Caught by the Tide Ch. 03


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"Luke!" I stared in dismay as he swept up the entire contents of the trolley, dumping everything on top of one of the cupboards before turning back to me. "What are you doing? You--oh!" I gasped again as he slung one arm around my shoulders and the other beneath my knees, swinging me up into the air. "Luke!"

"Did it never occur to you she should be lying down?" Ignoring my protests, he set me down full length on the couch and adjusted the back rest until I was semi-reclining. "You were seriously expecting her to sit there like that for the next half an hour while you were faffing around? Can't you see she's exhausted?"

"S-sir--" the doctor stammered. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside--"

Luke gave a choke of disbelieving laughter. "I don't think so. What's your name?"

"Luke, please--" We were going to get thrown out, I was sure of it...

"I'm Dr Hancock. But--"

"House officer, right?" Luke demanded, his scowl deepening when the now rather frightened-looking doctor nodded. "Who's meant to be supervising you?"

"He--he's not available," he muttered.

Luke gave him a look of pure exasperation. "You mean he's knocked off early? Of course he has--it's Friday night. He's in the pub. So it's just you?" He blew out a sigh, fixing the hapless Dr Hancock with a long appraising stare. "Right," he said at last, seeming to reach a decision. "Then I guess you'd better get me some sterile gloves, size seven. Two pairs please--I'll double glove. Then I'll need some one percent lignocaine with adrenalin, another suture pack and some four-o nylon, if you've got it. Three-o at a pinch. None of thatrubbish." He gestured towards the mess on top of the cupboard.

"Sir." Dr Hancock appeared as nonplussed as I felt. "I can't just let you--"

"Oh, I think you'll find you can." Luke was already fishing his wallet out of his jeans. "Here," he said, extracting a business card and brandishing it in front of the younger man's nose. "Okay?"

It seemed that it was, for without another word the doctor jumped off the stool and began searching the cupboards.

"Luke--" Finding my voice at last, I watched in astonishment as he strode over to the sink and began to roll up his sleeves. "Oh God... What are you doing?"

He glanced back over his shoulder at me, shooting me a wry smile. "Washing my hands."

"I can see that." I tried for sarcasm but that note of hysteria was back in my voice again. "Y-you're going to do my stitches?"

"Well, I don't have to. If you prefer, I can drive you over to Truro but I'm guessing it'll be pretty busy over there--"

"You're a doctor?"

He gave the trigger of the soap dispenser two sharp tugs and began to build up a lather using rapid, rhythmical movements. "It's a title I'm entitled to use. But I don't tend to these days. Not unless I'm trying to get upgraded to business class when I'm travelling by air. For some reason it works like a charm."

My exhausted brain couldn't process this new information. "You're a doctor but you don't call yourself doctor?" I found myself mesmerised by the way he was sliding his hands together, methodically working at each finger now. "But I don't understand. You're scrubbing up like you're planning on performing major surgery--" And as he shot me another pitying look over his shoulder, the penny dropped. "Oh no. OhGod..."

Luke grinned, rinsing his hands. "Well, yes. But most of my patients just call me Mr Foster," he teased, turning off the taps with his elbows and pulling down some paper towels. "And you can carry on calling me Tosser if you like."

I watched open-mouthed as he donned the gloves that the doctor had opened on to the newly re-laid trolley, my heart starting to pound noisily.

The stocky guy in red board shorts who'd rescued me from the rising tide--the same bloke who'd held me in his arms while I cried, kissed me more passionately than I'd ever been kissed and then buried himself deep inside me again and again until I'd wailed with pleasure--was a surgeon. This was becoming too surreal for words...

"Luke," I faltered, watching nervously as he seated himself at my side and began to draw up another syringe-full of local anaesthetic. I still couldn't quite get my head around the idea that he was actually going to do this. It seemed much too intimate somehow. Yet we'd had sex--how more intimate could it get?

"It's okay babe. I promise I know what I'm doing."

"It's not that."

He nodded, his eyes softening as they met mine. "I know." And rising slightly, he leaned over to kiss me. "This feels pretty weird for me too. But I'm not prepared to watch someone butcher your arm when I know I can do a much better job of patching you up."

"Cocky sod," I muttered.

He smiled, unperturbed. "Though I'm not going to lie to you--there's no quick and painless way of doing this first bit. The stuff in here's acidic--" he gestured towards the syringe "--and the faster you squirt it in, the more it hurts. So I'm going to go nice and slow--"

"Wonderful." I experienced a strong desire to bolt.

"--and I want you to start counting to ten. Out loud. By the time you get there, I'll be done."

"Ten?" I regarded him with horror. "As in seconds?"

He grinned, nodding. "But in about two minutes from now, all that nasty pain will have gone away."

Oh. That sounded better... "You promise?"

"I promise," he agreed solemnly.

I gave a shaky sigh. It didn't seem as though I had much choice. "Okay," I whispered at last. "Just do it." And bracing myself for the sharp scratch, I closed my eyes...



Though I could hear the voice, I ignored it, sliding back beneath the surface, invisible arms dragging me back into slumber. It seemed much too much effort to answer. I was warm, I was comfortable and my arm didn't hurt anymore...

"Hey!" Luke's soft chuckle hurtled me towards consciousness. "I could develop a complex, you know. Every time you're with me you nod off."

"Oh..." Forcing my eyes open, I strained to see in the darkness. To my astonishment, I realised the car had stopped and we were back in the hotel car park. I must have fallen asleep the moment we'd left the hospital. "I'm so sorry--"

"It's okay." He reached across to stroke a stray curl away from my face, his touch sending a delicious quiver down my spine. "But I think I should get you to bed."

"Really?" I murmured, raising my eyebrows suggestively then rather spoiling the effect by yawning hugely.

He gave another chuckle. "Somehow, I don't think you're up to more meaningless sex tonight, babe."

"Hey, you said itwasn't meaningless." At least, I thought he had. Oh God, had I dreamt that?

To my relief he smiled, cupping my cheek in his hand. "I did," he agreed. "But you didn't."

I gave a startled giggle. "Well, you didn't exactly give me a chance, did you? Barging into that room like that, like a bull in a china shop."

Though he'd been far from bullish afterwards. He'd been amazing. I'd watched in awe as he set about repairing my tattered arm, cleansing the wound with meticulous care before manipulating the jagged edges back together again. Then wielding surgical instruments with astonishing ease, he'd started placing sutures, his rapid movements soon becoming a blur. The end result was twelve beautifully neat stitches. I was beginning to get the impression Luke Foster was something of a perfectionist...


"Oh." I met his intense gaze, suddenly appreciating how anxious he was to hear my reply. "I don't think I've ever had more meaningful meaningless sex."

He grinned. "Me neither." And then he was moving towards me again, folding me into his arms, his talented mouth landing on mine.

"You've got to get back to the stag-do," I groaned when he finally let me up for air. "If I were Tim, I'd never speak to you again."

"If you were Tim, I wouldn't be snogging you," he retorted, making me snigger. "Don't worry. He's used to me being late for everything. I get held up in theatre all the time--just one of the many joys of my job. Anyway, we're here until Sunday. I've got time to make it up to him."

"You're here until Sunday?" My stomach gave a jolt. "Me too."

He smiled, reaching for the door handle. "Then I guess I've got time to make it up to you as well."

Oh yeah... The thought of Luke and me together in that huge double bed in my hotel room gave me goose bumps...

"It's probably just as well you've got to go," I sighed, reaching up to touch my lank ponytail as we climbed the hotel steps, Luke's arm once again firmly around my waist. "I can't wait to get in the shower and wash the sea-water out of my hair. And all the sand--yuck."

"You can't have a shower. Not tonight."


He sighed. "I knew you weren't listening. Babe, I told you back at the hospital. You can't get those stitches wet for twenty-four hours."

"Oh." I stared at him in dismay. Now that he mentioned it, I could remember him saying the words. But I hadn't equated not getting my stitches wet with not being able to have a shower. How stupid was I? "Wh-what about a bath? I could hold my arm out of the way." Though I was none too sure how I'd manage to wash my hair one-handed...

Lifting his eyes heavenwards, he pushed me up the last of the steps and into the hotel.

The noise from the bar seemed even louder now. I peered through the door as I waited for the receptionist to find my key-card, astonished to see how many punters were packed in there.

"It's always like this on Friday and Saturday nights," Luke said, following my gaze. "The locals come because this is the nearest thing to a decent pub in the village. Plus all the weekend surfers are here too."

I turned to face him, catching what I thought was a rather wistful look in his eyes. "Luke, why don't you go?" I suggested. "You've got me back safe and sound. Go and join the others. I'll be fine now. I'm pretty sure I can make it to my room without you. You've been wonderful but--unh!" He silenced me with another of those toe-curlingly fantastic kisses, reaching around me to take the key card from the smiling receptionist.

"I'll leave you only when I'm damned sure you can stay out of trouble for the rest of the night," he murmured before shooting a dazzling grin at the receptionist who promptly blushed and turned away. "Come on," he said, dropping his hand into mine and leading me up the stairs.

To my annoyance, Luke managed to open the door to my room with the key card on the first attempt. "Not fair," I protested as he laughed at my piqued expression. "I think that thing hates me."

"It's an inanimate object," he said, still looking amused. "It can't possibly hate you. You've just haven't been doing it right."

"Story of my life," I sighed, ducking beneath his arm to enter, wishing I'd taken the time to tidy up before I left. My scarlet bikini was in two misshapen balls on the bed and Luke's sweatshirt was hanging limply from the footboard. "Here," I said, snatching it up and turning around to give it to him. "Thank you for letting me--" But Luke had disappeared.

For a few devastating seconds, I thought he'd gone without saying goodbye. Then I heard the taps running in the bathroom...

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed, watching from the doorway as he leaned over the bath, adding the contents from one of the complimentary bottles on the vanity unit to the rapidly rising water.

He straightened up, grinning. "Running you a bath, what does it look like?"

"But--" I was momentarily lost for words. "You said I couldn't get my stitches wet."

"And you won't, not if I have anything to do with it. Come on, get your kit off."

"Wh-what?" He wanted me to strip in front of him? Surely he couldn't be serious...

His grin widened. "Don't tell me you've gone all shy. Becks, we've already had sex."

"Yes, I know, but--" I hadn't been naked. I'd worn his sweatshirt the whole time...

He rolled his eyes. "Babe, I saw you in your bikini. That didn't exactly leave much to the imagination. Besides, do you have any idea just how many breasts I've seen?"

"Not counting all the ones belonging to your female patients, you mean?" I quipped, gazing at the foaming water with longing but feeling inexplicably nervous.

I heard him groan. "Ha ha--very good. Come on, Becks." He moved towards me, pulling me into his arms. "Let me wash your hair. You know you want me to."

I did. I buried my face into his shoulder, moaning softly. "Maybe if I put my bikini back on--"

"Becks..." I heard his soft chuckle then felt warm hands sliding beneath my T-shirt. "By all means stop me if you really want to but--" there was a slight tug and I realised he'd unhooked my bra "--I think you and I both know I'm going to see you naked sooner or later. It might as well be sooner."

"Luke--" I mumbled, shivering slightly as his fingers caressed my bare skin. "Shouldn't you go and join the others--?"

"Will you just shut up about them?" He nuzzled the side of my neck and I gave a whimper of pleasure, tipping my head to afford him better access. "It's ten o'clock and the bar stays open until two. There's plenty of time."

"I know, but--"

"Ssh." And then his mouth was on mine again. Kissing me deeply. Thoroughly. Until I couldn't think of any reason at all to keep my clothes on. Which was probably just as well, because by the time I came back to my senses both my cardigan and T-shirt were missing and my jeans and knickers were around my ankles.

He chuckled, sweeping the loosened bra from my body before crouching down to pull off my shoes. "You're beautiful, Becks," he said gently, looking up at me as he helped me step out of the puddle of clothing. "I don't know why you didn't want me to see you."

The heat of his frank appreciation made me feel oddly light-headed. "Daniel--Daniel used to say that my breasts looked like--"

"Ah... Stop right there, I get it." He held up his hand, straightening up. "I think we've just established that your ex-fiancé is an even bigger tosser than I am." Resting his hands on my shoulders, he allowed his gaze to sweep down between us for a much longer look. "Nope. Nothing at all wrong with those puppies. Take it from me, babe. You're gorgeous."

I gave a soft snort. "No wonder you've had so many women, Luke Foster."

He smiled, brushing his lips over mine once again. "I guess I deserved that." And releasing me to turn off the taps, he then delved into the pockets of his jeans, producing a large clear plastic bag and a roll of surgical tape.

"Don't tell me," I said wryly as he slid the bag over my right hand and smoothed it up over the bandage. "You always carry these things around with you, just in case?"

"Must've fallen in there while we were at the hospital," he said with a grin, wrapping tape around the open end at my elbow. "Funny how that happens sometimes."

I shot him an incredulous glance. "You were planning this all along?"

"I've known a lot of women, remember? I had a pretty good idea you'd want me to do this." He motioned towards the tub. "In you get."

The water was wonderfully warm. I sighed with gratitude as I eased myself down, Luke taking my injured arm and resting it along the side of the bath. But when he started unsnapping the buttons of his denim shirt, I stared at him in surprise. "You're getting in with me?"

He gave a deep chuckle. "I'd love to, but I won't. There's no way I'd ever get round to washing your hair if I did. I'm just taking this off so I don't get soaked."

I twisted round to look at him as he knelt down on the tiled floor behind me, wedging himself into the small space between the end of the bath and the wall. "That doesn't look comfortable."

"Yeah well." He removed the hair band securing my ponytail then leaned across to pick up the vase of artificial flowers on the vanity unit, tipping them out on to the floor. "It's been one of those days," he muttered, sinking the vase into the water.

I gave another snort, recalling the precarious nature of our coupling on the rocks before groaning with bliss as warm water flowed over my head.

"Close your eyes." There was a pause in which I heard the opening click of my shampoo bottle then I felt his hands in my hair. And starting at my temples, he began to build up a lather, massaging my scalp with the pads of his fingers as he went, using slow, rhythmical, circular movements. Dear God, it felt likeheaven...

He laughed as I whimpered helplessly, his strong fingers working steadily downwards towards the nape of my neck, still kneading in those tight, firm circles... I'd been completely unprepared for how good this would feel. The whole of my head had become an erogenous zone. "Luke," I gulped, a tingling wave of arousal flooding over me. I could feel my nipples hardening, a familiar, pleasurable ache building low in my tummy...

Until suddenly his hands were gone.... "Hey!" I gave a howl of disappointment. "You can't just--umph!" I spluttered as the water he was already pouring over my head ran over my face.

"Ssh," he said, laughing softly as he lowered the vase for more water. "Keep your mouth closed."

"You b-bastard!"

"Ooh," he muttered, still chuckling. "I think someone nearly came back there. Don't worry, I'm not done."


He behaved as though he hadn't heard, rinsing my hair twice more, then reaching for my sponge, plunging it into the now soapy water. As he swept it up over my body, I groaned, loving the rasp of the sponge over my skin. Pushing me forward, he washed my back, again moving in slow, lazy circles, applying just the right of pressure, the remains of the tension in my body melting away. And by the time he pulled me back against him, I was in such a state of deep relaxation I could've fallen asleep, right there in the bath. But Luke had other ideas...

Dipping the sponge into the water again, he drew it up to my shoulders, washing around and beneath each one, moving lower with a frustrating lack of haste. So when he finally, wonderfully, encircled my left breast, I gave a sob of pleasure, that tingling sensation returning full force, a surge of heat spreading southwards across my belly, arrowing straight towards my groin. I watched as both nipples became rosy peaks, the visual only serving to heighten my need. Oh God, I needed to come...

"Hmm," he murmured in my ear, now languidly caressing my right breast. "Just how close are you?"

I couldn't speak, that was how close... And when he finally slid his hand down my tummy, abandoning the sponge to delve between my thighs, I came the instant his fingers made contact...

"Luke!" I screamed as I bucked violently against his hand, the bathwater sloshing up around me, mimicking the intense waves of pleasure rippling through my womb. "Oh--God..."

"Ohyeah," he said quietly, holding me through the aftershocks, planting kisses against my neck. "Just a little something to help you sleep."

He helped me out of the bath, wrapping one towel around my hair and another round my body before pulling me close. "I've got to go," he said regretfully, rubbing my back. "If I don't go now, I'll never go--" he gave a soft chuckle as I sent him a hopeful look "--and you need to get some rest."

True enough. But it would've been wonderful to drift off to sleep in his embrace, I thought, watching as he finished fastening the last of his shirt buttons.

"I'll see you in the morning, okay?"

I nodded, staggering after him to the door. "Luke--" I faltered as he stepped out into the hall, not quite knowing what to say. "Th-thank you. For everything. I don't know what I would've done if--"

But before I could finish, he swept me into his arms, capturing my lips for another tender kiss. "I'll see you in the morning," he repeated, releasing me with a smile. And as he walked away, he looked back over his shoulder, sending me one last longing glance.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

If it screens as well as a passionate medical series,

then your residuals as a screenwriter, producer and creator would keep you from gainful employment after you graduate in your major?

KarensClit1990KarensClit1990almost 6 years ago
Super sexy

I loved the bath scene.

UpHillAllUpHillAllover 11 years ago

brilliant writing


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Lalagirl..... Women can have an orgasm without the clit being touched, I know because my husband managed it without ever going near my clit, if a guy knows your body well it can happen

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Evanslily nails the emotional connection.

I find the emotional connection between Luke and Becky completely realistic, and truthfully that's all that matters to me (that and the hot sex). My husband is short, hairy, not muscular, and has an average size penis. But he treats me just as well as Luke does Becky and he kisses just as well. I feel loved completely. I love Evanslily's stories because while the physical characteristics of each character might be a little, ahem, enhanced, the love they show each other rings true. And if it doesn't for you, well, I'm sorry. I hope you find that level of caring someday.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Re: Great

In response to La...Girl, you should reread the second half because Luke did provide clitoral stimulation. The description was subtle but it was there. And I'll agree with the comments about some of this being unrealistic. I'm sure amazing guys such as Luke do exist, men who: know exactly how to please a woman, are attractive, have a stable and well-paying job, are genuinely looking for more than just meaningless sex, know exactly why they want, are confident and pursue a woman, regardless of her personality flaws and who, most importantly, are somehow still single (I listed those qualities in no partiular order). Surely great men exist but perfect ones don' so I wouldn't expect to find every one of those qualities in a single person. That's why we suspend those preconceptions, when reading works of fiction. It's a break from the harsh reality and it's comforting to see people live "happily ever after" even if they aren't real people. It's cute so I take it for what it is. If anything, I feel as though the further a story is from reality, the easier it is to not get too caught up in it. I can enjoy this world while maintaining healthy expectations in my real relationships.

LaLaLadidahGirlLaLaLadidahGirlalmost 13 years ago

You sure can write an amazing story, but, let's get real here: just how many women do you think can have an orgasm from just some guy/almost-stranger washing her? 99.999999% (I think. But I should be pretty close) of all women need some form of vaginal, clitoral or both stimulation to reach an orgasm. And most need at least clitoral stimulation. I feel like either "Becks" should not have had an orgasm from that, or Luke should have been extremely suprised with how sensitive she is. Or have him finger her while using a shower head (on massage) to pound at her clitoris, and she gets that orgasm. With your amazing writing skills, I'm sure that would be great. But what's done is done, and this is YOUR story, not mine. And you did a very good job; you really have a "way with words," with few grammatical mistakes (mostly the adverbs). Also, I completely love your characters, although they are a bit older for my tastes. I assume you're around 30 years old? If not more? Oh right, that's not somethig I'm allowed to ask women, but I think that rule mostly applies to men. Oh well, back to my point. Luke seems like an amazing, caring, lovable guy, although he seemed a bit nerdy-looking, or at least a bit skinny-lanky when first introduced. Rebecca seems very snobby at first, but maybe she's just going through a tough time right now, so it makes sense. The sex was pretty good, and intresting, since it was at the beach. I think a bit more description of that location could have made it less confusing, though. Anyways, you did amazingly well. I have read a few other of your works, absolutely loved them, and noticed that your last update was a while ago. I truly hope you are going through a great time in life, and really really hope you go back to writing these AWESOME stories. Thank you!

20 :D's / 23 :D's - so far....

Keep it up! Hope I can see more works from you soon!

~ LaLaLadidahGirl

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
ooooh the last of page 2 Yes

You are obviously a talented writer. I agree you should write professionally and publish your story, someone else's story.Ghost writing pays very well; and not hard to get a job.

But please occasionally write your eloquent, detailed hot erotica like your last of page 2 just moreof the sex

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Hey, anon, 'right, hare-brained floozy finds dream-guy surgeon.'

It's fiction, if you don't like it, don't read it. You're a coward for remaining anonymous so you can make comments like that.

I'm loving this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
right, hare-brained floozy finds dream-guy surgeon.

Happens every day, that does....

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