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Cheri learns to cyber.
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"Finally got it online!" Cheri breathed with a sigh of relief. She'd spent hours trying to set her new computer up then getting it online. "Don't know why those fucks said it was so easy to do." she fumed, thinking about the two salesmen that talked her into purchasing the 'Top of the Line' system that cost her an arm and a leg.

She stood back admiring the computer. It did look pretty damn cool sitting there on her desk. She had chosen a black one. The monitor, keyboard and tower were all in jet black cases while the printer was the normal off white everyone purchased. They didn't have any printers that were black. But it didn't matter what color the system was, only how well it preformed it's job.

She wasn't sure why she was getting the online service, it wasn't like she knew anything about the Internet, she had never been there. "It doesn't interest me to even bother with it, but hell it's paid for.." she murmured to herself as she sat down and hit the connect button. Cheri frowned as she looked at the screen, waiting for something to tell her she was on the infamous Internet everyone was so excited about.

Cheri was a single, working girl. She worked in the office of a small business doing the paperwork and answering the telephones. She'd been with Mr. Wright for three years and was content with the job. It paid her well so she couldn't complain, besides...she didn't have that many skills and probably wouldn't find another job that would give her the money she made now. Of course a lot of it was due to the way she looked. Mr. Wright, the old letch, hired her so he could leer at her all day long.

Cheri was 5'3" tall and weight 110 pounds. She was a natural redhead, provable by the soft, curly red pubes on her snatch. She had a light sprinkle of freckles across her nose and dark green eyes. She reminded you of an elf or pixie with her sharp features, but she was all woman when your eyes moved down her luscious body. Her breasts were 36B, not really huge, but plenty for her petite frame. She had a great ass, which made men turn to watch her walk past. Cheri got her share of offers to date, but only went out now and then, usually with friends. She just hadn't met anyone that really sparked her interest.

"Welcome." a voice said from the speakers on the computer. "For what?" Cheri questioned the bodiless voice but got no answer. She started moving the mouse around on the screen, looking for something to click on. The screen name she had chosen was Moistlips, which sounded sexy to her but not too. She clicked on 'People' at the top of the screen and a drop down menu appeared, listing a number of options. "Hummmmmmmm, what to do?" she murmured under her breath. She finally decided to try "Find a chat" and clicked her mouse button.

Cheri found herself looking at a list of user created chat rooms. "My, my, my, now look at this!" she said aloud. The chatroom list was fairly extensive. Rooms created by other users to attract people who had the same interests. "Oh wow! This is wild!" she said as her pointer moved down the list. "Bi curious? Now what the hell is that all about?" she wondered. "Roleplay....Lonesome Tonight...Cops4Cops..." she read down the list, amazed by the names of the rooms there.

"Well here goes!" she said and clicked on "Adult Chat." She was instantly transported to a 'room' with a bunch of other people in it talking. She read the chat to see what they were saying. 'LOL MrStud, get a life!' someone typed. They were joined by others with the 'LOL.' Cheri frowned, wondering what that meant. Suddenly a little box appeared in the middle of her screen. "Hello Moistlips...nice name" was typed in the box. Cheri stared at it for a minute, trying to figure out what it was, then realized someone was talking to her. She saw a reply tab and clicked on it, then typed in the space that appeared... "thanks." then sat there waiting to see what happened next.

Nothing happened. Cheri sighed in annoyance and clicked the little box off. She started reading the chat again and was startled the subject was 'what your favorite position is.' "Wow..this is unreal." she said to the empty room. She read on the screen, "Doggystyle, nothing like a little canine loveplay lol." "What the fuck is 'lol'" she grumbled at the use of those letters over and over on the screen.

Another little box appeared in the middle of her screen. This time it was from someone named 'BigBoy' and said, "want to cyber?" Cheri didn't know what to type in answer. She thought about it for a few minutes then finally typed, "I'm new here. What do you mean?" then waited for a reply.. Nothing happened. She typed "hello? are you there?" still nothing.

Cheri wondered why the person didn't answer then gave up waiting and clicked the box away. Another one appeared immediately. "hi, are you busy?" She answered, "No." "Want to play?" Cheri typed "play what?" "How bout some sexy roleplay" was the answer she got. "I'm new here. I don't know what you mean" "aha..a newbie! nothin like breaking in a cyber virgin! LOL" appeared on the screen. Cheri giggled at the wording and typed, "want to change that for me?" Then she quickly typed, "what does 'LOL' mean?" The answer came right away, "LOL = Laugh Out Loud"

Cheri laughed out loud and wrote, "thank you! I was going nuts trying to figure it out." The stranger typed back, "mp = my pleasure." then typed a new message, "so what are you wearing?" Cheri read this and frowned, she typed "what do you mean?" The answer came quickly, "what do you have on right now? or are you naked??"

She sat there stunned for a minute then a grin played at the corners of her red lips. She decided to play along with the person and see what happened.

Cheri typed into the box, "I'm sitting here wearing an oversized white T-shirt and a pair of hot pink, thong panties." "WOW!" came the reply almost in a instant. Cheri giggled. "I wish I could see that," her chat buddy typed next. " would be great if it were possible" Cheri typed next.

Someone knocked at the door, startling Cheri and she quickly signed off the Internet, leaving the chat without saying anything. She was irritated to find her neighbor's little girl standing at the door with an empty cup in her hand. "My mom wants to know if you have some sugar she can borrow?" the child said shyly. "Sure hon, wait a minute" Cheri told her, took the cup and hurried to the kitchen for the sugar. "Thank you." the little girl told her when she handed her the cup. "Your welcome sweetie." Cheri answered, trying not to show her impatience.` Just as she closed the door, the telephone rang. "Oh shit! What now?" she fumed as she ran to answer the phone. It was her mother...Cheri resigned herself to the fact she wasn't going back online, not that night anyway.

Cheri rushed home after work the following day. She was anxious to go on the Internet again, more then curious to see what would happen there. It had just started to get interesting when she was interruped the previous day.

After logging on, Cheri sat there trying to figure out what to do or where to go. She typed 'Chat' into the search box at the top of her screen and waited. In a few seconds, she was looking at a long list of chat programs and sites. "Hummmm, decisions, decisions." she muttered under her breath. Finally she decided on 'ExciteChat.' Clicking her mouse on the link, she sat back and waited for it to load. Then she read the instructions for downloading and starting the program. "Seems simple enough." she said out loud and clicked to start the download.

While she waited for it to finish, she read more about the chat rooms and discovered that people used 'Avatars' to represent themselves while chatting. Now this was interesting, she started reading all about the avatars and how to use them in the chat area. After about ten minutes, a box appeared to tell her the download had finished. She clicked the install button and followed the instructions. Finally it was done and she felt nervous as she sat deciding on a screen name. "How about 'CheriBaby?' she murmured, typing it out and liking the way it looked. "Yep, CheriBaby it is." she said to herself and hit the enter button on her keyboard. After entering a password and getting through the general welcome screen, Cheri was ready to chat.

Clicking her mouse button, Cheri felt a thrill go through her as she waited. The screen changed and she saw a log-on page appear. She typed in her new screen name and hit enter. Now she was looking at a list of chatrooms. She bit her lip as she read down the list, looking for something of interest. "Ah ha!" she said as she read "Adult" and under it were rooms with names like, 'The Girls Domain,' 'Pillowtalk,' and 'Nude Beach.' "Interesting names, guess I'll check them out." she mumbled under her breath and clicked on Pillowtalk.

Before entering, Cheri had chosen an avatar from the few offered. Her screen name appeared when her mouse wandered over the silly picture of a person with a bag on their head that represented her.

Cheri's mouth dropped open when she saw the wonderful avatars being used in the chatrooms. Some were plain nasty too! She saw a woman giving a headless guy, head! (giggle) Micky Mouse with a huge cock sticking out of his shorts, and lots of beautiful naked and almost naked women and men. Many of the avatars had names written across them in creative ways. There were a number of others, like herself, using the ones provided with the chat program.

No one paid her any attention as she read the chat and looked at avatars. She decided to go find a better one for herself. She clicked her way out of the chat and went to her search engine.

When Cheri returned later that night, to the chat, she was better prepared. She had spent hours researching avatars and how to use them and now had numerous 'skins' to wear. She had also used her paint program to write 'Cheribaby' across many of her avatars, and she now had 'Mega.' That being larger avatars then most of the chatters. They could be seen perfectly clear instead of the postage stamp normal sized.

Now as she entered the chat, she appeared as a blonde wearing skin tight black short- shorts with a red tube top. The woman in the picture was bending over, her ass facing the viewer, and was wearing dark sunglasses and red lipstick. Down one side it read 'Cheribaby.'

Cheri had barely 'popped' into the room and a private message appeared on her screen. "Hello..nice av" it read. She typed a reply, "Thank you." But before she could send it, another message popped on screen, covering the first one. "Hey baby, wanna play?" was the content of the new message. Cheri smiled to herself and wrote, "I just got here." and sent it to the person. All of a sudden she was overwhelmed with messages on her screen!

Apparently her avatar had caught the interest of every horny male, and female in the room. Cheri couldn't answer anyone because she kept getting cut off by a new message appearing before she could sent a reply. She didn't know what to do she she hit the exit button and found herself back at the start page. She had felt panic for a moment, with so many people sending the private messages at her all at once!

"FUCK! That was nuts!" she said, breathless from the excitement of it all. "There's got to be a way to handle that shit," she groaned in frustration and started checking the available information at the top of her screen.

"Ah ha! I can block 'em!" she said with triumph as she put a check mark in the little box that would stop her from receiving private messages. Feeling more confident, she headed back to the chat room.

This time she could really look at things without the constant message box appearing to cover her screen. She looked at the avatars in the room, admiring some of the creative efforts put into them. Then she started reading the room chat box and was surprised to see she was the topic!

Cheri read, "She must think she's pretty special, won't accept private messages." was the first one she read. Then, "Hey Cheribaby! Wanna fuck bitch?" came next and she felt her face burn. A couple more like that and she'd had enough of that room. Back at the main page, she scanned the offered rooms again and decided to try the 'Girls Domain' this time.

With a click of her mouse, Cheri found herself in a chatroom full of avatars. Each one was suggestive, some were just plain lewd. She giggled at one that positioned itself next to her avatar and had an arrow pointing at her on it, above the arrow, it read, 'I wanna lick.'

Cheri looked at the chat box and read, 'Evening Cheribaby, nice av.' She typed 'thanks' and hit enter. Several more comment on her avatar appeared and she smiled at the compliments she was getting. Then she read, 'Cheribaby, want to chat private?' She looked up at the avators to see who the question was coming from. "Oh my..." she breathed when she saw the avator was of a very good looking male whose pants were unzipped. Nothing was showing, it just suggested.

"Sure" she answered and saw a new message that read, "enable accepting messages then." She quickly did as requested and instantly received his private message on screen.

The message said, "Go to private room, 'The Chamber.' "Sounds interesting enough." she murmured and clicked her mouse to bring up the box to change rooms. As soon as she clicked her mouse button, she saw her avatar appear in a new room. It was empty except for one other avatar, that of the guy who had invited her to private chat. His screen nickname was 'HardGuy.' Cheri giggled when she saw the name, then typed "Hello."

"Do you roleplay?" was the first thing HardGuy ask her. "No," was Cheri's answer, followed by, "How do you play?" She was more then just curious, she was interested to see what would happen.

"From here call me 'Master.'" HardGuy wrote in the chat box. Cheri's eye's widened in surprise and she laughed out loud. "Okay." she typed. Immediately HardGuy wrote back in all capital letters, "MASTER! If you forget, you will have to be punished!" "Oh really?" Cheri said to herself, eyebrows raised now. "Okay Master," she typed, then waited to see what would follow.

"What are you wearing?" came the question Cheri was half expecting. She was ready with an answer to it and wrote, "I'm naked, except for a silver chain with a cross on it, hanging between my breasts, Master." She giggled and fidgeted in her chair. HardGuy paused, then wrote, "Very nice. Your my good little slut aren't you?" She typed back, "Yes Master!"

HardGuy started typing and Cheri watched as each word appeared. "See the bed in the middle of the room? I want you to go to it and lay spreadeagle on it now. It's a four poster bed. I am going to cuff your feet and wrists to the posts." Cheri then wrote, "Yes Master, I'm laying on the bed as you wish, waiting."

"I've cuffed you and I'm standing near your head, unzipping my pants. I've taken my cock out and I'm stroking it while you watch me." Cheri felt her pussy grow damp as she read this. Her hand wandered down between her thighs to touch it, her eyes glued to the computer screen.

"Do you want this bitch?" HardGuy typed out. "Yes, please Master, I want to suck on your hard cock." Cheri responded with, getting more excited by her words.

HardGuy continued, "I've moved closer to your face, close enough for your mouth to take my cock into it." "I'm parting my lips, ready to let your cock slide between them Master." she answered with. "I am slipping my dick between your wet lips, pushing forward so you have to take the whole length in your mouth and throat." he wrote back. Cheri felt her pussy with one hand, it was soaking wet now.

"I'm thrusting my hips back and forth, fucking your face." he wrote. "I'm moaning deep in my throat as you fuck my mouth. My pussy is aching to be filled." she wrote back. "While I fuck your mouth, my hands find your breasts and start to squeeze them and pull on your erect nipples." HardGuy typed.

Cheri slipped a finger in her pussy and quickly banged herself for a few minutes, she pulled it out and licked her juices off, then typed.."My pussy is sooooo wet! Fuck me Master!"

"When I'm ready bitch, don't tell me when" he replied in answer to her plea. Then wrote, "I'm pulling away from your mouth. My cock comes out with a 'plop' and I move between your spread legs." he wrote, then, "I stand there looking down at you and finally get on the bed between your legs to lick your juices that are dribbling down your crack."

"Ooooooooh yeah Master! Lick my pussy good! I am raising my hips towards your hot tongue!" Cheri typed, her breathing was coming faster in her excitement.

"I bury my tongue inside your hot hole, my hands slip under your ass and help lift you up. My tongue finds your little nub and starts to play with it. Flicking at first then sucking your clit in between my lips so I can suck on it." he wrote. Cheri was amazed at how turned on she had gotten. She jumped up from her chair and ran to her bedroom. She brought back a vibrating dildo, sat back down and got comfortable. She looked at her screen and read, "I'm pushing two fingers into your cunt and sucking your clit at the same time."

"Oh Master, that feels so good! Fuck me please!" she begged on screen. "What does my little slut want from her Master?" HardGuy questioned. Cheri replied with, "Your big cock in my pussy." Immediately came, "I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME MASTER! NOW YOU MUST BE PUNISHED!"

Then she read, "I lift you higher and push my cock against your asshole. Your tight little hole resists entrance so I wet my fingers and rub all around it. I quickly slip my cock into your pussy, which is dripping, and lube it so I can fuck your ass. You whimper and struggle beneath me."

Cheri was really excited, in real life, she had never experienced anal sex and it looked like she was about to be virtually ass-fucked! She turned her vibrator on and held it against the swollen lips of her snatch, enjoying the feelings that flooded through her.

HardGuy continued to describe what he was doing to her, "I push harder and the head of my hard cock enters your tight little ass. You cry out in pain but your cries soon turn to pleasure as I slowly start to fuck your virgin ass."

Cheri wrote, "I wiggle and squirm below you and try to pull away from your cock's entrance in my ass. It's no good, I can't stop you and I cry out as you penetrate me there. After a few strokes, my ass adjusts to your cock and I start to feel pleasure." Her vibrator hummed as she wiggled it into her wet pussy and started to fuck herself.

"I piston in and out of your asshole, my cock is relentless as I fuck you hard. You love it. I listen to your cries and moans of pleasure as I fill you with my hot cum." he wrote now. "I'm still hard as I pull out of your ass, so I stick my cock in your pussy and start fucking it now. Your screaming in extasy now as you orgasm." HardGuy wrote.

Cheri's vibrator went into overdrive and she actually had an orgasm as she read his words. She cried out and jerked against her hand with the dildo burried inside of her hot snatch! It took a few moments to recover enough to type, "Oh yes Master, I'm swimming in a sea of pleasure as you fuck me." He wrote back, "I feel my balls tighten and then my hot cum bursts forth, filling your cunt and running back out around my cock."

He finished with, "I stand between your legs, waiting for my dick to go down enough to pull out. I watch your face and know I have pleasured you well. My cock falls out with soft 'plop' and I lean down to roughly kiss your lips, slipping my tongue into your hot mouth..then stand to uncuff you from the bed."

"Thank you Master!" she typed. Without even bothering to answner, she saw his avatar vanish from the room!

And that was the first of many cyber adventures Cheri was to experience. She became well known in the adult chat as a 'Cyberslut!'

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mikesmith_911mikesmith_911about 10 years ago
Ah yes, the good 'ole days

Thanks for writing this. Very hot and reminded me of the good old days in Yahoo chat :)

Will have to read more of your writing when I have some time!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Maybe it has not recieved the attention it deserves because of the category but this story is GREAT GREAT GREAT! Your style, tempo and theme are great. Keep up the great work.

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