Zack's Toys


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"Oh!" Robin gasped as the scene changed to show the same two men, one taking the other's saliva wetted cock into his rectum.

"Hey uh," Derek nudged robin to get the joint back.

Robin leaned over and kissed Derek on his lips, then slid his tongue into Derek's mouth.

"God, how did you know? You knew, didn't you? Of course you did, how could you not know," Robin sobbed and laughed.

"Uh, hey, I got comfortable," Zack said. "Least y'all could do is getting comfortable too."

Derek pulled his tee shirt and jeans off and watched as his slender friend did too.

Then Zack reached over and pulled Robin's plain white briefs down and off.

Derek looked at Robin's long, thin cock and licked his lips. Robin had shaved himself completely hairless.

Oh, that is a pretty cock," Zack agreed.

"Let me see yours," Robin begged and pulled Derek's baby blue briefs down.

"My bedroom's right back here," Zack suggested and the two young men followed the older man down the hall.

Robin lay down on the large bed and squealed as Derek put his hot mouth over the head of his thin cock and sucked on it.

Zack knelt between Robin's splayed legs and lifted one leg up.

"Ugh!" Robin grunted as Zack jammed a greasy finger into the Asian's anus.

Zack wasn't as gentle with Robin as he had been with Derek. He didn't know Robin, didn't love Robin, and didn't care if Robin loved him.

"Ugh!" Robin cried out as he shot a thick load of his semen into his friend's mouth.

"Ugh!" he cried out again as Zack pressed the greasy head of his cock against the tightly puckered hole.

"Oh!" Robin shuddered as Zack's cock gained entry.

Robin then pulled Derek to himself and kissed him hotly.

"Oh!" he screamed as Zack's cock slid all the way into his bowels.

"Fuck yeah!" Robin giggled and wrapped his thin legs around Zack's waist. "Fuck me!"

And Zack did. He fucked Robin like a man fucks a woman, face to face.

Derek knelt and pushed his throbbing, aching cock into Robin's mouth and Robin swallowed Derek down to the root. Robin had been practicing relaxing his throat muscles in anticipation of hopefully one day becoming someone's fuck toy.

"Mmph!" Robin screamed around Derek's cock as he shuddered and spurted a hot load of semen onto his belly and chest.

"Oh fuck yeah," Zack groaned and pumped a load of his semen into Robin's bowels.

"Oh!" Derek cried out as he pumped his load into his friend's throat.

Robin combed his fingers lovingly through Derek's hair as Derek bent and licked Robin's semen from his chest and belly then sucked his cock up to full mast again.

"God, I wish I was young like that again," Zack complained lightly as he wiped his cock clean of lubricant and a light streak of Robin's feces. "It's going to take a few minutes before I can get it up again.

"Even if I show you my tight little hole?" Derek teased, pulling his plump buttocks apart. "Even if I beg you to fuck my tight little hole?"

"Maybe if your friend and you lick my nuts?" Zack suggested

Both Robin and Derek knelt on the floor and tongued and sucked Zack's heavy balls. The man's cock did slowly revive and Derek gleefully got on his hands and knees on the man's bed.

"Ugh!" he grunted as he felt Zack's fat cock head press against his rosebud.

"Oh!" Derek shuddered as Zack slowly pressed on, slowly sliding his cock into the tightly clenched hole.

Robin knelt on the side of Derek and bathed Derek balls with his hot mouth, then sucked Derek's cock into his mouth.

"Oh! Oh God that hurts," Derek complained as Zack jammed the last three inches of his cock into Derek's back door.

Having already ejaculated into Robin, Zack lasted much longer. Derek sobbed as Zack forcefully thrust in and out of his raw anus, finally giving a bellow.

"Oh!" Derek groaned and shot a second load of his semen into Robin's hot mouth while Zack's semen flooded into his intestines.

The three men lay in Zack's bed, smoked a few more joints and drank a few more beers.

"Yeah, I was always the AV guy in high school," Zack said, lightly stroking Derek's cock. "You know the nerd the teacher would get to set up the television and video equipment."

He gave Derek's testicles a light squeeze, just hard enough to hurt slightly.

"I was the first one on my block to have an Atari, Pong, Tank, the first one to get a Commodore 64," Zack went on. "My grades sucked so I knew I wasn't going to college and my mom was always screaming I was wasting my time playing with toys."

He kissed Derek, fucking Derek's mouth with his tongue.

"So when I got out of high school, fucking hated high school, I opened my store. Now I get to play with toys all the time, huh?"

Then Derek fucked Robin tight ass while Zack hammered Derek's ass.

"See you tomorrow," Zack cheerfully called out as Robin and Derek dressed.

"See you," Derek happily agreed.

"So, um, now you know I'm gay, you um, you hate me?" Robin asked.

Derek reached down and grabbed Robin's hand.

"Uh, Dude, I'm like gay too, huh?" Derek giggled.

They held hands all the way to Derek's house.

It was bound to happen. Sooner or later, Derek's father would figure out that 'Loser One' and 'Loser Two' as he unaffectionately referred to his son and his son's friend Robin, were lovers.

First Derek's father confronted his son. Then, when his son couldn't deny the accusations, gave the boy a tremendous kick in the testicles.

"Get your shit," he screamed at his groaning, sobbing son. "Get your shit and get out of my house."

Derek did stagger to his room and pack some clothes, and made sure to grab his piggy bank and his check book and account information.

"Now! Sissy! Come on; takes that fucking long get your shit?" his father screamed.

Derek gave one last look around. This infuriated the already outraged Frank Boudreaux and he grabbed Derek by his shirt collar, frog marched him to the door and threw him out.

And the whole time, Miriam Boudreaux sobbed, pleaded and begged her husband to relent.

With nowhere else to go, Derek went to Zack's house.

To Zack, it was the answer to a prayer. He was now deeply in love with the chubby nineteen year old man. He was also quite obsessed, quite jealous. Zack imagined that every time Derek was out of his sight, he was fucking that little slant eyed bitch Robin.

Frank Boudreaux, though, was not placated to merely throw his vile, disgusting son out of his house. He drove by Miller's Electronics on Perry Way and hurled several rocks at the plate glass window. After shattering that, he threw more rocks at the several LCD and plasma televisions.

Zack's insurance replaced the window with a polymer window, bullet-proof and certainly rock proof. The televisions were likewise paid off; much to Zack's relief. Many of them were last year's models and he would have had to sell them at a loss.

Then Frank busted the glass and slashed the tires and threw a can of red paint on Zack's prized 1969 Camaro.

"Baby boy, I think you better leave," Zack sobbed as he looked at his automobile.

Derek and Robin loaded up Robin's 2001 Honda and drove east, to Atlanta, Georgia.

Derek very quickly found work with a television repair shop. Robin found work at a restaurant that specialized in wings.

Derek got a buzz cut hairstyle and grew a mustache and goatee. If asked, Derek would admit his homosexuality, but it wasn't something he volunteered.

Robin, however, had his long black hair styled almost in a bouffant style, wore cosmetics and dressed and conducted himself in a manner that let everyone know he was gay.

Robin also felt, that since Derek had 'cheated' on him with Zack Miller, he was free to fuck whomever he wished. In time, the two simply became roommates.




"So what are you going to do?" Robin asked as Derek slowly ate his salad.

"Fuck; I'm tired of all the traffic; yesterday, I had to drive eight miles. Eight miles! Driveway to driveway and it still took me over an hour," Derek said.

"Oh no sir, I am not going back to DeGarde, Louisiana," Robin forcefully said. "Those dumb ass coon asses can just kiss my ass."

Derek didn't bother giving Citystar Electronics any notice; they had already fired him and rehired him twice and had also shorted him a few dollars of commission. His tools were his own, as was his cell phone and vehicle.

The landlord, however, he did contact and leave a message for. Robin was a sneaky little bastard and Derek wasn't about to let Robin ruin his credit by squatting and not paying rent.

As he packed; he'd already told Robin he could keep all the furniture, it stunk of cigarettes anyway, Derek found a pair of red silk briefs.

"Panties?" Derek had screeched when Zack gave them to him. "I'm not wearing panties!"

"They're not panties," Zack laughed. "You see any lace on them? No, no, these are manties."

Derek left them for Robin, after he stroked off a good load of semen into the crotch.

"Bye, love you," Derek said after taking one last look around, not wanting to leave anything of value behind.

"I still don't know why you're doing this; you don't even know if that bitch left you shit," Robin argued.

"No, I don't, but fuck, I am so God damned tired of Atlanta, rude ass mother fuckers, traffic sucks, food sucks," Derek said. "God damn, fuckers live right next door? You even know what their last name is?"

"Yes, they're the Keep to Ourselves or something like that," Robin smirked.

"Whatever; I'm just tired of it," Derek said and wrote out a check for half of the month's rent. "There, half the rent for this month; I'm dropping it off at the office, along with my keys.

"I'll do that," Robin offered.

Derek didn't bite. Robin couldn't even be bothered to check the mailbox; he'd let the check sit and sit until the landlord pounded on the door.

"I'm driving right past it; I'll do it," Derek said.

With a last kiss, he left.

In just over twelve hours, Derek was pulling in front of the DeGarde Inn. The motel had not changed one bit in the five years he'd been gone.

"Hi, a room please and please, I need to sleep; I've been driving all night," Derek said politely.

"Then I'll give you a room in the back, okay?" the girl pleasantly offered.

He carried all of his belongings in, called and left a message with Coutre & Associates, then turned off his cell phone and crawled into bed.

When he woke up, Derek staggered through a shower, dressed, and then found that little else had changed in his hometown. At ten o'clock at night, the only place open was a few bars, or the Waffle House in Kimble, Louisiana.

He saw that there was a text message from Citystar Electronics, once again firing him. And there was a pleasant sounding voice mail from Sophia Coutre, scheduling him for an eight thirty appointment the following day.

Nothing from Robin, but that didn't surprise him. He probably already had one of his lovers in the queen sized bed.

Back at the motel, Derek turned on the fan in the bathroom and smoked a joint. Then he crawled back into the bed and slept again.

The meeting with Sophia Coutre, Zachary Taylor Miller's attorney revealed that Zack had left everything to Derek. Zack had never married, had never had children, his only living relative had been a sister that disavowed any knowledge of her brother because of his sinful lifestyle.

"If you don't mind, how did Zack, Mr. Miller dies?" Derek asked.

"Massive heart attack," Sophia said. "Was helping a customer load a flat screen television into their car, just grabbed his chest and fell over."

"Have any employees?" Derek asked. "I mean, do I need to give them their paychecks or..."

"No, was running the place by himself," Sophia said.

Derek got all the keys, the paperwork, and the box containing Zack's ashes.

"Thank you, hope you enjoyed your stay," the same clerk said when Derek checked out of the motel.

"Uh, yeah, thanks; you did a great job putting me in the back like that," Derek said and slid a twenty dollar bill to her.

Derek drove to the house and parked his car. As he was carrying the third suitcase into his new home, an older woman, dressed in fuzzy robe and fuzzy slippers stomped into the house, cell phone in one hand and .22 pistol in the other.

"And what do you think you're doing? This is Mr. Miller's house," the old woman demanded.

"Hi, I'm Derek, Derek Boudreaux," Derek said, showing the woman his hands. "Zack died, left it to me."

"Well, we'll just see about that," the woman said and hit 'send' on her phone.

The police dispatched someone right away, and Derek got Sophia on the telephone.

"Sorry about that," the old woman apologized.

"No, no ma'am," Derek laughed. "I finally feel like I'm home. In Atlanta? They could have heard gunshots and nobody would have called anyone."

He drove down to the store, let himself in and turned off the alarm. Zack was as meticulous as ever. The cash register tape said it should have forty three dollars in bills and three dollars and fifty eight cents in change and that's what the drawer had.

The computer in the back showed him exactly what he had in inventory and Derek finally hit the lights, and hit the 'Open' sign.

"Hi, thank God; would you have the X Four remote? Johnson's didn't have it and that place out in Elgee said they were out of it, I thought the old guy died, the one that owned this place? Mr. Miller?" a woman said as she came in.

And with that, Derek was in business.

"Um, uh, hi, um, you're not looking for any help, huh?" Brandon Douset asked.

Derek looked at the red headed boy and smiled. That was exactly how he had asked for a job seven years earlier.

The boy was a little on the chubby side, had an odd hairstyle, and had a nice sized package in his jeans.

"Here, fill this out," Derek said, peeling off an application form. "Need a pen?"

"Uh, brought my own," Brandon said and showed Derek he did have his own pen.

Derek helped an older woman find the 'thingamabob' her husband had asked her to pick up, all the while looking at Brandon's plump rear end.

"I uh, I ain't got a whole lot of experience," Brandon admitted as Derek read through his application.

"You're eighteen?" Derek verified.

"Yeah, I mean, yes sir," Brandon said.

"Well, we all have to start somewhere, huh?" Derek said.

Brandon showed up the next day, dressed in khaki trousers and button down shirt. As Derek showed him how to work the cash register, Derek casually put his hand on the boy's pudgy rear.

A few days later, Derek asked Brandon if he ever smoked marijuana. He had found Zack's sizable stash in the spare bedroom's closet. And he'd found a small vial of cannabis oil. Lacing the rolling paper with a few drops of the oil really kicked up the potency of the joints.

"Sure!" Brandon eagerly agreed as Derek closed down the shop.

They sat in the stockroom and Derek pulled out two of his laced joints. They smoked the joints together, Derek touching Brandon often while they smoked and chatted.

Just as Derek suspected, Brandon had done poorly in school, had few friends, and had few ambitions.

Then they drank a few sodas and ate a whole bag of potato chips.

"Going to be all right?" Derek asked as Brandon wobbled to the door.

"Yeah, I mean, yes sir," Brandon said.

And then Darren Mann showed up, clutching a large brown paper bag.

"I uh, um, where's the old guy? One that owns this place?" the slender man asked nervously.

"Passed away; I'm the new owner," Derek said, silently thanking God for this gift.

"I uh, I well, I was uh cleaning out my attic the other day?" Darren said nervously, his eyes darting over to Brandon.

"Brandon, why don't you straighten up the games rack?" Derek gently suggested.

"Yes sir, Mr. Boudreaux," Brandon agreed.

"And I uh, y'all still do them copies? From tape to discs?" Darren asked quietly.

"Yes we do, got to tell you, I was about to put that old machine on Ebay, see about selling it," Derek admitted. "You said these tapes were sitting up in your attic?"

"Uh yeah, there's about twenty of them," Darren admitted.

"Now, you realize, there might be some oxidation on these tapes," Derek explained. "But we'll do what we can."

Darren paid with his American Express and scurried out of the store, promising to be back on Monday.

"Be in the back, Brandon," Derek called out.

"Yes sir," Brandon agreed.

The tapes had obviously been sealed; there was very little oxidation to worry about. Derek kept one eye on the door as he transferred from tape to disc.

"Hey, Brandon, want to see something?" Derek called out when he saw Brandon lean against the counter, cute plump ass thrust toward him.

"Sure," Brandon agreed and stepped into the dimly lighted area.

"This is what that guy's wanting copied," Derek chuckled and pointed to the screen as three well-built young men formed a cock sucking daisy chain.

Brandon's eyes goggled as he watched the men suck each other's cocks, and then stroked the cocks as semen spurted all over their faces and open mouths.

Derek chuckled and pressed a button, turning the display into a fractured, blurred image.

"Well, you certainly can't go out on the sales floor sporting a boner like that, can you?" Derek asked.

"Huh?" Brandon asked, tearing his eyes from the blurred video screen.

Brandon blushed hotly as he realized he had a tremendous boner tenting his pleated slacks.

"Here, let me take care of that for you," Derek offered and unzipped Brandon's slacks.

"Mr. Boudreaux!" Brandon gasped as Derek took his five inch cock into his mouth, took the young man's cock all the way down to the thin wisps of red pubic hair.

Derek barely had time to savor the feeling and the taste of Brandon's cock before Brandon was shooting a good sized load down Derek's throat.

About an hour before closing time, Derek called the still shaken boy into the stockroom and asked him to take over.

"How you do this thing?" Brandon asked.

Derek showed him, while keeping an eye for any customers that might come in.

"Now, Brandon, you going to let me go out there? With this big hard on waving around?" Derek asked as Brandon nervously grabbed one of the tapes.

"Huh?" Brandon asked, looking up.

"I mean, I took care of you, least you could do is..." Derek said.

Derek relished the young man's shaking hands, the slight pressure of his teeth. Soon, too soon, he was shooting a load down Brandon's throat.

Derek smiled; Brandon's slacks were once again tented.

At closing time, there were still about eight tapes left to copy; Derek smiled. He and Brandon would have fun watching these. They again smoked a joint while watching an already completed disc of interracial gay pornography.

"Damn, them n*ggers, I mean, them black guys got big dicks, huh?" Brandon gasped.

Derek made Brandon suck his cock, then sucked the red head's cock, then drove him home in the 1969 Camaro.

Derek was slightly nervous; suppose, safely home, Brandon decided he had not liked the experience? Suppose Brandon told his father, a big hulking brute of a man?

Derek knew that Brandon did not have a good relationship with either of his parents. But they were still his parents and if they found out that Brandon's boss was doing homosexual things with their precious baby boy, they might be prone to action. Violent action.

Derek had driven past his old house; his dad still drove the piece of shit Chevy pickup truck with the Confederate flag rear window. His mother, however, had a new Buick. And she still had the ugly garden gnomes, in fact, she'd added three new ones.

But Derek didn't even bother to stop, didn't bother to see if nearly seven years had softened their attitudes.

The next morning, Brandon came in, smiled nervously, and then showed Derek he had an erection.

"Well, you certainly can't go out on the sales floor like that, can you?" Derek chuckled.