Zena Pt. 03

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Zena’s graduation.
11.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/07/2020
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My plan for Zena's second graduation had gone perfectly. All the players would be in place and I had them where I wanted them. My niece Zena's experiences over the past week would have her keen as mustard, my sister Marina still owed me "I'll do ANYTHING" and my husband Nic was clueless.

The disadvantages that Nic had was that he has a penis, which is where most of his thought processing is done, my niece and sister had admitted to flashing their panties and/or pussies at him and he hadn't looked away and also that he had a penis.

I got home from the graduation first and went to check on Nic. He was as I predicted, in his study with the added bonus of being in silk boxer shorts and I couldn't help notice the tent his erection was making in them. No doubt he was surfing porn on the internet. I knew he wouldn't leave his study for at least an hour.

He slapped my bum as I left and said, "Don't spend too much time celebrating, I'd like to do some celebrating in bed tonight." Nic thought we'd be celebrating in the entertainment area. Little did he know there little celebrations going on in my pussy in anticipation of what was to happen that night.

I got some nibblies and an ample supply of alcohol set out in the lounge room, knowing Nick would need to pass through went he left the study. I quickly changed into my very sexy, very naughty lingerie and put a long sexy robe over the top.

I heard the front door close. Marina and Zena both had keys. I had just poured drinks for us and stood holding two for them. When they entered I went to them and handed them their drinks and kissed each on the lips and congratulated them.

We stood sipping our drinks and nibbling. Marina asked if Zena had been any trouble during her stay with me. Sister Code for 'did you have that talk with her?'

I said that she'd been the perfect house guest and we were constantly chatting. Sister Code for 'Yes, we had many chats.' "We learned about each other and had lots of fun, especially our trip to the lingerie store." Aunt/niece code for 'it wasn't all theory, we did a lot of practical too.'

"You look you're ready for bed Penny. Are we keeping you up?" Marina said, in pretend ignorance.

"Mum!" Zena exclaimed, "I told you about the lingerie store and how I wanted us to dress up for my celebration."

Marina again feigned ignorance, "You can't be serious Zena! Sitting around with my daughter and sister, drinking, eating and talking girl talk, wearing lingerie? I thought you were pulling my leg!"

"You promised mum! I feel special when I'm wearing it. Like a princess and tonight, that's what I am. Besides, we bought you your own outfit."

Without letting Marina argue back, I said "And it's waiting for you in the spare bedroom. Zena, yours is in my bedroom. You should both go and change. There are also robes for you both."

Zena returned first. She looked adorable, but I knew what was lay beneath the robe was anything but adorable. We hugged, pressing our bodies together and kissed. It was a kiss of lust, our tongues entwining. We heard movement and pulled apart.

Marina then entered the room. "You've got to be kidding. I look like a slut in this," she declared

I responded, "Well, if the shoe fits......"

Zena and I burst out laughing and Marina couldn't help but join in. I raised a toast, "To two sluts and a graduate!" Neither of them understanding my graduate double meaning. I was still enjoying watching my plan hatch.

As I refilled our glasses and and said, "Well who's going to first?"

Marina said, "Your serious? What if someone walks in?"

I said, "Everybody else is away and Nick is fast asleep, besides I'm sure you wouldn't be too upset him seeing you dressed like that. You've been flashing and teasing him for years, seeing how big a tent you can get in his trousers." Marina flashed a look at Zena and I said, "Don't blame her. I've caught you doing it many times over the years."

A look of resignation came over her face and she finished another drink. "What about my innocent daughter? What if ......"

I interrupted, "Well, not so innocent, but she's only been doing the same for about two years." Marina looked truly shocked, "You know what they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

We all laughed and drank more. I said, "Alright as the hostess with the mostest, I'll go first."

I slowly take of my robe and reveal my outfit.

Marina gasps and Zena says, "You look hot in that Auntie Penny," she eyed my pussy and licked her lips.

Marina saw that happen and said, "What the fuck have you done with my daughter?"

"I've given her the education you should have, but asked me to."

Marina was quickly running out of corners to hide. Every objection she had, I had an answer to and even Zena was helping there.

"So come on Marina, it's your turn," I said.

"You can't seriously expect me sit here, dressed like a slut," Marina objected, but her tone was softer now.

I laughed and said, "You can drop the respectable mother thing. Zena knows you're a slut."

Before she could respond, Zena chipped in with, "I've seen the photos on your phone mum and I've masturbated thinking about them." I was proud of her for revealing that last bit.

She stood up and finished off her drink, put her glass in front of me and said, "Fill me up."

Zena and I laughed and Zena said, "You should be careful what you ask for, mum." Marina laughed as well. A combination of alcohol and the things that had been said had resigned her to joining in.

Marina took off her robe and Zena gave a little wolf whistle. "Looking hot, mum."

"Turn around slowly sis and give us a good look," I said.

Zena added, "I hope you like it mum, I chose it especially for you."

As she displayed herself to us, she said, "It does make me feel special to be dressed up, not that there's much dressing going on. My pussy is on full display," she said as she sat and I noticed, didn't close her legs.

I wanted to wait a little before revealing Zena, so I started chatting. I probed her, "So, sister, why don't you tell us about how you came to tease my husband all these years," as I went to her to give her a full glass.

She took it and had a sip, "Well I suppose it's all out in the open now."

I said, "It sure is," and reached down and ran my finger, up her exposed pussy. She was wet and so was the tip of my finger. I sucked her pussy juice from it and sat back down. "Go on," I prompted her.

"I didn't do it deliberately the first time, well not at the start, anyway. Bill and I had come over for a barbecue with you two and we were sitting in the lounge room. Nic was sitting across from me in shorts. I was wearing a very short dress, as we did in those days," she started.

"I'd noticed Nic glancing at me occasionally when he thought no one was looking. I thought he was just looking at my knees, but once when he did it, I looked down and realised that even with my legs together, he might be able to see a bit of my panties. I couldn't cross my legs, because that would have made it worse. You need to remember when I tell you this Zena, that you a Uncle Nic was a very handsome man in those days."

Zena butted in, "He still is, mum." That made my pussy twitch.

Marina took another sip, "Yes, he is. Anyway, at first I was a bit embarrassed but then noticed my nipples stiffening ......"

"Like they are now?" I said and we all giggled.

"Then I was starting to feel a little horny at the thought this handsome man was trying to look at my panties. That he was my brother in law didn't enter my head. It was all harmless anyway. I then looked at his shorts. Like most men he sat with his knees wide apart. I noticed the bulge in his shorts had gotten a little bigger and the naughty side of me took over and I decided to see just how big I could make that bulge."

This was all working perfectly into my plan, the more she talked, the hornier I knew we would all be and our minds would be turned to the man who would soon walk through that door, probably with a huge bulge in the front of his boxer shorts.

Marina continued, "It's hard to believe this all happened in this room. Nic's bulge was definitely getting bigger and you," looking at me, "and Bill were oblivious to what was going on."

"I can't remember what it was, but you asked Bill to help you with something in your herb garden and I knew it would take at least 10 minutes."

I interrupted, "Bill might have have been oblivious, but I wasn't. It took me a while to work out a way to leave you and Nic alone for a while and then I remembered he has a herb garden too. I can tell you, Nic fucked me in every position imaginable that night and I came more times than I ever have. He was an animal, but go on."

Marina said, "Look at us, three slutty women sitting around in lingerie, drinking, telling dirty stories and playing with our pussies and you telling me that almost made me cum. You've always told me what a great lover Nic is and makes you cum over and over again. I have to confess, I sometimes wish it was me."

Zena sighed with a faraway look in her eyes. I was confident that she too was wishing it was her. The time was nearly ripe.

"Well two of us are sluts in lingerie and the third is a virgin in a robe," I knew I had to push things along a little because we needed to have discussed some things before Nic appeared.

I could see Marina was processing the virgin comment. Having not had any discussions with Zena about sex, outside the birds and bees, she could only hope her princess was still a virgin. I could see the realisation and pride in Marina's face.

"I think it's time Zena showed us her little number," I said, feeling very excited.

Zena paraded around in her outfit, she looked and she was in her element. Lots of compliments flew of course. Marina stood and hugged her daughter. It had been a hug of motherly pride, but I knew with their bodies pressed together like that in lingerie, the heartfelt feelings were now being felt in breasts and pussies.

I still sat in my chair. I took a long drink to steel myself. This was going to make or break. "You two look wonderful, come here so I can look at you closely."

As I ran my hands of the material of their lingerie I said, "Marina, did you know Zena is a virgin?"

She said, "I'd hoped so, but didn't really know, Um very proud of her to have waited."

"Yes, because we wouldn't want to have her spoiled by some clumsy teenager or oafish man, would we?" I was setting her up for my proposal.

"No. Of course I'd rather she kept it for her husband."

"That would be the ideal, I know, but while we screen her suitors in many ways, we don't test them in their sexual prowess, do we? And her choice of husband should be based on many other factors."

They both replied, "Yes."

This was going so well, I might not even need to use my trump card. I moved my hands down to their pussies. I stroked Zena's pussy through her lovely panties and slipped to fingers inside my sister's pussy. The both moaned with pleasure.

"Her graduation into womanhood should be done by a kind, caring experienced man, who can guide her, wouldn't you agree?"

This time they just nodded and Zena's hand went to her mother's breast. Marina was about to find out a little of what her daughter had learned.

"Her graduation into womanhood should be done by a kind, caring experienced man, who can guide her, wouldn't you agree?"

This time they just nodded and Zena's hand went to her mother's breast. Marina was about to find out a little of what her daughter had learned.

I moved my hands to their butts and guided them to face each other. They now played with each other's pussies, while I fondled and stroked and squeezed their yummy butt cheeks. I stood, so they could reach me too. Zena took a tit and Marina took hold of my butt cheek and kneaded it and caressed it, sometimes running her finger up and down my butt crack as if exploring a possibility. I pushed back in her finger to indicate the possibility was wanted.

"Can either of you think of anybody who fits that description?" This was the point that would decide whether I needed to play my trump card.

Zena had a light bulb moment, "I know! Uncle Nic!"

Marina protested, but didn't stop playing, "But he's your Uncle, Zena!"

Zena took up the charge, her argument based on a seed I'd planted a week ago. "But you said you would like to be fucked by Uncle Nic, mum."

She knew what Marina's argument would be and had her answer prepared. "But he's only related to me because he's married to my sister. He's your uncle ...."

"And he's only related to me because he's married to my aunt, so what's the difference?"

Touché Zena, I thought. I joined in now, "And if you think about what we're doing right now and we ARE directly related."

Marina came back with, "But we're all girls. It's different."

I had the perfect deal breaker, "Marina you know how repressed we were sexually growing up, now's your chance to live and enjoy and show your daughter how a woman makes love. You could also make your fantasy come true. You could fuck Nic, so Zena can see how it's done properly and then Nic can take Zena."

I had the perfect deal maker, "Marina you know how repressed we were sexually growing up, now's your chance to live and enjoy and show your daughter how a woman makes love. You could also make your fantasy come true. You could fuck Nic, so Zena can see how it's done properly and then Nic can take Zena."

As I was saying that and with perfect timing, Nic burst through the door oblivious to what was happening and looking down at his phone. Zena and Marina shrieked in fright. Marina dropped to her chair in an attempt to hide and Zena moved away from, like a kid moving away from the cookie jar, but she stood there, stunned.

Nic only looked up then and by that time "Hello honey, your ears must have been burning, we were just talking about you," I reached down and felt his thick cock head, at the end of his erection, through his silky boxers, "feels like they're not the only things burning."

Nic leaned in to kiss me and his eyes rested on Zena. He said, "Hello, hello, hello. What's going on here then?" managing to unintentionally but correctly greet all of us while trying to sound funny (his way of hiding embarrassment).

Zena took the opportunity to resume her seat, I continued to tickle Nic's fancy while he checked out his hot niece and sister in law in lingerie. "We decided to have a raunchy girl's night to celebrate Zena's graduation and we've just been discussing her other graduation."

He looked perplexed and Zena and Marina were just looking ........ at the bulge in Nic's shorts I was massaging. Marina's shyness seemed to have subsided as her mind turned to what we had discussed. Was she going to experience his cock at last?

I squeezed his cock and said, "Zena's graduation in to womanhood."

It took a while until my meaning dawned on him. "Oh, well I'd better leave you girls to it then"

I gripped Nic's cock a little harder, "You'll stay right here sexy. You're an important part in the ceremony, as are Marina and I."

Nic wasn't slow on picking up on that message. He had a grin like the Cheshire Cat and his cock swelled. "But you are way overdressed," I smiled up at him as I lowered his shorts. The tighter band on his shorts causing his cock to slap his stomach when it was released.

I looked around and saw both of my relatives lick their lips. I lowered my head and took Nic's cock into my mouth and bobbed my head up and down a few times. I did that for two reasons, to keep his mind on the job 😁 and to make Marina jealous and ache to do the same thing.

The thought had crossed my mind that a double blow job by Marina and Zena would look good, but was mindful that I needed to make Marina know she was getting first bite at the cherry 😉.

I already had been circus master for a while, but now was the time I also needed to be the orchestra conductor.

"Take seat opposite Marina, Nic," I had strategically placed the seating in a particular way. As he took his seat, Marina put her right leg over the arm of her chair. They were now fully playing out their previous teasing of each other.

Nic sat there his erect cock on full view. Marina looked at it and smiled, then pulled her pussy lips apart for Nic's enjoyment. Zena and I watched on in silence as this played out.

"Marina wants to help you show Zena how a woman should be fucked properly, Nic, is that something you would want to do?"

Even that couldn't rip his eyes off Marina, was now fingering herself. I continued, "but we need to initiate Zena properly, so I think Marina should suck your cock to show her how to make a man properly ready."

That got their attention.

Marina was quick to her feet and in her knees in front of Nic and I said "Wait," and Nic and Marina looked at me in surprise, "this is for Zena's education. She needs to see how it's done properly."

I got up and knelt one side of them and told Zena to kneel on the opposite side. "Now watch your mother's technique closely dear, she's an expert at this. Marina, try to show your daughter as many techniques as possible. A dirty slut like you should have many tricks up her sleeve."

As I was saying that I placed my right hand on Marina's but and to her left tit in my left hand. Zena had done the same on the other side without being told and Marina moaned.

"Nic, sit on the edge of your seat and spread your legs wide, so Marina has good access to all of your goodies," I smiled and winked at him as I said it.

I was about to watch my sister become my husband's slut and I was so excited. Marina surprised me, I thought she'd immediately take Nic's cock into her mouth, but she pushed it towards his stomach and her mouth went to his balls, licking them and occasionally taking one into her mouth.

Zena watched, fascinated. "Men like to have their balls to be given attention, Zena but you have to be very gentle with them, if you aren't, you can cause a man pain. Some women also like to explore the balls to check how much cum the man has to give her," I turned to Nic who was still grinning, "have you got a big load of semen in there to give my sister, Nic?"

I deliberately used semen as opposed to cum, to emphasise the breeding connotation. Nic replied, "Shit yeah. I've been away for a week remember, so you haven't drained my balks in that time."

When he said that, I came. No touching, no other stimulation, just those words made my pussy flutter and I felt my juices flow.

I saw some precum form at they eye of Nic's cock. I drew Zena's attention to it and told her what it was and that it indicated a man's level of excitement and also that his balls were full.

On cue, Marina licked up the length of Nic's shaft and stopped to lick his frenum. More precum escaped and Zena observed, "Wow, Uncle Nic must be very excited or his balls must be very full."

Nic answered that in one breathless word, "Both."

As that was happening I moved next to Zena. I wanted to enjoy her closeness and beauty.

Marina's tongue moved to where the precum had emanated and dropped down his helmet and lapped it all up, making sure she didn't miss any and catching even more that streamed from the eye of his cock.

I told my niece, "A good cum slut will always lick that up, not letting it go to waste, dear. It tastes divine, different to cum. It's sweeter and less salty."

Marina was licking the other side of Nic's shaft and I noticed Nic had produced more precum. I was going to suggest that Zena taste it, but she beat me to the draw. She bent and licked that precum right up.

She smacked her lips and said, "It tastes yummy." Nic moaned.

Marina brought her mouth back up and took Nic's cock head into her mouth, sucking and licking it and then sliding her lips down and over it an inch or so and back up again repeating it a number of times.