18 Only: Problem Child!!!


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Dave was cool with that.

"I'll also give you a grand for your time."

"No worries man. I'd do it for free but that grand helps."

I picked up my packed bags and was in a cab before Amber was out of the shower. I didn't even bother saying goodbye. After having never shown me any courtesy or respect over the years, why did I owe her any?

I flew into St. Augustine's a few hours later and surprised my wife at her sisters' beach house. It was a lovely open concept bungalow that overlooked the swelling Atlantic whose azure waves floated in from the horizon.

The weather was much nicer here than it was in Illinois.

For the next five days, my wife and I relaxed by the beach and enjoyed more than a few romantic soirees. We walked along the dunes holding hands, drank champagne on the veranda and enjoyed candlelight dinners every evening.

Occasionally I would excuse myself to check the web-cam from my laptop. Although the feed was very, very choppy and without sound, I could tell Amber was really getting a hard fucking from the guys.

In every image I received, her pussy, mouth or ass was being filled with cock. I grabbed a couple of images off the feed for my collection and jerked off to them several times when my wife took one of her little naps.

By Thursday, I noticed that there were a couple of new guys, but I couldn't tell who they were, because they wore balaclavas.

When the five days I pledged to spend with my wife came to a conclusion, I gave her a kiss and wished her a great rest of the vacation. She wanted me to stay, but I told her I had to get back to the office and that it was a miracle to have even been able to spend this time with her.

Marian's physical transformation during her time away from the house was amazing. While she always seemed pale with heavy bags under her eyes, her cheeks were now flushed with color and even some of the despair had vanished, blown away in the salty breeze.

"Maybe you should stay here for the whole month." I advised as I was about to head back to the airport. "It's done you a world of wonders being down here and I can't help but think you should turn these two weeks into a little mini-retreat. You hardly see your sisters anyway."

Immediately her face tensed. "I've come to a realization, Ted."

"What's that?"

"We gave Amber life, but we can't give up our lives for Amber." She stared to cry when she said our daughter's name. "You know it's sad. But I don't miss her. I actually feel good being physically away from her. I feel guilty, but if she wants to keep her lifestyle going then, it's her business and there's nothing we can do about it."

I shook my head. "We can't just turn away from Amber. We can't just ignore her because she's going through a tough time. I want you to stay for the rest of the month. Call me when you want to come back. Believe me, I can handle it."

"I just..." She sobbed. "I just don't know what to do."

"I'm sure it will all work out. Wherever Amber is, I know she's safe."

I gave Marian a big hug. She felt so tense in my arms. Just this one conversation about Amber had instantly turned her back to the person she was at the beginning of the week.

After my airplane touched down at Metropolitan Airport, I went directly back to my house. I entered to find Dave naked on the couch, watching television. I was going to give him hell, but noticed he put a blanket down to protect the upholstery from his ass.

"Hey Dave."

"Oh," Dave said, a beer in his hand and his cock in the other, "Good to see you. You look like you got a tan!"

"I saw a lot of sunshine down there." I replied. "Where's Amber?"

Dave put his finger over his lips in a shush gesture. "Can you hear her?"

I listened, and through the silence heard Amber's faint cries. As there was no sound on the web cam, this was the first time I heard my daughter's sexual exaltations.

"She's getting fucked by Rocco and Tan." Dave said.

"Who's Tan?"

"A Vietnamese dude we know from the gym. He's cool."

"Is he the one wearing the balaclava in the web cam?"

"Well," Dave admitted, "Rocco and House both have full time jobs so I had to rotate them. Your daughter is a real handful."

"No kidding."

"She even went into withdrawal for two days straight."

"That must have been awful." I said.

"Well, we just kept her occupied with cock. You'd be amazed how a nice dick in the mouth takes a girl's attention off the tremors! She was suckling House's big black dick like it was a nipple."

I went to the fridge for a beer.

"I must admit Mike," Dave said as I came back into the living room, "I did feel bad about some of the stuff that happened, I mean, your daughter can get crazy, but even when she was at her worst, I tried to be firm, but gentle. I never let more than three cocks go at her at once and to be honest, we only fucked her ass twice. Honest. I have to tell you though, she took it really well."

"Is that so?"

"Let's just say that she's definitely had a couple in there before."

"Well how many guys did you share her with altogether?"

Dave thought about it. "Probably ten or twelve, but they all wore masks and were strangers to her, so she won't be able to identify them." David smiled.

"What else happened when I was away?"

"We did let her use the toilet to twice a day and also used her as a toilet, giving her several golden showers. There was one thing that I feel really bad about though."

"What's that?" I asked, ready for anything.

"She was being really disrespectful on Tuesday, saying some pretty outrageous things I didn't like and just not being obedient at all."

"How did you deal with it?"

"I brought her to the bathroom and..." He blushed. "I shit on her while she was handcuffed in the tub."

"I think that was a little above and beyond the call of duty, don't you?"

Dave nodded. "I didn't feel good about it. I washed her off right after that and gave her a mineral bath, but I have to say, her personality really changed after that. I think she had a break-through. It was the first time she apologized for her behavior."

"OK, well, I trust your judgment. What else happened while I was gone?"

"Her pimp came around."

"No kidding."

"You're lucky your wife wasn't home. He was this crazy Eastern European guy in a blue tracksuit named Vlad. Anyway, he came over with a handgun and demanded to know where Amber was. House was here and got the jump on him and took his gun away. Then they put the guy in House's car. I stayed here to watch Amber, but Rocco said the pimp was begging them the whole way to let him go, saying the gun wasn't loaded and that he was really Amber's boyfriend and he just wanted to see her because he loved her and that he wanted to marry her and they had to talk."

"Then what?"

"Well, House and Rocco took the guy deep into the woods and made him strip. Then Rocco pistol whipped him before House put the guy's ankles on a rock and stomped them until they broke. Anyway, they just left him in the woods to crawl home."

"Sounds like I missed some drama." I smiled, thinking of the guy who pimped my daughter trying to crawl back to the city on his belly.

"Here's the fucked part, though." Dave said, leaning forward. "The next day there was an article in the newspaper about a corpse found in the woods. It had been ravished by wolves. They said the body was so badly mauled they couldn't even ID it. The body's hands were eaten and they never found the head."

"Think it's the same guy?" I asked.

"All I can say is that the last time I saw that dude, he was alive."

We laughed.

"That's awesome man." I smiled "Just fucking awesome."

Suddenly Tan and Rocco came out of my daughter's room. They were both naked. Tan took off his balaclava. He had a handsome, open face and his Asiatic features were delicate.

"Oh, hi, are you Mr. Tomkins?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied, shaking his hand. It was still a bit sticky from sex."How's my little girl doing?"

"Oh great. She's getting a little bit tired and sore, but she's resting now."

"Why don't you give her a try?" Rocco asked.

"I couldn't." I blushed. "She's my daughter."

"Don't worry," Dave said. "I'll blindfold and handcuff her behind the back. I can even guide you through the process. Here..."

Dave got me a cologne I never wore to cover my smell. "We don't want you smelling too much like daddy." He smiled. I applied the cologne and thanked him.

I waited as Dave prepared her.

When I entered the bedroom, I saw my little girl kneeling on the bed naked. She had a black leather sleeping mask over her eyes and as promised, her hands were hands cuffed behind her back.

I had to admit, the guys had kept her well fed and clean. Her tangled hair was completely brushed out, though I did notice some fairly severe red streaks marked across her ass cheeks. I would have to ask Dave about those.

Dave entered the room behind me. "Hi Amber, how are you?" He asked in a patronizing voice. "Did you have fun with Tan and Rocco?"

"Yes Sir." Amber said, speaking to the wall.

"I've got a new cock for you to try."

"Please...!" Amber cried, almost sobbing. "No more! I'll be a good girl! I promised!"

"Well, this is probably the last one you're going to get honey for a while, so enjoy it."

My daughter didn't answer. I took my clothes off and applied some more of the cologne around my cock.

"Amber, what did you learn over the last five days?" Dave asked.

"I learned that real love only exists between two people and giving yourself away for drug money is not cool."

"Good girl. And what else?"

"That my daddy loves me and wants me to respect myself."

I was so proud of what she was saying. I looked at Dave and smiled thankfully. He had done such a good job.

"It's time for your baby pill isn't it?"

"Yes Sir." Amber said. Dave took her birth control dispenser from the night stand.

"Let's let our guest feed it to you." He said, tossing me the blue plastic container.

"Open up." Dave said.

Amber obeyed.

I popped the tiny pill onto her outstretched tongue and she thanked me. I wasted no time getting behind her and, hoisting her linked wrists up by the chain, titled her forward, so that she rested on her cushiony boobs and her bottom was up in the air.

I could see now that her pussy and asshole was a bit red from the week's punishment, but not at all as bad as I expected. I put my hand over her pussy and massaged it gently. I could feel her getting wet.

She was ready as I pushed inside her. At first I wanted to fuck her hard, make her pay for all those sleepless nights Marian and I spent crying over her, but suddenly, I felt the urge to show my daughter what it meant to have her pussy made love to.

I gently slid into her warm vagina. I could feel my cock push past each and every fold of her accepting pussy. She moaned as I pulled out, only to slowly push myself back in, experiencing her young, tight hole again and again. She buried her face in a pillow as I thrust in and out of her now soaking vagina. Instead of slapping her bruised, broken ass, I softly rubbed it with my fleshy palm. She responded with a gentle groan.

As I continued to make love to my daughter, I could feel her pussy begin to tighten. "Oh yes!" She screamed. "Yes, that feels so good!"

I couldn't even groan.

Any murmur, no matter how slight could have given my identity away. I held back the grunts and moans and sent the energy to my cock, and by proximity, to Amber.

"Our guest is doing a good job isn't he Amber?" Dave asked.

"Yes! Yes!" Amber shouted into the pillow as her body began to jolt on my cock. Her pussy was really sucking my dick into her and she soon started to cum. I was nowhere near an orgasm so I continued to pump into her.

Soon Amber was having orgasm on orgasm while rocking herself back onto my cock. I motioned for Dave to throw me the lube and he did. I squeezed some out onto Amber's light pink anus and explored her rectum.

I could see what Dave was talking about. Amber's asshole completely relaxed as she felt my fingers grace the opening. She was definitely anally experienced.

Her ring had also heavily loosened from the multiple orgasms she was still quivering over.

I pushed into her anus with my lubed cock as she gasped loudly. I bit my lip as I pushed into her buttery bum.

"Now take it Amb." Dave said, "You've been doing great. This is your last fuck."

"Yes... Yes Sir" my daughter said as I began pounding her asshole open. I was not prepared to let her get away with a nice anal fucking. She had to learn that anal hurt and that she shouldn't be putting any cocks up there, let alone teach herself how to loosen her bowels at will. Still I had to say it was a nice massage for my cock.

Because her hands were still cuffed behind her back, she couldn't play with her pussy while I excavated her asshole. I took this into account as I continued to deeply penetrate her bottom for a full five minutes and not a second more.

I pulled out of her anus and grabbed the cuff links. Yanking Amber back into a kneeling position, Dave noticed her sleeping mask had been knocked slightly out of place. Dave immediately fixed it.

"You're not allowed to see your guest, right?"

"No Sir." She said to Dave.


"Because Sir, I have to show myself that a slut is just a hole to be used and if that's the life I want then that's all I'll be."

"Good girl. Now there's a cock waiting for your mouth. Open up."

Amber jaw opened wide. I wanted to caress her face, but I was afraid she would recognize my touch. Instead I pushed my cock into her waiting mouth.

I don't think she even understood that she was sucking my cock clean of her asshole juices and I didn't bring it to her attention. I was so close to coming. I looked down at my little bad girl sucking my big cock. She really was talented and someday I hoped she found a suitable husband to perform for.

I pulled out of her mouth and draped her face with my thick, sticky cum. I spurted at least six shots onto her face, moving from her forehead all the way to her chin. She even got a few mouthfuls.

Then I left the room, leaving my daughter, as I found her: Kneeling and blindfolded before Dave.

Tan and Rocco had left by the time I returned to the living room, so I cracked another beer. I sure needed one!

I watched whatever was on television as Dave came out of Amber's bedroom, fully dressed.

"Hey man," He said. "Thanks."

"No Dave. Thank you. My daughter was going crazy. I had to show her what crazy really meant."

"I think she's had enough cock for a while." Dave laughed.

I asked him if he wanted a beer but he said he had to get going. "Amber is sleeping and I think she's pretty tired. When's your wife coming home?"

"In a week." I said "Possibly a month. Amber and I are going to have a father daughter chat about all this and we'll see if your lessons stuck."

"If not, you know where we are."

I took out my wallet. "Here's your grand." I said, handing the cash over in hundred dollar bills.

Dave thanked me and left.

I cleaned up the house while Amber slept. The guys had made a bit of a mess. The kitchen sink was overflowing with dishes and there were sex toys and used condoms everywhere. I didn't know why there were condoms as I expected them to bareback her. I guess some guys won't fuck a prostitute without one even when they say they're clean.

Amber slept all through the rest of the day and all night. I was eating breakfast when she finally emerged from her room the next morning.

"Hey honey." I said, as she sat down.

"Hi Daddy." She said warmly.

"So, do you have anything to say for yourself? You certainly look well fed and rested."

"I am Daddy."

"So, what did you learn?"

"That I don't want to be a whore anymore daddy. From now on, I'm going to meet nice guys and not chase dudes just because I think they might have big cocks."

I looked at her sharply.

"Penises!" She said correcting herself. "The guys trained me not swear anymore Daddy."

"I'm so proud of you. I was terrified when we discovered you were selling yourself "

"I don't think we have to tell Mommy about all this, do we Daddy?"

I smiled. "Of course not. This is between you and me."

We embraced in a daddy-daughter hug.

"Did you have any orgasms as at all?" I asked her.

"Yes Daddy," She smirked. "Dave wouldn't let me finished the day until I climaxed at least ten times."

"Oh, that's good."

"Plus there was this one guy who did me right at the end."

My cock stirred. "Oh yeah?"

"Yes Daddy, he was fucking my pussy so well! I had the biggest cum of my life!"


"I mean the other guys were good, but there was something very special about the way the other guy touched me. So gently. That's how I like it from now on!"

I thought it would be good for us to get away after that. We both returned to Florida to spend time by the ocean as a family.

I phoned the firm and told them I would be taking six weeks off, but would finish any outstanding paperwork I needed to do from Florida. Surprisingly they had no issue with this and actually congratulated me for taking some time off for the first time in over a decade. Everything seemed perfect.

In St. Augustine, Amber continued to dry out from meth and within a few weeks she had stopped using all drugs. She spent her time on the beach, collecting seashells and listening to the ocean's call.

She even met a young man who lived in the beach house two lots down and he taught her how to surf. He said he was an English major at the local university. By the end of the summer they had gotten pretty serious.

Even Marian was amazed that to see the welcome change in her daughter's attitude. Amber had become so much more positive and far less self-destructive.

Over time, Amber had changed right back into the proper, dutiful young woman I always hoped to call my daughter. Her new boyfriend even encouraged her to finish school and get a degree like her sister.

I was so proud of my little girl and although I never touched Amber again, I'm happy that she's been able to be a part of our family.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great fantasy. It reminds me of when my daughter was 18 and asked me if a friend of hers, also 18, could move in with us because her parents had thrown her out. I was reluctant because it was just me and my daughter. I set some house rules which they agreed to as I learned she liked to party. It didn't take long, and she was flirting with me when my daughter was at her part-time job and we were alone. She'd wear short skirts with no panties. My willpower crumbled, and we had sex. I loved going down on her honey pot. That is how she earned her allowance. Her parents eventually took her back. It was a great summer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Dude its porn it does not need to make sense

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

May be a weird or unconventional practice but not a horrible story. If you don't like the type of story then don't read it no need for negative comments.

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 9 years ago
I can tell you that it is hard to bring up teenagers correctly no matter what you do.

This was handled in a rough way but it seems to have worked (yes, I know that it is just a story). Thank you for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I don't have a problem with nonconsent as a fantasy or even incest fics, but this was pretty ridiculous. How would treating your daughter like a whore straighten her out? The incest part came from nowhere. The father had been pretty paternal up until that point. There was very little action, and the action that there was was pretty vanilla (aside from some tame buttfucking). It's not great, but it's not terrible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Addiction is s disease.Would You treat someone with diabetes this way

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Super-unrealistic and quite dumb

This story is immensely unrealistic, and unintentionally a good example of that the road to hell is paved with good intentions because this sort of treatment is wildly unlikely to result in the ending of this fic.

That said, this is just a fic and I've enjoyed far more cartoony dumb fics than this, here on this site.

This somehow isn't my cup of tea because it to me somehow reads as being too close to being deluded, rather than just intentionally unreal. but it definitely got me to read until the end, and the fic kept me wondering what would happen even though the actual happy end seemed a given (though I kept hoping it would be played straight instead of the fairy tale end). So all in all, I have no regrets about reading this. I just wish it had been done better. Either more cartoony or more realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
mixed emotions.

It's fucked up. But endearing. It makes rape and incest rape justified. Not literally, but it makes it seem that way.

It's just all across the board.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I loved this! Though you have many negative comments, I applaud you! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Trashy and Disgusting.

This is by far one of the worst stories I've ever read. Absolute rubbish and I'm not referring to horrible shit that takes place. Clearly the author opted for extreme shock value which might have worked if everything wasn't so predictable. I think a story, even one with such vile subject matter, could be considerd a good story if written by a more skilled and talented writer.

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