Training Ch. 03


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The men grew rougher, more urgent. She yielded to their demands, and with every cock that gushed its load into her, her own excitement grew. Any moment, she knew, her excitement would peak, and she would come, just as explosively as the men she was inviting to rape her, and Anthony would be pleased...

She awoke suddenly, hovering right on the edge of orgasm. For a moment, she was disoriented, blinking in the dim light; Anthony breathed steadily next to her, and a pool of wetness permeated the sheets between her legs. The orgasm was throbbingly, achingly close; she reached to touch herself between her legs, and the chain pulled her hand up short. She squirmed and moaned in frustration, but relief was denied to her.

Sleep came again slowly, and brought with it no more dreams.

Sunlight flooded the room when she opened her eyes again. She had slept shallowly, and not enough; fatigue dragged at her, trying to pull her down, blurring her focus. Her arms were stretched to the corners of the bed and bound there; her knees were drawn up to her chest, ankles bound to straps around her hips. Something cool and wet was dripping between her ass cheeks.

"I wondered when you would wake up!" Anthony's face came into view. "You barely even moved this morning when I got you into position. I was starting to wonder if I was going to have my cock up your ass before you were awake." More cool wetness dripped between her legs. "There we go."

He knelt on the bed between her legs. She felt the head of his cock touch her heavily lubricated rear entrance. A surge of adrenaline blew the last wisps of sleep away. "No! Please!"

"No?" He knelt poised to penetrate her and cocked an eyebrow. "Why not?"


Anthony chuckled. "I'll tell you what. If you can give me a good reason not to shove my cock up your ass, I won't. How about it?"

"I-" The words wouldn't come. She stammered and felt her cheeks redden.Because you won't want me any more, she wanted to say.Because no man could ever respect a woman who did that. Her mouth worked, but nothing came out.


"Because! Because..." She could not give voice to the fear. "Because it feels all yucky when it drips out," she finished lamely.

"Oh! Well, don't worry; that's easily enough fixed." He grinned and leaned over her. "Now, then..."

With one smooth stroke, his erection pistoned into her ass.

"No!" she cried. It didn't hurt; her body yielded easily. Still, she felt deeply, profoundly violated. She thrashed and wept and begged him to stop, with no effect. She fought her bonds with all her strength, until sweat glistened on her and the cuffs dig into her wrists. He thrust steadily and slowly, pacing himself, taking his time in sodomizing her. Eventually, she tired and her struggles slowed. Her cries quieted, and she lay still beneath him, chest heaving.

"Mmm, how delightful you are," he said. "I love using your body. Now take it!" He began to fuck her more seriously, slamming hard and deep. She lay helpless, bound, unable to escape and too spent to struggle, while he pounded into her and his cock swelled inside her. He screamed as he came and released his torrent of hot semen deep in her ass.

"Oh, that was nice." He eased out of her and caressed her cheek. "Hold it in! I'll be right back."

She whimpered quietly. He dragged the case out from under the bed and held up a stubby, vaguely teardrop-shaped object made of black rubber. "This plug will keep my come from leaking out of you and being all yucky."

"No! Please, don't-"

The rubber butt plug stretched her wide and slid in all at once. She thrashed once and lay still, trying to adjust to the feel of this new, different violation.

"See? It'll all stay inside you." He wiped himself absently with a towel before he leaned over and kissed her. The key around his neck unlocked her cuffs. "Now get up, little whore! It's late. I've already got us mostly packed. Get showered. We have to leave in an hour."

Her hands slid down to touch the base of the plug.

"No!" he said sternly. "That stays there until I say so. You don't want it all leaking out of you, remember? Now go!"

She stood uncertainly. The plug remained firmly in place and showed no sign of slipping out. Slowly, she let herself relax around it. Still it did not move.

When she was convinced it wouldn't come sliding out of her in a humiliating rush of come and lube, she shuffled into the bathroom. She ran the shower as hot as she could stand and scrubbed herself fiercely.

When she was done, she emerged from the bathroom dripping and naked. Anthony was already dressed and waiting for her in front of a table piled high with breakfast. "Come. Sit."

She approached the table hesitantly. The plug inside her felt like a tangible sign of his control over her, and she found herself feeling abashed. "Do you want me under the table?"

He laughed. "I know you love sucking my cock, but unfortunately there's no time for that. You'll have to go without this morning." His hand moved between her legs and pressed on the base of the plug. Her breath caught in her throat. "Oh, you are a delight!" he said. "Your body loves whatever I do to it. Sit!"

He gestured to the chair. The thick, veined black dildo jutted up from it. She swallowed and nodded, then eased herself down onto it. The hard chair pressed it and the plug into her.

He quickly bound her hands behind the chair. His fingers touched her lips. "Open."

One forkful at a time, he repeated the ritual of serving her breakfast-poached eggs, toast, potatoes. Her muscles twitched around the things inside her. Juices pooled on the chair.

"Oh, yes, you are a filthy little whore, aren't you?" He stood beside her, stroked his fingers over her breast. The hardening of her nipples seemed to answer his question. "You really like what I do to you. You get off on it. You are without doubt the most eager sex slave I've ever known." He leaned close, until his lips touched her ears. "Slut."

His hand moved over the curve of his breast and squeezed. Any protest she might have had died on her lips. A shudder passed through her. "Oh!"

He pressed her down and back. The plug shifted. She arched her back and moved forward against his hand. The pressure on the plug faded, but the dildo moved a fraction deeper. Her eyes met his, startled. He pushed her back again, making the plug move, ever so slightly.

She leaned forward, just a little bit, pressing her breast into his hand. The toys within her moved by the tiniest amount. A ripple of pleasure spread through her. She sighed, still looking into his eyes, and shifted backward. He nodded.

They stayed there for several minutes. Anyone watching them would have been hard-pressed to see her move, constrained as she was with her arms tied behind the chair; but those almost imperceptible rocking motions, slight as they were, were enough. Her nipple grew harder under his hand. Her eyes widened, locked on his, and she moaned softly.

He breathed into her ear. "Do it."

"Muuuuuuuah!" The sound was ripped from her by the force of her orgasm. Her body jerked and trembled. Gradually, her breathing slowed, and she looked at him in wonder.

"See? I told you. Slut." He grinned and released her. "Get dressed. We have..." A quick glance at his watch. "Fifteen minutes. Your clothes are on the bed." He moved off to the closet, pulled the trunk to the pile of luggage already waiting by the door.

She rose off the dildo with difficulty, and cringed at the wet sucking noise. The plug was a steady, throbbing presence as she moved into the bedroom.

The clothes he had picked out for her included a tight, ankle-length black skirt of some shiny rubber-like material and a small button-up shirt that bared her midriff. No panties or bra in sight. She cast around but could not find the bands with their spikes anywhere; intentional, she realized as she struggled into the skirt. It hugged her hips tightly and curved close around her thighs; wearing it, she could not open her legs at all. The white top he'd chosen for her buttoned high enough not to be completely obscene, but only just.

When she had finished dressing, she moved, with difficulty, into the main room. "The skirt doesn't fit right! It's too tight."

He looked at her with an appraising eye. "It fits perfectly."

"But it's so tight I can barely walk!"

"Yes, I know. It will keep you bound even while we're traveling home. From the look of how hard your nipples are, that excites you. Or maybe it's the butt plug?" He grinned. A knock sounded at the door. "Perfect timing. Shall we go?"

In the hallway, Heath and a man Eileen didn't recognize waited with a luggage cart. She avoided the bellhop's eyes as he loaded the cart. "Good morning!" he sang. She blushed and turned away.

The limo was quickly loaded. Anthony and Eileen stood on the curb beside the car in the dull gray London morning, flanked by the two bellhops. Anthony passed some folded bills to the bellhop Eileen didn't recognize, then turned toward Heath. "My wife will be taking care of your tip," he said. He turned to her. "Kiss him."

"But-no!" She looked around the busy street wildly. The other bellhop looked surprised. "I can't!"

"Do it." A note of sharp command informed his voice.

She flushed. Standing on tiptoes, legs hobbled together, plug throbbing in her ass, she kissed his cheek.

"No.Kiss him."

Her face turned scarlet, and a small mewling sound of despair escaped her. She shuddered and swallowed nervously. Heath regarded her neutrally; the other bellhop sniggered.

Her heart hammered. She took a half-step forward and placed her hand on the back of his neck. She drew him closer, shaking. Someone passing them along the sidewalk whistled. She shivered and her resolve nearly broke.No! cried a frantic voice somewhere in the back of her mind.This is wrong! He is not my husband! That's the only person I should be kissing!

"Now," Anthony said quietly.

Their lips met. She gulped and fought to quell the shaking in her hands. The tip of her tongue touched him lightly. He parted his lips slightly. She pressed herself to him; her tongue slipped between his lips. He sighed in pleasure.

Then she was kissing him deeply, passionately, cradling his head in her hands, her body hard against his. The stares of the other bellhop, the surprised looks of the passers by, her own hesitation, all of them vanished. All of her sexual frustration, arousal, all of her shame and humiliation at the things that had been done to her, all her secret longing, all of her heat, poured out into the kiss. He responded in kind, meeting her heat with his own, his hands on her hips.

After a very long minute, she broke the kiss and looked at him in shock. "I...I'm sorry," she stammered. "I can't-" Abruptly, she dropped her hand and scrambled into the back seat of the waiting limo.

Anthony smiled. "Thank you very much for your service during our stay," he said. "You've made our honeymoon much more enjoyable." He winked and climbed into the car. Heath remained standing on the curb, frozen in place, watching it pull away until it rounded a corner and was gone.

Eileen sat in a ball on the seat, curled around herself, shaking. "I don't...I can't do that!"

"No?" Anthony looked at her and grinned. "From what I saw, it looks like you can." He unbuttoned the top button of the short white top and looked down her shirt. "Looks like you enjoyed it almost as much as he did, too. Are you wet?"

"Anthony!" she cried. "This is wrong!"

"What's that?"

"All of it! Everything you've done to me! You can't treat me like this!"

"We've been through this." He slid a hand into her shirt, cupped her breast. "You are a sex slave. It's what you want, and it's what you're good at." Fingers found her nipple. "That means I can treat you exactly like this. Your body is my property, to use however I wish." He pinched gently. "Say it."


His fingers tightened. Pain exploded through her, followed almost instantly by a strange, undefined longing. She clenched around the plug. "I can't!"

"You are a sex slave. Your body is my property." Fingers tightened on her breast. "Say it."

"No! Anthony, stop!" Fingernails dug in to sensitive skin. "Ow! Please! Stop!"

"Say it."

The pressure increased. She grimaced and cried out in pain. His fingers twisted her nipple roughly. Finally, her resistance broke. "I'm a sex slave! My body is your property! Please stop, you're hurting me!"

He smiled and released her. "That was easy. You do like being a slave." His hand slipped out and buttoned the shirt again; he leaned forward and kissed her lips softly. "You like what I've done to you a great deal, little whore."

She refused to acknowledge him. For the rest of the ride to the airport, she stared sullenly out the window, and watched the city dissolve in the mist.

The airport was a jumbled chaos of crowds and noise, that somehow managed to give the impression that it was all just on the verge of flying apart at the seams. A sullen-faced man pushing a dented cart loaded up their luggage and led them down an endless pink-tiled hallway to the ticketing counter, where an equally sullen woman checked the bags. Another long walk, hampered by the tight skirt that slowed Eileen to a crawl, brought them to the security checkpoint.

As they got closer and closer, Eileen became nervous. "What if they decide to search me? What if they find the-you know, the-that thing that-"

"You mean the butt plug shoved up your ass that's holding all my come in?" He grinned. "Well, in that case, I imagine they'd probably think you're quite the filthy little slut, don't you?"

She flushed red and looked away. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach.

The security guard, a bureaucrat of that peculiar variety that the nation of Great Britain had perfected in the decades following the second world war, managed to be simultaneously impersonal and vaguely insulting. He studied their passports, looked at their tickets, then regarded them with an expression that suggested something about them reminded him he'd forgotten to throw away a container of curlded milk at home. He looked back at the passports like he was expecting them to crawl away and do something distasteful, then finally turned his gaze back to them. "Yanks?"

Anthony grinned. "Don't blame me, it was my grandparents' fault."

"Right." His eyes had already gone numb with boredom. He handed the papers back to them and fixed a sour look on the next people in line. Anthony strode past, and Eileen hobbled behind.

The plane boarded half an hour late. By that time, the plug had become a steady ache, and Eileen squirmed on the narrow terminal seat. "Please, I need to take it out-"

"Hush." He kissed her cheek. "You don't want all that come dripping out of you, right? Isn't that what you said? I was nice enough to keep that from happening, wasn't I?" He raised his fingers to her lips to stop her response. "Hush."

Finally, they boarded. The plane departed, bringing them away from London and toward...what, exactly? A life as Anthony's sex slave, to have all kinds of indignities forced on her body? To be used for sex, whenever and however he wanted? In London, in the hotel, she'd been trapped, with nowhere to go to escape the things he'd done. That's why she had accepted them, she told herself. That's the only reason she had put up with them. But now? Once back home, she had places to go; she wouldn't need to stay, and let him continue to do these things to her, right?

Anthony reclined next to her. The two seats formed a kind of pod, each able to recline fully flat and convert into a narrow bed, separated from the other seats around them. He looked over at her and smiled. "You might want to get some sleep. You didn't get much last night, and we're hosting a coming-home party tomorrow."

"We are?" The plug nagged at her, distracting her. "Anthony, I have to take it out-"

"Hush. Then, after that, the next phase of your training starts! I'm so proud of you; you've done far, far better than even I expected. Your body has been trained quite wonderfully. When we get home, we'll start on the next part."

"Anthony, it's starting to hurt!"

"Hush." He leaned toward her and reclined her seat all the way. "Get some rest. During the next part of your training, we'll make you want it. Soon you'll love being used for sex; you'll welcome everything I do to you enthusiastically." He kissed her forehead. "You can take it out after they serve lunch. And don't forget, the day after tomorrow you have another appointment with Dr. Moreland." He drew a blanket up around her. "Sweet dreams, little whore. Your new life is only just starting."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well written about the line of many women: saying "no, i don't want" and at the same time no true resistance, no course of action - and if the man accept her "no" as such, she lose respect of him for "not being a true men". So while discusting rape at one side, well fetched fashion of denial with mixed signals, the game that most women enjoy so much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Interesting. No food, shaving, bathing (or little), a few added things would make a big difference.

Even sluts need to be clean.

How did he keep the bride away from here mama for 2 weeks let alone 2 hours without having mama call the bobbies?. Think.

Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btakenover 1 year ago

I would love a new life as a man’s sex slave❤️❤️

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

So far fetched but very good, well thought out plot very nice characters and great descriptions

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

great story so far, i little long,,

WantonwidowWantonwidowalmost 2 years ago

I wish he could teach all men how to kiss!

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

guess for 2 weeks she was never allowed to use a bathroom, especially first thing in the morning. just a bunch of sadistic thoughts

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

who fucked her ass? anthony or bellboy

sexyvpsexyvpover 4 years ago

So why are you reading it? More specifically, why are you reading Chapter 3?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Not bad

But agree her lines could be more variable.

To an anonymous commenter: “If there was ANY realism she would have left him by now.”. Oh please. You call him sadistic psychopath, but it’s a work of fiction. If you going to judge him so seriously then you should acknowledge that the girl is a mere sheep who can’t say anything more complicated than “no, stop” or “why are you doing that”. If there were ANY realism he would have dropped her by now and found someone smarter and more willing. So they found each other.

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