
Stories by JanusGoneAwry

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Emily is naked and bound to a bed blindfolded

H 4.56 38.8k 19 8 66

Summer visits the spa and receives special services.

H 4.79 40.9k 23 3 73

A young woman awakens with lingering thoughts of her lover.

3.76 7.9k 1 1 5

A boy and his favorite stripper finally hook up.

4.23 14.4k 12 1 31

Emily takes a trip to experience Mardi Gras on her own.

4.39 12k 9 2 29

Friends share everything - even a reluctant boyfriend, right?

H 4.5 56.3k 36 86

A young stripper catches the eye of an experienced gent.

4.49 14k 17 3 23

Doing as you're told can be rewarding.

4.46 21.9k 12 2 24

Sometimes the tastiest items aren't on the menu.

4.43 19.3k 10 2 17

Sometimes it's more fun to get dirty.

H 4.51 17.9k 15 1 23

Going down will never be the same.

by JanusGoneAwry
How To 01/25/2019
4.41 35.9k 21 8 33