Zac Takes Centre Stage...

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...including Hot Wife Olwen's film debut!
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Author's note: This is a stand alone story, but it includes characters first introduced in my serial "Training Wendy For Her New Role." It isn't necessary to have read this before starting on this story. It contains aspects of extreme sexual practices, including toilet and bodily functions, so if this doesn't float your boat, read no further. Like all authors, I appreciate comments, both complimentary and those of a constructive, critical type. Please consider using the star-rating system. Last of all, thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoy it.

It was about eight o'clock on a Thursday evening and Olwen Simpson had only just settled herself down on her cuckold's face when the phone rang. She was expecting her lover to ring as she had left a message on his answerphone informing him of a party at the local fetish club the following weekend. Warning her cuckold not to move, she got up and went to answer the phone.

"Surprise!" said a familiar voice when Olwen picked up the receiver. "How is my favourite mentor and Hot Wife?"

"Wendy!" replied Olwen, delightedly. "How lovely to hear from you. Are you back home now, or are you still making porn films in the States?"

"Both of those scenarios are true," giggled Wendy. "I'm back in London, but I'm here to make another film. That's why I'm phoning."

"Don't tell me," Olwen replied, "you're playing the part of a cigar smoking Hot Wife again. Or are you a pipe smoker in this one?"

"I smoke cigars," Wendy said, and Olwen thought that she detected a tinge of anxiety in her voice. She continued,

"Cigar smoking is my stock in trade in the adult film industry now. I've smoked in every film I've made, and it is very popular, or so I'm told. I'm playing the Madam in a brothel in this latest one," she said hesitatingly. "It's a very exclusive, very expensive club, and I provide girls who do all sorts of kink for very rich gentlemen, and some ladies too. The only problem is that the script says that I have to fall in love with one of my clients, and I break one of my own rules. I have sex with him."

"And...?" Olwen asked, intrigued by Wendy's explanation. "You didn't hold back when you were here last year. If I remember rightly, you took my strap on like a good 'un, and you strapped on and fucked me. You also pegged Richard, and you and I fucked the shit out of Jonathan and his friend Sebastian. And don't forget, you were fucked all ways when Richard and I came out to the States to see you make your first film."

"That's just what I'm phoning you to say," Wendy interrupted Olwen's flow. "I wasn't exactly fucked 'all ways'. I've never done anal, and this latest script says that the man I fall in love with loves anal."

Olwen laughed.

"Is that all?" she asked. "Get your gorgeous body down here, and I'll strap on and take your anal cherry in a flash," Olwen told her. "I loved having sex with you, and whilst I'd always prefer to fuck your cunt, I love giving and receiving anal. I was your mentor once. I can be your mentor again. You'll be able to take your fellow actor's cock up your shit chute no problem at all!"

"Oh thank you darling," Wendy sounded utterly relieved. "Are you busy this weekend? I really do need to get my arse fucked. Shooting starts on Monday, and in the adult entertainment industry, time is money!"

"You're in luck," Olwen informed her friend. "If you'd phoned at this time next week, I'd have had to turn you down. There's a sex party organised for a week on Saturday, and I'm taking my new lover, Chris, down to the club for a night of sucking and fucking. But I'm free this weekend. Chris is a fireman, and he's got the weekend shift this weekend, worst luck. And next week is our half term holiday," she added. "There'll be plenty of time and opportunity to get your arse fully prepared for some lovely hard cock!"

"Can I arrive tomorrow morning, then?" asked Wendy anxiously. "There's not all that much time. You might be on holiday, but as I said, we start shooting on Monday." Olwen detected a trace of real need in her voice.

"Of course you can come tomorrow," she replied. "I'll be in school of course, but I'll be home about four o'clock. I know Richard's in work tomorrow too, but I'll leave a front door key under the big flower pot by the front door. You can let yourself in and make yourself comfortable until I get there. Do you want me to leave a nice big butt plug out for you to wear until I get home. It'll open your arsehole up a bit, so taking my strap on won't be too much of a shock!"

Wendy giggled.

"That sounds perfect," she said. "I was dreading doing an anal scene, but now that I've talked to you, I feel much happier already. See you tomorrow, my darling. I can't wait for you to take my anal cherry!"

When Olwen got home from school the next afternoon, Wendy had arrived, and as she opened the front door, her friend and erstwhile lover rushed to meet her. They collided in the hallway and Wendy grabbed hold of Olwen and kissed her, shoving her tongue into Olwen's mouth and mashing her soft red lips against those of the surprised, but delighted school teacher.

When they both had to come up for air, Wendy gushed, "Oh, Olwen, my darling, I've missed you so much. Thank you so much for agreeing to mentor me again."

"Good afternoon to you too," Olwen smiled. "Now, first things first. A cup of tea, I think, then I'm going to strap on and fuck the shit out of your arse!"

"Not literally," she added quickly, seeing the look on Wendy's face. "I will be gentle, I promise. Come on into the kitchen. I'm gagging for a cuppa!"

"So," said Olwen conversationally as they both waited for the tea in the teapot to brew, "how are you getting on with the butt plug? Which one did you choose? I purposely left three different sizes out. I'll be very impressed if you got the biggest B-vibe inside you!"

Wendy blushed.

"Um... I think I have a problem," she replied. "I saw the three you'd left out for me, and I thought that I'd work my way up, sizewise, so I started with the smallest one."

"Very sensible," Olwen said approvingly. "Everyone has to start somewhere. I know the smallest size is barely thicker than a finger, but if you've never had a butt plug up your arse..."

"I couldn't take it," Wendy said, her bottom lip trembling with emotion. "I didn't mind the stinging sensation. That was quite nice. It's just that I couldn't get it up at all. The tip went in, but then, try as I might, it wouldn't go any further."

All thoughts of tea were forgotten, and Olwen led Wendy upstairs to her bedroom. The three differently sized butt plugs were still on her bed where she had placed them before leaving for school that morning.

Olwen picked up the smallest plug and lathered it in lube.

"Bend over and pull your arse cheeks apart," she said sternly, and Wendy did as she was told. She shivered as she felt the tip of the plug push against her pucker.

"I won't shove it in," Olwen said gently, "but I am going to put some pressure on until it goes all the way in. Don't forget to breathe. If you hold your breath, you'll tense up, and that really will hurt."

Once more, Wendy did as she was told. Holding her arse cheeks apart, she whimpered as the tip of the butt plug penetrated her virgin arsehole.

Olwen pushed gently, but met stern resistance.

"Relax, sweetie," she murmured, then added, "fucking hell, you're right. I can't get anything but the tip in.You're as tight as hell, hun. Who's the actor who is going to be fucking you up the arse?"

She withdrew the plug, and Wendy stood up and turned to face Olwen.

"It's Zac," she replied nervously, "you know. He was the sound engineer when I did my first film. I think you and he had a bit of a thing going whilst you were on set."

Olwen nodded.

"We did," she confirmed. "I'd never 'gone black' before Zac fucked me. He's got a huge cock. There's no way you are going to be able to take him up your arse. It took me ages to get all of him up mine, and I do anal regularly."

Wendy's eyes filled with tears.

"What am I going to do?" she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "We've both signed the contract, and according to Mr. Silverstein, the man who commissioned this film wants to see a white woman being arse fucked by a black man. He's some sort of minor royal in Saudi Arabia, and he's got a thing for anal sex and women who smoke. I can do the smoking, no problem, but I'm worried that I'll fail on the arse fucking front. This prince has paid for everything, and he wants exactly what he wants."

Olwen took Wendy by the hand.

"That tea ought to have brewed by now," she smiled. "Come on, lets have a nice refreshing cup of tea each. I have a phone call to make."

They went back downstairs to the kitchen.

The two women were just finishing their tea when the front door bell rang. Olive got to her feet.

"Go on into the conservatory," she smiled at Wendy. "We're about to solve your problem."

When Olive walked into the conservatory, she was accompanied by a very pretty woman, who smiled at Wendy, and offered her hand to shake.

"Hello again, Wendy," the woman said, "how nice to meet you again. Olwen tells me you have a problem."

"Cindy!" smiled Wendy, taking Olwen's doctor friend by the hand, and pulling her into a warm embrace. She kissed her, European style, on both cheeks. Cindy smiled.

"Only on the cheek?" she teased, and Wendy looked confused.

"But you were strictly a 'cock only' Hot Wife when we first met," she said.

"Yeah, but that was before the money Olwen earned for mentoring you paid for us to go to that fetish resort in the Caribbean," Cindy chuckled. "I ate my first cunt out there, and now I bat for both teams! Come here, you gorgeous thing!"

Cindy pulled Wendy into an embrace and kissed her full on the mouth. Pointedly, Olwen cleared her throat.

"I hate to interrupt you ladies," she said, "but your patient needs your professional opinion, doctor. She needs to loosen her arse up so that she can take Zac's cock without screaming the place down!"

Reluctantly the two women broke off their kiss.

"Get your skirt and your knickers off and lie on the settee," Cindy told Wendy.

"What knickers?" Wendy smiled wickedly as she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. All three women laughed. Wendy lay on the settee and Cindy began her examination.

Twenty minutes later, Wendy sat up, her face ashen. Cindy went to wash her hands, and when she came back, it was to a stunned silence in the conservatory.

"So that's it then, is it?" asked Wendy. "My arsehole isn't normal? I will never be able to perform anal sex? Am I right, or have I misunderstood your diagnosis?"

Cindy sat down next to her and took her hand.

"It's not that you're not normal, Wendy," she said gently. "I've only given you a cursory examination. But it seems to me that your anal sphincter, which is a muscular ring that keeps your arse closed until you're ready to have a poo, is really strong. We're not designed to shove anything up our arse, only for poo to travel outwards. That's why your arse stings so much when you first do anal sex, no matter how often you do it."

"Well I wouldn't know," snapped Wendy, and then immediately apologised. "I'm sorry for being so snappy, Cindy, but I've signed up to do an anal sex film, and if I can't fulfill my contract, Chuck Silverstein is going to go ape."

She looked as if she was going to burst into tears, and Cindy looked at Olwen, who shrugged her shoulders.

"We're in your hands, Cindy darling," Olwen said. "Can't you give her a muscle relaxing injection or something? You said that this sphincter thing is a muscle."

"It is, and I suppose I could," Cindy replied cautiously, "but a muscle relaxant will only cause more problems, I suspect. Wendy's hole will be relaxed, but the muscle will still be there doing its job. I'm afraid that if Wendy was properly arse fucked, it would tear her up something awful. She'd have problems having a poo afterwards and in the worst case scenario, she might have to wear a bag."

Wendy looked horrified.

"I can't risk that," she said. "Oh well, I guess I'm going to have to ring Sidney. That's what I pay him for. He's going to have to get me out of this contract."

Sidney was Wendy's agent, and at the mention of his name, Cindy looked up and smiled. She and Sidney had been lovers a few years ago.

"Tell him I'm thinking of him when you speak," Cindy smiled. "He and I were very good together. Tell him I miss his lovely cock."

Wendy disappeared to make her phone call, and Olwen and Cindy chatted about the difficult situation that their friend found herself in. When Wendy returned, her face was like thunder.

"I've got to go back to London tomorrow," she snarled. "The rest of the cast and crew are arriving on set by midday. Chuck's coming over too. Sidney says he'll do his best, but as everything has been set up, he thinks they'll want to start shooting on schedule. That gives me till Monday morning to convince Chuck that I can't play this role. I'm sorry, Olwen, but I'm going to have to leave first thing in the morning. Oh, by the way, Cindy, Sidney sends his love. He says he misses your sweet cunt too."

"Sit down a minute, Wendy, will you?" Olwen said politely. "Whilst you were on the phone, Cindy and I had an idea. How does this sound, and do you think it is practical and possible?"

When Wendy heard what Olwen and Cindy had been discussing, she looked dubious. But as Olwen continued to explain her idea, incredulity turned first to optimism, then hope and finally to acceptance.

"It's the perfect solution!" Wendy said with a huge grin. "Thank you darlings! I need to phone Sidney back. Don't go away, Cindy. I want to pay your fee for my examination."

"What fee?" asked a mystified Cindy, but all Wendy did was to stick her tongue out and waggle it back and forth in the most suggestive manner. The penny dropped and Cindy smiled. She got to her feet and, reaching under her skirt, she yanked her panties down.

"The Bank of Cindy is open and ready to receive your deposit in payment for my services," she said shyly. Olwen giggled. She was about to find out how Richard felt when he was allowed to watch whilst she and a lover had sex.

Saturday passed in its usual way. Richard was sent shopping in the morning, and Olwen and Wendy lolled about the house, reading the papers and planning for the morrow. In the afternoon, Olwen milked Richard whilst Wendy watched. It was fascinating for her to see him ooze cum, having his balls drained without the slightest iota of sexual satisfaction. Then in the evening, they all went down to the local fetish club, where Olwen and Wendy flirted the night away.

Sunday dawned and after a leisurely breakfast, Olwen kissed Richard goodbye and she and Wendy climbed into the car that had been sent to take the two women to London.

"I'll be back on Tuesday," Olwen called to Richard from the back of the car. "Behave yourself whilst I'm away! Cindy will be around to check on you. She has the spare key to your cock lock in case of emergencies!"

If the driver of the car heard this last remark, he was too polite to comment on it, and Olwen and Wendy settled back in their seat for the long drive to London.

The same car and driver picked the two women up from their hotel early on Monday morning. They were driven to an industrial estate in a very run down area of the London docklands. Olwen looked around uncertainly, but Wendy didn't seem at all perturbed. She took Olwen's hand and led her into a huge warehouse.

Inside, Olwen's jaw dropped. The space had been converted into three separate areas. One looked like a salon in a bar in a cowboy film, another was obviously a tart's boudoir whilst the third resembled some sort of palace out of One Thousand and One Arabian Nights.

"Come on, sweetie, don't dawdle," chided Wendy. "We need to get to our dressing room, and I'll introduce you to Fritz, the director. I bet Zac will be in make up by now. He'll be delighted to see you again, I'm sure."

Olwen was in a complete daze as she followed Wendy through the warehouse and out the other side. In the carpark there were a number of large trailer-like caravans.

"That's us," said Wendy, pointing to one standing apart from the rest. "We'll just pop into make up to let them know we're here, and then we can go and relax in private. I don't know about you, but I could do with some breakfast. What would you like? The catering truck is over there, look. They'll be able to rustle up whatever you fancy."

Olwen shook her head.

"I don't want anything to eat, thank you," she said. In fact, her stomach was churning. What the hell had she let herself in for? She was about to take part in a porn film, standing in as a body double for Wendy. Why had she agreed to do this, she wondered. It had been guaranteed that her face would not appear in the film, but all the same, she was going to be filmed being fucked up the arse by a huge black man, and the resulting film was going to be circulated amongst a select group of people who subscribed to Chuck Silverstein's pornographic film distribution service. Olwen felt sick, and her stomach gurgled ominously.

If she noticed Olwen's nervousness, Wendy said nothing. She introduced Olwen to Daisy, the blonde twenty-something make up lady, who smiled at Olwen and went back to making up another pneumatically chested actress sat in the chair in the make up trailer.

"I'll send for you when I'm ready for you," Daisy said over her shoulder. "Zac's up next. They've changed the shooting schedule for some reason. I've got to shave Zac and make sure his cock is well lubed. He's going to be doing the arse fucking scene later on this morning."

"Yes, I know," Wendy replied. "That's why Olwen's here. Zac's going to be fucking her arse!"

Daisy took this information without turning a hair. She looked at Olwen and smiled.

"Respect, sister," she drawled. "Anyone who can take Zac up the arse is a real trooper. He's really big, man!"

Olwen smiled weakly. She knew exactly how big Zac was, having fucked him a few years ago. But that had been in her motel room, with only Richard watching. She was about to be fucked on camera with goodness knows how many crew watching, and then when the film was distributed, thousands more would witness the deed. If she hadn't promised Wendy that she would stand in for her, Olwen would have jumped back into the car and asked to be driven home immediately. But she was a woman of her word. She ignored yet another ominous gurgle from her stomach and followed Wendy back to the trailer they were to share whilst they waited to be called to make up.

On the way to their trailer they were stopped by a small fussy looking man, who greeted Wendy with a kiss on both cheeks.

"Darling!" he began in a very feminine voice, "you look fab as usual. Chuck's explained everything to me. We can do this, no problem. And this must be your ass double. Hello, Olga darling. I'm Fritz. I'm directing this blockbuster. Don't worry about a thing. I'll make a star of your ass, I promise. Must rush. Lots to do!"

As he minced away, Olwen heard him mutter to himself, "Great tits. I must try and get a shot of them somehow!"

She looked at Wendy, who seemed most relaxed.

"These Yanks!" she giggled, "They will insist on calling it an 'ass'. I've told them that an ass is a beast of burden, and that what I have is an arse. But they just don't get it!"

"It's Olwen's arse, not Olga's that's going to get fucked," Olwen pointed out, and Wendy pulled her close and kissed her.

"Yes, I know darling," she whispered, "and you're a life saver! How do you fancy letting me rim your arse for you right now? If you like, I can strap on too and I'll fuck you, just to get you in the mood!"

"That would be lovely," Olwen smiled, adding "although I think you'd better give the rimming a miss. I haven't stopped farting all morning. I'd hate to let one go whilst you had your tongue up my arse!"