Zoea - Retaliation


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I talked with Barb and she said Amanda was doing a great job. She helped some of the agents with their sales but wasn't getting paid for it. She also said Amanda had admitted she had a crush on me. She thought Amanda deserved a chance to be our first female broker. Amanda had requested a week off for vacation, too.

One evening I was up in my apartment and ordered out for a pizza. About a half hour later, there was a knock on the door. I opened it expecting to see the delivery driver. Instead, it was Amanda.

"Hi Eric, may I come in?"

She looked so beautiful standing there.

"Of course. What brings you here?"

My mind went back to the first day Zoea came to see me. My thoughts were all over the place.

"You brought me here. I missed you so much. I figured I'd take my chances and come see you."

A moment later, the pizza arrived. I looked at Amanda and asked her if she wanted to share it with me. We sat down and she told me about her graduation and taking the broker and investment test. She was one smart beautiful woman.

"Eric, you know I really care for you. I know you've been through a lot. Barbara told me a little about your marriage and the death of your wife. Eric, I'm not her. If we should be together, I promise you that I would be faithful to you. I'm not sure how you feel about me but I believe you like me too."

"I really do care for you but I haven't had time to work things out in my mind and heart. What is it that you want from me right now?"

"I want us to be friends. I thought I could get an apartment here and join you in your office. You already know my grandparents raised me. I let them know I was coming to the Bahamas but didn't tell them how long I was staying. I'll leave that up to you."

"Amanda, I'm not ready for any commitments from either one of us. Yes, I do care for you a lot but I hardly know you. Let's give it a try and see how it works out. I'll call the office in the morning and let them know that you'll be working out of my office for the time being. We'll find you an apartment. I have an extra bedroom so you can stay here until then."

She gave me the biggest smile. Damn, she was one beautiful woman. We ate our pizza and just talked. It was so nice having someone to talk to. The next morning we spoke to the building owner. He had a furnished one-bedroom apartment she could rent on a month-to-month lease. I loaned her the money for her first month rent and deposit. She told me she would pay me back when she received her check.

We talked well into the evening. The net morning we decided to go shopping for a few items she needed. When we got back, we went to the office and before we even entered, a couple approached us who wanted to talk. I thought I'd let her handle it to see how she worked. She was fantastic and the couple loved her and the way she explained things to them.

They opened an account with her and she explained that they could deal with us or our home office based in Chicago. We didn't have regular hours at the beginning. We worked each day for a few hours and were busier when cruises stopped on the island. It was so great having her around. I wasn't sure when I first started calling her Mandy but she didn't correct me.

We spent a lot of time on the beach. Damn, she looked good in a two-piece bathing suit. I asked her if she wanted to go to the nude beach. She said she wasn't interested in showing off her body to just anyone.

We became really good and close friends. There were a lot of other people who lived in the apartment building who became our friends too. I never saw Mandy date anyone and I asked her about it.

"I get asked out all the time but I refuse unless it's a group of people going. The only one I go out with alone is you."

I kissed her many times but we never went further. One day I asked her to make love.

"Are you ready?"

"Mandy, I don't understand. I've been waiting for you to be ready."

"Eric, I've been in love with you ever since I met you. You had just lost your wife and I figured you needed time to heal. I didn't want to be the rebound girl. Quite a few people told me I reminded them of your late wife. I could tell you felt the same way at times by the things you said. I'm here for you but I need you to want me, not a ghost.

"I took a chance and moved down here to be with you. I figured I would give it a couple of months to see how it worked out. I love it down here and I love you and want to be with you the rest of my life."

We were in her apartment and I walked over to her and kissed her with all the passion I could muster.

"I love you Mandy, and I want to make love to you. I haven't been with anyone since I moved back here."

It was a warm night and I unbuttoned her top and let it fall to the floor. Her bra soon joined it. She sat on the edge of the bed and I slipped off her shorts and panties. As she lay back, I quickly took off my shirt and shorts. Without asking, I got on my knees and kissed her wet trimmed pussy. I put my tongue to work until she reached her first orgasm.

"I love you Eric. Please don't play with my heart. Let this be real."

"It is real, Mandy. All I ask of you is to love me and be faithful to me."

We got in the middle of the bed and made love. We kissed, hugged, and I put my cock in her and pushed slowly. I felt her having another climax. She had me roll over on my back and got on top where she could slide my cock back into her pussy. She rode me until she was ready to climax and we came together.

Afterward, she got up and went in the bathroom to clean up some. She was still naked when she came out. She turned out the lights and got back in bed and we cuddled until we went to sleep.

The next morning she had gotten up and put on her shorts. She made coffee and was sitting at her small table. I got up and slipped on my briefs and shorts, poured a cup of coffee, and sat down across from her. Damn, she was even beautiful in the morning. She was staring at me. A few minutes passed before she spoke.

"What happens now?"

"What do you want to happen?" I asked.

"I want you to ask me to marry you, but only if you truly want to."

Seven months had passed since Zoea's funeral. Mandy helped me forget about her by talking through all that happened. I realized she had been there from the beginning.

"Mandy, will you marry me and be my only love till death do us part?"

She started crying and got up from her chair. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I watched her walk to me.

"Yes, I will marry you and be faithful and true till death us to part."

She smiled before we kissed again. Later we realized we had all kinds of new problems, even though they were good ones. We wanted to stay and live in the Bahamas. We loved it here. Mandy wanted to get married in Chicago because she didn't think her grandparents could make it down here for a wedding. We decided not to use a wedding planner since we didn't want a big wedding. She made me smile when she giggled and told me she already had it all planned out in her head. I loved seeing her so happy.

"We'll have the wedding next month. I want it to be in the church my grandparents attend. I went there with them for years and just know you'll love it," she said.

Mandy called her grandparents and told them the good news. Her grandmother cried and she asked her grandfather to walk her down the aisle.

We called Barbara next and told her. Mandy asked her if she would check out a few reception halls she liked. I didn't care what she wanted. Anything was fine with me.

We found a dressmaker on the island who said she had a ton of dresses in her shop. They agreed to meet but I wasn't allowed to go. So I stayed at the office and tried to get some work done. In the end, Mandy found a dress she loved which only needed a few alterations. I talked to the apartment building owner about finding a tux. He told me about a small shop a few towns over. I made an appointment for the next morning and was lucky to find one that fit perfectly.

While Mandy was dress shopping, I called Scott and let him know about the wedding. He was quite surprised when I asked him to be my best man. I didn't know when we were flying back but I asked him if he could pick us up at the airport. I told him I didn't want a bachelor party since I wasn't close to any of the Chicago staff.

Amanda came back from her dress shopping with a glow on her face. I hugged her for the longest time. She felt so good. I knew marrying her was right. She made me happy just by being in the same room with me.

Barb called a few days later and said she had talked to the pastor where Amanda's grandparents attended and booked a date for the wedding. He remembered Amanda and said he would be happy to marry us. Barb also reserved the Elks lodge and rented their party room. I had been there before and assured Mandy it was a nice place.

We checked the work schedule and chose a date to fly back to Chicago. I sent an e-mail to Scott with the details. Mandy checked with Barb often to make sure everything was the way she wanted it. All we had to do was post a sign letting people know we had closed the office for two weeks.

We had our wedding attire shipped to Chicago. Mandy had asked her grandparents if we could send it there. That way we didn't have to worry about the airline losing any of it. The flight was on time. Mandy and I had cuddled and talked about whatever came to our minds. Scott was there to meet us when we arrived at the airport. We didn't want to go to the office because as Mandy had said, this was our time. Work could wait. Instead, Scott brought us to his house where he gave me the keys to one of his cars. It was easier than renting one, he pointed out. We thanked him and left.

Amanda gave me directions to her grandparents' house. They lived in a really nice area of Chicago. They were what most people considered wealthy. Mandy had never told me that. They offered us rooms to stay in until the wedding. We would be sleeping in separate rooms. It made Mandy smile. We didn't send out any invitations but Mandy invited her aunt and uncle and their families.

Mandy had asked Barb to be her matron of honor. She might have told me about it already but I hadn't remembered. Barb was a good person, though, and had really helped with the plans. I was surprised when I got a phone call that afternoon from Brad. I put him on speaker so Amanda could hear too.

"Eric, it's Brad. Amy asked me to call and ask you if we could attend your wedding. We promise not to interfere with anything."

Amanda looked at me and told me it was up to me. We both had agreed to put our pasts in the past.

"Sure Brad, my fiancé said you're welcome to come. Since you're coming could you bring my godchildren with you. We're in need of a ring bearer and a flower girl."

I looked over at Amanda and she had tears in her eyes. At that moment I believe she realized just how much I loved her.

The day of the wedding, everything came together just as Amanda dreamed it would. The church looked festive yet simple. I seated her grandmother in the front row. Scott showed up with his family. He helped seat a few people too. The brokers from our Chicago office came to the wedding with their wives.

Brad and Amy came in and Brad held out his hand. I shook it and welcomed him and Amy. Amy gave me a hug and congratulated me then said she had to go back and be with her kids. They were part of the wedding. She left with a smile on her face.

The wedding started and there came my godson carrying the ring on a pillow. Thank god, it was pinned to it. Barbara wore a beautiful blue dress she and Mandy picked out together. Next was my goddaughter, throwing flower petals down the aisle. The music changed and in came my future wife. Her dress was gorgeous and classy. She looked like an angel as she walked toward me on her grandfather's arm. Everyone stood up as she came down the aisle. I had tears in my eyes long before she reached the front of the church.

The minister waited for the music to stop.

"Who gives this bride to this man?"

"Her grandmother and I."

He gave her a loving smile then sat next to his wife. I noticed they held hands and knew Amanda learned about real love from them. The service wasn't long, but yet it seemed to take forever. Finally, I looked into my bride's eyes and heard the magic words.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I couldn't believe she was actually mine. Never had I felt so much love for another person, and I swore right then to make sure she knew that. We ran down the aisle, laughing and smiling. Soon we headed over to the Elks lodge and there was a wonderful buffet set up. Everything looked amazing. Barb and Mandy had made it all happen in such a short time.

I danced with my beautiful wife as she told me how much she loved me. She danced with her grandfather and I could see how happy he was. Her grandmother and I danced, too.

We headed to a motel after the wedding. We didn't let anyone know where we were going. After a wonderful night of making love, we called Scott. He had said to leave his car at the airport and he would get it later. I thanked him for everything. Then we went over to say goodbye to Amanda's grandparents. They were so happy for her.

We called Barbara and thanked her again for all she did. I told her she would be the one we would continue to deal with when we called the office. She didn't know it but she would also be getting a raise.

We were back on the plane and headed home. Mandy left her dress with her grandparents. We didn't need a honeymoon. We lived in paradise. We loved the island and loved our life. We decided that we would visit the states at least twice a year to see her grandparents. Mandy worried about them and called often. A few months after returning, she asked if I wanted to start a family. I told her I would love to so she went off the pill.

It is now five years and three rug rats later and we couldn't be happier. We moved into a house so there was more room for the kids. We still have our brokerage business and talk with Scott and Barbara regularly. It took a little time but I consider Brad and Amy friends again. They came to see us twice since our wedding.

It didn't turn out to be much of a retaliation but because of meeting and marrying Amanda, I couldn't be happier.

Thank you for reading my story. It probably wasn't what you expected to read but it turned out great for me.

A special thanks to my editor who always makes it a much better read. Comments are welcome and appreciated.

DG Hear

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Norseman123Norseman1234 months ago

I liked the original and loved this sequel 5*****

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

What gasperguy69 said! Thanks DG, we enjoyed closure!

somewhere east of Omaha

gasperguy69gasperguy695 months ago

Thank you for the closing of the original story. I always felt there should have been more to the sad ending. I think this closed it perfectly!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19697 months ago

I enjoyed it. ideally Brad and Amy would be out of his life, Jim and Bob would be pushing up daisies or in jail for rape and assault and the connection between Brad and JimBob would have been revealed (why did didn't go after them on the beach or cruise) but that's not the story you wanted to tell and I'm fine with that. The drama in this part wasn't as intense but it was a good antidote to the grim ending of the original.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow. Can't agree with reconciliation with Brad and Amy. They were execrable and directly led to his wife's suicide. Screw them!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

why stay friends and you know 'Mandy" did your wife at the nude place, right?

AngelRiderAngelRider9 months ago

Clown show. Not even 3 paragraphs in and this idiot is screwing up names. No proof reading whatsoever.

I'm not reading this nonsense. Were you drunk? Because for the life if me I cannot understand how you can screw up the name of a character that is so obviously unique. I get that it happens in longer stories but you fucked it up immediately. Jesus christ.

AkSh4BloOdAkSh4BloOdabout 1 year ago

Another shit.

Didn't expect this from this author.

Tooo much potential lost .

And after reading the this part I would like to say the MC deserved the 'misfortunes' bcz of his stupidity.

Foolish utter foolish.

The story was just like the MC , UNSTABLE.

doctrptdoctrptabout 1 year ago

I appreciate this ending. It may not have been how I told the tale, but it was well written and a believable resolution of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

All great but for reconciliation with Brad and Amy. I would have screwed up their relationship by exploiting Amy's infidelty; destroying their trust/bond-- a quid pro quo.


miket0422miket0422over 1 year ago

The title is confusing. Retaliation? She's dead, how can he retaliate against her or how can she get retaliation?

Everything he said he felt towards Amanda was basically the same way he felt about his late wife.

Other than that, sweet story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why average.


I was brought up before Free love etc (and love is never free)

And taught it takes two to tango

So many authors seem to forget that. I know most of time one is More guilty But doesn't excuse other

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Silly contrived story, just like the first. Nothing very real, and I could never accept a story where a wife loves here husband enough to commit suicide, but would wantonly cheat on him. Moreover, how could she get away with it for so long? Story makes no sense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Why did he need assistance getting rid of his cheating ex wife's junk. She was dead. He didn't want it. What would have pressured him so much to cause him to do the very thing he did not want to do?

Surely dumpsters are cheap. Or a phone call to the Salvation Army. Or just make a pile on the front lawn with a sign saying "Please do not steal this" That sign seems to work better than just putting one up that says "Free"

orion2bear2orion2bear2almost 2 years ago

No way she loved husband enough to kill herself rather than live without him but all she had to do to keep him was keep her pants on and be faithful

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

Nice ending to a sad sordid story.


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