
Stories by ShadowShaman

Mary escapes. A saga in eighteen passages.

4.3 5.5k 1 1 9

Grandpa deals with life and loss in his own private way.

3.83 16.9k 18 1 38

Who got the best deal-Adam, Eve, Jack? Read the fine print!

4.13 9.6k 8 25
There's a third party in every (heterosexual) bedroom. This is his story.
by ShadowShaman
Incest/Taboo& more 09/16/2023
22.5k 19 58

John, Jane and someone with a mind of his own.

3.68 6k 12 26

Dick and Jane are in cahoots, John follows their lead.

4.35 6.2k 6 23

Dick and John go on the hunt and bring home the prize.

3.86 10.3k 1 9
In my family we do things my way. For fun and profit.
136k 103 11 216

My daughter and me and our special family rule.

3.62 80.3k 48 4 108

Aly gets a new sister and I get a new daughter.

3.92 27.3k 28 4 52

Mybell gets a portrait to remember her special day.

4.1 9.8k 13 2 20

The girls' roles are changing. Aly needs help with hers.

4.03 18.4k 14 1 36