so much cooler, doesn't it?"

Tim said, "Y- yes." She took another step, and lifted her hand just enough that her fingertips trailed up onto the trapezius muscle, and then onto the nape of Tim's neck as she moved around behind him. Then she looked over at her gawking co-conspirators and swatted the seat of Tim's snug khakis and said, "Yes, what?"

Tim jumped an inch at the unexpected spank and said, "Yes, mistress."

Marisa got up onto her tiptoes again and placed her scarlet-lipsticked mouth close to his ear, as she gave the paralyzed hunk's firm buns a condescending pat and said, "Good boy." Still on her toes, she moved to Tim's right, her face within an inch of his firm jawline as she exaggeratedly inhaled. "Mmmm, you smell good."

Tim kept his eyes locked forward, and the petite Latina completed her second circuit around his body. As she stopped again, her eyes drew his down, and she said, "Now your upper body feels wonderfully cool. But the room is getting even hotter, and you realize that your pants are starting to become uncomfortable."

Several of the other girls giggled into their hands, and Brittany and Stephanie actually wiggled with excitement in their chairs.

In the observation room, Pam suddenly said, "Oh wait!" She handed her cell phone to Julie. "Keep recording. I've got to do something real quick." The other four women stared after her in confusion as she eased the conference room open and disappeared.

In less than a minute she was back, and she softly shut the door behind her. Julie handed her phone back. "What did you do?"

"I took the doorstop out from under the door," Pam said, grinning.

"Why?!" Anna said. "What if he runs out before those girls can have their way with him?"

"He won't," Pam said. "As far as he knows, the door is still blocked, so he won't even try."

The women stared at her for a moment, but then a look of understanding dawned on Mia's face. Her delicate Asian features lit up. "Ooh, I get it." The other women looked at her, curious, but Pam just smiled at her.

Mia said, "It was really sneaky to lock him in their with those girls. But now that we know that he could leave at any time - which he doesn't know! - that makes it even hotter!"

Kaitlyn said, "Yes! I don't know why, but it does!"

Anna grinned at Pam. "All he has to do is walk right out of that room and he could save his dignity. There's nothing to stop him."

Pam winked. "Exactly. His freedom is a couple of steps away, but he thinks that those girls have total control over him."

"And because of that," Julie said, her fair skin flush beneath her blonde hair, "they do!"

All five women smiled at each other, savoring this secret knowledge, aware of their hard nipples and the moisture between their legs, and—

From the other side of the glass, Marisa said, "Yes, the room is definitely getting hotter. Your chest even feels a little warm now, but your lower body is starting to become really uncomfortable."

Tim started to croak out a word, his blush now spreading down into the top of his neck, and then he cleared his throat. "I- I don't think I want to do this." His eyes flicked up to the one-way glass for just a moment. "I mean, I never consented to anything like this." He looked back into Marisa's warm, brown eyes. "I'm v- very uncomfortable about this."

Marisa glanced quickly at Beth, who gave a small shrug of the shoulders, but then held both palms up and gave a small pushing motion. Marisa looked back up at Tim.

"I understand that you're uncomfortable. But that's because the temperature is rising so fast. Your legs are beginning to feel like you're being roasted."

She spoke evenly, and calmly. "Those pants are so heavy, and they feel like they're made of wool."

Tim seemed to actually be sweating just a bit, as his blushing face glistened. "I- I- I don't—"

"Come on," urged Beth softly, from behind him. "We're just roleplaying, and this means a good paycheck for us."

Stephanie leaned forward too, and said, "I really need the money. Please!"

Tim glanced to his side, and then back to Marisa, and said, "Just the pants?"