You're Not In 2007 Anymore

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She travels back to pre-Civil War Atlanta.
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I've always believed that I was born in the wrong time period. There's no other way to describe it than that. Ever since I was young, I dreamed of living in a time where things weren't so...modern. Not that I'd go so far as to say that I don't like electricity and indoor plumbing. I'd be lying through my teeth if I tried. But I knew I'd be more comfortable in a world where things were beautiful, where women wore big frilly dresses and didn't work for a living and the men believed in providing for their families and defending their honor if need be. That was the life I wanted to live.

Debutantes aren't exactly the rage these days, which further cemented my belief that I should have been born over a century earlier. My fascination with Civil War history made me long for a way to travel back to just before that time, before the South was burned and so many people lost their lives in battle and the aftermath. The dream of heading back to that time period was what brought me into an inventor's den one afternoon. The rumor around town was that he was in the process of building a time travel machine, but no one had expressed an interest as of yet at trying it out. I was single, in between jobs, and more than a little bored with my life as it was. What did I have to lose?

"What year would you like to travel to, my dear?" he asked after we had talked for a few minutes. He had showed me the machine and warned me more than once that it may not work, as it had never been tried with humans, only plants and small animals.

I thought about that long and hard. The exact year was a bit touchy, especially if something went wrong and I got there and couldn't get back somehow. "How about eighteen fifty-nine?" It was an odd year, literally and figuratively, but I figured it would work.

I watched as the inventor fiddled with some of the buttons and dials on the machine, startling slightly when it whirred to life. "So...have you ever had a hard time getting something back from the time period you put it in?" I asked. I wasn't afraid of the machine exploding and killing me, ironically enough. I was more afraid that I'd end up getting stuck there and having to live in the midst of the war in a few years. Not really sure if that was the best way to look at things but those were my priorities for the time being.

"I have calibrated the machine to send you to the year you specified," the inventor told me. It sounded like he was giving me directions to the nearest supermarket or telling me where to find the best hamburger in town. It was so matter-of-fact, it was almost funny. "When would you like to go?"

No time like the present, right? "Right now? I have clothes in my car that I can change into. I brought them just in case." I had a dress that looked like it came right from the time period, a sunshine yellow dress so full of frills and crinoline that for a moment I worried that I wouldn't be able to fit into the machine with it on. "Just let me grab it and get ready and I'll meet you back here in twenty." Before he could say another word I was running out to the car, somewhere between excited and terrified over what was about to take place.

I found a secluded spot outside the workshop and changed, right there. Had anyone seen me, they probably would have thought I was crazy, or going to some masquerade ball. I pulled my hair out of its ponytail, running my fingers through it to tame it and tease it into some sort of shape. Pinching my cheeks and biting my lips, I decided I was ready and went back into the workshop. "Let's get this show on the road!"

"Are you sure you're ready?" The inventor of the machine was suddenly looking nervous over what was about to transpire and I just smiled, nodding.

"I'm very ready," I replied. "I've been waiting for this my entire life."

He watched me until he seemed satisfied with my answer. Opening the door to the time machine, he motioned for me to enter. "Make sure you remember exactly where you land, and be back in that spot in exactly one week, to the minute. It should bring you back to the current time as long as you follow those instructions." I wondered if it was really that easy but he seemed quite sure of the rules so I made a mental note.

"One week, to the minute, in the exact same spot. Got it." I climbed into the machine and managed to stuff my dress in around me, hoping that I wouldn't get it caught on my way back out. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes. I wasn't a praying person but I have to admit that I said one as I stood there, hoping that I would make it safely to my destination. I heard the door latch and suddenly there was a loud banging noise and the machine started to shake. I nearly screamed, bracing my hands on either side to try to keep my balance while it shuddered, beeped, banged and finally stopped. I figured nothing happened besides getting the scare of my life so I opened the door, ready to thank the inventor for trying and to ask him to let me know once the glitches were fixed.

I definitely was not expecting to have landed in the middle of a lush, green meadow, the hot summer sun beating down on my shoulders. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was, and I could only hope that I was still in Atlanta, just in another time period. I wouldn't feel nearly as awkward if that was the case. "It really worked," I murmured as I kept looking around. I stepped out of the machine and it immediately vanished, making me wonder how it was just going to 'appear' again in one week. I looked around for something to mark the spot with, finally marking it with a stick long enough to get a boulder, hoping that no one would move it within the next week. After that? It was time to walk.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the horses bounding through the grass until one of them raced by me, knocking me off of my feet. I landed on my butt, yellow taffeta and white petticoats making me look like some crazily painted Easter egg – did they paint Easter eggs in this time period?

"Are you daft?" I heard another horse stop just to my left, a male voice yelling at me. I looked up to see the definition of 'tall, dark and handsome' – richly tanned skin, dark brown hair and chocolate eyes – on top of a horse that I swear had to be the height of an elephant. "Miss, you should know better than to be out here when there's a hunt going on!"

At first she started to say she had no idea about any hunt, but she abruptly closed her mouth. Everyone near must have known about it and she needed to fit in. "I'm sorry, sir," she replied, trying to look sweet and innocent. "I just arrived from out of town and I was taking a walk. I did not realize the hunt everyone was talking about was happening right here."

The gentleman stared at me, so long I thought about asking him if he wanted someone to take a picture (which probably would have confused him), before speaking again. "Where are you from?" he finally asked.

Now I had to think, and think fast. "I'm from Charleston," I replied, nodding in what I hoped was a sincere manner. "But I had to get out of there, so I packed up and came to Atlanta."

"Without a maid?" he asked, his eyebrows raising. I just nodded, trying to make up a believable story in my head while he thought this over. For a moment I considered telling him the truth just to see how he'd react, but I quickly nixed that idea. He couldn't believe I didn't have a servant, what on Earth would he think if I told him I'm from over a hundred years in the future?

I heard cries of triumph from a small clump of trees in the distance, and the man groaned. "Someone caught the rabbit from the sounds of it." He tried to glare at me, but there was a hint of mischief in his eyes. "See what you did? You made me miss the hunt!"

A slow smile spread across my face. "I'm so sorry, sir," I drawled. "Whatever can I do to repay you for this injustice?"

He met my eyes for a long moment before smiling himself. "I will park a buggy outside of the hotel at half past six," he said. "Meet me there, alone."


The first thing I had to do after that was find the hotel. Hell, I had to find the main section of town! It took me a couple wrong turns and a few good Samaritans but I finally found what in this day was a metropolis and made my way to the hotel. Checking in proved to be interesting (especially considering I had no man and, yet again, no maids) but finally I found myself in a little room with a dressing table and water basin. Sitting at the table, I stared at my reflection for a moment.

"I have to find something to wear," I murmured to myself. I had no clothes other than this dress, and I knew that if I was going to be here for a week, I couldn't keep going out and about in this. "Now I just have to figure out where to go to find clothes."

Talking to myself wasn't going to get me anywhere, so I made my way back out of the hotel and walked along the street until I found what appeared to be a little boutique. I stepped inside and was greeted by bolts of fabric in every shape and size, as well as a couple of ladies that didn't seem to be too thrilled with my presence.

"May I help you?" asked one, who pushed her eyeglasses to the top of her head as she very obviously looked me up and down.

I bit the nasty retort back that was on the tip of my tongue and smiled what I hoped was my most charming smile. "Yes, I had to come to Atlanta unexpectedly and I only have the clothes on my back. I need several new dresses, made as quickly as possible, and I will pay cash up front." Thank goodness the time machine had turned all of my money into Confederate bills, that was for sure. Otherwise this would have gone downhill fast.

I pulled out the money just for good measure and was immediately ushered into a room where my measurements were taken. "I have two dresses now that I can alter while you wait," the other woman noted, leaving the room and coming back with an emerald green and a dark red dress. "We can also add some extra fabric to make these more...modest."

She didn't need to tell me who some of her clientele included. I could take one look at these and see them on the ladies I'd seen earlier in the windows above the local saloon. "No need," I said, smiling. "I'm already here without my maids and an escort, so as far as Atlanta is concerned, I'm blacklisted and scandalized. Might as well play the part, don't you think?"

I almost swore the women were going to pass out at my statement, which nearly made me laugh out loud. "Please get these altered as soon as possible. I do want to retire to my room early tonight." Nothing like a boldfaced lie to get them moving I guess, because before I knew it, I had two large dress boxes being carried by a young man back to the hotel and up to my room. I offered him a tip but he shook his head, nearly stumbling as he headed back toward the lobby. Then I did laugh, loud and long. This was getting more interesting by the minute.


I'd done my best to make myself look demure and innocent as I came down into the lobby. I looked around, wondering if the gentleman I met earlier was going to meet me there or if he was really going to be waiting outside. It didn't take me long to figure it out – he definitely wasn't in the lobby. I knew I had to be blushing as I went outside, I wasn't used to the stares I was getting from the few men that were milling around. I saw the horse and buggy waiting right there and I peeked in, making sure this was the right one before quickly climbing in.

"You're late," he said, raising an eyebrow at me.

I looked at him for a long moment. "If I am, it's only by a minute or so. Besides, I think we could both agree that I'm worth it."

He met my eyes and it was very obvious that he was looking me over. "That remains to be seen," he replied. "But I'm certainly hoping so."

The warmth from the blush moved down and pooled somewhere that made me realize that it definitely wasn't only embarrassment I was feeling. "Well where are you taking me? I'm assuming we're not staying in the carriage all night."

"No, we're going to my place. And there you will have chaperones in a sense so your virtue will be intact." By the way he looked at me, I could tell this was just a ruse, and it was one I was more than willing to have.

"My virtue is already ruined but that's a sweet offer," I replied, smiling. "Let's get going, then. I'm starving."

The gentleman spoke with the driver and we were heading down the road before I knew it. I waited for a moment and then looked at him. "By the way, I'm Melissa," I said, looking over at him. "I just realized that we've flirted and exchanged comments, but never names."

He laughed then, taking my hand and kissing it. "I'm Bradley. I'd say it's an honor to meet you but...we've already met."

"You make a fine point, sir," I said, keeping my hand in his once he'd lowered it from his lips.

"I always do."

I didn't know what to say to that so I said nothing. The rest of the ride to his place was spent in a silence that I somehow didn't find uncomfortable. This man was a complete stranger to me yet I enjoyed his company. This could only lead to trouble...the best kind of trouble, I mean. When the carriage turned onto a long path I gasped out loud. The house in front of me was nothing short of magnificent and I knew my mouth had to be open in shock. "This is incredible," I said softly.

He chuckled beside me and then leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Just wait until you see the bedroom." His lips grazed my neck before he pulled back and I nearly whimpered. If that wasn't a promise of things to come, I don't know what is. Within a few minutes we were to the front of the house and I was being helped out of the buggy, Bradley right behind. He took my arm and led me into his home, introducing me to the maids and the cook along the way. "We will be taking our dinner in the master bedroom," he told them, and I could swear I saw a knowing look pass between the staff. "And we shall not be disturbed."

"Yes, master," they replied and I had to hold back a laugh. In this time period, that term was normal. I had to remind myself of that before I said something I shouldn't.

I was escorted – that was the best word for it – up to the bedroom, which was actually more like a suite. There was a room with a loveseat and two chairs, along with a small table, and then French doors opened up to the actual bedroom, which from where I stood held a huge armoire and probably the most amazing bed I'd ever laid my eyes on. I turned to complement Bradley on his taste but I never had a chance to speak. His lips pressed against mine, his hand on the back of my neck, keeping me from moving away. I thought about protesting, calling him a cad or something, but his tongue swept across my lips and before I knew it, they were parted. I let him explore and then returned the gesture, and the hand at my neck tightened its grip slightly. He wasn't expecting that.

I groaned my disapproval at how hard he was holding me and his grip loosened, and then he backed away entirely. At first I wondered what was wrong but I realized his intent when he bent down, pulling the dress over my head. I was left in a corset, underwear, garters and stockings, and he looked me over for a long moment before taking off his shoes, stripping off his shirt and pants after that. I took the moment to look him over, and I ran my tongue over my lips. He was gorgeous, and from the way he was looking at me, it was obvious he felt the same way about me.

Somehow I lost the rest of my clothes quickly and Bradley picked me up, laying me down on the bed. I looked up at him, and for a fleeting moment I thought about saying no, stopping this right now. But then his hand found my breast and any ability to form words flew out of my mouth. I arched my back, moaning softly and his other hand slid under my back, holding me in place so he could nip and suck at my nipple.

"Oh God," I whispered, and he took that as encouragement, his hand moving from my breast down between my legs. He started to tease me and I groaned my encouragement, causing him to chuckle against my skin.

"You are really enjoying this," he murmured. His tone was surprised, and I couldn't help but smile.

"I'll be enjoying it a lot more once you're over me."

The chuckle became a full laugh and he shifted again, shedding his last piece of clothing and moving over me. "As you wish," he said, sliding into me without another moment's hesitation. I gripped his shoulders, rocking down to pull him deeper inside of me and we both groaned in pleasure. We got into a rhythm quickly and I made sure I let him know how much I was enjoying it.

"You're so good," I said, moaning as he kept moving in and out of me. "I haven't felt this good in a long time." He slowed down inside of me and I nearly cried out. I probably shouldn't have said that – I kept forgetting what year I was in.

"Do you take many lovers?" he asked, looking down at me.

I shook my head, rocking my hips down against him. "Not many at all, as bad as that sounded." I slid my hands down to his hips. "Don't stop, please."

He looked at me for another long moment before starting to move inside of me again, this time quickening his thrusts. I purred my encouragement, running my hands over my body and down to my clit, figuring that especially in this time period, a man may have no idea how to bring a woman to her peak. Bradley continued to surprise me, however, and pushed my hand away, his thumb finding the little button and rubbing it in time with his movements.

"Brad, please," I murmured, arching my back. "So close, so close."

Brad kissed me hard, in a way that told me that he wanted me to shut up. I obliged him – mainly because I couldn't speak as my orgasm washed over me. Wave after wave of pure bliss enveloped me and all I could do was grip his arms and gasp. He followed me shortly after, filling me and causing me to shudder. I whimpered when his thumb never left my clit, finally pushing his hand away. I couldn't take anymore, it was all too much.

He finally slowed and stopped, pulling away and leaving me alone on the bed. I wrapped a sheet around my body, feeling completely sated and yet ashamed all at the same time. Having traveled in time had obviously lowered my inhibitions – and this is what I had to show for it. I thought for a moment about grabbing my clothes and running off, but before I could do anything, Brad returned.

"Why are you looking like that?" he asked, looking me over.

"No reason," I replied hastily. I didn't really want to get into it, especially not with him.

He looked me over for a long moment and then motioned toward the fabric partition that separated a corner of the room from the rest. "Please feel free to wash up. Then we can eat and talk."

My eyes widened. I'd expected him to tell me to go. "You want me to stay?"

Bradley laughed. "Of course I do. What kind of man do you think I am?"

I smiled and went behind the partition, making sure I was as clean as possible under the circumstances. I had a feeling I was going to like it here. With time travel, I was discovering, anything was truly possible.

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RosilinRosilinabout 3 years ago

Her behavior actually isn't too farfetched eather. A small but excellent book about prostitution during that time is 'What's A Poor Girl To Do?: Prostitution In Mid Nineteenth Century America" by Elizabeth A. Topping.

It dispels alot of myths of that era.

Again, this story has alot of potential, I hope to see more one day.

RosilinRosilinabout 3 years ago

Sorry.... the crotchless drawers are essential when trying to relieve yourself in a corset & hoop. Free website about that is ElizabethStewartClark . Com

RosilinRosilinabout 3 years ago

Not bad, it has alot of potential.

I suggest doing abit more research into the clothing of the era. The crotchless drawers are essential when trying to relieve you self

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
This story is great.

I loved it and wish to hear more of her adventures!

rwpassionrwpassionalmost 14 years ago
i want more

loved it. love the time period i always feel like im in the wrong time too and would love to go back and have some fun

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Don't tell me that's all of it! Surely we would like to hear more about her adventures.

tiger_babe_05tiger_babe_05over 15 years ago
More to come I hope

Great startings of what could be a very good few chapters or series. I really hope there's more to come.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
great story

Great story, really enjoyed it.H2O wader you dont need to be talking about other people needing a better editor when you cant even spell MONEY.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago
More please!

Enjoyed this, reads like a nice mingle of science fiction and romance. Please continue, I'm hooked!

toJohnny7toJohnny7about 17 years ago
Intriguing story plot

I normally wouldn't give this story a perfect score, but I am counteracting H20's ridiculous score. I would totally discredit his score since there were numerous spelling errors in his comments. Nice story with original in intriguing story plot!

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