8 Days: Day 7 - FTDS


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I just stared at her. "You don't get it. I love her. She loves me. We don't want anyone else. This was all a huge clusterfuck, and I hate to believe that it was our best friends, hers and mine, that made such a mess of things."

Donna surprised me by speaking up. "I...I didn't like you. You know that now. But I'm sorry for my part in all of this. I thought she did deserve better. Maybe I was wrong."

"You didn't like me, but you were eager enough to fuck me, if it would put another wedge between me and Lacey. What the fuck was that, Donna?"

She couldn't look me in the eye. "It was supposed to be a grudge fuck. Wicked, angry, rough, no-holds-barred sex. I...I never expected things to work out the way they did. I don't reckon you did, neither."

Vicky wasn't giving up. "It's water under the bridge, Damon. We need to just forget about why it happened. She is what she is. Lousy in the bed, and unfaithful. She fucked him in your bed, for chrissake! She called you her cuck. Gave that jerk her virgin ass, that she promised you!"

"You call yourself a friend?" I asked, amazed at how angry she sounded.

"Like she's the perfect friend?" Vicky sneered. "So damn bossy, rubbing you in our faces, how good she's got it, how much money you make, how great it's gonna be. How considerate you are. Flaunting her money, when the rest of us have to work for a living. All the money she earns is play money. Give me a fuckin' break."

Vicky was on a roll. "She's got big tits, so what? So does a cow. You like those blowjobs you never got? She's too good for that, unless you're a young hard-bodied stripper, then she's happy enough to do it. She tries to tell us nobody's allowed to touch you, while she's off getting hers. Who's the friend now, huh? You have no idea, she can be such a total bitch!"

It looked like Donna was as surprised as me at the hatred spewing forth from Vicky. I'd heard all I needed. There was probably more, but I knew enough. Fuck, this was all a mess.

"Thanks for being honest. I'm gonna go now. I wish you both could have been better friends, but I guess you're right, Vicky. At this point, it is what it is. It's good to know how it all came about."

She stood, following me to the door, with Donna close behind. "I know you're probably a little pissed, Damon. Think about it when you cool down. It's better now. You'll see," Vicky insisted.

Donna grabbed her purse, and had a brief whispered discussion with Vicky as I walked away. She came running up to me a few seconds later. "I really am sorry, Damon. I...I'll tell you anythin' ya want, Ok?"

I stopped, trying to contain all the feelings begging to burst free. "You and me, we had issues, Donna. I understand that, I guess. It still hurts. I feel bad for Lacey. She didn't deserve all this."

"I know. I hope our issues are over, between you and me. I like you, Damon. Anythin' I can do to help, y'all just ask. And I don't mean screwin' your brains out, although I won't count that out, if it'll help. What can I do?"

"I don't know. Maybe tell Lacey the truth. Stacy wasn't in on y'all's plan was she?"

"No. She wanted it to work out, but she did finally agree on the deal part. I think she wanted to be a maid of honor more than anythin'."

"Or maybe she wanted the best for her friend," I said.

Donna blushed. "Yeah. Probably. God, what a mess, huh?"


She sidled up close. "Did I ruin everythin'? Between all of us?"

I pulled her in tight, hugging her. "No. I kind of understand where you were coming from. Better than the rest. You wouldn't do it again, would you?"

She shook her head silently, hugging me.

"You and me, Angel, we'll be Ok. We still need time to iron out all the issues over the last year, but I'm pretty sure we'll be fine. Trust me, the way you apologized for past slights? Un-fuckin-believable."

She was clinging to me, and I kissed the top of her head.

"You're gonna try to work things out with her, ain't ya?" Donna whispered.

"I don't know. Some of what Vicky said was right. Not much, but some."

"I...I think you should give her a chance. She does love you, you know. It's sickenin' how that gal is. She might be bossy, bitchy, and selfish, but she adores you. Give her a fair chance, Damon. If it don't work out, at least you'll know that you gave it your best. If it goes South, and I'm still single, I'd love to see where things might go then. If not me, Stacy would jump at the chance. Jesus, that girl thinks you're God's gift to women."

"We'll see. It's hard to believe the things she did with that stripper. That's really painful."

"Personally, I'd check to see if he gave her somethin'. From what she says, she hardly remembers half the stuff she did with him. I don't think a couple of glasses of wine would do that. It wouldn't surprise me a lick if he slipped her somethin'."

Ouch. I had never even considered that. "Listen, beautiful, I've gotta go. Talk to Lacey, Ok? Come clean. It'll be painful, but she needs to know. However this turns out, I don't want to lose either of you. I'd like you to be friends."

She nodded, and pulled me down for a soft, promising kiss. "I'm sorry we missed out on a whole year of bein' friends," she said.

I grinned. "But then the making up might not have been so damn incredible, would it?"

She giggled. "You really enjoyed yourself, didn't ya?"

"Hell yeah. You didn't?"

She gave me a poke. "Of course I did, kinda obvious, weren't it? But now you've been with Stacy, Lacey, Jenna, and her roommate. That's some pretty stiff competition."

I gave her a quick kiss. "It's gonna get stiffer if you keep reminding me, Red. You're amazing. But now isn't the time or place."

I got one last kiss, and finally headed home for yet another painful discussion.

~ * ~ * ~

Lacey had made dinner again. Nothing exotic this time, pork chops and mashed potatoes, although I'll say the mashed was the best she'd ever made.

"Let me guess," I said waving a forkful. "Another TV show?"

"Nope. Stacy helped. She really can cook. Don't let that give you any ideas, bucko," she teased.

She sat next to me, eating about a third as much as me, along with a salad. "Any fantasies you'd like to discuss?" she asked casually.

The memory of the last one almost distracted me. "As a matter of fact, one rather large one, but it may be a difficult discussion. Can we do it in bed, after dinner?"

She looked at me, her eyes holding mine. "Is it going to be a bad one?" she asked timidly.

"I hope not. But it won't be easy."

She nodded. "I'll wash, you dry."

Half an hour later, we were naked in bed, and I pulled her close. "I need to start with a confession. Probably several." I felt her tense up. "You weren't the only one doing some spying. I've got the house wired, and your car is GPS tracked."

"You're shitting me."


She giggled, then gasped. "How long?"

"Since you went to the doctor. How long have you and your girls been keeping tabs on me?"

"Since the night we made the deal. All we were doing was tracking your car. To see where you went for your strange."

"Was it your idea?"

"Vicky's. How about you?"

"Fred, a friend of Cale's. He got burned in a divorce recently, and he had all the gear from tracking his ex-wife."

"How...how bad is it?"

"Bad. And not just you and me." I gave her a squeeze, "Man, we've really fucked this all up, haven't we?"

She nodded. "Before it gets ugly, can we do something?"

"Whatever you want, Lace."

"I...I want you in me. Holding me. Is that Ok?"

"I'd like that."

It only took her a few seconds with her mouth to have me hard as a rock. It amazed me how readily she went down on me, after a year of fighting it. Almost as amazing was how good at it she was getting, which was less of a surprise. When she was happy with the results, she climbed on top of me, eased my cock inside of her, and got comfortable. She laid down on my chest, hugging me. "I'm ready."

I held her, feeling the warmth of her body encasing my hard cock. I stroked into her a few times, then paused.

"How many guys have you fucked, in my house, in the last 2 days?" I asked her.

"We still have a deal," she said softly.

"Yes we do. You don't have to tell me. I'd like to know."

"None. I haven't fucked not one of them."

"Why take them in the study?" I asked. The one place I didn't have under surveillance. That little bit of video evidence nearly drove me crazy.

"I couldn't do it in your bed again. I couldn't. Never again."

"If you didn't fuck them—"

"Blowjobs. I was giving them blowjobs."

I settled back down, holding her, wondering how many times she'd kissed me with some asshole's cum on her breath. I wanted to shake her.

It seemed like she could read my mind. "I wanted to get better, baby. For you. Like Stacy and Vicky. I saw how much you loved that, and I...I'm no good at it. So I got some practice, and Stacy helped me. She found the guys, and worked with me. I never swallowed, that's only for you. I cleaned up thoroughly, brushed my teeth, used mouthwash. I...that was part of what bothered me so much about you coming home, stinking of Donna. I was cleaning up for you, but you didn't have the same consideration for me."

"How many?"

"Four. Four different guys, one of them both days. Three the first day, two yesterday. Each one got to go twice."

I nodded, holding her. She was discrete. We had a deal. I was certainly getting my share. "Would you stop if I asked you to?"

"In a heartbeat," she answered, kissing my neck. "I already have."

She started moving on me, settling back onto my cock, shifting sweetly forward and back. "My turn?" she asked.

I guess that was fair. "Go ahead." I gave her a nudge or two with my cock, to keep the Traitor happy.

"Did you put him in the hospital?"

At least she didn't say his name. I detested the bastard. "No. I didn't do it. Over enthusiastic friends of mine may have. I didn't ask them to, but I don't regret it. He deserved that and more."

"We had a deal," she said softly. "It wasn't his fault."

"Yes we did. You and me. I had no such deal with him. He had no right coming to my house, doing it in my bed, crowing about it, bragging about what he was doing and how he was going to keep doing it. I expected you to be reasonable and discrete. You chose instead to pick a complete asshole, and do it in my bed. If you had taken any of those four guys in here, I probably would do the same to them." I grabbed her ass, fucking her a little more thoroughly. "How do you know he was hospitalized? Were you checking up on him?"

She shook her head. "He called. Wanted to know if I thought you had anything to do with it. I told him you were with someone else all night. Two someone elses, I believe. He figures it's the boyfriend or husband of one of the other women he's banging. He wants to come over in a couple of days when he's feeling better."

"Not in my bed. Not in my house," I told her angrily.

"Jesus, Damon! Give me a little credit. Do you really think I'm gonna touch him again? After what he did last time, after what he's cost me? I told him to fuck off and die, and if I saw him again, I'd cut his dick off."

She rose up on her hands, and started rocking back and forth, getting a nice little feeling going below, before settling back down. "Don't want the big guy getting lazy on me," she teased. "Your turn."

"When did you figure out what I'd done, and how come you never said anything?" That had been one of the more surprising revelations resulting from the surveillance.

She was quiet, I imagine ordering her thoughts. "I suspected after the doctor told me it looked like poison ivy. I remember you telling me to stay away from it in the backyard. When I was going through the, uh, supplies I'd bought, and found the handcuffs didn't work, and the damned vibrator spit off sparks, and blew a fuse, I knew something was going on." She stopped her movement, glaring at me. "What the hell did you put in my lube, you bastard!" she growled, slapping my chest.

"Cayenne pepper," I said, embarrassed to be caught out.

"Asshole," she griped. "It really was poison ivy in the bed?"

"Yeah. I didn't count on you sleeping in it. You always like to change the sheets after a, uh, strenuous, messy session. I figured you'd get a little on you, and so would he. Not like you did. Sorry about that."

"Fuck. I never had any idea you could be so vicious. I guess that was your idea of 'war', huh? Kind of dumb of me to declare war face-to-face. You did warn me."

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked. I lifted her hips a little so I could thrust up into her, getting a little more action, to keep the Traitor content.

"I think I realized then how much I must have hurt you, to drive you to that. I wouldn't have thought it possible. I didn't want to make it any worse. Stacy explained it best. I did you wrong in your bed. You made sure that the next time I used your bed, I'd pay for it. If I had done it anywhere else, there wouldn't have been a problem." She leaned forward, kissed me softly, then bit my lip hard. I thought she'd draw blood. "I'm still pissed. Do you have any idea how miserable those first two days were?"

"Some. I had some pretty bad cases as a kid. That's how I knew about the tea-bath."

She sat up and bounced on my cock a bit. "I'm going to forgive you, but you owe me for that one. That was not very nice."

I was going to argue it was not near as extreme as what she'd let the bastard to do her in my bed, but we'd been over that enough. Instead I let her tits mesmerize me, reaching for them.

She grinned. "Best tits?"

I nodded. "Best everything."

She pouted. "Except sex and blowjobs."

"Maybe we can work on that."

She laid back down on me, cuddling in. "My turn?"


"Who was it that made you late tonight? You didn't smell like anybody. You didn't look like you had showered."

"Nobody. I paid a visit to Jenna, Donna and Vicky, but it wasn't for sex. I had to talk to them, find some things out."

She pouted.

"What?" I asked, giving her butt a playful squeeze.

"I wasted a question."

I laughed. "There's not a limit on them. If I run out, you can keep going. I'm just glad we're communicating, and getting everything out in the open."

"Alright, your turn."

I knew the next part would be hard. "It's not a question. I need to tell you about my visits tonight."

She lifted her head, and looked up at me. "I'm not going to like it, am I?"

"I didn't."

She got a puzzled look. "What is it?"

"We were set up. Jenna paid Bret to go after you at the bachelorette party, and she's the one who gave him your information, and sent him over here the night of my bachelor party. She paid him to stay as late as possible so I would catch him here. I'm sorry I didn't believe you when you said it wasn't planned."

She was quiet and I held her, stroking her back. A slow gentle motion kept me firm inside of her.

"She hates me that much?" Lacey finally whispered.

"Hate's the wrong word. She didn't like the plan you had for slutting around. She wanted me to catch you at it, to know how bad it was. She was pissed at the things you'd say about me, apparently. How you'd act when I wasn't around. The things you said you were going to do."

"But it's just girl talk! We all bitch about our guys. She should understand that. I never meant any of it. I love you. You're the best." She pinched me, "Except when you're putting hot pepper in my lube, and poison ivy in my bed. Fucker."

"Hey, you forgave me for that," I reminded her.

"Forgave, not forgot."

"She doesn't have a lot of girlfriends, Lace. Not like you. I'm her best friend, and we don't go around saying crap about our significant others. Just the opposite, really. You say anything bad about me or disrespect me, and she's going to take it to heart."

"Is there more?" she asked.

I rolled with her, putting her on her back. I took a few moments to get things back at full-strength, then a few more after that, just enjoying her, before I continued.

"Donna and Vicky have been doing their damnedest to break us up," I explained.

She didn't seem surprised. "Not Stacy, though."

"Hell no. She's the opposite. No it was just the other two. I'm not surprised by Donna, but I think Vicky really doesn't like you much. She said some pretty vicious things."

I rose up on my arms, feeling her legs wrap around me, while I long-stroked her for a while.

"How?" she finally asked.

"Lots of things. They gave you some ecstasy the night of your party, so you'd slip up in front of Jenna. Your little 'deal' was their idea. They were the ones feeding you all the BS that it was all my fault, and you did nothing wrong. They figured if I got great sex from them, I wouldn't want to go back to you—"

"Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Get great sex from them."

I sat up, opening her legs, and stroking harder. It was starting to feel pretty good, and I was getting distracted. Her foot in my shoulder got my attention.

"Answer me, damn it!" she snapped, "Or I'm cutting you off, until this discussion is through."

I buried my cock in her. "Donna was pretty amazing. I'm not gonna lie. Vicky gives a hell of a blowjob, but I already told you that. That's all there's been. One date, two blowjobs, before and after."

"How many times with Donna?"

"Just the one time after work."

"Did you get her ass too?"

"No, baby. She said I would in time. The way I understand it, the lure of sex with them was supposed to help me make the break from you."

I started pumping her again, trying to be a little subtle. "Donna didn't like me. I think we've worked out our issues, and she apologized for her part in it. Vicky doesn't want you getting married, breaking up the group, lording it over them how good you have it."

I saw I was getting to her a little, and long-stroked her some more. She was biting her lower lip the way she did sometimes. It was cute as could be.

"Any...more?" she asked.

"That's it about them." I stopped moving, watching her slowly relax. "I'm royally pissed at Jenna. I told her so. I feel she betrayed me."

Lacey nodded. "I know how you feel. I can almost understand Jenna. She's in love with you. She'll do anything to keep me from you."

I leaned over her, driving my cock home, and kissing her softly. "She loves me. She's not in love with me. We'll never be a couple, even if you and I can't work things out."

She looked up at me, stretched her arms up and I lowered myself into them. "Is there a chance for us?"

"A chance. I...I need some more time. I have a few more issues to deal with, a couple of more things to work out. Can you be patient with me?"

She nodded. "Tomorrow's the last day of that stupid deal. Can we talk about it tomorrow night?"

I started driving my cock into her harder. All the talk and teasing had me frustrated. I needed her. "Tomorrow."

"Another...question," she pleaded.


"You...know...I...love you...right?" she gasped, thrusting her hips against mine.


"Do you—"

"I love you," I growled, hammering her more intensely. "Always." I tilted her legs back, fucking her hard. "Hate...what you...did."

"S-s-sorry," she moaned, sweetly.

"Slut," I whispered, grabbing her tit and squeezing it hard.

She whimpered, and was coming for me. I finished with a fury, riding her through her orgasm, filling her as she was coming down.

"Yours, baby," she said softly, stroking my face, as I pumped her full. "Only yours."

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This dude needs to leave ASAP.

There must be something in the town's water supply turning all the women into backstabbing whores.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I didn’t like the way this turned out. Lacy was a Narcissist, controlling bitch! The next time she cheats, it’s going to get more costly if there are kids involved. He obviously was not short on pussy, he shoulda just left the bitch, where he dumped her!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Excuses excuses excuses! Everyone elses fault but poor Lacey's. TOTAL BULLSHIT!!!! FTDS brain is worn out he has to use drugs as an excuse. It also is becoming clear that the only why this story works is if Lacey is a stupid Cunt that makes her the victim. That's as empty excuse used when the writer just can't make it work any other way so they can keep the CUNT and Cuck together. Ridiculous and getting deeper into the LW sewer. Even if you accept all of that bullshit from all of the Cunts. You can not dismiss the cucky-fiance remarks or her cunt attitude toward him or the fact that she is goign to collect on her 6 days after she marries her loser cuck. Sure hope this ends with Damon growing a set and getting rid of all of them. He is surrounded by Cunts. But I doubt it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is story is turning more stupid with any chapter.

He should just walk away from this toxci enviroment. He should be called Jesus, because he is waaaaaaay more forgiving than any man I know.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Didn't see Jenna's betrayal coming improved your writing no I improved my comprehension

Waiting for one hell of a ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
That anonymous....

Is right. Burn this shut down to the ground. They're all trash.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 7 years ago
Second time through

I just don't get why this guy is still hung up on what happened, given what now knows, and given how he himself has behaved.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
Many Thoughts

"No, but I had a date. I think he would have been a little ticked off if you bought me a drink” – EXACTLY, and that’s why he didn’t buy Donna a drink, he didn’t want to piss off what he THOUGHT was HER date!

He has to be careful what he tells family and friends just in case they DO reconcile, he doesn’t want her actions to affect her relationships with them. Hell, even if they DON’T reconcile, it looks like they’re going to still be friends, and so she may still have to deal with his family and friends!

"I gave him her number, your house number, and your address.” – I had wondered how he got her number!

“The way she talked, the disrespect she showed you, I couldn't stand that." – So she could have warned him about the Deal, so that he could have been prepared, and probably NOT agreed to it.

“I thought she did deserve better. Maybe I was wrong." – “Maybe”?!

I can ALMOST see reconciliation, seeing how they were set up, but she STILL broke the deal giving Brett her ass, then getting pissed about Jenna, who was never really part of the deal, which was voided by the anal with Brett anyway.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

and triple agents on both sides, TK U MLJ LV NV

CeraonCeraonalmost 10 years ago

Credit to FTDS: I find myself torn about how I want things to go at this point.

On one hand, the Anon from just a few comments ago got it right: these characters are FUCKED up. The amount of lies, betrayal, and just plain drama makes me think that the best thing to happen to Damon is for him to move to another country and forget he knew any of the folks involved.

On the other hand, DrBeamer is right: the way that FTDS has written Lacey makes me wonder if maybe reconciliation could possibly work. There's a small part of me that is actually hoping that Damon will give her another chance.

Regardless, this has been an entertaining series!

harrycartonharrycartonabout 10 years ago
Cue the music


The Thlot Pickens

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loving it

I love it when an author can take the reader from rooting for the demise of this relationship to now hoping they reconcile. Not only did you convince the guy, you convinced me. That is compelling, authentic writing, and takes great skill. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Marriage? ......no wonder the divorce rate is over fifty percent. These are the most fucked up characters I've ever read about Kill them all and burn the corpses. Destroy any trace of their DNA.

FinishTheDamnStoryFinishTheDamnStoryalmost 11 years agoAuthor
The last Chapter

The last chapter was submitted a week ago. I'm not sure what's taking so long. It may have something to do with the Summer Lovin' contest starting. I don't know. The story is still pending in my queue, and has not been rejected. Maybe it will go up tonight.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

do the end of the story

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