Last Night of Freedom Ch. 1

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Sally goes wild on her hen night.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 09/18/2001
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I had been living with Tom for about a year when we decided to get married. Before I met Tom I was a bit on the wild side, sleeping with all sorts of men, and doing a lot of crazy things. When we moved in together, everything changed. We both began to settle down and live at a more relaxed pace. Not once did I think about being unfaithful, despite the way I had lived my life before. The marriage itself was pretty much a spur of the moment thing and we scheduled it for four weeks later. Tom's best man, Ray, organised the stag night for him, while I left the planning of my hen night to my sister, Jan.

The day before the wedding, we had it all planned out. I was to go out with Jan and a few girlfriends and then spend the night at Jan's house, to meet Tom at the church the next day. I took a cab to my sister's house at about six o'clock, bringing my wedding gown with me. We had a lovely meal together, sharing a couple of bottles of wine, in preparation for the evening to come.

After dinner, we went upstairs to Jan's bedroom to apply our makeup, when she asked me if that was what I was planning to wear tonight. I had on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, which seemed okay to me, especially if we were going dancing later.

"No, no. Come on Sal. This is your last night of freedom, remember. You have to dress the part. Here try this on."

Jan took a short white dress from her wardrobe and passed it to me. My sister is two years older than me but in terms of shape we are almost identical. The only difference would be in the size of our breasts, hers being even larger than mine. I always thought that on a slim frame such as we both had, that my breasts looked big, but hers looked enormous. Men often stood and stared in disbelief as she walked down the street, often wearing no bra, to encourage the men even more. I took off my jeans and T-shirt and put on the dress, which fit perfectly, the hemline just reaching below the cheeks of my bum.

"I don't know Jan. It looks great, but I can't wear it with this bra," I said. I was wearing a black bra, which was clearly visible under the dress.

"Don't wear one then," she replied.

"I can't do that."

"I tell you what. If you don't, then I won't either."

I had to laugh at this. She hardly ever wore any underwear at all, let alone a bra.

"Okay, but my knickers show through as well, and I'm not taking them off, even if you're not wearing any," I said and began to take off the dress.

"Wait. I bought a present for your honeymoon. You can wear it now," she said and handed me a small box.

I opened it up to find a pair of light pink panties emblazoned at the front with the words – FUCK ME QUICK. I burst out laughing when I saw it. It was typical of Jan's sense of humour to get something like this for me. I took off the dress and my bra and knickers, and then I put my new underwear and the dress back on. The panties didn't show through the thin white material of the dress, and I was glad to see that a lot of cleavage showed at the front of my dress, which had quite firm support. Jan then gave me a pair of her white stilettos so that the outfit would match.

Jan put on a mini skirt and low cut halter top, and we finished applying our makeup. After a while the cab driver arrived, honking his horn. Just as we were about to leave, Jan stopped me.

"Wait a sec. You have to put these on too," she said, passing me a pair of white hold-up stockings. "Come on, you have to wear the whole outfit."

I pulled on the stockings and wasn't surprised to find a two-inch gap between the tops of the stockings and the bottom of the dress. I thought it made me look like a dirty little tramp, but I wasn't in the mood to argue with my sister, so I agreed to wear them.

"And now, the final touch," she said, and placed a bridal veil over my head.

"Oh, Jan. That's too much."

I checked myself out in the mirror. Here I was, on my hen night, dressed from head to toe in virginal white, yet I looked like the filthiest slut in town.

Suddenly the cab driver honked his horn again and Jan grabbed my arm.

"Come on, Sal. I'm going to see to it that you have lots of fun tonight."

I followed her down the stairs and got into the cab. The driver looked me up and down, and said that he bet we were going to have a good time tonight. I pretty much ignored him throughout the drive. We had arranged to meet Kerry, Cat and Tara at a pub in town, and I couldn't wait to get there. I felt self-conscious in the outfit I was wearing and wanted a good few drinks to help me relax.

The girls all had a good laugh when they saw me, and for the next hour we drank loads of wine, as men kept buying us drinks and chatting us up. I was receiving a lot of attention, because of the way I was dressed, and I have to admit I enjoyed the lustful looks I was getting. At about half past nine Jan dragged us all away from the guys and made an announcement.

"As it's your hen night," she giggled at me. "Last night of freedom and all that. You have to kiss one hundred men before the evening's out."

I just looked at her and said, "No way."

The other girls started trying to encourage me, except Kerry, who looked at me disdainfully. "I told you she wouldn't do it. She's always been a goody two-shoes."

This was actually what she and a few other girls used to call me at school, and I always hated it. It was probably one of the reasons why I went a bit wild when I left school. Kerry knew very well that I had slept around a lot when I was seventeen, eighteen, but if she knew everything I had done I'm sure she would have been shocked, and she was no shrinking violet herself when it came to sex. I could have ignored her challenge quite easily, but in the end I thought what the hell and agreed to go for it. I wasn't married yet, and having a few men kiss me on the cheek couldn't really be construed as being unfaithful.

Jan took a card from out her purse and showed it to me. It had dozens of little stickers with hearts on and she told me she would stick one on my dress each time I let a man kiss me.

"Do I have to go up to them and ask them to kiss me?"

"Yes, you do," my sister answered.

"No need for that in my case," a voice interrupted.

I turned around to see one of the men who'd been chatting me up earlier. He must have listened in on our conversation. He put his hands on my hips and moved his mouth towards mine. I quite fancied this guy, so I did nothing to stop him as he stuck his tongue in my mouth and pressed himself against me. After a few seconds I pulled away from him and Jan put one of the heart stickers on the sleeve of my dress.

"One down, ninety-nine to go," she said grinning at me.

Two other men had watched what happened and immediately came up to me. As the first one leaned towards me, I moved my head to one side so he could kiss me on the cheek, but he took my face in his hands and lined my mouth against his, pressing his tongue hard against my lips until I opened them. I tried to use my tongue to force his out of my mouth, but only succeeded in making him think I was reciprocating, as his hands went around to fondle my ass, and pull me against his hardening crotch. When the second one did the same thing, I wondered what I had let myself in for. Was I really going to let a hundred strange men kiss me fully on the mouth, using their tongues, while their hands groped my ass and their cocks pressed against my belly?

I soon noticed that a line was beginning to form in front of me. Eight or nine men were waiting to have their turn. I grabbed a glass of wine from Cat's hands and downed it in one. The words 'last night of freedom' repeated in my mind like a mantra.

"Who's next?" I called out.

A young muscular guy came up to me, and this time I made the first move. I put my hands on his shoulders and placed my lips against his, flicking my tongue around the top half of his lips until he opened his mouth and drew my tongue inside. As we kissed I felt his hands reaching behind me, lifting my dress, as he tried to put his fingers inside my panties. I reached back and smoothed down my dress, not pulling back from the kiss until his hands reached my panties again and he tried to pull them down.

Next, a tall, slim man made a beeline towards me. He kissed me softly and began running his hand gently up and down the front of my dress. His lips felt so good and he was so gentle that I didn't try to stop him touching me. Soon, his kissing became deeper and more passionate and his gentle hand became more forceful, pressing hard against my breasts. It couldn't have taken him long to realise that I wasn't wearing a bra, and he tried to scoop one of my tits out of my dress. His hand covered my breast completely, fingers rubbing against my nipple, as he used his other hand to lower my neckline. He kept his tongue in my mouth as I moaned, making no move to stop him. As soon as he had managed to get it out into the open, he pulled his mouth from mine and lowered it to my exposed breast. One of his hands clamped around it as he sucked on my engorged nipple, while the other went up under my dress and fiddled about with my panties. I held his head against my chest as he sucked me harder and harder, until a big, fat man, standing behind him pulled him away, telling him not to be greedy, and he stepped up to take his place.

I tried to put my bare boob back inside my dress but this big barrel-chested man placed his large rough hand on mine and stopped me. He didn't even try to kiss me on the lips. He was only interested in my tits. His hands went around my hips, pulling me towards him as he licked and sucked my nipple. I looked in front of me to see all these men watching, knowing they were going to be able to do the same thing to me in a few minutes time. After a while I felt the man's teeth as he bit me hard. I pulled back instinctively, causing my boob to pop back into place inside my dress. The fat man came towards me again, but I waved my finger at him.

"Oh, no. You've had your turn," I said and watched him head back to the bar, licking his lips.

As the next in line walked up to me, I kept both my hands cupped against my tits so he wouldn't be able to get at them. Of course, this just meant that he had easy access to my bottom, and I had to make a choice. Let him feel up my ass all he wanted to, or take my hands away from my chest and risk my tits being exposed and groped and sucked on again. I let him caress my buttocks, I let him rub his fingers against the mound of my pussy, I even let him put one finger inside my panties as he tried to find my opening. It was only when he began to pull down my panties completely that I put a stop to things and called for the next one to come forth.

Ten minutes later I had fifteen hearts on my sleeve and a very wet pussy. Some of the guys who kissed me had bad breath, some were ugly, but I was getting into the swing of things now, and I was finding it fun and exciting. After the first half-dozen, I stopped trying to fight them, and I let them stick their tongues in my mouth and fondle my bum and grope my tits all they wanted to. All I stopped them from doing was pulling down my panties and exposing my tits.

After all the men in the vicinity had had their turn with me, Jan dragged me over to the other side of the pub, near the pool tables, where the rougher guys usually hang out.

"You're really loving this, aren't you?" she whispered to me.

"Is it that obvious?" I giggled.

We stood in front of a group of surly looking men sitting by the pool table and Jan nudged me.

"Will you kiss me please?" I asked to the one nearest me.

He didn't say a word, just pulled my face down towards his and began kissing me, his three-day stubble rubbing against my chin. Suddenly I felt a hand reach down the top of my dress as I leaned over the table. It was the man sitting next to the one I was kissing, and when he found I was wearing no bra, he put his other hand down my dress and began squeezing both my tits. Moments later I felt another hand pull up my dress from behind. I couldn't move at all. One man held my face while his tongue explored my mouth, another was groping my tits and pinching my nipples, while a third now rubbed his hand against my very damp panties. I felt sure that any moment I was going to be dragged on to the pool table and gangbanged by the lot of them. I felt scared, but my pussy just got wetter and wetter, as I felt a finger rubbing against my clitoris. I began to moan softly as I thought about them all fucking me.

My dress was pulled up about my hips, and I wondered how many people could see me, ass in the air, panties exposed, being kissed and fondled by three men at once. The man behind me stopped rubbing his hand against me for a moment as he pulled down my panties, which I could feel were now soaking wet. I had tried to stop all the other guys from pulling them down, but now I didn't care. I wanted them to strip off my dress completely and take turns fucking me while the others gave me a good grope all over. I felt a finger pushed deep inside my pussy, moving back and forth, building up a rhythm. I still couldn't move, but by now I didn't want to.

Suddenly, the finger in my pussy was gone and I was pulled away from the two guys groping and kissing me. I turned to see Jan and the other girls pushing a couple of men away from me. They then grabbed me and dragged me out and we ran from the pub, laughing.

"Here, maybe you should put these back on" Jan said, handing me my wet panties.

"They always take things too far, in that pub," said Tara. "We should have chosen a wine bar. Are you still up for it, Sally?"

"Sure," I said. "No problem." The fact was I was really disappointed that they put a stop to what was happening. I felt pretty drunk and very turned on and I was game for anything now.

"Here," Jan said, putting three more stickers on my sleeve. " I know only one of them actually kissed you, but I think a good grope is worth at least the same as a kiss, don't you?"

We spent the next hour and a half drifting in and out of different wine bars, restaurants and takeaways. In each one I was groped, fondled and kissed by a handful of men, and I wished that I had to kiss two hundred, not one hundred. When Cat stopped us at one point and counted ninety-two hearts on my sleeve, I seriously considered pulling a few of them off surreptitiously and demanding a recount.

Before I could do this however, Jan told us that we had to get a cab right away. She didn't tell me where we were going but I'm sure the other girls knew. After ten minutes we pulled up outside a nightclub. It was a strip club, and this was Ladies Night. I looked at the posters on the wall, featuring photos of sexy, muscular men. I'd never seen a male stripper before and I was looking forward to it, but I was a little disappointed, because I knew there would be very few men inside whom I could get to kiss me. If I had known what was going to happen next, disappointment would be the last thing on my mind.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Hot and slutty, awesome! I hope she gets everything she wants!

Too bad for fiance, I hope he finds out in time!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Tough to read this kind of nonsense

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 1 year ago

This is not how "happily ever after" starts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm glad my wife didn't have a night like that before our wedding, otherwise it would have been canceled.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Wow! Something new in a cheating fiancee bachelorette party!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Eagerly awaiting part two ! (and three, and four ! )

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 3 years ago

And last night of freedom my ass. Her last night of freedom was the night before she agreed that be exclusive.

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 3 years ago

Couldn’t finish it. Never mind the hen night. Dump her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Horseshit says it all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Slut Story


AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

And we'll probably find out she's a whore also.

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