God is a Slut Ch. 07


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Two more tentacles come to play. I stroke my new toys with a mother's love before guiding them to my bronze breasts. Their tips open, exposing two sucking mouths. I giggle in delight, and bring them to my nipples. They suckle from me, feeding from my milk and sending their warm tingling toxin deep into my bosom. It fills me with a rush; electrifying every nerve in my body, swelling my chaotic pleasure to new heights. My nipples become engorged and red, more sensitive than they've ever been as the suckers seep delightful tingles into my chest. My eyes well in tears of joy, and another tentacle comes to play. This one wants to be in my mouth. I smile in loving acceptance, and open wide. It enters me, and I tenderly suck from it as it does. It burrows down my throat; quickly, but not aggressively. It tastes like a man. I hum a moan of lechery and softly stroke it as it goes deeper inside me. My throat succumbs to a feeling of erogeneity, a new sensitivity awakened within it. I am Whore, and my body was made to be penetrated.

There is another whore with me. She is strong and lean, and her hair is black and shaved on the sides. She is smiling at me, beckoning me to come join her. She is filled like me, but her mouth is unsullied.

"Come," she says to me, her smile warm, and her eyes dulled, "come be with me, Sister."

I do not think I am her sister, but I do want to play with her. She is a stranger to me... no... she is my sister! My sister in this world of pleasure, where the beast is our father, lover and god. Yes, I will call her 'Sister.'

My mind tells the beast to let me play with the beautiful woman. I can see by the way she looks at me, that she wants me to play with her. I'm guided to her, my body writhing in rhythm to the evil that propels it, the same evil that propels her. We meet, the tentacles leaving our breasts so that they may press together, our engorged red nipples toying with one another. The member leaves my mouth so that I may kiss her. Her tongue is warm wet and soft. She toys with it in my mouth, and I slide mine into hers. Our eyes lock, the ecstasy written across them. I feel what she is feeling, and she feels what I am feeling. Two minds sharing the same sensation.

Our breasts squish together as our pelvises meet. Our clits rub one another's as the tendrils that defile our slits swell the flesh of our lower lips. I reach behind her and grasp a handful of thick muscled ass, as she reaches behind me and sinks her fingers into the full softness of mine. We spread each other, exposing the gaping ruined holes that we derive so much pleasure from. Our lips still lock, our spit flowing down our chins. Our noses press into each other's faces and our eyes close in bliss. I could be like this forever.

And then it comes. The wonderful wriggling members of the beast begin to accelerate. Our bodies are forced together in a symbiosis of jiggling tan flesh. Our eyes flash open, and the intensity of our rising climaxes is written across them. Our kiss stays firm and passionate, our tongues moving with increased ardency, our lips sucking with desperation. Fixating gazes of rapturous lust pass from green iris to blue, and our mouths muffle exaltation as the quaking sensation blasts from the defiled reaches of our bodies. My gaping ass shoots bouts of aching felicity deep into my colon, my filled womb sends an expansion of ravenous pleasure into my pelvis, my clit rubs against hers, and it brings through the delightful pings that scorch into my depths. We sing out in euphoria, our minds disappearing, replaced with a single primal sensation that seems to burn through the marrow of my spine. Higher and higher the feeling reaches, faster and faster we are sent there. Our bodies are slick and jiggling to an impossible cadence, our vision blurred with the speed of our ascending lust. The feeling builds and builds; impossible pleasure quaking though the reaches of our erogenous depths, and expanding, expanding outward to every blaring nerve and neuron. The screaming has long since passed, our mouths cannot vocalize a thing, can't yield even a single breath. And then...

...it comes crashing down in a wave of release. Spurts of our juices splash upon each other's bodies, the great bubble bursts, and the warm dopamine-induced catharsis rushes through us. Those blue eyes I'm staring at; they're gold. And that tan skin; it's red. And we're not in Olympus, but hell, and I'm not Aphrodite, but Rachel, and that's not Athena, but Lucy. I'm back. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.

"Holy fucking shit!" I exclaimed as my breathing returned to normal, "That was... the greatest orgasm of my life."

"Yeah," Lucy panted, "it's definitely up there for me too."

"Is it always like that?" I asked her.

"It depends on who you go with." Lucy said, regaining control of her breath.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"If you go with someone you don't care about, it's not as good," Lucy said, "so when God and I go in, it's always great. With you... at least for me, anyway, it was even better than that."

"You're such a romantic." I teased, but there was affection behind it.

"You betrayed me in there," Lucy smirked, "you little cunt."

"I figured you'd backstab me," I chuckled, "so when we did the character stats at the beginning, I put everything behind 'deception.'"

"And I put everything behind 'honor,'" Lucy groaned, putting her head in her hands, "because of a misguided sense of chivalry. God, I'm bad at this dating shit."

"You're such a sweetheart." I giggled and touched her shoulder, "Hey, Lucy; there's little pink circles all over your skin."

"And yours too." Lucy said, pointing to the suction marks on my arms and neck.

"I thought it was all a simulation." I said, examining myself.

"Nope," Lucy replied, "we were really there, in an alternate dimension; I told you that beforehand. That dimension is one-square lightyear of Greek mythology. It's got a billion adventures you can choose from, if you were so inclined to do so. There's an arcade down the road where you can play all of them, but the Kraken is my favorite."

"Is hell an alternate dimension?" I asked, "Is heaven?"

"You catch on fast." Lucy smiled, "Think of the universe as a long hallway, and dimensions are the doors and rooms on the sides. The rooms are small, and don't have any doors and windows of their own, save for the one that leads to the hallway, but they do exist in the same building. The thing is, everything in the hallway must follow hallway rules; gravity commands all, and light is the speed limit. Because the hallway must be stable, or the building falls down."

"But the same rules don't apply to the rooms," I said, "You can do anything in there."

"You got it," Lucy said, "as long as the hallway is stable, the side-rooms can follow their own rules, or no rules at all."

"Couldn't you just make a universe with no rules at all?" I asked.

"God tried that a few times," Lucy frowned, "what a fucking mess that was."

"Speaking of God," I smiled, "I believe our next stop is The Chapel."

"Let's get some lunch first. I'm famished after that."



Rachel sat across from me at the diner. Her beer was half finished, and the bacon cheeseburger she was eating with gluttonous abandon was almost gone. I snacked on some fries and looked at the noon sun from the window. It burned in the hole I'd left in the brimstone cave to feed the plants of the hermaphrodite garden, but it would soon pass to an early dusk, and the hellfire torches would light up the endless cavern.

"You know," Rachel said though a mouthful of beef, "I don't know how you're going to top the Wriggling Wrangler."

"I told you you'd like it," I smiled, "but Rachel, it's just a game."

"And what you've got between your legs is better than all that?" Rachel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Modesty isn't my strong suit, so I'll just say 'yes,' and we can move on." I chuckled.

"Pride cometh before the fall, Lucy." Rachel smiled, and left it at that.

"How did you find out about the Chapel?" I asked her, leaning forward with great interest.

"My first night here," Rachel said, finishing her beer, "I left the hotel to look for a place to pray. God didn't tell you?"

"She'd know I'd be pissed." I said, looking up at the sky, knowing God was listening, "You could have been taken and ruined right there. This is hell, Rachel. Also, why would you pray, when God was in your fucking hotel room?"

"Force of habit, I suppose," Rachel said, "and God was protecting me from any real danger. Anyway, I come across this place that looks like a church, and I go in to see the preacher."

"That was naïve," I laughed, "you should have known..."

"...that you'd make a mockery of the church by making a chapel the worst place here," Rachel finished, "I know. So, I go through the doors, and I see what's going on there, and I book shit back to the hotel as fast as my feet could carry me."

"God let that all happen, huh?" I smiled, "Did she get a good laugh at your expense?"

"She did." Rachel chuckled, "I was traumatized, and she had to sedate me with pretty thoughts of puppies and rainbows just to get me calm."

"And now," I said in a low voice as I leaned to Rachel, "you want to get back at her for all her deception by making her a member of my twisted little congregation?"

"Time to baptize the bitch." Rachel smirked back. I laughed at her crassness, and marveled once again at how much she'd changed. I took a peak into her soul, and was both alarmed and excited at what I saw.

"You know, Rachel," I said, leaning in even closer, "your soul is starting to metastasize with corruption again. If you don't watch it..."

"I don't care," Rachel said, inching her face closer to mine, "it's not about being good or evil, it's about whether or not your pussy is good enough to keep me here."

"Holy shit," I smiled, our lips now just an inch apart, "you belong here, Rachel."

"With you?" She smiled back, her eyes full of challenge.

"Oh Rachel," I said, inhaling her breath, "tonight can't come soon enough."

"Are you going to make me fall for you?" Rachel whispered, our lips grazing, "With your perfect, little, pussy?"

"You know I got more than that going on." I whispered back, my forked tongue flicking across her lips, "I'm going to wipe that smug little bitch right off your face."

"Do it," she hissed, her lips now pressing against mine, her back arching with need, "take me now. Or are you chicken shit?"

I like to think of myself as someone with a lot of self-control, but in that moment, with my hormones bleeding into my eyeballs, and Rachel's seductive defiance, I couldn't help myself. She got the better of me, and she knew it.

My arms flashed across the table, and my hands clasped the back of her head. Our mouths met in a passionate embrace, tones of our mutual desire humming through our locked lips. Rachel climbed on the table, over the edge, and straddled my lap. I pushed her down, forcing her back to bend over the edge of the table as she was lain flat atop it, her legs still clinging to my own, her face a portrait of defiant lust.

I hiked up her skirt with a violent shove, my hands practically shaking with need. My head fell between her legs, and my full luscious lips wrapped around the beautiful bump that hid beneath the hood of her lower folds. Rachel cried out in glee, and I revealed part of what I had planned for her that night. I sucked her clit until she was engorged, and then I made the change. Her body morphed into the figure she most desired; the hermaphrodite. Her soft belly toned with muscle, her arms and legs thickened, her breasts grew larger, her ass grew fuller, and the clit between my lips swelled into a massive cock. Her pale skin turned tan, her brown eyes blue, and her auburn hair so blonde it was almost white. When I she was done, I could only marvel; she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

"So," Rachel gasped, "this is what you were going to... aaaAAAAAAH!"

Yeah, I give good head. My forked tongue snaked around Rachel's girth and slowly stroked her as my black lips descended her length. Her vocalized realization ceased in her mouth as a moan interrupted her. Inch by inch, I took her in, sucking her like she'd never had it before. My lips milked every bit of her, all the way down to her base, and I stared into her glazed-over eyes with a satisfied smirk strewn across my defiled mouth, my nose pressing into the soft flesh of her pelvis.

"Oh, fuck!" Rachel screamed. The other patrons at the diner were staring at us, but we didn't care. I ruled the fucking place, and if I had it my way, she'd be helping me do it soon.

"Mmmm." I hummed knowingly as I slowly ascended her length. Rachel cried out, her head pressing into the table as her back arched. Her arms spread to her sides as her hands clenched into fists. Her pelvis shot forward, pushing her length into my soft throat. She throbbed wildly in my mouth, her new balls pulsating in my massaging hand. Just one suck, that's all it took. Rachel reared back her head until her crown was driving into the table, her long neck stretching in a striated extension of protruding tendons. She let out a scream of delight, and blew her load down my throat. I drank greedily, moaning as my lips continued moving up her shaft, savoring the delicious flavor of her seed. She panted, her beautiful breasts heaving under the bodice of her dress, her diaphragm flexing in recovering inhalations. I slid my mouth the rest of the way up her, cleaning the beautiful member she had between her legs. I got to her dome, rotated a little, and then pulled out, a glistening string of saliva and cum bridging my lower lip and her tip. I rested her throbbing member against my cheek and stared at her; my eyes half-mast in lust, my mouth curved in a wicked grin of victory.

"For all your talk," I teased, "you sure do come fast."

"Just the first nut," Rachel said, still recovering in panting breaths, "you know I've got more in me."

"I know," I smiled, and kissed the tip of her still-throbbing member, "and you better, Honey, because if I'm disappointed in you, I'm sending you top-side."

"Threats and extortion," Rachel smirked, her face flushed and he chest still heaving, "I guess two can play at that game. But you just love me too damn much, don't you?"

"Don't test me, bitch." I smiled.

"The irony of you saying that to me," Rachel laughed breathlessly, "would make a hipster cream his jeans."

I burst out laughing and let go of Rachel. She laughed with me and pulled her skirt over her new manhood, not at all concealing it. I helped her off the table and we made our way out of the diner and to the Chapel, where we had a meeting with a mutual friend.


At first glance, the Chapel looks like any other church. The ceiling is angled with oak wood beams, the room is lit with stained glass windows, and the sanctuary is lined with uncomfortable pews that face an elevated stage adorned with a podium. Organ pipes line the wall of the front of the church, and a row of chairs sit in front of them for the choir.

If one were to take a closer look, they'd see Lucy's dark sense of humor all over the place. Every cross is turned upside down, the bibles in the pews are just the book Jack wrote in The Shining (all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy...), the stained-glass windows are decorated with perverse blood-orgies, and the pipes for the organ are all shaped like -you guessed it-, dicks. I sat in the front pew, awaiting Lucy and Rachel's arrival with Anna at my side. Both of us were clothed in the large black robes of the clerics, but what we had on beneath them was much more interesting.

"God," Anna whispered to me, "what is this place?"

"A place of worship, so hush." I said.

"Who the fuck are you praying to?" Anna laughed.

"I don't know," I sighed, "but the image is pretty poetic, isn't it?"

"It would make a great album cover," Anna said, "preteens would think it's deep."

"You know," I smiled at Anna, "ever since you became a sex slave, you've become a much better person."

"It's therapeutic," Anna responded, "I like having someone just... take charge of me. Use me, abuse me, control me. I didn't know I wanted it like this until it was forced on me. Now, I don't want it to stop."

"We're the same, you and I," I smiled at her, "and Rachel's very much like Lucy."

"Does Lucy really love her?" Anna asked, "Did the devil fall for a mortal?"

"Hard to believe, isn't it?" I chuckled.

"She's different now, but before this whole thing, Master was an introverted pious weirdo." Anna said, "I know you custom-made her, and she's your prize child, but it's the truth."

"And you were a vindictive insecure cunt." I responded, "But you changed. People change, Anna. Well, not really; people are who they're born to be, but experiences make them realize things about themselves they didn't know before. You didn't know you liked being a submissive whore until you tried it, and Rachel didn't know she liked being a domineering bitch until she tried it. Who knows what the world would be like if everyone tried everything?"

"Everybody dead." Anna replied.

"Yeah," I sighed, "probably. Go back to praying, Anna; they're here."

"How bad is it going to get?" Anna asked me, fear and excitement in her voice.

"Really bad," I responded, "Rachel is fucking pissed at me. You don't have to-"

"But I want to." She interrupted, her eyes brimming with anticipation.

The back door of The Chapel creaked open with an ominous whine of rusted hinges. I bowed my head and muttered prayers under my breath, playing the part of the pious mother. A procession of hooded clerics entered in a brooding single-file row. Their faces were concealed beneath their black hoods, and they faced the floor as they chanted their Latin verses in unison. Slowly, they filled out the pews of the sanctuary, their feet making no sound as they sat in somber reflection beside Anna and me. The chanting verses of satanic prophecy ended, and there was silence in the room.

The organ blasted a single diminished chord that sounded like someone just punched the keyboard to see what would happen. And then, Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata' began. Lucy's theatrics once again were on full display, and filled me with a feeling of impending doom. The clerics stood up and began singing a droning tune of baritone harmony. I pulled out the hymnal, paged to the lyrics and stood up and joined them, pointing my finger to the spot of the song we were on so Anna could follow along. We reached the last verse of the song, and then the bishop and her nun walked to the podium.


We were backstage in the Chapel, the sounds of the clerics singing lyrics to Moonlight Sonata echoing in the hall (I didn't know there were lyrics to Beethoven's somber first movement, but whatever). Lucy handed me the outfit I would wear.

"...or you could be the bishop, it's up to you." She said.

"No," I said, "I don't have the charisma to pull that off, and you know all the lines."

"Nun it is." Lucy said, handing me a latex one-piece.

"These..." I said, looking at the black latex outfit, "are not robes."

"You put the robes on over them," Lucy said as she began stripping off her corset, thong and leggings, "and then take the robes off once shit starts going down."

I slipped on the black latex one-piece and examined myself in the mirror. The hermaphrodite body I bore was the one I was the most comfortable in; the most myself in. It reflected all the desires of who I wanted to be, and as the corruption of my soul spread, who I was becoming. My toned arms and legs showed their curves beneath the black shining material. My amble bosom seemed to burst from the outfit, and was teasingly revealed through a cutaway the shape of a cross. The inner portions of my tan cleavage were shown through the vertical strip of the cross, which descended to my navel, while my nipples and areolas were exposed in the horizontal strip. I turned around, and noted that a large triangular cutaway was on the other side, exposing the lean muscle of my back from the nape of my neck to my tailbone, angling from my shoulders and narrowing as it came down. My perfect ass was formed beneath the shining black material, and a cutaway had been stripped from my crack, exposing the inner portions of my tan cheeks, and if spread, my anus and pussy as well. My cock and balls were nestled in a neat pocket at the front, with a flap that could be torn off when needed. The latex outfit covered me everywhere else, from just below the chin to the tips of my toes. I put on a pair of thigh-high leather boots, and presented myself to Lucy.