Nude Day "Streak-a-thon" 2004


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"Here? Now? Oh I don't know..." Tom looked around the campus shyly. I don't think..." Mira sprang upward and her body slammed Tom to the ground. She began removing his pants before he could say anything. His eyes were wide but his smile was even wider. Her fingers were lightening fast and pulling his pants down to his knees in no time. Her short skirt offered no resistance as she pulled it up. She pressed him into the grass and straddled him. Pulling her panties to the side and pulling his cock into a quick erection. Then slid onto him as he came. Her surprised look on her face turned into a wicked grin.

"Oh you might be done but I'm not," Mira said as she began driving herself onto his dripping wet cock. Pouncing feverishly as it went deeper and deeper inside her. Toms hands grasped Mira only to steady himself. "Mira's like a wild woman," Tom thought as he smiled even more. The crest of the hill was visible to almost all of the campus. But these two only saw each other for the moment. Spectators were more curious of the scattered clothes than they were two people fucking on the hill.

Jenson St. (10:35 am)

Jenny, Pete and some followers made they're way around several blocks and came up on the back side of the Sheriffs dept. Seeing Danny's black Mustang parked in the far corner of the Parking lot just as instructed.

"Hey look...that lady don't have no clothes on," came a voice from the Hardware store across the street from where Jenny was standing. About that time 4 more men came running out of the store to see. Whistling and whooping out like a pack of wolves, licking their lips.

"Here goes nothing," Jenny said as she took off in a dead run towards the Mustang. Pete shot out after her, followed by four more naked individuals. Two men and two women, dicks swinging and tits bouncing. Streaking across the Sheriffs department parking lot in a full out run. Ass's and elbows swung wildly back and forth in the vast open area of the parking area.

"Whose fucking idea...was have us" Jenny asked between gritted teeth to Pete who was neck and neck with her sprinting up to Pam.

"I don't...have a clue," Pete yelled back. Trying to keep up with her.

"Jenny Perkins," Jenny yelled to Pam, standing at the car door of the Mustang with a yellow note pad and pencil in her hand, scribbling. Jenny slapped the side of the Mustang and turned and took off running back. Pam scratched her name off the list. Looked at her ass as she darted off, smiling.

"Pete Johnson," Pete yelled slightly out of breath and turned and ran after Jenny. Pam searched her yellow note pad and found his name and marked it out. Then shot a double take glance as he was running away.

"Hey...freeze, Police...stop," Everybody looked up and saw two Officers running across the parking lot towards the streakers.

"Bob Dawson," one man spat as he tapped the car and hauled ass. "Chrissy Cox," a woman 'squeak' as she took off running. Pam's pencil went to work scratching off names. "Jake..."

"Ahh," squeaked a woman as an Officer caught her and began escorting her back to the captured crowd. 'Restraining' her from running off. Jake took off in the opposite direction. Pam put the pad behind her and tried to act casual as the other Officer walked up.

"What's going on here?" Asked the Officer.

"Nothing sir, just chatting with some friends," Pam replied. The Officer saw some naked runners turning the corner heading his way. "Stop," he shouted then headed after them as they scattered. Pam got in the car, Danny started the motor.

University, Campus Hill (10:44 am)

Mira was sitting on the grass smoking a cigarette. Tom was laid out smiling. Both had their clothes fixed back right. The grassy area still had clothes strung out everywhere, on Campus hill. Small groups of people still waited in the University parking lot.

"How long do you think it'll be..." Tom started as Mira's cell phone rang.

"Hello?" Mira answered. "Your shittin' me," Tom sat up as Mira's eyes and face lit up. "Ok, I don't blame ya, see ya in a sec." Mira hung up her cell phone and looked at Tom. "They almost got busted."


"Pam and Danny, and the cops got a bunch of the runners in jail." She gasped.

"No shit," Tom blurted. "Now what?"

"Well, she said a few made it before the cops came up and questioned Pam. So, we wait and see who makes it...Damn." Mira sat shaking her head, her mouth open wide in disbelief, her tube top still bulged from the stashed cash.

Hank and Daisy started up Campus hill with news papers wrapped around them. Tom tapped Mira's leg and then pointed down the hill at them. Mira turned her head and her short black hair flung around from her heads wiping action. She flicked her cigarette out with her finger.

"All right, the first ones back," Mira yelled as she stood up. Hank and Daisy walked briskly to the scattered clothes in search of their garments. "You two made it," Mira yelled out cheering and clapping. Some of the other by standers had waited down at the parking lot started getting out of their vehicles to cheer the return.

"No, we pooped out," Daisy said as she found her T-shirt and began putting it on. Just then a runner came from the bottom of the hill full out. His Dick slapping his outer legs as he sprinted past Hank. Long hair flowing as he huffed across the finish line, the curb to the main road. He shot passed it and slowed down with his feet slapping pavement. A crowd of people came running up and cheering. "Woohoo," "Way to go."

Mira and Tom were almost back down the hill when the man turned and fell out on the roadside grass, panting and out of breath.

"What's your name?" Mira asked as she walked up to the naked man lying on the grass.

"Jimmy Blackburn...did" He gasped.

"Looks that way, your the first one back." Mira pulled out her cell phone about the time Pam and Danny pulled up in the Mustang. "I was just fixing to call you," Mira said to Pam as she was getting out of the car. "You got a Jimmy Blackburn scratched out on that list?" Mira asked Pam.

Pam glanced at her list, scanned down the yellow paper. "No, his names not scratched out," she replied.

"What do you mean? Scratched out?" Jimmy spat as he got up from the grass in an angry huff.

"I explained the rules very clearly. You had to go to the Sheriffs dept. and tell Pam you made it so she can scratch your name off," Mira bowed up. Tom stepped back a few steps. "How many made it?" Mira asked.

"There are cops everywhere," Jimmy spat.

"I got eight scratched off before I had to split. But Danny made the block twice and we asked them names as they got close cause the heat was on." Pam said sharply. "And those people are still ways away." She said with a stern tone in her voice towards Jimmy.

"Look, just give me my money and I'll go," Jimmy spat nervously. His lanky naked frame slightly trembled.

"I don't think so..." Mira blurted. "We'll wait till everyone's back and decide who wins." The crowd gathered around Jimmy who trembled with fear. Hank, Daisy, Danny, Pam, Mira, Tom and a group of onlookers glaring at him. He stood holding his hands in front of his 'small' cock.

The crowd seem to spread out and calm down as talks of the Streak-a-thon's ventures mumbled through the groups of those returning. Most were walking up slowly and heading for the pile of garments on Campus Hill.

'Clothes hunters,' (Streak-a-thoners returning to retrieve clothing) always seem to find a graceful way of bending over and picking up their clothes. Whistles came as they returned, whistles came as they picked up shirts and pants.

Walker St. and 11 Th. ( 11:01 am)

Jenny and Pete were running across the lawn of the court house when a siren went off on another police unit. The three people who trailed behind fell out on the lawn in front of the building. The Police car pulled up and began arresting them. Tired and naked, they consented without fleeing anymore.

The local cafe window was full of people shoving and pushing to get a good look as Jenny and Pete ran passed. Pete's cock was hanging and wagging along with his balls dangling. Jenny's breasts bounced beautifully with perfect poking nipples as the two shot down the sidewalk faster than most could look up to see who it was.

A few nude people walking back towards the Campus, waved at them. Cheering Jenny and Pete onward in the marathon. The streets seemed a bit more crowded on the return leg of the race. People were out 'gawking' at the nude runners and now, walkers.

They turned the corner and headed down the sidewalk by the bakery. In a slow jog through the over hang. Flushed faces and glistened wet skin from the trails of sweat. Pete gazed into the reflective store front glass. Jenny's bouncing, bare image reflected beautifully.

"Hey Jenny," Pete shouted as he was just a bit behind her.


"Your buns...look better...than those." Pete said out of breath. Pointing to the rolls and breads in the bakery window. Jenny just smiled and poured on the steam and shot away from Pete.

"Damn," he said as he tried to sprint to catch her. Pete looked back and saw no one else behind them. Then turned and gazed at Jenny's hot ass and found his second...wait, maybe it was his third, wind.

"Hey," Jenny said while darting across Jefferson St.

"What," Pete blares.

"You...need any...Hard-ware?" Jenny said laughing while pointing to a Hardware Store sign.

University Campus (11:06)

"Their 'coming'...there...their coming," someone yelled from the top of Campus hill. The crowd gathered around the street again. All eyes were up towards the crest of the hill, waiting to see a 'head bob' over the hill's plane of view, to see who might be running over it naked

"Who is it?" Somebody yelled up to him. But they were starting to head down hill towards the crowd. Mira climbed back up on the slab at the statue. Tom watched Mira more than he watched the top of the hill. Hank and Daisy were arm in arm almost fully clothed. Clothes still blanketed the lawn, there was even a sock, hanging from the "Don't Walk on the Grass' sign.

Jimmy Blackburn mysteriously disappeared in the commotion. Danny and Pam sat on the hood of the Mustang. Everyone else gathered in a row to make a tunnel of bodies for an added finish line touch.

University Campus (11:08)

"Come on...slow poke," Jenny spat back at Pete as she crossed the last street and reached the University Campus grounds.

" view," Pete said totally out of breath. Jenny started laughing as she turned and saw Pete slowing down. She looked down at his cock and she almost forgot about the race. But her tired legs quickly reminded her. She was about two car lengths ahead of him and felt kind of 'cocky'.

"Catch me...and you...can...have me," Jenny said with the last breath she had. Her head turned so that she could look behind her, even more. Still looking at Pete's swinging cock. Pete found his last bit of strength and darted forward with everything he had. The two almost looked like fast walkers as they began the climb up campus hill.

"They're here," "Woohoo," "Hurray," "All right," "Way to go," the crowd rang out as Jenny and Pete barely topped the hill. Barely walking. Red faced and open mouths 'sucking hard' for air.

"You...go...ahead, I'll...roll...down...hill," Pete said exhausted.

"Come...on...PUSSY," Jenny blurted. Pete's mouth was wide open gasping for breath. He glanced down at her pussy after she said that and something came over him. Animal instinct perhaps, but he found the strength to start running again. Maybe it was gravity but his legs began flopping one after the other, faster and faster. His pace quickly picked up as Jenny tried to do the same but Pete shot past her. She finally got that gravity factor and the race was on again.

The crowd roared out loudly. Yelling and screaming, "Come on, woohoo."

Jenny's eyes were on Pete's bare ass, which means she was trailing. They got to where the scattered clothes were when Pete looked back over his shoulder and saw Jenny closing fast on his heels. He turned back and gave all he had as Jenny bumped into him. They were scrapping arms, neck and neck. Pete looked down and saw Jenny's breast were in the lead as the Finish line (the curb) was only yards away. Running across the clothes that lay all over the campus lawn. Feet thundering beneath them in the grass.

Finish Line (11:09 am)

The words Jenny said, "Catch me and you can have me." Went through Petes mind as they got close to the curb (Finish Line), Pete took a leap of faith and dove across the finish line landing in the pavement of the road. The crowd rang out loudly. Jenny shot across the road like a rocket. Pete rolled on the concrete. The crowd went wild with screams and yells and gathered around them, both.

Pete got up slowly, scraped up and scratched pretty good along his outer thigh and hip. Jenny fell into the grass on the other side of the road. Pete slowly got up, hobbled over and fell out next to Jenny. The screams and hurrays were deafening. Pete looked up as Mira walked up jumping up and down. Her breast bouncing in her tube top.

"Who...won?" Pete asked, gasping for air. Sweat rolling down his 'cheeks'.

Mira looked at Pam, Pam nodded her head, "Yeah these two were at the Sheriffs Dept. I remember them."

"You did," Mira said proudly and pulled the money out of her tube top and handed it to Pete, who was trying to sit up. Pete took the money and began counting it. Jenny was still trying to regain her breath. The crowd spread out a bit but all seem to be gazing at the money as well as two naked people laying in the grass. Mira searched her tube top for any left behind bills. Feeling her way around her breast and cleavage.

Pete leaned over to Jenny gasping for air. He began fanning her with the money. Jenny looked up but wasn't smiling. He could tell she wasn't happy. He had two hands full of money, fanning her till she finally sat up. Her perky nipples stuck out from her firm breasts.

"Here," Pete said as he handed her one of the wads of bills.

"What's that for?" Jenny spat. "You won."

"No, I never would have finished if it hadn't been for you. Here, take it before I change my mind." Jenny took the money and Pete laid back down closing his eyes. It was about a second later he felt a cool breeze around his dick. He opened his eyes and Jenny was fanning his cock. "Huh?"

"I won this, remember?" She said with a big grin on her face. Pete smiled as he raised up and kissed her.

"You mean I won this," he said and pointed between her legs. Her eyes got wide and so did her smile.

University entrance (11:15 am)

The sound of sirens approaching came from down the road. Everybody scattered. Pete got up and offered Jenny a hand. Pulling her till she stood 'erect'.

"Zach's hour, first beers on me," Pete yelled out and every body hollered, "Hell yeah."

"First beers on us," Jenny said smiling at Pete.

"You two need a ride? Hurry man," Danny's Mustang was pulling up in front of Pete and Jenny with Pam in the passenger seat.

"Sure," Pete said and the car door opened.

Jenny ran to get her clothes from the scattered pile. Her 'Clothes Hunting' poise got Pete's attention. Pete motioned for Danny to wait and ran and retrieved his shirt, then pants. They both ran back to the car with garments in hand. Jenny bent over and darted into the back-seat. Pete's eyes were on his prize. Then he crawled in and Danny sped off.

Adam 16, Officer Richardson (11:16 am)

Cars were going everywhere as the Deputy Sheriff Patrol unit pulled up to the area where the clothes were scattered on the lawn. Stopping at the curb, Officer Richardson got out and gazed across the Campus grass at the garments spread out everywhere trailing up, Campus hill.

He bent down and picked up his microphone. "Adam 16, Adam 16."

"Go ahead Adam 16." The voice came from the radio.

"Be looks like this Streak-a-thon thing is over. I repeat...over."
The Officer said into the Microphone. "I am at the University and all I see are clothes."

"10-4, Adam 16, will advise." The radio blared. "Did you say clothes?"

"10-4, thrown about everywhere on Campus hill." Officer Richardson replied.

"Adam 16 can you bring those clothes here to the station. We are currently releasing said Streak-a-thon participants. But...humm...they need their clothes."

"10-4," answered Officer Richardson. He opened the rear door to his vehicle, then began shoveling the garments into the back seat. Slightly frustrated with his task but constantly loading his car. He began gathering another arm load of clothes when he saw a 'yellow' paper floating by in a light breeze. He reached and grabbed it and straightened up as he read:

Ideas for Nude Day 2005 Streak-a-thon,

G-string and thong thons
"Reminder" never make the halfway point the C.S.Dept. Although it was exciting.
Borrow dads van to pick-up those that didn't make it.
Bring more bubble gum next time.
Cute guy, Danny, phone number BR 549
"Reminder" ask Mira if she knew I wasn't wearing any panties.
Finish line ribbon
Some of those cone thingy's for routing a course.
Trophies "maybe"
Pam & Danny + love = forever
"Oh," Someplace to put these scattered clothes.
The End

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Besides the previously mentioned there/they're, learn the difference between past and passed.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

Their is possessive. "It was their turn"

They're is a contraction for "they are." "They're running in the race"

Rumple ForeskinRumple Foreskinalmost 20 years ago
Where's that college?

Dang it, Tail, I made it through both free love and streaking while attending a famous party school, but your story makes my college seem like a missionary compound. Great imagination (I guess) and fun read (I know).

Rumple Foreskin

biggbear8biggbear8almost 20 years ago
great story

great story My Erotic Tails LOVED it keep up the great writing

psychocatblahpsychocatblahalmost 20 years ago

It had everything! Sports, sex, drama, comedy and nudity! Great job!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
good thing I was drinking water...

sheesh man give a girl some warning....LOL... water all over the keyboard. LOL. Always, E

Dana GallagherDana Gallagheralmost 20 years ago
It was great!

Yep I thought of Ray Steven's "The Streak" when I read this! "Don't look Ethyl" This was great! You have an interesting style, I'll be sure to come back and visit often!

AnnoraAnnoraalmost 20 years ago
Nobody does naked better..

Arthur is out there with every twist and turn his style is one of great enjoyment. Reading a Art story brings a smile among other body parts getting a little wetter....

Way to go Art!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
pretty funny

After stealing some lines from the Ray Stevens video, this story was pretty hilarious. I can't say that I wouldn't have joined in myself!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago
loved the story

I really loved the story .Great idea. I think I would be taking my clothes off too and following that lovely jenny's bare quivering ass as she ran the streak a thon. Good stuff!

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