Jackin' Jill Ch. 05


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Lost in her eyes, he spoke the words that popped in his head without a moment's hesitation. "You deserve it."

She shivered — her eyes widening and lips parting. Rodney could almost hear Jill saying, "Kiss her, silly!"

So he did.

The kiss was soft and electric. Denise moaned when their lips parted, and reached up to run her fingers through his hair. "You're a little sweaty for some reason," she teased.

"Yeah. A little. You too."

"Think you could get me some water?"

"Yeah. Let me get dressed and I'll run—"

She cut him off with a shake of her head. "No getting dressed. Tap water's fine. There's cups over there."

A silent chuckle shook him and he said, "Okay."

Her eyes followed him as he sat up, slipped out of the bed, grabbed the cups, and headed to the bathroom. He glanced back toward the bed before entering the bathroom, and saw her admiring his butt.

Face red, he filled a cup for each of them and walked back out. Her eyes dropped to his dangling manhood, and then lifted to his face. When their gaze met, she twitched her eyebrows and licked her lips.

He sloshed a little water out of the cups when his body reacted to that sexy vision.

Denise chuckled and sat up with her back against the headboard. She took her cup when he held it out to her, and drank as he sat down.

"Whew, I needed that," she said after several swallows.

"Mmm hmm," he hummed as he drank.

They both finished their water, and Rodney asked, "Do you want some more?"

Her voice full of deep suggestion, she said, "Of what?"

Feeling comfortable with her, his internet confidence emerged in the real world once again. "I meant water, but..."

She moaned and smiled. "You remember when you dropped me off after we went to Olive Garden?"


"Did you see me looking out the window at you once I was inside?" When he shook his head, she said, "I almost came right back out. You made me feel so good, and it made me want you so bad."


Her cheeks flushed and she answered, "I'm glad my roommate wasn't there, and that I had batteries in my vibrator. I did it again when I got off the phone with you last night, too."

Caught up in the heat of that revelation, he said, "So did I."

She gasped and said, "I wish I'd known that."

"Me too."

"It was worth the wait, though."

They both leaned in at the same time and met in a passionate kiss. Between the hungry pecks that followed, she said, "Why don't we go get in the shower?"


Rodney awakened to a kiss.

"Morning," Denise said as she twirled a finger through the sparse hair on his chest.

"Morning," he responded, and then fell into the following kiss.

Cleanliness was the last thing Denise had in mind when they'd stepped into the shower the evening before. Somehow, she'd grabbed a condom without him noticing and surreptitiously placed it within easy reach as they got in the shower.

Afterward, tired from long nights, they'd fallen asleep early in each other's arms.

She asked, "Think you could do me a really big favor?"


She shivered and let out a moan. "I like the sound of that, but we probably should behave. We've both got classes in a couple of hours. Could you go to the car and get my book bag? I've got a change of clothes in there."

"Sure," he agreed as he sat up.

"Okay, I'm going to go see what I can do about making myself presentable, then."

"You look great," he said as he admired her still-nude body.

She giggled and said, "Thank you. Same to you, but go get my clothes."

With that, she climbed out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. Her bottom swayed in a display obviously meant to attract his eyes. She confirmed it when she paused at the bathroom door to give a wiggle and a laugh before vanishing inside.

Rodney grabbed a clean pair of underwear from the bag he'd dropped off in the room. As he pulled them on, it hit him that Jill had been right all along. Denise had come prepared with condoms and a change of clothes. She'd been planning — or at least hoping — for the day to turn out exactly as it had.

It made him realize he had a big problem, though. He had no idea how Jill was going to take things, even though she'd encouraged him every step of the way. He had too much of a conscience to go behind Denise's back.

There wasn't much he could do until he talked to Jill, though. He thought it would be a good idea to feel things out through Watch first. He knew her better than anyone, and might have an idea of how to break it to her.

Course of action decided, he finished getting dressed and went to get Denise's bag from the car. On the way, he checked his phone. Somewhere around midnight, while they were asleep, Jill had sent a message.

"You're getting laid, aren't you? You owe me every hot and sticky detail, you know?"

She already wasn't making things easy.


It still felt surreal to have Denise kissing him in front of god and everybody as they met briefly between classes. Surreal, but wonderful.

"A friend of mine wants to talk to me for a while after class. Do you mind?" she asked.

"No, of course not."

"Thanks. So, I'll text you later, then?"


"Okay. Gotta run." She gave him a peck on the lips and hurried off.

Having a little longer to make his next class, Rodney called Watch's cell.

"Hey, hey, man," Watch answered.

"Is Jill there?"

"She's out with Gina. You should probably text her. She's getting antsy. So..."

Rod knew exactly what he was asking. "Yeah."


He chuckled despite the serious reason for his call. "Kind of puts me in a weird place, though."

"Don't worry about it, man."

"So you don't think Jill will be upset if... Uhm..."

It was Watch's turn to chuckle. "Don't sweat it. You're not going to get away without telling her how things went last night, though. And you really should text her."

"Okay. Denise is going to meet a friend after classes, so I guess I should come over then."

"Sounds like a plan. One of these days, we're going to have to find some time to hang out. Jill's monopolized you this trip."

"Yeah. So, I guess I'll be over later."

"Don't forget to text her."

"Soon as I get off here."


True to his word, he brought up Jill's text and mulled over what to say. In the end, he decided on, "You were right."

Her reply came back only seconds later. "Yay! When and where?"

He knew she meant when could they meet. "I could come over after class. Denise is going to hang out with a friend."

"I'm closer to you than the hotel. Meet you at your room there?"

"That will work."

"Mmmm! Can't wait to hear every naughty detail. See you soon. Kisses!"

Rod sighed and headed for his next class. He hoped there wasn't anything terribly important going on, because he knew he was going to have trouble concentrating.


Rodney swallowed hard when he parked at the hotel and saw Jill climbing out of a car some distance away. She was wearing a pair of short-shorts and a low-cut top that looked to be on the edge of bursting from trying to contain her tits. He also recognized Gina getting out of the driver's side, dressed in identical fashion.

He was hard as a rock before crossing half the distance between them.

"I know you know Gina from chat, but she wanted to hang around long enough to meet you for reals," Jill said once he was close.

"You're funny on chat," the redhead said. "You've cheered me up after a bad night a couple of times."

Rod shrugged and said, "I try. I know it has to be hard some nights."

"Speaking of hard," Gina said while stroking her fingers over her right breast, "Nice videos."

Jill swatted her friend's butt and said, "Tease," when she saw Rod's face fill with color.

Gina cocked her hip to the side in a sexy display and said, "That's my job, isn't it?" After a brief pause, she laughed and said, "You two have fun. I've got to get back. Come by my room any time. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too."

Jill took his hand and tugged him to the side while Gina climbed back into her car. She grinned and said, "Your pants look a little tight."

"Yep, they are," he admitted.

"Okay, I'll stop teasing."

Gina put her car in gear and backed up, but stopped when her window was next to them and rolled it down. "I meant what I said about those videos," she said, and then licked her lips before letting off the brake.

"Thought for a minute we were going to double-team you, huh?" Jill asked while the redhead backed out the rest of the way. "The thought had crossed my mind. You haven't had a threesome yet. Another first."

Rodney tightened his throat into a put-upon squeaky tone and said, "Thought you said you were going to stop teasing?"

"I don't know if I know how to stop. Besides, that's one of the things you love about me," she said while playing with her hair.

He knew that he had to break the news to her, and that if he didn't do it soon, it was only going to get harder. He took a deep breath.

She demonstrated that she was a step ahead of him when she dropped the coquettish pose and said, "But that's all. Jeff told me you were worried, so don't be. No playing with you, no matter how much I want to. Doesn't get you out of telling me every detail, though."

It was a relief, but tempered by wondering how well she would stick to that promise once they were alone — and whether he could resist the temptation as well. Even walking beside her across the parking lot and through the hotel to his room tested his resolve. She had been his first only a few days before, and the memory of that would be vivid to him for a long, long, time.

Once in the room, Jill drew in a gasp and swept past him. He closed the door just in time to see her pick up Denise's panties from the floor. It was absolutely no surprise to him when she lifted the pink cotton to her nose and breathed in. There was no way to avoid the necessity of adjusting his throbbing manhood when she did it, either.

"God, she must have already been dripping before these came off," Jill said, and then moaned as she pulled the panties away from her nose. She sat down on the bed and said, "So, start with how you ended up coming here."

"Well... Uhm..." He hesitated, thinking that sitting next to her was probably a bad idea.

She scooted closer to the head of the bed, and then leaned over to pat her hand on the mattress closer to the foot. "Just sit down there. I'll behave."

Her definition of behaving was somewhat relative, as she still had Denise's panties in hand, rubbing the satiny material between her fingers.

Rod sat down and said, "Well, she said that she needed to use the bathroom and didn't trust the restrooms at the park."

"Can't blame her there."

He grinned from the coincidence. "That's what I said."

She grinned right back. "I figured. So, whose idea was it to come here?"

"Hers. She said it was close," he answered.

Jill let out a playful, "Mmm hmm," and then said, "Go on."

"Well, we came back here, and she went to the bathroom. Then she... Oh, before she went in, she asked me to open the window because it was freezing in here. Anyway, she sat down on the bed when she came out and held out her hand, so I took it and sat down next to her. Then she said she was cold, asked me to warm her up, and kissed me."

A sweet sounding sigh escaped Jill, and she said, "I told you, didn't I?"

"Yes," he answered, and nodded.

"I bet she was ready to jump your bones after Olive Garden."

His eyes widened as he wondered if she was a mind reader. She didn't miss the reaction.

"Aha. Spill. What did she say?"

"She told me... You know — after — that she almost came back to the car when I dropped her off that night, and that she went straight back to her room and got herself off."

Jill shivered and moaned. "I knew it. But no more after yet. From the kiss, and don't leave any little thing out."

Rodney launched into the tale, describing how they undressed each other, and the slow revelation of her body that he could see in his mind's eye as well as if it was happening at that very moment. Jill chimed in with the occasional moan and played with Denise's panties the whole while. When he reached the part where Denise was licking him and they realized someone was watching through the open window, Jill began caressing her breasts.

It escalated from there. Jill leaned back against the headboard and let her legs slip apart. She pinched her nipples, squeezed her breasts, and rubbed her fingers over the crotch of her shorts. When he told her about Denise sitting on his cock, Jill pushed a finger up into the leg of her shorts.

Rodney's voice grew tight with passion from the memory and what Jill was doing right in front of him. Though her sex was covered by white denim, he could still see the movement of her fingers beneath. He was breathing hard when he finally described exploding into the condom.

Jill shuddered and said, "Oh, fuck yeah. You did it with someone watching through the window, and I know she loved it."

"I think so, too," he agreed.

"You just made me so wet," Jill said, and then proved it by pulling her glistening fingers out of her shorts and into the light. The digits went straight to her mouth, and she sucked them clean.

"God, Jill," Rodney muttered while adjusting his erection.

"I know. I'm supposed to be behaving." She tugged the leg of her shorts back into place, as it was nearly within the cleft of her pussy, and then sat up from her half-reclined position. "Jeff better be ready to get rode hard and put away wet."

Rod shrugged and said, "I just..."

"You just care too much about Denise to go behind her back," Jill finished for him. "I love you for that. She's lucky to have you, and I think she knows it."

"I can't come into chat any more, or go to your website or anything," he added, thinking it best to put everything on the table.

"I understand. I'll miss you, but I'd rather know you're happy with her. You and Jeff both go to that Star Trek site. You can keep in touch with him there and keep me updated that way. Is that okay?"

He thought about it for a second and said, "Yeah. That's cool."

"Good." She pulled out her phone and said, "Time for Jeff to come get me — in more ways than one. Glad he's at Gina's editing video instead of at the hotel. I don't think I could wait through that drive."

His friend must have answered the call with a question, because Jill responded, "Yes, I behaved myself, but it wasn't easy. Mmm hmm, come get me." She listened for a couple of seconds and then held the phone out to Rodney.

"Hey," Rod said when he brought the phone to his ear.

"I'm about to get turned into a carnival ride, aren't I?"

Laughing, Rod answered, "Probably."

"Ah, such a fate," Watch said with mock resignation. "Anyway, if Denise has something to do some time before Friday night and you have some free time, give me a ring. Now that Jill can't hog your time, maybe we'll be able to hang out."

"Sure. Will do."

"No worries if you don't, though. I'm not afraid to tell you that you'd lose that match-up if it were me. Take 'er easy, man."

"You too."

"Don't sound like that's an option. Tell her I'm on the way. Later."

"Later," Rod said, and then hit the end button. "He's on the way."

"Guess I'd better put these back where I found them," Jill said while holding up Denise's panties on the tip of her index finger.

Rodney's phone buzzed in his pocket, so he pulled it out to check it. The message was from Denise, asking him to come get her at the dorm.

"She's ready for me to come get her," he told Jill as she knelt down, putting the panties back in the spot they'd ended up the night before.

She stood up and said, "Perfect timing."

He was at a loss for what to say, but she smiled and held a finger to her lips. She then took the couple of steps to him and urged him to stand.

"If you ever need any advice, or ideas of ways to make her swoon, just get a message to Jeff," she said.


"You're welcome, and thank you. I haven't had this much fun in a long time. So, would it be too much to ask for one last kiss before I go?"

His conscience needled him, but he answered, "I guess that would be okay."

She smiled and slipped a hand behind his neck. He put his hands around her waist and leaned in, feeling the familiar electricity as their lips came together. Their tongues slipped over each other for a couple of seconds, and then Jill pulled away.

"Nummies," she said, crinkling her nose at him, and then stepped back to take his hand.

Rodney walked her to the door and she opened it before letting go of his hand. He barely had enough time to register her smirk emerging before she squeezed his still-hard cock.

"Put that to some good use when you get her back here. The room is yours until Saturday morning. Take advantage of it," Jill said, and then gave him her signature wave. "Bye."

Closing the door without leaning out for one last look at her ass took some serious willpower, but he did it. He pulled out his phone and sent Denise a message to let her know he was on the way. After a quick check in the mirror and wiping off some of Jill's lipstick, his phone buzzed to alert him to another message from Denise.

"Hurry. I want you."

She didn't have to ask him twice.


~~ The End ~~

Here's hoping you've enjoyed the reading as much as Rod enjoyed his awakening. Naturally, I'd appreciate your vote, and comments/favorites are most welcome.

Odds are some of you have guessed that Rodney's education isn't quite over... ;) Part 2 shouldn't be long in coming.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry this story didn't continue. I thought for sure Denise's friend was going to be Jill.

medic452medic452about 8 years ago
You are a master writer


You have a talent with this style of writing. I cannot wait for the next part to be uploaded.

medic452medic452about 8 years ago
Reply to anonymous #2

The story only says that Denise is wanting to meet with a friend, does not specify that it is the online friend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Reply to Anonymous #1

I agree. It was amazing. And I had that same suspicion about her online friend, especially when Jill said she's just been another girl's first, but I think we just had (on the last page) a in-two-places thing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
So hot

This was hot as hell! Wish it was me. I think Jill is Denise's online friend too, and that's what's going to happen in the second part. Can't wait!

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