Zane Wayne Pt. 01


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He called me babe. Was that a Freudian slip because he was so exhausted? I couldn't wait until Saturday. Being finally finished with college would be great, but mainly because I would be able to see Zane again.

My friends teased me mercilessly. They knew I hadn't had a serious boyfriend in years, and none of them had seen me this happy in a very long time. My roommate had graduated after the first semester, so they kept teasing me that I should break in my bed before I moved out.

Finally the big day came, and I was so nervous. I decided to go with my floral summer dress. It hugged my curves, and the low neckline showed off just the right amount of cleavage. It ended just above my knees so it also revealed some leg. It looked sexy, but still appropriate for graduation.

Mom texted me they had arrived at the auditorium and had some great seats. I told them I would be out in a minute to say hi. I found them waiting for me at the top of the steps. Mom, grandpa and grandma all gave me hugs. Zane gave me a cheesy smile and winked, I could tell I was blushing furiously.

We had plenty of time so we decided to get some pictures with me in my cap and stoles. Zane became the de facto photographer. I posed with just my mom, just my grandparents, and then with all three of them.

Finally when I thought we had done every combination possible my mom took the camera from Zane.

"Ok get in there Zane, we need a few with you and Lindsay."

He knew better than to argue so he walked over beside me and folded his hands in front of him. Thankfully gram wasn't having any of that.

"Christ Zane, stop acting like she is your sister for crying out loud. Put your arm around her waist and pretend like you are happy to be here."

He put his arm around my waist, and I slid mine up his back. I was instantly so wet I was worried someone would smell my arousal. Both of us had huge smiles on our faces. Grams wasn't content though.

"Ok, now let's get one of you two kissing."

"Grams! No, we are just friends."

Before I knew what was happening Zane pulled me across his body and bent me backwards holding me up with both hands. Instinctively I grabbed onto his shoulders. Our faces were inches apart when he smiled and looked at me.

"Haven't you ever been taught to listen to your elders?"

He leaned in and gave me a very soft kiss, his lips barely brushed mine. He smiled and stood my back up right, mom and grams were laughing and cat calling me.

"Did you get a good shot or should I do it again?"

I had to get out of there before I said or did something that would make me even more embarrassed. I have never been so flustered in my entire life. I looked at my phone and lied.

"Nope, I have to go, they are calling for us to start taking our seats."

I gave mom and grams a quick hug before walking down the aisle to find my seat. When I got there my friends thought something bad had happened to me since I was so flustered. They were worried and started asking what was wrong.

"Hold on a minute and I will show you."

I texted mom

Lindsay: Send me that pic!

Mom: OK

Mom: Image

I opened it up and it was the family picture that Zane had taken of us. Now I knew she was teasing me.

Lindsay: Ok Mom, send me the two pics of me and Zane please.

MOM: Ok, well you need to be more clear, you doing ok, you look a little "Flustered" LOLOLOL

MOM: Image

Mom: Image

Lindsay: Thanks mom I am fine, I just wasn't expecting to get mauled in front of everyone today is all.

Mom: It didn't look like you minded too much to me.

Lindsay: BYE!!!

I downloaded the pics and showed them to my friends who started teasing me all over again. Then they made me pull up the pic of Zane in a towel again for them to drool over.

My best friend April was really happy for me, she knew all about my struggles with men during college. "Are you bringing him to the pinning celebration tonight?"

"I don't think he can stay, my grandfather isn't doing so well so he has to do most of the chores on the ranch by himself."

"That is not fair, we wanted to meet him, hug him, run our hands over his body, you know make sure he is good enough for you."

"Yeah, I am sure you have my well being in mind."

We were interrupted by the playing of Pomp and Circumstance signifying the start of the ceremony. Once the opening speeches were made they started handing out diplomas. There were over three hundred students graduating at this time slot, so it was taking forever.

I was getting a little bored and couldn't get Zane out of my mind. I looked around and saw half the graduates were on their phones. Screw it I thought, I pulled mine out and sent him a message.

Lindsay: I can't believe you did that!!

Zane: Did what?

Lindsay: Image

Lindsay: This!!!!!!

Zane: What was I supposed to do, ignore your grandma, you know she will spit in my food!!!

Zane: Besides, from the look of you in the picture you seemed to be enjoying it. You are very photogenic BTW

Lindsay: Well thank you, but you still shouldn't have kissed me without asking.

Zane: Ok you are right and I am sorry. I promise to never kiss you again unless you ask me to.

Lindsay: I do have to admit though, it was a damn nice kiss!

Zane: Yes it was, best I have had in years.

Lindsay: Gotta go, my name is coming up soon.

Zane: Ok we will be hollering


Lindsay looked so glamorous walking across the stage when they called her name. After she got her diploma and got back to her seat she looked up to where we were sitting and threw us a smile and a wave.

The graduation ceremony was finally over after almost three hours. Time flew by for me however. Lindsay and I texted back and forth during most of the ceremony and I could actually watch her for a while. It was funny seeing her react to some of my texts.

By the time we found her and made our way outside we were all ready to stretch our legs a little. I could tell Ron was a little stiff from sitting that long and wasn't ready to get back into the truck seat just yet.

"There is a little diner a few blocks away, why don't we have a nice walk and stretch our legs, that way you don't have to worry about cooking when we get home Belle."

"I am fine with that, can your knee take it ok?"

"Yes dear, I am not a cripple yet, a few blocks isn't going to kill me as long as we take it really slow and easy."

"Is that alright with everyone else, Lindsay, do you have anywhere you need to be?"

"Nope, we have the pinning ceremony tonight where we dress up in our nurses outfit and get our ceremonial nurses pin, but that is all I have planned."

Lindsay and I took the lead and quickly outpaced her grandparents who waved us on ahead.

"We are going to take our time, just find us a table when you get there."

We arrived at the diner just as one of her friends and family was. Her friend saw us together and got the biggest smile on her face. She told her parents she would be right back and rushed over to us.

"Hey Lindsay."

"Hey Melissa, congrats."

"Thanks, you too, and who is this?"

"Melissa, this is Zane, Zane this is my friend Melissa."

"Nice to meet you Melissa, congrats on your graduation."

"Thank you, and congrats for making an honest woman out of Lindsay, we wondered if she would ever find a worthy man."

"I am definitely not worthy, I think she just lowered her standards."

"Oh, you are a charmer aren't you?"

"Nah, I am just a simple ranch hand."

"I have to get back to my family, it was a pleasure meeting you Zane."

"And you as well."

She turned and walked back to her family leaving Lindsay and I alone.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Being kind to me and not making a fool of me."

"I would never. You know that."

"I believe you."

I figured now was as good a time as any, so I took the Tiffany box from my coat.

"I have a graduation present for you."

I heard her take a short breath when she saw the white box with the gold letters of Tiffany on the lid.

When she lifted the lid she cried out.

"Zane, they are beautiful. Thank you. Will you put it on me?"

I helped her put the necklace on, and she quickly removed her earrings and replaced them with the nurse's hearts.

"Zane, I can't find the words to thank you."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hug burying her face into my chest.

"Your reaction is all the thanks I need."

All of the sudden we heard Gram's voice.

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

We quickly separated, both of us slightly embarrassed.

"Zane got me this beautiful graduation present, I was just thanking him."

"Ohhh it is beautiful, did you find this in Cheyenne Zane?"

"Why yes I did."

"You had us fooled you little shit."

"I have to keep you on your toes somehow. I hope this doesn't mean you are going to spit in my food tomorrow."

"Not this time but I will if you do it again, come on let's eat."

Lunch was fun, and I felt like I was becoming part of their family more and more every day. I sat beside Lindsay and she just glowed with happiness. A few of her friends were also there with their families and I saw them giving smiles to each other.

One of them stood behind her grandparent and mouthed to Linday, OMFG while waving her hand over her face.

Lindsay's phone was blowing up, and she tried to ignore them as best as she could. Finally I had to ask her.

"From the way your phone is blowing up, you sound like a really popular woman."

She just rolled her eyes and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"They just want to hear more details about you. Of course they have been taking pics of us and sending it to everyone so it makes it even worse."

I leaned back over and whispered to her.

"It is a good thing I made that promise then."

"What promise?"

"That I wouldn't kiss you again until you asked for it. Otherwise I would lay one on you that would have them talking for days."

The way she blushed, I knew I hit home with my comments. At the end of our dinner we said our goodbyes, although they would be short lived as she was moving home tomorrow.


The guilt was starting to get to me. Everyone thought that Zane was my boyfriend and I was feeling conflicted.

Do I feel guilty for having him play along, even though he seemed to love it?

Do I feel guilty for being dishonest with my friends?

Or, do I feel guilty for continuing to flirt with Zane, knowing I am leaving to travel in a few months?

I caught up with my friends at the dorms, we were all bouncing off the walls.

One of my friends saw my new jewelry.

"What the fuck is that and where did it come from?"

"Zane gave them to me as a graduation gift."

"He must really be in love, or you have a pussy made of honey."

"Why is that?"

"Because that is a $1000 set of jewelry from Tiffany's"

I was stunned.

"No fucking way."

"Way! You are a bitch, I hate you."

"Ha, just because you don't have a boyfriend who is a Greek god and treats his woman like a queen."

"You have to make me a promise."

"Sure, what."

"If things don't work out with you two, give him my number!"

"Ha, no way."

The rest of the evening I was walking on the clouds. Everyone wanted to be me for once and I loved every moment of it.

What I loved most about Zane is that he respected me. Not once has he ever asked for a pic of my tits or ass. Even today when he kissed me, he didn't try to shove his tongue down my throat like most men would. Instead he softly brushed my lips with his, which made me want even more.

I need to get control of my emotions, or it will be hell when I leave in September.

Chapter 6

We got home from graduation just before seven. I went right to the apartment to change and started in on the eventing chores. Lindsay will be home tomorrow, and we are going to have to figure out what is going on between us. Are we going to continue into a summertime fling, or dial it back to be good friends? I don't think I could stand being in a serious relationship when she would be gone for four to six weeks at a time.

I pushed myself hard until I was drenched in sweat. I wanted everything to be perfect when Lindsay arrived in the stables. The stables was her favorite place and the horses were her babies. She wanted to win this year, and I was going to do everything I could to make it happen for her.

By the time I was finished and showered it was already getting late, so I headed to bed. I had missed a text from Lindsay.

Lindsay: Image

When I opened up the image it showed her smiling, showing off her necklace and earrings.

Zane: Wow, beautiful.

Lindsay: I know I love them!

Zane: I wasn't talking about the jewelry.

Lindsay: *blushing*

Zane: Are you ready to be home again?

Lindsay: So ready, I can't wait to see what you have done with Lady.

Zane: You will have two weeks to practice before Jackson Hole.

Lindsay: Yeah, although I still need to do a ton of studying for my boards.

Zane: When are they?

Lindsay: The main boards are in the middle of July, then I have additional boards to get certified to be a NICU nurse, those are early August. If I pass both of them I will have job offers right away, hopefully have something lined up for early September.

Zane: You seem very driven, I am sure you will be fine.

Lindsay: Thanks Zane

Zane: That kinda brings up something I have been meaning to talk to you about.

Lindsay: Lay it on me.

Zane: We have been flirting non stop since we met, of course it didn't help that we met each other when we were naked. The problem is, you are leaving at the end of August and I can't be just a fling, I am not built that way. And there is no way in hell I will ever try to hold you back and ask you to stay. You would always regret it, and that regret would eventually turn into contempt for me. The long range relationship thing wouldn't be healthy for either of us, only to see each other for a week every month or two. Sorry for the long post, but I needed to get it off my chest.

Lindsay: You took the words right out of my mouth to be honest. What is killing me is I haven't had a boyfriend in years. Hell I haven't even met a man that has held my attention for very long before. And then you come along and we just mesh so well.

Zane: So now what?

Lindsay: Well we can continue becoming great friends. You can never have too many of those.

Zane: Want to hear a secret?

Lindsay: Always

Zane: You are by far my best friend already.

Lindsay: And you are quickly becoming mine. I feel like I can talk to you about anything, even things I wouldn't discuss with my other friends.

Zane: Well, I will always be here to listen anytime.

Lindsay: Mom and Grams will be devastated, I think they were already naming the babies.

Zane: Well maybe in ten years after you have seen the world you will want to settle down.That is if some rich doctor hasn't swept you off your feet.

Lindsay: That is doubtful, I hate doctors, they are so cocky and arrogant. Plus I highly doubt you will be available in two years, let alone ten.

Zane: Yeah, because there are so many single women here on the ranch to meet.

Lindsay: Wait until we go on the rodeo circuit, you are going to have to beat them off you.

Zane: We will see. I am off to sleep, can I ask a favor of you?

Lindsay: Of course

Zane: Please drive safely tomorrow.

Lindsay: Of course, see you tomorrow afternoon my good friend.

Zane: Goodnight BFF

End of Part 1

I hope you enjoyed it.

As always I love to read your messages and comments about

what you liked and didnt like. I am working hard to improve

as a writer and your feedback matters.

Part 2 will answer many questions you must have.

Will Lindsay find out about Zane's time in prison?

Who and where is Lindsay's father?

Will she leave the ranch behind?

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6King6Kingabout 1 month ago


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Amazing story only thing is how could the DA charge him with first degree murder when it was clearly a crime of passion? First degree is premeditated, not “my sister was raped I’m going over there because I can’t see from the rage”. It would be like “I’m going to plan this whole situation out”

Fluff49Fluff494 months ago

Great story! One small note... there's no such thing as Texas U. It's UT. The only people who call it Texas U are Aggies and people in Tennessee. It is a purposeful insult. Made this Texas girl wince.

DwarfLord50DwarfLord507 months ago

Oh, wow! That was a great first chapter. I hope you have several more planned.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Behind blue eyes was a great story, so is this one

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Love the story, much better grammar than most stories but you use site when you mean sight. Although it could be an Americanism! I'm British.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I love your stories ! Five stars !!

Starwolf1961Starwolf1961about 1 year ago

Can't wait to read the next part. Hope it works out for them..."WINK". Glad you didn't traumatize us with his time in prison. I feel you must have had a wonderful man in your life that you idolized, your male characters are almost too good to be true. KUDOS!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hahaha! What an oaf!

"So, you are close with your sister?"

"Yes, that's why I took it so hard when SHE WAS RAPED and then I KILLED A MAN and WENT TO PRISON!"

"WTF dude, just say yes..."

PurplefizzPurplefizzover 1 year ago

In all fairness I hadn’t thought once about Lindsey Father until I reached the end of the story and saw the authors comments, I’m gonna guess there’s a Texas connection there, just because.

Good story, if I’m being picky I’d have liked Ray, Belle and Grams to have been introduced slightly more clearly, I found myself confusing the Ladies with one another, possibly my poor attention to detail tho.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very well written, the “pacing” felt good. I’ve worked with some ex-cons both were very polite, calm and well adjusted. One was in the Texas penal system.

Hopefully the next chapters work well too. Congrats.

Horseman68Horseman68over 1 year ago

Two stories read and reading, and already has become one of favorite authors. Story is great, but the dialogue is exceptional. More bravos.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


Trailrider13Trailrider13over 1 year ago

I enjoy this section of Lit the most and this is the first story in almost a year that I know will hold my attention until the end. Thanks for writing and I hope you continue with future stories.

hornier_bastardhornier_bastardover 1 year ago

Having re-read this chapter, I wondered how a paroled felon was able to leave the state. That's pretty much the only issue I have with the story!

It is well written, and I'm off to read part 2 now.

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