
Stories by ThePurpleDragon

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How devotedly can you worship cock? How many?

4.39 6.6k 7 2 15

A secret lost to history: how good sex can be for men.

H 4.74 7.3k 14 5 27

From one woman to another, congrats on your new office...

4.4 5k 5 1 12

The gentlest introduction to anal sex possible, by man/wife.

3.94 9.4k 6 5 18

Horny teenagers find each other, invent a perfect sex life.

H 4.73 17.6k 9 3 37

An eager-consent approach to the horny proto-lesbian.

H 4.74 30.3k 20 4 52

2020 was a hard year for men's sexual awakening.

4.48 13.3k 3 1 6

This is very furry, & yiffy. Continue if that's your thing!

H 4.6 6.7k 3 2 10

Eagerly consensual foray into budding cock worship.

H 4.58 17k 9 2 22

Eager to come out of my nervous shell, I give a man my body.

4.45 10.3k 6 3 13

As I rediscover myself as woman, my wife falls for me again.

H 4.51 27.3k 22 7 46

Two inexperienced young men secret away to share touch. [version 2]

H 4.63 21.4k 6 3 16

Discovery and exploration of oneself as a trans woman.

4.33 9.8k 6 1 9

Exploration of cock worship brings me to a straight couple.

4.24 19k 8 2 12

Liberated to explore touch and desire, I rediscover penis.

4.3 15.8k 13 8 17