Young Couples Rally


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I fought hard to get myself under control again so I could lay down and play sculpture if/when they all came running back, but I couldn't. Fortunately the only one to enter was the guide, the woman who had received us. I was still coughing and wiping my eyes but she told me to stop.

"Let me clean your face for you, then you'll get some water to drink while I do the same to your girl." she told me.

Easier said than done but I tried to stay still and eventually I could see and breath again. Annie wasn't far behind in that department and sat up too.

"What happened?" Annie wanted to know, so I told her after another drink of water.

She laughed, hard and for quite some time, then giggled:

"Must have been a shock for her when 'Adonis with a big dick' came alive in a dark cave! I would have loved to see that!"

"I wish I hadn't!" I answered with conviction "Can we get out of here now? I'm freezing and want to get the rest of this muck off of me."

"Sure." the woman said.

The sunlight blinded us when we got outside and we stood and clipped our eyes for a while, adapting. Then we were taken to a small spring with a brook leading from it.

"Here's your car keys, the next map and some soap. I'll leave you now, but take your time, wash up and let the sun dry you." the woman told us, turned on her heel and left.

Annie and I looked after her as she disappeared, then at each other. What I saw pretty much resembled a sexy ghost with a beautiful human face. Annie was a sight to see even like that. We started to giggle softly but before long we laughed so hard we could hardly stand straight. When we finally stopped she held out her arms to me, saying:

"Come here! We might as well help each other get rid of some of this stuff before we enter the spring, and why not make it pleasant?"

Her meaning was kind of obvious so I dropped the keys and map on the ground and stepped into her embrace. With lips locked together and pressing our bodies tight our hands scraped over our backs, sides and asses. We weren't very effective as cleaners go - we had other priorities first and foremost - but some of the dust and muck probably came off and I at least didn't care about anything other than being so close to Annie.

"I... want you... Stephan," she said between fast kisses "Not... with a... marble... dick though."

I pulled my lips away and looked her in the eyes.

"Limestone, not marble, and with you around it will be hard as granite anyway. Seriously though, are you sure? I'll probably not be very good for you."

"Yes, I'm sure and it will be what it will be. After a day naked, teased, embarrassed, kissing and what not I need you in me or I'll burst! A bath first, bring the soap. I want you to wash me and I'll wash you, and then... then!"

We entered the spring hand in hand, splashing each other, rubbing skin, clearing hair, then got out to soap each other up from hair to toes. Once again we were white as ghosts, this time from the lather. After washing off in the spring again we lay down on a huge grindstone left behind, Annie on her back and me on top.

"Listen now Stephan. I don't expect any miracles, just put it in and fuck me as long as you can. If you come at once that's fine, but stay where you are. You'll get hard again and then you can continue. Get it? No apologies or bad feelings. And yes, you can play with my boobs and anything you like."

- - - - - - - -

It played out just like Annie had said and it was more than I had ever expected. After the second time we moved from the grindstone to lay in the grass, cuddled together. Relaxed and sated as we were and with the sun warming us, we fell asleep.

Annie woke me by shaking my shoulder rather violently.

"Stephan, wake up! We have to get going to finish the next task!"

I sat up with heart pounding, not aware at first where I was or why. Seeing Annie beside me, naked, got my memory working.

"Fuck! What time is it?" I asked rather stupidly.

"How should I know? We washed and fucked, then fucked again and obviously fell asleep, and anyway I have no idea what time it was when we got here in the first place. We sure as hell have no time to waste, of that I'm sure."

I couldn't argue and we both got up, I grabbed the car-keys and Annie the map and then we ran back to my car, got in and drove off like car-thieves. The next stop was some ten miles away, not far from where we started that morning but on the other side of the small lake. There was no-one to be seen there and no car either, but a rather large sign beside the road.

'TOO LATE!' it said 'Return to the start for evaluation!'

"Fuck!" I screamed in exasperation and Annie added a couple of other selected expletives.

There was nothing else to do than admit defeat and I for one saw before me my parents expressions when I showed up naked at home. Double fuck!

So we drove off and I headed for home at rather low speed to delay the embarrassment. When we passed the take-off to the starting location Annie spoke up.

"You missed the turn Stephan."

"And? What's the point to go back there? We failed, we won't get either clothes or money back."

"Turn around! You're probably right but we have to at least try, won't we? The sign said we would be evaluated so there is a chance after all. Turn around now or stop and let me out so I can walk there."

"Okay," I sighed "but remember it's a public beach. Small, yes, but public, and we're naked. By now it sure will be people there taking a bath."

"So what's new? We've been naked all day in front of strangers, doing all kinds of things. Hell, we even became tourist attractions!"

"Yeah, as sculptures: they didn't know we were real persons. To me that makes a hell of a difference I must say."

"Oh yeah? And you think they will still think so when they have time to think about it? That they believe in fables about statues coming alive when touched? You sat up in front of one of them, and they have photos of us. Covered in chalk, sure, but still naked."

She had a point, that much I understood, and I turned the car around though without any enthusiasm.

There were two dozen cars in the parking when I stopped and I foresaw problems, probably police involvement. Oh well, what the heck.

Annie got out without hesitation and I followed soon after. She took my hand and pulled me with her towards the beach. One thing had changed from the morning I noticed, a gate across the trail, closed but not locked. On it was a sign:

'OFSL Nudist Area. Nudity Obligatory Beyond This Point!'

I just stared at the sign and the gate, not understanding how I could have missed it that morning. Annie giggled.

"Public beach? Yeah, sure!" she smirked at me and opened the gate.

Down by the lake a bonfire was lit and a lot of people stood, sat or lay around it, all naked. Among them were everyone we had met during the day and they waved for us to join them.

"So you got here after all!" the man who had locked away my money and clothes yelled "About time, we were beginning to wonder if you had given up when you didn't show at the last trial. Got lost or something?"

"Or something." Annie replied blushing "We fell asleep after the grindstone quarry."

"Really? Did that experience... excite you perhaps?"


"It happens, it happens. The pictures of you in the cave are spectacular I have to say so we're not surprised."

"Pictures?" I asked "How do you know what they look like? Those tourists..."

That was as far as I got since they all started to laugh. Then a woman yelled:

"It moved!"

I kind of recognised the thin voice: we had been tricked!

There was more laughter and one of the women walked up to me and put a hand on my hip.

"You can thank me later for bringing you back to life, handsome!" she giggled.

"Lisa there is a professional photographer and developed the films and made one set of copies. Like I said they are spectacular. Now, before we do anything else we have an evaluation to take care of, and since you failed to show up at one location we can't let you pass. However, we do feel you have taken to nudity rather well in the end and therefore we'll give you the chance to perform the last task here and now in front of us all. That okay with you both?"

"Yes please!" Annie answered for both of us.

"Thomas! Mona!" he then yelled "Where are you?"

"Over here!" a man called from behind the changing-rooms.

Annie's hold of my hand threatened to crush my fingers for a second, then she let go of me and covered herself. The words that came over her lips made me cover up too:

"Mum! Dad!"

And there her parents came around the corner, nude as the rest of us. Triple fuck!

"Hello honey!" her dad chuckled "Hi Stephan, is this really the way to dress when meeting us eye to eye for the first time?"

I had seen them several times when I picked Annie up but we hadn't actually met or talked. I was speechless.

"Behave Tom!" Annie's mum admonished her husband, slapping his ass loudly.

Neither Annie or I joined in the renewed laughter that exploded around us. I felt more naked than ever, and no doubt Annie did too judging by her posture.

"Relax now, both of you." Mona continued "Apparently you haven't seen us but we've seen you, a lot. Actually at all stations, even after your bath in the spring. There's nothing new under the sun any more."

If that was supposed to calm us it failed terribly, and it was impossible to say if Annie's red colour was deeper than mine or the other way around.

"You... you saw us...bathing?" Annie whispered breathlessly.

I knew perfectly well what she meant with 'bathing' and it had little to do with water in this case.

"We left before you really got going but we saw enough. You're adults so it's only natural that you reached that point in the end. It's also natural that we gave you some privacy at that point, and whatever you might think this trial is not about that. So I tell you again: relax!"

"Your first task, of two, is to -- honestly -- answer some questions from some of the members present, and at least regarding Annie any attempt to lie will be subject to further questioning. First question comes from Lena."

"Have this day brought you closer together?" the 'tourist guide' asked.

Annie and I looked at each other, and despite the uncomfortable situation we both smiled when we answered as one:

"Oh yes!"

"How and why? Individual answers, Stephan first. "

I hesitated, 'because we made love' didn't seem like a very good or complete answer.

"Perhaps we could call it the naked truth?" I said instead, causing more laughter "We couldn't hide from each other, literally. At first we became antagonistic, almost hostile, but realised we were depending on the other to do this. Then Annie decided to accept the situation and not try to hide. I learned a lot about her."

"I think that's an accurate description: 'the naked truth'." Annie agreed "Both psychologically and physically we were -- are -- 'shields down' and on full display. I don't think either of us would go through with this if we could start over but... yeah, it worked."

"Carl A next, and by the way, there really are two couples named Carl and Carla. A and E we add to separate them."

"Well, the best and worst thing with being naked. Annie first."

"Worst was the shock of being pulled out naked from the changing-room with Stephan watching. It was horrible! Best was the sense of freedom when I decided to ignore it."

"Worst?" I continued "Everything!"

More laughter.

"Knowing anyone could show up anytime and anywhere to see me, and knowing there would be witnesses. Best part is really easy to say: Annie!"

"Figures!" a female voice said at the back of the group, and another simply stated:


"No no no!" I hurried to add "Well, yes, that too but what I meant was not being alone. Moral support you know."

"Carla E now."

"Are you serious about each other or is it just a fling?"

We looked at each other again, and Annie raised an eyebrow mockingly and smiled.

"For me it definitely is serious." she stated without a hint of doubt.

"Serious yes, where it will lead I can't say though. I'm... hopeful after today." I said, hedging a bit.

"Last question now, from our president Lars"

That turned out to be the man who received us that morning.

"If -- or when if you prefer that -- you would get married, would you be interested in a nude wedding with a nude reception, free of charge, arranged by OFSL, with a lifetime membership in OFSL and a honeymoon at one of our resorts?"

"One question about that." Annie hurried to say "What is OFSL?"

"Our community, or organization if you so wish: Organization For Sexual Liberation. Our motto is not original in any way but summarize our ideas: make love, not war! Nude people don't fight, that's the truth, 'the naked truth' as you put it Stephan."

"Okay, I'm interested since mum and dad seems to be involved already." was Annie's answer, then she -- and everyone else -- stared at me.

"No way!" I declared "I can't imagine my parents and sister like this. They would never agree to be naked in public, even if I wanted it. Never!"

"Lie!!!" voices yelled from behind the changing-room, and there mum, dad and Eva -- my older sister -- emerged. Not wearing as much as a thread, but smiling brightly.

"Why the hell wouldn't we after being members for close to thirty years? Not Eva of course, she joined last year, but that's beside the point. So, don't blame it on us if you don't want this. If you do want it you only have to kiss the eventual bride-to-be, think it over, propose and set a date. "

No pressure, huh? I calculated my chances of getting away with a refusal. Annie's reaction, my reaction, others reactions. The odds were far from good on all parts.

Come what may, I thought, grabbed Annie by her shoulders and waist, dipped her backwards and kissed her for five minutes straight. A statement ought to be presented clearly after all, shouldn't it?

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JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623almost 7 years ago

Although I feel that the story captured the panic and nervousness of the couple at the beginning, and their change in attitude thereafter, I feel the boy (Stephen) could have been a bit more eloquent about his feelings for Annie at the end. He didn't even declare his love for her either! That's the only thing that had me feeling off about the story. Otherwise I loved it! Please keep writing!

Sailman66Sailman66almost 7 years ago
Very Enjoyable!

Thought this was an excellent story and certainly captured the many emotions that a couple would feel being cast in this situation. The focus more on the actual nudity and the feelings and emotions also made it enjoyable and whilst I enjoy a good story about sex sometimes a story more focused on this with a bit of sex is a refreshing change. After all the contest is Nude Day. Whilst I didn't have as much issue with the endings as others have it could do with more padding out as suggested.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Very Good Start But Poor Ending

Despite some little typos and errors, I really enjoyed the story until nearing the end. At that point it just seemed to go off the rails. The families showing up and the revelations made it almost painfully unrealistic. I hope you'll consider rewriting that last part so later readers can enjoy it more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
um, say what now?

ok, i really dont do critical, but this time, yeah gonna be. I enjoyed it.... until they passed the gate at the end. you needed, im guessing at least half a page if not a whole one, just to clean that up. her parents, present and naked? and stalking them all day? how was that done in multiple remote type locals? i understand the club was the group in the caves, stress inducing, etc. but was the final task to simply answer questions? also no mention ever of other participants.... then his parents pop up with his sister. calling the plausibity there. 30 years in this club? and sis joined 1 year prior? how in the world could he have no clue at all? seemingly there were no other participants and, it was some kind of setup to get the two of them intimate and engaged? see so many questions, and/or suppositions. it was a feasibly believable story, but i feel you ruined it by copping out on a fully fleshed out ending, possibly some mid rewrite to make it form to the ending you should write. 2 frustrated stars for now. if you ever do a rewrite, I will gladly read it, and rescore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
With a livid imagination

Livid imagination? did you mean vivid? Otherwise we'd have to have an angry imagination.

bob0224bob0224almost 7 years ago

The story was really enjoyable, even plausible to a certain extent, but then the ending was absolutely ridiculous.

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