
UPDATE (26/03/2024): WHES published!
2024 Roadmap:
Q2: A Fertile Competition - Alexa Matthews-Kent is looking for a father for her second child, and there's only one way to find one: an all-night competition between the most fertile Eroshire can offer!
Q3: Cursed - Erith Winters is the only virgin in her friendship group, and it seems like she's cursed to stay that way! With every potential sexual encounter ending in disaster, Erith's biggest fear is never getting laid; or worse - losing her virginity to the school asshole, Nathan Cade!
Q4: One Night - Sarah Ellis has had enough of the school bully Kyle Matthews and his shit, especially around her boyfriend! But when she confronts Kyle one night on a school trip, things take a very hot turn...


Hey there! I'm RedLegoDragon, and here you'll find my long-form erotic stories. While the kinks will be different from story to story they all share the same setting: the fictional UK county of Eroshire. While each story will be written to be a stand-alone read, you'll quite often find characters from one story reappearing in another; their sex-filled lives continuing from one tale of debauchery to another.

Speaking of the sex, you'll find it deliberately over the top, with often ridiculous feats of sexual endurance and bodily fluids aplenty. This is the sort of style I enjoy, taking inspiration from the nonsense you'll find in Hentai to embellish the frequent sex with graphic exaggerations.

You'll also find Eroshire to sometimes be a fantastical place: mages, vampires, werewolves, and eldritch old gods all call the county home, but rarely will you find the fantasy front and centre. I enjoy making the fantastical mundane, where an old god can work a job at a bar without anyone giving much of a shit.

Because my stories will tend to be on the long side, and because I'm writing them as a hobby, there will be long waits between updates. All I ask is you be patient - I'll aim to make each story worth the wait!





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Gaming, Writing, Lego



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