All Comments on 'A Conspiracy to Defraud...'

by enovelist

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
who crazy,doctor or carol and hubby

partly why this country is so fuck up is because of doctor being crazy as hell.people don't question them when they make outlandish sickness up in there heads because of egos.

Joe_AvgJoe_Avgabout 19 years ago
This story is getting dumber & dumber

Sorry but it is. You are justifying all the weird plot twists & uncharacteristic behaviour by creating some fictional illness.

Barry also seems unlikely to accept "PTR" as real & even if he did, he would likely decide that he couldn't live in a situation with a dysfunctional partner. If he really is the fixer you claim him to be, have him give Carol a nice divorce settlement & pay for her ongoing treatment. A true fixer knows that sometimes its just a lost cause and when to cut their losses.

And how the hell does taking another lover stop Carol from 'flipping' to the slut persona if she happens to become upset when she is with a stanger?

I dont know what kind of rationalization you are using to keep Barry in this situation. This story is even worse. You spend 7 pages building him into some kinda hard-nosed superman willing to make tough choices then have him start vacilating & going totally against character at the end again.

What reasons are we given for Barry's fanatical devotion to a woman who has hurt him so much & apparantly will never be the partner he thought she would? She looks good & it strokes his ego to have a hot wife? That also seems out of character for the man you paint Barry to be. He seems much more likely to value a strong, equal partner than an emotional invalid he has to spend the rest of his life watching over like a 2 year old.

As for the arguement that divorcing her would be the same as dumping a wife he found out was physically ill - thats a crock of shit too. MS or diabetes doesnt force him into a lifesyle he doesnt want. What if he had married her and found out that she was a domaneering, nit-picking, harpy etc? She is not the woman he needed or wanted to spend his life with and nobody would question him divorcing her. Having a submissive streak & a desire to be dominated is somehow different?

Im not saying he should be a cold-hearted prick and destroy her emotionally & financially just because she isnt what he thought. He apparently makes enough money that neither would be hurting in a split. Expecting him to be miserable and out of character for the rest of his life so he can 'look after' a wife who isnt emotionally or mentally the person she claimed to be is just goofy though. Thats not love or standing by your partner - its the totaly sublimation of the person Barry is portrayed to be just out of some fanatical sense of duty or loyalty.

P.S. if neither is the person the other needs/wants to be complete, divorce is better for both of them. Barry can find an equal and Carol can find a full time dom. Life goes on but nobody ever said it needs to go on together.

sherlock40sherlock40about 19 years ago
The husband is faced with this idea....

Divorce his wife or find a lover for her and for him. He is a hugely succesful businessman with all of the skills and requirements to run a Fortune 500 business. And yet he accepts the help of a doctor without getting a second opinion. The doctor even convinces him that he (the doctor) is the only one who knows about this mental condition. Do you think the husband could apply the "smarts" that made him a CEO and apply them to his own marriage?

Hell, he could enter into a more dominant position with his wife without resorting to extreme pain. It would not be difficult and he seems inclined to be dominant anyway.

I agree that this story is becoming less believable as time goes on. The man's intelligence should be taken into account.

Like I said, if the doctor tells me I only have a week to live, I believe I would get a second opinion. And not from someone that lives around there.

GRANGERGRANGERabout 19 years ago
There is still intrigue

Well now, this is still a story that involves sex. Contrary to other opinions I think this story has been well thought out. If the sex were removed the story could have stopped when Barry became CEO. It probably will get move involved sexually with further intrigue and suspense would be my guess.

So, enovelist, hang in there and don't give up the ship.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Flexing Your Creative Muscles EH

It was risky with the master crap - but you pulled it off reasonably well. Non-the-less, like the consideration of cuckolding himself, it was a crimp in his portrayed rational humane personality as to a lessor degree are the occasional irrational boss like outbursts without reason to his minions.

Difficult to please all the people all the time isn't it. But reason, fairness, acceptability and rationality are unavoidable segments of real life arn't they. They govern our society in large part and provide some stability - some predictability in our lives and future. They may not provide good fodder for a story but are recognizable in thier absence.

So, you may be a fan of polyamory which is a contradiction of marriage or was that a red herring. Those who want it all 12 ways favor polyamory as they are scared of lifelong commitment or are unable to remain committed to the marital contract once agreed upon. Oops isn't good in hand granades, bombs or business contracts either. There is no fairness or rationality in adding multiple partners to a contract which excludes that possibility. Voiding or altering the contract would affect the planned expectations of all parties which at a point in time could extend to more than the two spouses (can you spell children, other family and friends). The reason it's secretive is it's weird, inexplicable, against the grain of normality and never works longterm with rational people. The weakness of character occasionably bursts forth to exclaim the values of multiple marriage partners but are unable to respond with reasonable, rational thoughts to normal non-jaded listeners. So, where it exists it is quietly secretive like a cancer in society, justifiably ashamed of itself and it's wayward players. Those players have already failed the marital contract and are now trying a mutation as they think that they have nothing further to lose. Then they are surprized that it doesn't work either for many of the same reasons, because they have no discipline or respect or honor in either committment.

So, don't even try to go there reasonably, rationally, respectfully or fairly. Try selling ice to eskimos in the winter.

I have enjoyed the first chapter(fantastic) and your wiggling around since then less so. Talented and intelligent yes but unforeseen as whether to respect you in your story's conclusion yet to be seen. I hope that a prospect of future enjoyment does not disappoint as the potential is strong. We will soon see won't we!!! Regards

Kanga40Kanga40about 19 years ago
Interesting comments

You have some very perceptive critics commenting.

The character, particularly of Barry needs to be consistent. I see very little possibility of your leading them into this polyamory.

What about the effect of exposure of his wife as a slut? A risk he will not take if his character stays consistent with what yuou have portrayed so far.

There are ways to keep them together, if that is what you intend, and without her staying a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
This story is going down hill.

from JD Seller stupid site refuses to log me in!!!!This story is going down the cheating life style path. You can put fancy names on it , but the fact is that cheating is cheating!!!! I do not see a man as smart and eticial as Barry doing this. Also he would not be able to do it and maintain his job. It would be impossible. Charactor counts at home and at work. For him to remain his company's president he would have to be fair and honest. Reguardless of what the popular beleif is today. You still have to be a fairly straight shooter for people to follow you. I also find it hard to believe that they have not seen another doctor for a second opinion. I think that you are writing in a good writing style , but the content is going sour. Let them get a divorce and save each of them more pain. I do not think that she will ever be able to accept one man again. Once that you have had the exsotic sex that she has had you would not be willing to go back to a standard sex life. She will always be looking at the greener grass across the fence. I say end it.

AnonymousCriticAnonymousCriticabout 19 years ago
rational solution

I agree with much of what Avg Joe said. I also am bothered by the failure to seek a 2nd opinion though there may be nobody else on earth who believes in this syndrome.

The solution seems silly on its face. He is worried another man may make her his fuck slut so the solution is to find another man to make her his fuck slut. That makes no sense.

Still, crazy Jack has mapped out the solution for him. Her condition is being exacerbated by his successes and her failures. Barry has to cheat on her so she can forgive him. Then he's the loser and she's the winner. He probably has to do it more than once to restore some balance for her. This isn't revenge or two wrongs seeking a right. It's therapy. It certainly makes more sense than finding her a master because she might find a master.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

given the mcguffin of the syndrome, are there other solutions besides cuckolding? yes, even the doctor gave some:

1. Barry becomes more of a Dom - he could learn.

2. recluse wife in lonely house, perhaps with a house dungeon to play in at night.

3. Barry doesn't want to Dom, doesn't want a guy - what about getting a Mistress for the wife. Barry could have oversight.

4. more wedding pictures around the house

5. get some puppies, or kittys - they calm some.

6. there is always Valium to calm her down.

7. babies remind her of family, time for chinese adoption? or would that react with her baby failure?

8. female bodyguard/housekeeper/nurse to watch over "the mental patient".

and i am sure there are more. the author is artifically limiting the choices thru the corrupt psch. worse, that artificiallity is so obvious it is making the readers question the character of Barry and so is weakening the story.

but it can be a good story - look how involved pro and con everone is, how many comments!

gizzmo301gizzmo301about 19 years ago

I still think this will make a great movie or book. you left several open issues aththe ind of this part but hopfully you will answer then in part four. again great story

TabooTellerTabooTellerabout 19 years ago
Various observations criticisms etc.

Here are some observations, comments and criticisms.

But first I think this shows some of his talent. He not only had to think out what jack would sa in his manipulations but he had to do the Dom sex scene. I don't knwo if he knew enough about both subjects to do it from what he knew or if he had to do some homework but it shows thoughtfulness as a writer.

First is that Barry’s reasons for not having sex with Cassie was only one reason that it could mess up him being head of the company. But there could have been two other reasons. It would mess up his marriage and it would be wrong.

And boy he must have been extremely attractive to Cassie. I was wondering if Carol really was alone during that first trip but obviously she was.

I was surprised by who really was reasonable for Cassie being there. Not sure if I like enovelist doing that to Barry’s boss.

I started getting tried of the war analogy whenever someone was put on the “carpet” and all the bang bangs whenever something hit Barry hard.

Boy that story Carol told was something else. Not only exciting but amazing. I could see a husband really reacting like Barry did. I would have problems understanding why. The guy hurts her like that and yet she still goes back to him willingly. I know sex is intense and that sex was even more intense but so was that pain you had to go through first. Second I would wonder how I could compete with that. Third I would remember that I can’t, Carol had already chosen her lover over Barry, if Les wasn’t in jail more then likely she would still be with him. And it would seem that it would be in the back of his mind that if Les somehow got out of jail and came for her more then she would go with him. Even at this stage, hopefully she would have a struggle with herself but yet probably still would go to him.

Not sure if this story needed to be this long. The Los Vegas trip could have been shorten I think. At first I thought it wasn’t needed but at least two things happened there we readers needed to know about. The Boise trip probably could have been left out though. Or condensed, Pro writers have said that condensing things is good but at the same time I don’t think either as is did any harm to the story.

At the end though with what jack said. I was almost falling for his logic but there must be a third or more choice. I know in political and religious discussions I have been in there have been sometimes a certain logical conclusion that seems to be the only answer but I knew there was a flaw in the logic somewhere even if I couldn’t see it. Usually, later I would learn that something was left out of the mix for one reason or another. Put that fact back in and it changed the logic and therefore the outcome. After Jack is manipulating them to the conclusion he wants not necessarily the best one for them.

As I thought about it I came up with three things that could be flaws. I have no idea if enovelist will be using these three, some others he has thought of or none. He may leave it as is, no other conclusion possible. But one idea I had was if a Dom lover was to help her be fulfilled then would that mean she would never go into the fuck slut state again? That would contradict what he has said earlier about no help for her. Second idea is that the only way she could be fulfilled was to have a Dom lover which I reject, there has to be other was for her to be fulfilled even if you had to find them. Thirdly would a Dom lover guarantee that she would never have sex with anyone else even when she was in the Fuck slut state? That seemed to work with Les but would it always work any lover?

As I said I don’t know if enovelist has something in mind, if he painted himself into a corner or if he did this on purpose to get to the end he wanted. There could very well be some flaw in Jack’s reasoning or something that has not been revealed to us yet. If not then jack would not have to lay out the bait like that to get the response he wanted for his studies.

They should be able to find something that Carol is successful at and/or maybe Barry could fail. He could lose some people under him because they think he is too hard. Or the company suddenly takes a down spin that might be his fault.

I hope the possible last chapter does not take them to the conclusion it seems to be going for right now. Not only because I rather not see them get into having sex with others but because then Jack would win. He may not be evil but he is egotistical and he is manipulating them into something for his benefit not there’s.

One last thing I really though Chase would turn out to be having a similar problem. After all the HR guy said he needed to have a girl on board the plane or something close to that. Something still could come of that since enovelist put it in the story, its there for some reason other then to fulfill the title I would guess.


TabooTellerTabooTellerabout 19 years ago

I was planning on not doing a PS since I don’t want to pad the deck as I have heard some people do, which is why I am rating this as only Fifty percent, but I forgot two things and thought of two things today. And I would like to see if anyone else agrees or disagrees with me.

I think I know where enovelist is heading with this. I have been wrong twice, at least, maybe three times over this whole saga and I have been half wrong once maybe twice so obviously I could be wrong now. However Barry has negotiated disputes and negotiator learn they don’t always get what they want. They have to by willing to change and compromise. Added to that is the fact that they bought a country estate. That was for some reason even if only enovelist knows what that is.

However if this does go through as I think it would tear Barry apart eventually, the way he has been described. Of course Enovelist could have him change any number of ways so that in a year or two he would be completely comfortable with a new arraignment. But as he is now, as I said, it would tear part on at least two levels. One is that he would have to go against a core belief and second he would have failed. He likes to succeed but this would be continually failing his wife.

One last compliment enovelist left out the reasons Rita is afraid to show up for work on some days. Yes Barry it tough but there has to be more to it then that. How tough. Which brings me to one thing I forgot. Barry seemed to be a nice guy until he became boss. He would not win a boss of the year award.

The other item I forgot is Obviously nothing happen in Boise but I forgured that was about when something should have, but it went on from there to Las Vegas to house hunting and nothing. I don't know if the writer did that on purpose to keep the suspense up or not but it did go on longer then usual for these type of stories. Which may or may not be bad. I'm not sure myself.


fakers51fakers51about 19 years ago
Very well written

All three of these chapters were well written and I loved them, but what they are doing is rehashing over and over again the problem of fidelity. If they finds an answer to the Dom/Sub problem through Dr. Lee will it affect literotica topics of this problem. Will readers male/female read this as a cause for the unfaithfulness to their spouse. Using Dr. Lee reasonings calls into play on how would lovers re-act to something they have been doing for thousands of years. Carolhave so much free time without children or close friends. she have got to be living in boredon almost every minute her husband is not there. That could be a major problem. Note: I wish I had the money they have spent on those sessions alone.

TabooTellerTabooTellerabout 19 years ago
I found it and more

I don't think I have ever added a third comment to these Public Comments but I keep thinking of something new. Next time I should probably wait a week before posting my comments but:

I might have figured out what Jack is hiding. I had thought he was, by the way he was thinking but so far if that is the case enovelist has not mentioned what it is. But I think its this; he has implied that a Dom lover would keep Carol from going into the fuck-slut state probably because she would feel fulfilled. At the very least it would keep her from going to some stranger for sex if she did it get in it. However, and I would have to go back over every thought of his to double check, the way I understand his motives he wants her to go back and forth probably on a regular bases. That he has not told Barry. Of course this all depends on if this was done on purpose or if enovelist let that slip in without realizing it.

While doing some relaxing I was thinking of this tory and I think I came up with another flaw in Jack’s logic. we are talking about two different personalities evidently so what fulfills one would not necessarily fulfill the other. In other words her Fuck-slut state might need Dom sex but not her loving wife state,

Then there’s the fact that she was able to resist the Fuck-slut state. It would seem that if Dom sex was needed to fulfill her it would have been even harder to that. Going along with that is the idea that she has to be manipulated or tricked into coming up with the appropriate desire. I still think that in real life you wouldn’t need all that manipulation if there was not something Jack wasn’t saying. or to restate that without all the negatives there is something he is not saying because he has to manipulate both of them. And the fact that he is doing it for his benefit as I have stated before.

There was something else I had come up with that could cause Barry to crack up eventually but I forget right now what that was. It may have had to do with her having to be fulfilled by another man she doesn’t love, while he who does love her, and whom she loves, can’t do that for her.

Since I am adding this to this to the mix I thought I would go ahead and mention the next two things.

I thought of a few days ago. It doesn’t have anything to do with the story so it isn’t needed for that but at the same time it would be something that would come up in the discussions with Barry and Jack. If Les hadn’t been involved in criminal activities or for some other reason not arrested would Carol have stayed in the Fuck-slut state for the rest of her life? Or could something else have jared her back or just her mind slowly going back to normal. In other words could she have woken up one day and asked herself what in the world she was doing? And why? Or would she have been so addicted to the Dom sex by then that even if she was back to the Loving housewife state she would have stayed with Les?

And don’t think it has been made clear even though I think its been implied that she would not go into the Fuck-slut state if she did have a lover. But, they would still need t discuss how often she would go to the lover. whenever she felt like being Dominated? And for as long as she felt that way? That could be one day to six months. Or would they set up having her go to him every weekend or every other month or whenever she felt an episode coming on?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
The doctor is a QUACK!

Anyone who took a psychology course knows that if a researcher who manipulate the experiment for their own goal would make the result invalid. What Jack is doing is putting his own agenda in front of the patient's welfare in affect playing God by toying with other people's lives. In some way he is worst than Luke/Les and deserve to be punish.

It would be idiotic if Barry took the doctor advice and become a willing cuckold. Then what would be the point of the story? Carol is probably better off being with Luke/Les while he pimping her out to strangers while Barry move on with his life. At least his life won't be slowly going to hell following the doctor's stupid advice that is unapprovened. Carol is right when suggesting a second opinion at least this way they can explore different treatments and not listen to the QUACK!

H20waderH20waderabout 19 years ago
so far so good, but

I find Jack is too much to take. Barry should have done the research on PTR. that would have opened doors for him. now with Section 4 coming the options are rathers limited. it appears that the marraige will be open to other people and Jack will emerge the hero if his world. Be called the next great savior of the fuck-sluts of the world. all they need is a Master and a loving husband and of course a willing playmate for hubby. This is not to be a relationship based on lust, but LOVE. and that is stretching the situtation . chldren? carol can be fixed if she desires. She can be a mommy.

There can be a way out of this for all concerned. I will wait for the final chapter.

Fallen AngelFallen Angelabout 19 years ago
Mostly good

Well I just spent half a day reading the first 3 parts of your story so certainly your writing is very good, but your proof reading stinks. I like the whole idea behind this but there are things that don't add up or fit together. The longer the story the more loose ends and doors that lead to nowhere there are. Why didn't Barry or Carol do their own research into PTR. If there was nothing really on the subject except what the doc had written why didn't that cause larger doubts to arise especially about his recommendations. If her husband couldn't be sure to be there when the next episode happened then how could the Dom that he was suggesting be there either. The biggest problem with this yarn to me is the good doctor who seems to know too much and not enough at the same time.

There is a big difference between a fuckslut and a submissive. Carol was in a submissive relationship and the good doc didn't catch the difference between her relaspe into fuckslut (willing and needing to fuck almost anyone) and her orginal sub state (giving complete control of herself over to another). A Dom/sub relationship is based on trust and caring. Trust by the sub that the Dom will take care of them when they place their life, their pain and their pleasure in the Dom's hands. If Barry can't bring himself to disipline his adulterous wife and control his actions while playing Dom then how the heck is he such a control freak over the rest of his life?

It seems to me that the author has given himself several endings but the easiest out is one that no one has considered in the story. We all know that she will relaspe and that her husband doesn't want to divorce her. Hire a bodyguard for her. It would relieve the stress level and be a strong silent companion for those lapses till hubby can get home and pull her out of it.

I'd have given this a 100 if it had been proof read and the doc's part had been cut to about 1/3 of what it is now. Especially leaving out the parts where he recommends the taking of extra partners which just didn't fit in with his trying to help the couple.

Sorry for such a long post and waiting to read the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
the writer and the doctor make barry out a jackass

the plot is getting stupid and no common have b/s around this plot to long.the writer and the doctor have gone way out there ,come back down to real life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
What kind of doctor is this?

I can't understand why Barry doesn't consult another Dr. This guy is a Quack!!

shangoshangoover 18 years ago
Are you ending this soon?

The story has been rapidly going down hill since early in the first part. Pull some of your "Fifth Day" magic out of your hat!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
unfulfilled mother

once again, i didnt see any reference to having a baby in this chapter. the 1st chapter mentioned that the wife wont be able to concieve w/o an operation. if the operation is a success, and the couple become pregnant, it would surely aleviate some of the wife's low self-esteem and would have something to do in her spare time.

a stay-at-home housewife w/o kids, is boring as hell. and in her condition, its probably torture.

nicely written. but the story needs some focus. concentrate on the marriage, and stop w/ the psycobabble. this is LE, afterall.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
About enovelist

This is Tabooteller, another writer on LE. I hadn't thought of this series for months but something reminded me of it the other day. I thought i would come by and check it out. Since he still hasn't finished it I thougt I would say something.

I was in touch with enovelist while he was writing this saga. I'm afraid he seems to have disappeared. A while back I figured something had happened to him, since there was no word from him and no new stories, but he finally contacted me, explaining that he had been moving. He had run into some problems, so had been without his computer for months. Now that he had finished the move, and had the computer, he was having problems getting back into writing the story. However that was a few months ago, and again he seems to have disappeared. I have no idea what is going on now.

Since I was in conversing with him, throughout the writing of this series, I thought about finishing it. But I'm not sure, I got my own stories I'm having problems finding time to write. Last time I talked to him about it, he said he didn't know how he would end it. But I think he has put in some hints, in the story and in E-mails to me. Of course the hints in the story might be just so he could go either direction. I hope, whenever he can finish it, that he doesn't go where I think he is going. For two reasons. One would be that the jerk of a Doctor would win. The Doc doesn't care if his ideas really help her, or help the marriage, he just wants to prove his theories. It would be easy to have them find another expert, that really wants to help, or if this guy is the only expert of that condition they could find their own answers. That has happened in real life, a few times. Or they could use the new video iPod. She could carry it and maybe a spare, with her at all times. It could have a message from hubby, their wedding and anything else that would help. Or I should say two messages from hubby. One would be straight forward, telling her, he loves her, but he doesn't want her to stray. And since she seems to be in a Dom Sub role as she switches, he could have a message that says something like "Hey, slut this is your Master. Remember you are my slut and slave. If you go with anyone else remember I will never touch you again. You will never feel my hand spanking your bottom, or carresing your tits. Nor will you feel my cock up your dripping, sloppy cunt." I figure a warning of punishment would not help, since she probably likes that too much while in that state.

That's it for now, hopefully he will return someday.


bornagainbornagainover 17 years ago
a big decision to make

I think Barry should think of someone other than a male maybe a female for carol a female can be very much better to handle carol they can be as loving and more accomadating than a male and barry wouldn`t be threatened by a female.

pat Murray


ddpmanddpmanover 17 years ago
Need More Dom

This Fuck-Slut persona seems to me be an extension of the Dom/Sub phase. She doesn't take on everyone in every Bar like a slut. She just hooked up with a sadistic Dom.

Maybe if Barry would get into the Dom mode more often it would satisfy her need for domination and submission. Lets see how the author works this out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

what a load of crap. who's buying this psychobable story? it's insulting to anyone that is a professional psychologist or psychiatrist.

ralphcralphcover 16 years ago

bs-she was a complete woman when someone else who had no real concern for her other than for their own satisfaction had complete control over her? buy the way, i think the author fucked up and used dr jack(off) on himself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
The answer is to simple.

Im ready for the next chapter, yesterday. LOL Why not let Berry assume the role of his wifes Master. Problem solved. He is still married to his crazy ass wife but he is happy. On the other hand maybe this Jack character has screwed both of their minds up. We still dont know everything he did during her sessions. Now he is working on Jack. The fact that Jack is suppose to be SO SMART however he has never considered asking for SECOND OPINION is a little unbelievable. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
4 YEARS!!!

come on, where's the next chapter?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
I said it in the last chapter

and I'll say it again. bullshit. commit adultery to cure adultery. bullshit. this doctor and this author are both nuts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
part IV?????

You must be having trouble diggin out of that hole in the last part of this story.... really fucked up story... long time since you posted part III

norcal62norcal62almost 14 years ago
Too many typos and errors; ideas interesting though.

Your ideas need a more thorough editing sweep.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Stick to it

I have read all three installments. Barry has stick to his rules. He has to let Carol know that if she strays one more time, she is out on her ass.

He also has to let Jack know that he will not tolerate being used to advance Jack's theory.

I don't want to spend all this time and emotion and have you give us one of these assholes who either lets his wife fuck around or enjoys being a cuckhold.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

but what answers could they hear for rehabilatation. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Looking forward to Part IV

I liked parts I to III. When is part IV coming?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Thank Gawd author quit posting.

Hodgepodge of jipper justification for adultry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Part IV? NEVER should of been a part I.

Written by someone who believes in alternate lifestyles.

stickman44stickman44over 10 years ago

I love the stories of Barry & Carol please keep them coming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

eh, i don't think that polyamory or an open relationship would work for them. neither would a monogamous relationship would work. they are not simply compatible with eachother. and since they are not compatible, compounding a more complicated lifestyle that would add more stress to the relationship doesn't seem to be a good idea. i think divorce is not a bad thing. barry didn't have a completed enough picture of carole when he married her. additional information of carole is being added to barry, and if he knew what he does know now, he might of have not married her. to add a child in an unstable relationship is folly. i don't see the child growing in a healthy relationship. and if the dom gets carole impregnated instead, is barry the kind of man that would raise that child. knowing that if carole and the dominate would leave one day and he has no parental claim on the child would probably break his heart. we already know that barry does not fill carole's physical needs, and if a dominate fills her emotional needs as well, he would displace barry. and vice versa, if jack introduces barry to the receptionist, and they are simply more compatible, where does that leave carole. with barry's career does he even have enough time and energy to even have another relationship. i really hate the polyamory creed. love without limits. if that were the case then polyamorous people would never fall out of love. i can see a love burning stronly as you only see that person 3 times a year. it really is idealistic. also here is another saying. if you have a child and another child, you wouldn't love the first one any less. well i don't see the comparison that deals with lovers. unlike a child, you can fall out of love with a partners or partners. you might find someone that fills your needs more and one of your partners is just excess and you can drop them. i don't think you can do that with a child. its like saying son "a" is more like me and we get along better so i'm going to drop son "b" because we have nothing in common. but con"c" is fine because we do have something in common, just not as much so i am only allocating 2 days a week to son "c".. barry and carole might be in love now, but i can see it growing dimmer. likely success rate of this working out is quite slim. your story says it all, carole isn't the person he thought she is and the one in his head is far from reality.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

A decision this Important to a marriage, why wouldn't it occurs to this "intelligent " man to seek other opinions in fact many other opinions on this. Here the couple are taking Dr. Lees' books as the gospel on the matter. Nobody in their right mind would do this. Really, this couple is not that stupid.

illjoyilljoyabout 9 years ago

how this dribble is in the +4 ratings is mind bottling(yes bottle)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

more cuck shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Now the doctor is trying to set her up as a full-time fuck slut. I would say to please be merciful and end this. Drive them over a cliff and kill them both off. Just end it please! But I see that this has been left undone for over 10 years, so this is just another unfinished, sick RAAC story. Another pathetic 1*.

NrwgnNrwgnover 6 years ago
Where is part IV?

Does anyone know where I can find the last part of this story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

WOW!!!!! Barry's still an ass-wipe and the "good doctor" is still a manipulating fuck wad! Poor Carol has a serious problem that is not being helped and hubby has way tooooo much trust int he old doc! In the end, Barry will be responsible for his wife's collapse because, basically, because he won't take any responsibility here! He knows his wife has a problem but only goes to some ass-wipe pshyco for any kind of answers! HE IS SO LAME!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Your allowed to write ?

Pretty demented story, I felt dirty after reading it/ what a life you lead. I thought Stevie King was a weeee demented you have surpassed him with flying colors....God mistake our sexuality dominated id...…….what a waste....But we are what's left of a project gone bad / like the massive dinosaur of the past / a mistake / an experiment ...Breeding once a year might make our life less viable but wars would be few and far between, progress would be slower/ and less intrusive/ we would surly be more intelligent , with less preoccupation on sexuality. Women would surely be more purposeful and more of a companion and equal.....building a nest/ would be predominate /and mate choice would be more specific. It would be a better choice than we now have,...

norcal62norcal62over 5 years ago
What does a Texan mean by dropping 't off words?

A closet Brit? It's a noticeable item though out the piece.

norcal62norcal62over 5 years ago
And like too many LW authors, you drop the story.

Actually no loss to me. It was a crock.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 5 years ago
Should have been dropped after the first chapter

If he had kicked her to the curb, no husband, no boyfriend, no job, no home, that would have been a good ending. Mostly it was a great start. The other two chapters were just awful.

WargamerWargamerabout 4 years ago

I had a suspicion about this story when I read the prologue to Chp 3 so I skipped to the end and saw it does not finish, typical!!

I only read the first chapter, skipped the second and went to the third chapter, it was written in 2005, 15 years ago!!!

So no new chapter to finish the tale. So no more for me I refuse to read any more

This tells me the unread story is SHIT!!!

I’m glad the author resumed his day job

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Cuckolds are psychopathics

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
KIND OF LIKE "WARGAMER".........................

Only I just read the 1st and last page of part 1. Completely skipped part 2 then a repeat of what I did on pt. 1 with this piece of shit. All this psycho babble doesn't cover the fact that this is just a faggot, cuckold story. I don't know if at any point Barry sucked any dick during the story but I would be surprised if he didn't. Love covers a multitude of sins but being a whore is not one of them. Page 1, part 1 she tells him straight out that as a man he is totally inadequate. What man manages to continue being humiliated like that? I can't think of any way for you as a writer to vindicate Barry as a man after all the indignities you've heaped on him. Maybe multiple murder and suicide. But even that would require him to engage in prolonged torture prior to the actual killing of the, apparent, many people who've contributed to his loss of manhood.

JhWALLJhWALLover 3 years ago

For me if this is the way it would go then divorce would be the only answer because to get her involved with a dom male like she was before where would it end up, Lez was about to start having her gang banged and turning her into a prostitute and I could see the same thing happening again. She would end up a total slut with no respect for her husband whatsoever.

A marriage won't work with two lovers owning one man or woman something has to give someone has to be the loser. So it's better to cut your loses as with her it's the slut that is the most powerful. Yes sometimes you have to make the hard decisions and I would talk with her quietly and simply state my case that if she needs to do her thing then we must divorce so she can be free to run her own life anyway she wants as I can not be a part of that situation nor do I want to make her unhappy.

I can see this woman's life going down the tubes over the next few years because if she gets into the dom lifestyle it will only go from bad to worse. At the moment Barry is her fail safe she has him to fall back on once he is gone she will truly be screwed.

johsunjohsunover 2 years ago

Like other commenters I read a few paragraphs then skipped to the end of Chapter 2 after reading chapter 1. I liked chapter one. Thought it was over at that point, but checking for other stories by you I found that there were other chapters. I skipped to the end of chapter 3.


I got a bad feeling early on in the few chapters I read of chapter 2 - I thought the Doc was sounding unscrupulous and determined to prove his theory and rather than heal a damaged marriage, he wanted to manipulate the two people to prove his theory. That wasn't the what I wanted to read.


After reading the ending on Chap 3 and seeing that the story was continued, and after all these years it probably won't be, I don't think I'll come back to this story. After chap one, when I thought there was no continuation, I came up with what I thought an ending would be and put it in a comment. I'm going to stick with that. Or even just a simple divorce. If he divorces her he should first make sure she gets her job back so he doesn't have to pay too much spousal support. With whatever problems the wife has, and the manipulation the Doc has done, there's no way this marriage could survive in real life. Sounds like the Doc wanted to change the husbands way of thinking. At least that's what I got from the last paragraph or two in Chap 3 - which was all I could bear to read.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Part 1 was a great, interesting tale. It began rambling in part 2 and part 3 is close to being a different story or largely random musings. At some point, you must finish a story. Stick a fork in it, or it will be too thought to eat!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Rather sick story!!!

MarkT63MarkT63about 1 year ago

Went downhill after ch ...1

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I guess OP agreed with the readers and buried this lifeless series. Like Lenin's preserved corpse, it was ripe several thousand words ago. OP is a great writer but like most amateurs, he doesn't know when to stop and go to a new project.

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