The Decoy Princesses


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Nothing... except for a single vine popping up out of the ground in front of her that rose to be a couple of feet high. Its head, looking bulbous like the large head of someone's cock, pointed in her direction. Celeste's eyes went wide.


The vine moved across the ground straight for her. When it got directly underneath of her pussy, the head of it seemed to look up at her. The white cum that still dribbled from her landed on it, coating it a bit as it swayed like a snake. Then it shot upward, embedding itself deep into her pussy with a loud splorch sound. Celeste tensed in her bonds and arched her back as the vine burrowed inside of her. The head seemed to mold around her cervix and fill up every inch of her inner folds.

Celeste had let out a yelp at the sudden, rough penetration that was eased only by sheer virtue of the excessive amounts of lubricant dripping out of her body. Now she just cried as the vine expanded within her to near painful levels. Around her, the orcs and goblins cheered at her discomfort and misery.

The vine then started moving in and out of her, thrusting upwards, and actually moving her up off of the ground a bit each time with its forceful movements. Her ropes slid and grated along the rough wooden poles she was tied to. She cried out each time it drove into her, cursing her body for responding to the stimulus by way of her hips gyrating in time with it, her breasts feeling heavy, and her nipples hardening. By some miracle of the moon goddess, Celeste managed to keep the primal desires to give into the pleasure at bay.

After a few minutes, and quite a few payouts, the crowd became restless. Dnseut took the cue and summoned another vine. Celeste was caught off guard when this one shot up to her and burrowed up her ass. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip, again trying to keep from actually enjoying the double penetration that had gotten her off so many times over the week from when the orcs fucked her. She was doing a good job of it until more time passed and the goblin warlock summoned another one. This one came up in front of her and imbedded itself into her mouth and down her throat.

Surprisingly, the vines were secreting some kind of nectar that was sweet. Some of it dripped down Celeste's throat and she felt all semblance of control slip away from her. It was like she became instantly drunk with sweet elven wine that had the toxicity of a dwarven brew. Her eyes rolled back into her head and all inhibitions ebbed. Soon she was sucking on the vine in her mouth greedily while splaying her hips out wide for the vines to fuck her with ease.

The first orgasm came shortly thereafter as she screamed around the vine that was deep-throating her while her pussy and ass clamped around the vines fucking her. She thrashed in place as the violent orgasm overtook her. She vaguely heard one of the poles crack and splinter a bit as she jerked in her bonds. Around her, she heard the cheers of the crowd as she gave into the moment. Soon she stopped hearing them as one orgasm gave way to another, and then another, and then another until she was nothing more than a shivering, shuddering mess hanging there limp at the mercy of the vines invading her body.

Her breasts heaved as her breathing became labored in the aftermath of the non-stop orgasms. Eventually the vines retreated as the goblin got tired of controlling them and everyone started to split up. As she hung limp she managed to register the fact that the poles holding her up had cracked and her rope bindings had started to fray from the constant movement on the rough wood.

So she hung there in her bonds, unmoving, until the last of the vile creatures left. It wasn't hard to keep up the defeated look since she was frequently worn out after a day of constant fucking. She even made pitiful whimpering sounds whenever one of them came up to molest her one last time before heading back to their tents for the night. But after she was sure that she was alone she put her plan into action.

Slowly and methodically, she moved her arms up and down on the poles slightly. The ropes slowly frayed from the friction until finally the one on her right wrists snapped. She then got her other hand loose. She was free!

With no time to waste; Celeste summoned up her reserves and clambered up the nearest tree, keeping to the boughs as she made her way to the one destination she had in mind for a score she had to settle: Morok's tent. She surveyed the area. The orc patrols were keeping to the camp perimeter and the sentries were too busy looking outward to pay attention what was going on inside.

Jumping down and landing in the grass without a sound, Celeste was inside of Morok's tent without anyone noticing. Laying on his bedroll, Morok snored without a care in the world. Celeste found his knife and plunged it right into the orc's neck. Morok jerked awake with wide eyes but now Celeste had the advantage over him as his life force was already bleeding out. She clamped a hand over his mouth and pushed him back down, getting right into his face and looking him in the eyes. "This is for ruining me!" she snarled, watching with glee as the implication and then the life drained from his eyes.

After making sure that the orc was indeed dead, Celeste went to work in his tent. She got his belts, bags, and backpacks and quickly cut the items up to make some ad hoc clothing for her. Using Morok's tunic, she fashioned herself a quick loincloth and brassiere. Finally, she took the orc's sword that he'd bested her with... well... sort of. At any rate, she didn't see her own sword around and she'd need one for the road.

Without another look back, Celeste was out the tent and back up the nearest tree heading for freedom.



"I wish to breed her," Sharia heard Kerug saying morning a couple of days after the auction as she woke up. Eyes fluttering open, she rolled under the furs of the bedding and saw her master standing outside of the bedchambers talking with another orc in tattered robes. "I would have thought that after a month and a half she would have conceived already but my staff tells me that she had her monthly bleeding while I was out inspecting the armies." Kerug told the older looking orc. "Is there anything you can do, shaman?"

"Hm," the shaman rubbed his chin in thought. "I can give you a potion that will increase your virility as well as make a potion for her to make her more receptive to your seed."

Under the furs, Sharia shuddered. She was to bear this monster's offspring?

"I will need a sample of it, though, in order to make the potion perfect," the shaman continued on. He opened his robes to retrieve a vial from inside, holding it up to Kerug.

"You expect me to cum into that?" Kerug asked incredulously. "Would you like me to just whip it out and ejaculate all over for you?"

"Sarcasm ill suits you, warlord," the shaman rebuked him. "Have your slave do it for you."

"Now we are thinking alike." Kerug smiled. "PRINCESS!" He then bellowed into the room. "Get over here and suck me off!"

Sharia complied with the command at once; shuffling across the bedding and onto the floor while crawling on all fours. She knelt in front of Kerug and expertly undid his trousers to get at his massive cock that was waiting for her. As she had done what now seemed like many times before, she brought his cock out with both of her hands wrapped around its massive shaft, bringing its head up to her lips. She looked up at him in submission as she took his cock deep into her mouth to begin to suck.

"You have her trained well in such a short of time," the shaman noted.

"That I do," Kerug sighed with pleasure. "And she gets better each time that she does this. After you bring the potions and I have bedded her, you may have a turn with her mouth as payment for your services. Her womb is now off limits to others."

The shaman bowed his head once. "You honor me, warlord." He looked down at her, wishing that he could have her now. "Why do you have her keep her royal tiara on?"

"To remind her of her high borne status," Kerug smiled. "The tiara, along with her collar, reminds her how low she has fallen. I want her as broken as her people are."

Throughout the conversation Sharia was focused on one thing; making her master cum. Her delicate hands worked up and down his shaft while her head bobbed back and forth. She wondered if she could get away with swallowing all of his seed before he had a chance to get some into the vial? She was resolved to try even if it meant that she was just delaying the inevitable. Her mouth worked furiously on his cock and she put everything that she had into giving her master the best pleasure possible.

"Woah!" Keurg felt suddenly delirious as she quickened in her pace. "Slow down! I do have to get the shaman my seed!" His balls tightened up and he felt his cum rising up. "AGH!" His cock suddenly exploded into her mouth and Sharia shoved her head as far down his length that she could get while her throat now went into action to catch every drop.

"She is swallowing it!" the shaman cried out in alarm. "Stop her!"

Kerug grabbed her hair, wrenching her head back while pulling his cock out slightly only so that the head was just inside of her lips. With his other hand, he grabbed her throat. "Hold it in your mouth!" He commanded. "Do not swallow!" he squeezed her neck for emphasis. Once his cock was done throbbing and his cum stopped flowing, he pulled out of her mouth. "Keep your mouth open!"

Sharia had no choice but to do as ordered with his seed pooled in her open mouth. The shaman stepped forward with the vial. Tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as she fought hard not to gag with her master's fluids filling her mouth up. The shaman dipped the small vial in just past her lips, brought it back out, and then capped it. "Thank you," the shaman said. "I shall have the potions for you before the day is out."

"See that you do," Kerug said, dismissing the shaman. He then looked down at his slave. "You wretched little thing! Did you think that you could get away with that?" Kerug clamped her mouth closed. "NOW, you can swallow." When Sharia did nothing, he growled. "DRINK OR DROWN, ELF!" Moments later he heard gulping sounds come from her throat as she swallowed his cum down.

He grabbed her by her golden ponytail and led her back into the bedchambers. "You displease me and you dishonored me in front of the shaman since I know that you heard that he needed my seed for the potions," he led her over to a wooden support beam that he used in punishing her. There he stood her up and tied her wrists together on the far side so that her arms were wrapped around it. Then he got the whip off of the hook on the wall nearby and unfurled it. "I thought that we were past this but I see that I was wrong. You will learn proper obedience."

Sharia screamed each time the whip lashed her back. Even with her high pain tolerance and resilience, she wound up passing out eventually. As the black mercifully claimed her she wondered when Selune's promise of deliverance would come.


Later that evening, Sharia was kneeling in her ready position down at Kerug's feet in the grand banquet hall. The marks from the whipping she'd received earlier were all healed thanks for a salve that Kerug kept for just such an occasion as he didn't want her fair skin to be permanently marred. She'd gotten used to the indignity at being treated like a pet. After the novelty of having an elven slave amongst orcs wore off, those who gathered for the nightly feast paid her no mind. Every so often, Kerug would throw a scrap or two of food down for her to eat.

At first, she'd turned her nose up at the various meats that had been tossed to her like she were a dog as, as an elf, she preferred cheeses, fruits, vegetables, and breads. After a couple of nights with a growling stomach, she found that it did not pay to be picky. Eventually she got good at snagging the morsels out of the air so that she didn't have to suffer the indignity of bending all the way over to eat, much to the delight of the assembled orcs.

As was now her routine, she stayed in place with her eyes fixated forward. The shaman from earlier walked up to Kerug and bowed and her eyes flicked in his direction. "The potions are finished, my lord," he said, holding two bottles up: one filled with a green liquid and the other with an amber liquid. "This is for you," he held the green bottle out for him.

"To vitality and virility," Kerug toasted the shaman, popped the cork with his thumbnail, and drank the potion down. "Ah, I can feel it working already. My balls already feel like they're growing heavier."

"The potion will last for the night in order to increase your seed," the shaman explained. "You should have a higher than normal drive to breed over the next week as a lasting effect." He then held up the amber bottle. "This one is for your slave and will make her enthralled to your pheromones and increase her receptiveness to your seed for the next week. If I estimate elf physiology correctly, based on your information from this morning, she should be reaching the most fertile period of her cycle any day now provided she's not on it already."

Sharia swallowed hard, knowing what was coming next. The shaman was right as she was on the start of her fertile cycle as she was beginning to crave sex from any source and her orgasms came easier whenever her master fucked her. She watched in horror as Kerug took the amber bottle from the shaman before standing up at his seat next to her.

Kerug popped the cork on the bottle and held it down to her lips. "Drink," he ordered. When she pulled away, he grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. She yelped in pain which opened her mouth enough for Kerug to upend the bottle inside of her lips. "Drink it!"

NO! Sharia mentally cried as the smooth amber liquid flowed down her throat. It was surprisingly sweet and by the time the last drop of it was coming out her tongue was licking the rim of the bottle. Kerug pulled it away and looked down at her. Sharia's pupils dilated. Her breathing hitched. Her breasts started to feel swollen and heavy while her nipples puckered up. Goose bumps rose all over her skin as if she had a sudden chill while fire seemed to radiate from her loins. Her sex started to glisten with moisture and her whole body cried out, aching, for sex from the orc standing in front of her.

"I think that it is working," Kerug noted with glee.

"It is," the shaman said in agreement. "It is imperative that you take her at once, my lord. This first pairing will be your best chance. Any other pairings after that should ensure conception."

"So be it." With a sweep of the arm, Kerug cleared off a space at his end of the long banquet table. "Come back tomorrow for your payment." Without waiting for the shaman's response, Kerug reached down for his slave to lay her out on the table in front of him.

Under the effects of the potion, Sharia spread her legs wide for him. Kerug simply shed his tunic and opened his trousers. His cock was already rock hard and ready for release. He shoved it right into her open and waiting pussy, much to her delight. As soon as he was entrenched inside of her as far as his massive cock could go, she wrapped her legs around his midsection to get him as far into her as was possible. Her hands started grabbing for his shoulders to pull his body closer to hers.

Wanting to keep control of his slave, Kerug grabbed her wrists and pinned them down to the table. Sharia moaned underneath of him as her body moved in time with his, accepting his hard, rough thrusts into her with pleasure. Her pussy gripped his cock and released in perfect rhythm to his movements in and out. Finally he rammed it into her as his balls started to twitch and his cock began to throb.

Kerug's orc seed flooded directly into her womb. Her pussy clamped down onto his cock and pulsated as her own orgasm overtook her. She screamed along with Kerug as they both climaxed together. Their bodies shuddered with one another until they were both spent. Sharia's body kept her pussy clamped down onto his cock as to not lose a single drop and Kerug kept it inside of her even long after it stopped pumping his seed into her.

"Shame that it takes a potion to make you like that," Kerug said at last, standing up but keeping his cock inside of her. He wanted to breed her to make the perfect heir to his kingdom and by the gods he would do just that! "Perhaps in time there will come a day that you will do this of your own accord."

"No matter," he said, pulling her up into his arms. Sharia wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close. "Tonight we have a lot of fucking to do as you will take all the seed your body will carry," he muttered. With his cock still inside of her pussy, he carried her through the keep. Kerug was still hard as he walked and every step slid her up and down his member just a bit. By the time he was at his bedchambers at the top of the keep, he was blowing another load deep into her, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

Sharia felt every tiny movement his cock made inside of her. In the back of her mind, she screamed that she didn't want to do any of this but the potion was doing its job in making her pliable towards Kerug. His musk was like a drug and his cum was like ambrosia for her body. Her body wanted it all and in large quantities. It was like she couldn't get enough of him even though every fiber of her being was repulsed by him. It was a strange sensation and Sharia felt like she was watching all of this from outside of her own body.

Kerug dropped to the bedding of furs with her underneath of him. The shaman's potion was keeping his balls heavy and his cock hard. This was probably the best sex he had ever experienced in his lifetime. He kept his body close to her lithe elven body as he started actively fucking her hard and fast again.

Despite being overly sensitive, Sharia found herself lifting her hips up for him to meet his thrusts. Her world went white and her eyes rolled back into her head as her body exploded into another orgasm. Moments later she felt his third load of cum pumping into her body, this time with so much force that her belly actually started to bulge out a bit. Her womb stretched inside of her to accommodate more of Kerug's seed.

Thus was the norm for the next week. The only respite that Sharia ever got was when Kerug was away attending to his matters. At the peak of her fertile cycle, coupled with the effects of the potion, Sharia actually jumped the orc when he returned for the evening as she'd been deprived of sex for the entire day. By this time she had a distinct roundness to her abdomen as she and Kerug had fucked so many times that her body was receiving more of his seed into her womb than it managed to allow to trickle out.


By the time the potion wore off late the next week, all Sharia could do was huddle in a corner and cry. Deep down she knew that her belly would only get larger from here on out. She knew that she was pregnant with Kerug's child. She wailed in despair, wanting the darkness to swallow her up and keep her there. "Selune... why?" she whispered. "Why have they not come for me yet?"

Because I have plans for your child... the strange female voice said in the back of her mind. Sharia gasped. After all this time, Selune was talking to her again! She closed her eyes and she felt as if she was transported to a place filled with warm, glowing blue-white light.

Selune stood before her in shimmering robes with a body that glowed with moonlight. You must have faith and continue to endure, Child... Selune said, speaking directly to her mind. These events were set into motion long before you existed... My only remaining champion in the world is already on his way to see you and your offspring to safety and shelter... If he succeeds then he will be your protector through this life, the humans and the elves of your region will be secure, and I will have warriors of light and righteousness once again...
