Jack and Diane Ch. 15-18

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The first part of the new ending.
8.2k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 10/16/2007
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As you may be aware, I lost the original ending to Jack and Diane in a bluescreen of death. I have rewritten the ending. This takes up at the end of Ch 14 and replaces the epilogue. If you haven't read Jack and Diane Ch 1-14 you will need to, in order to follow this. TTB.

Jack and Diane Chapter 15

Whilst things settled down at home, we were still subject to visits from Child Protection Services. However these were carried out by Zoe Aristedes and one of her senior case workers. They established that Harry and Georgie were settled in their home environment and school. Nevertheless it grated that I was still under a degree of supervision. The kids seemed unfazed by the visits and their schoolwork was unaffected. That, at least, took some pressure off me. They continued to visit their mother and Peter at weekends. Diane asked me if she could take them down to the house on the south coast. I had to get clearance from Zoe, but she was content to allow it provided I was. She was keen to get them to re-establish a relationship with their mother.

On occasions Diane would visit the house in the evenings and dine with us. I kept things as light as I could, but I still resented her for what she had done to us, but that lessened over the months.

Milla kept me informed of how things were going with the police investigation, but they worked at their own rate, and things progressed slowly. The most interesting development from my point of view came when Jimmy Henshaw phoned one evening.

"Fancy going for a beer, boss?"

Since I hadn't heard anything direct from the police before, I quickly realised that Jimmy was going outside the system. "Sounds good to me. When suits?"

"Tomorrow evening, in The Bell?"

"Eight o'clock?"

"Dead on, I'll see you there."

I made arrangements with Mum to sit with the kids, and Dad said he would drop me off and pick me up. I think he was hoping it would give me a kick into having a social life again. So the next evening found me ensconced in The Bell with an old shipmate. We shot the shit about events, mates, ships and cruises for a while, then Jimmy got to the nub of why he wanted to see me.

"I thought you might be interested in a bit of scuttlebutt on Constable Graham."

"Not if it affects the investigation, Jimmy."

"Nah. It doesn't really affect it. Anyway, you know her father is ex Petty Officer McVeigh."

I nodded.

"Well she was in her early teens when her father was jailed. When he came out he hit the bottle even harder. The family had to sell the house, and McVeigh couldn't hold down a job for more than months. From what I can make out he blamed you for everything. Eventually his wife left him and took the daughter with her. But she accepted what she had heard from her father and held you responsible for what happened to her family. Anyway, she joined the police in Devon and did fairly well by all accounts. She married a sergeant and became Graham. It didn't last, of course, shifts for one thing, and neither of them could keep their pants on. In the mean time she used her position to track you down and arranged a transfer just after her marriage broke up. It looks as if she had been watching you, hoping to get you on a speeding ticket or something and then provoke something worse. Then your wife dropped the assault thing in her lap." He necked the last of his pint.


"Sure thing, boss."

I polished off my own.

I set a fresh pint in front of him. "Anyway, once she got the report, she got one of the probationers and took him out to lift you. She worked the old "police cover each others backs" thing on him. I had to take him to the side and give him the gypsy's. He was backing her story until I explained to him where it was taking him. He's a good lad, and I didn't want to see his career fucked up by that bitch."

"It's easy done. He'd have been completely screwed if he is a probationer."

"Exactly. Anyway, I finessed his report for him so it doesn't look as if he is shitting down her neck. I hope you won't mind. Shopping a colleague is nearly as big a career blocker. It won't affect your claim, though."

"I haven't made a claim. I'm leaving it all to my solicitor and your internal investigation at the moment."

"I didn't know that. You could be in the big bucks if you did. You should think about it boss."

The rest of the evening was spent in reminiscence and catching up. Jimmy had made it to Petty Officer before deciding to go ashore. His exemplary record had got him accepted by the police right away, and he was making a career out of it. I phoned my father for a lift home and we dropped Jimmy off on the way.


First thing next morning I phoned Milla.

"You did what? You know better than to talk to the police without me there!"

"Milla, it was all off the record. Jimmy was filling in the background for me. What he told me doesn't affect anything. Does it?"

"No I suppose not. It might be useful if we are taking a case against the police since she used police systems and records, but I suppose there's no harm done."

"I'm going up to London for a couple of days on business. If you need me I'll be at Jury's."

We were finalising details on a new contract and the architects had arranged for all the contractors to get together for a run down on the project. I probably could have commuted but staying in town made more sense. The first day of the conference went as expected. That evening, after dinner, I was at a bit of a loose end. I didn't feel like sitting around the hotel bar. There was a franchising exhibition in a nearby conference centre. Since the divorce I had been a bit restless, wondering if I should have a change of direction. I thought the exhibition might be a bit of an omen, so I took a look. I was fairly unimpressed to be honest. Most of the businesses were variations on Bodyshop, or Tierack, but there was one that caught my imagination. It was a women only gym franchise. The girls on the stand were not exactly enamoured of a man inquiring about it. They were emphasising the philosophy of women-only staff to create a relaxed environment for the clientele.

"It might also make their husbands a bit more relaxed too," I said.

"How so?"

"Well there are plenty of stories about women falling for their trainer or coach. If the staff are women, the husbands might be less threatened."

"I wouldn't have thought you would have anything to feel threatened about," her tone changed. She smiled, scenting genuine interest. "I'm Stephanie Walters. The exhibition is closing in ten minutes; perhaps we could discuss this over a drink?" So we did. And a nightcap in my room.

Next morning I awoke feeling much more like the young Naval officer I once was. I hadn't sought out feminine company since Diane and I had separated. It wasn't for want of interest, but more down to family necessity. The kids came first. Now, I decided that it was time to use the weekends when they were with their mother to develop a social life.

The conference was concluded successfully and I returned with the revised specifications. There was a message waiting for me to contact Milla.

"Jack, that little meeting you had with Sergeant Henshaw?"


"I think he may have been tipping their hand to us."

"What do you mean?"

"We have been invited to a meeting with Assistant Chief Constable Wilson, seems they want to discuss the case."

"An ACC getting involved in a domestic? Seems a bit too much gun."

"That's exactly what I thought. They are either trying to sweep it under the carpet or are trying to bully us into accepting something."

"Has Wilson not heard of you?" I laughed.

"If he hasn't, he will wish someone had warned him."

"Make the arrangements, Milla, and we'll get together to thrash out our position."

"I'll give you a ring and let you know when."


Over the next few days, the serendipity of my visit to the franchising exhibition kept playing on my mind. Whilst my antipathy to Peter, and my initial desire to keel-haul him from stem to stern, had subsided, it was not in my nature to see any crime go unpunished. Nor was it in my nature to allow a sleight against my family to go un-avenged. Diane and Peter had both hurt my children and me. In hurting my children and me, they had hurt my parents.

I was the witness to the days and nights of anxiety suffered by Harry and Georgie, trying to come to terms with the way their world was ripped apart. Not their mother. Peter may have been seduced by Diane, but he was a big boy who could work out for himself that getting involved with a married woman and mother would impact on her children. As such he had to accept the consequences of those actions. The more I thought of it, the more it seemed the business opportunity had dropped into my lap. I phoned Stephanie and opened negotiations.

Her company basically provided all the equipment and training required to set up the gym, but I would need premises. They provided basic specifications and once I had identified a suitable location, they would arrange for their contractor to fit it out. I had David check the contracts. Once he was satisfied all I had to do was find the finance.

Jack and Diane Chapter 16

Autumn was turning to winter, and the first frosts hinted of a cold season. My plan was to get the gym up and running for the New Year and all those resolutions. Once more though, the fates conspired for me.

Initially there had been two co-owners of the boutique in which Diane worked, Lavinia and Aisha. I was able to buy into it when they planned on expanding. That was the share that made up part of my divorce settlement. Lavinia's husband was planning to retire at fifty, so they could travel before they got too old. She told Diane and Aisha that she intended to sell her share of the business and gave them first refusal.

I found this out through the usual sources; little ears. One weekend, Harry and Georgie overheard Diane and Peter discussing the opportunity.

"Daddy! Mummy is going to sell our house!" declaimed Georgie.

"Mummy can't sell this house. It belongs to Granny and Granda," I told her.

"No. Not this house. Our house. In Devon. Don't let her Daddy."

"Well I can't really stop her selling it darling. It belongs to Mummy now, not me."

"She wants to buy Mrs Pritchard's share of the boutique Dad," offered Harry. "She wants to retire next year."

"She probably needs the money so she can buy the business, Georgie."

"But Daddy, it's our happy place. We have our holidays there, all together. Don't let her wreck that too!" The tears shone in her eyes.

That hurt. After everything she had put the kids through this was another thing eroding their happy memories of us as a family. Just one more thing making them feel that they didn't matter to her. Now, I knew that wasn't the case, but that is not how the children saw it. Once more I saw the pain she was causing them and she couldn't. This was all about her and the devil take the hindmost. Inside I seethed. To the children I had to present calm and reason.

"Mummy has to look to the future, sweetheart. She wants to have a job to make money to take you on holidays and do her share of looking after you."

"She wouldn't have to sell our house if she hadn't left us!" Georgie stormed out of the kitchen and went to her room.

I looked at Harry. "She's really angry with Mum. She thinks she's forgotten about us. Mum talked of nothing else all weekend."

"I'm sorry son, but I can't stop her selling the house. And someday you and Georgie won't want to spend so much time with your parents, anymore."

"Yeah, but she doesn't have to push us out of her life all the time, Dad."

"She's not. She needs to plan for the future, Harry."

"Well like Georgie said, she wouldn't have to if she hadn't pushed you out first. She's changed. It's all about her, Dad. Everything." It was Harry's turn to come close to tears.

"I really can't stop her son. The house became her property in the divorce. She can sell it if she wants."

"Then you could buy it."

"I'm not sure I could afford it, Harry. You know I've been looking at the idea of setting up a gym so I can be at home a bit more for you both."

"And where are we going to sail and fish when you're with us?" Kids really know how to hit below the belt.

"I'll think about it son. But I really don't see how at the moment. So I'm not making any promises. OK?"

"OK, Dad, I understand."


So I thought about it. In a way I wanted it back anyway. Georgie was right. It was our happy place. It held my best memories. It was where I got to spend most time with the children as they grew up. Suddenly, I was incandescent with rage that Diane could dispose of us so readily.

I was heavily committed, financially, to the gym. I had signed the contract the previous week. I had a good hard look at my finances, and I just couldn't stretch to the likely price. However, this was for the children, so I switched into naval thinking. If I couldn't match the price, could I make the price match what I had?

The house was old, on the coast, and over the years I had only done enough to make it useable as a summer retreat. The truth was that it really could do with a complete refurbishment. Maybe if it needed a bit more refurbishment the price would be nearer my money. As a former damage control officer, I knew how much a ship fears water and the damage it can create in a short time. I also knew the poor condition of the pipe work in the house.

The children would be spending the weekend with their mother again. I had nothing planned … 'til now. I spent the week organising the equipment I needed. One of the advantages of working in the construction industry.

Diane collected Harry and Georgie from school on Friday. First thing on Saturday I was at the yard to collect the works van. Everything I needed was loaded. I had done this many times before, as when working on the stables. As long as everything was in working order or breakages reported, competent staff could "hire" company equipment. And since it was only "hired" to competent operators, they were responsible for any health and safety issues.

Five hours of constant driving got me to the Plymouth house by way of Bristol. There was no signboard, indicating an impending sale. So, there was less chance of any speculative viewers. I parked at the back of the house, got out and put on a pair of work gloves. As ever, the key was in its usual hiding place. I still had my own, but wasn't sure if Diane would have had the locks changed. She hadn't, as it turned out. I stretched out after the journey, before donning a pair of work gloves, unloading a small ladder, and an industrial pipe freezing kit.

I carried everything into the roof space, and within minutes I had found a corroded section of pipe fed directly from the header tank. I froze a long section of it, slowly. The usual purpose is to simply freeze a plug to allow work to be carried out on the pipe. That way the ice doesn't swell and burst the pipe. By freezing it slowly along a long section, you can make the pipe swell. If it swells enough, it will burst. This used to be common in winter, in houses where the pipes weren't properly lagged. Even more likely in a section of corroded pipe. Once it had frozen hard I allowed the central section to thaw slowly, while the rest of the water column was still frozen solid. As it came up the point of thawing, the pipe split.

I removed all the equipment, ensured the stopcocks were open, locked the house and left, using a route to join the motorway outside Southampton. It was nine o'clock before I was back to the yard to collect my car. I picked up a biryani from my favourite Indian restaurant and headed home.

Sitting in the kitchen I was enjoying the meal with a lager, mulling over my actions. Dispassionately I felt I should feel some shame for what I had done, but there were no regrets whatsoever. Diane had hurt the children and then hurt them again. I was furious with her insensitivity to them. This was retribution for that. She would still get money, just not as much as she hoped.

Diane delivered the children back on Sunday afternoon.

"Harry says you want to buy the house in Devon off me."

"Actually, Georgie told me you were thinking of selling. Harry asked me if I would buy. They have a lot of fond memories of it."

"Well who knows? I might give you a discount for a cash sale; if you can get near my price," she sneered. I had just told her the children wanted it because of the memories it held for them and she comes of with that? If I'd had any compunction about my actions, that would have been enough to clear my conscience. As it was it simply convinced me I had done the right thing.

"For them, I'll try." The flicker in her eyes told me I'd hit home with that.

"Well I was thinking of putting it on the market around December, you know, catch people when they are thinking of next year's holidays."

"Let me know before you do anything. I'll see if I can match your price, or offer a cash deal."

"Yes, yes I'll do that. I need the money to buy out Lavinia. I suppose I wouldn't have been offered the chance if you hadn't bought the share in the business in the first place." She turned just as she got to her car and I swear her eyes were unusually shiny. Good! She fucking deserved it. Then she drove off.


After the short, sharp, cold snap, Monday promised a warmer, autumnal, week. I was barely into the office before Milla phoned. "Jack, how are you fixed on Friday? The police have asked if we can meet to discuss your arrest."

"About time. I'll clear my diary. Just let me know when and where."

"How are Harry and Georgie?"

"So-so. Diane and Aisha have been offered Lavinia's share of the boutique. She is thinking of selling the Plymouth house to get the money. The kids see it as her writing out another part of their lives."

"Are they taking it hard?"

"They are a bit. Even Harry."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to see if I can raise the money to buy it off her. A quick sale, for cash."

"What about the gym? You've signed the contract, haven't you?"

"Yes. I'll have to wait and see the valuation before I know for sure."

Jack and Diane Chapter 17.

That week became one of the busiest I've ever had. Diane phoned back on Monday afternoon to let me know we where invited to meet ACC Wilson at half past eleven, on Friday, at his offices. Tuesday, the estate agent I was using, phoned to ask me to have a look at some premises he thought would suit the gym project, that afternoon, and the project I was working on was brought forward, with a commencement date two weeks ahead.

I met Ray, the estate agent, and decided he had found the perfect location for the gym. I told him to go ahead with the lease and phoned David on my return to the office, to let him get moving on it. Then I phoned Stephanie to let her know. She got on to organising the fitting out.

Wednesday, and Thursday, were meetings with all the departments to get the new contract moving.

Then Friday hove into view. I met Milla at her offices and we took a taxi to the police headquarters. We were shown into a conference room where ACC Wilson was sitting on one side of the table, flanked by the Divisional Superintendent, his deputy, a Chief Inspector and a solicitor acting for the police.

Wilson started. "Mr Winters I realise that you were the subject of a rather unfortunate incident. I'm sure you understand that even a well run force like ours can be let down by the hasty actions of an officer under stress. Nevertheless, we will, of course, take disciplinary action against Constable Graham, and she will receive additional training before being returned to duty."