A Demon's Lust Ch. 05

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Anita attends a ball and meets an old flame.
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Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/28/2014
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"You will be on your best behavior tonight," Anita ordered me, trying not to move her lips as a maid carefully applied her makeup. "Understand?"

"Yes, mistress," I replied in the appropriate subservient tone. And I would be on my best behavior, too. The happier I kept Anita, the more likely she was to reward me with a feeding.

She really did look lovely tonight. Not as delicious as when she was naked, of course, but quite lovely, in an aesthetic sort of way. Her long, flowing dark blue dress, clinched tight at her usually nonexistent waist, was dotted with magical lights, giving the impression of a night sky covered in stars. Her figure, usually boyishly flat, now had curves, thanks to the careful artifice of whalebone and fabric. A small, magically lit tiara graced a hairstyle it had taken an hour with a hairdresser and some careful magic to achieve, and a glittering necklace pointed to the suggestion of breasts and lit delicate shoulder blades. Sparkling high heels were barely visible below the waterfall of skirt. Even her face, usually vaguely draconic in appearance, looked ladylike thanks to the heavy application of makeup. Her green eyes peered imperiously out from under magically lengthened eyelashes and a set of artfully disarrayed brown curls.

Marian opened the door. Her dress was spring green, and a bit more revealing, mostly, I suspected, because it actually had something to reveal. Her hair and dress were covered in flowers, charmed not to wilt or fade, and several enchanted butterflies flew lazy circles around her. Her hair looked like she'd just gotten out of bed, a style, I suspected, that had taken even longer than Anita's to achieve. I could definitely sense a lot of magic holding it in place.

I myself was wearing my usual tight black leather armor, today with the addition of a stylized sword I had been told not to use and a ridiculously rakish black hat. I sighed. Mortals. So concerned with appearances.

The wizard behind the lights adorning my mistress, the flowers, the butterflies, the more subtle hair magics, and various small illusions peered in behind Marian. His name, I remembered, was Antoni. He was wearing purple and gold. "Almost ready?" he asked, nervously wringing his hands. "Bianca, please tell me you are not using that shade of eyeshadow." He bustled over to my mistress, shooing the maid away, and delicately wiped away the offending blue makeup.Then he began to apply something dark brown. "Much better," he said with satisfaction. "We are presenting my daughter at court this evening; we all must look our best. Thank you, again, for everything you have done for my little girl."

"Dad," Marian sighed. "I'm not a little girl anymore."

"Of course you're not, precious," said a voice from out in the hall. A women entered the room, and looked Anita and I critically up and down. "I don't see why the demon can't wear something more stylish. Also, she," the woman gestured to my mistress, "should be showing more cleavage."

"She hasn't got any, dearest," explained Antoni. "And the demon should look impressive, not stylish."

The woman huffed. "He could be impressive and stylish at the same time. Also, what is wrong with illusory cleavage?"

"I think he looks fine, Mom," Marian said. "And you know Dad can't ever get the bounce right."

Before the woman could reply, Antita, eyeshadow finished, stood. "Lady Daya. A pleasure to see you. It's been, what, a year, since I saw you and Journeyman Antoni last?"

Lady Daya smiled. "Longer than that, Apprentice Anita. Sorry for my poor manners."

"Not at all, my Lady," said Anita. "This is a trying time, after all. Your daughter's future is at stake."

Not to mention her life, I thought. But to mention that would be rude.

"Yes, very trying," replied the Lady. "I have been quite distraught." She dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief, careful not to smudge her makeup. The pair of doves perched in her hair cooed. I wondered how they were kept from crapping all over her fake blond hairstyle. That would be tricky magic.

As the polite discourse continued, they moved out of the room. Anita ordered me to follow. I did so, staying the prescribed two paces behind her.

When we entered the ballroom, I was nearly overwhelmed by the lights, music, and color, not to mention the various spells about the room. Charmed animals were apparently all the rage with the ladies this season. One woman wore a long rodent of some kind draped around her shoulders. Another led a bear on a slender golden leash. And the charms on the animals were only the most obvious of the spells. I saw mage lights, and heatless flames. Illusions of all sorts concealed and altered. Protective spells were in evidence as well. Even the food was spelled, probably to keep it from spoiling, or, in some cases, melting, though who could tell with mortals. And in the center of all the magic and hubbub, wearing the most impressive set of protective spells I had ever seen, was the king.

I followed as my mistress, Marian, and Marian's parents made their way over to the throne where King Hector lounged, eating a large turkey leg and drinking a cup of wine. As we approached, his jester said something to make him laugh.

"Your majesty," Lady Daya said, curtsying. My mistress curtsied as well, as did her friend. Antoni bowed.

"Bow, demon," Anita ordered in a whisper. I complied, not fighting the compulsion, but bending as little as possible all the same.

"This is my daugher, the Apprentice Wizard Marian, and the Apprentice Wizard Anita," Lady Daya continued. "And you know my husband, of course, Journeyman Wizard Antoni."

"Who's the young man?" King Hector asked, giving the group a cursory once over.

"The demon Saban, your majesty," answered Anita. "My familiar."

"Ah," said the king, looking back at his fool. The man did a trick, and the king laughed and clapped. "Can he hunt? Or do any tricks?"

"He does what I tell him to, your majesty," replied my mistress. "I'm sure he'd make an excellent hunter. He has keen senses, and is skilled in combat."

"Oh, good," said the king distractedly as another group approached him. "Carry on, then. Enjoy the ball!"

As my mistress's group walked away from the drunken fool of a king, Anita asked Lady Daya, "Why didn't you bring up the special dispensation?"

"It doesn't do to rush things. We have time," the Lady responded.

"Besides, he was drunk. He would have forgotten it by the end of the ball," Antoni said. "He's usually drunk," he added glumly.

My mistress sighed. "I suppose we just circulate, then?"

"And dance, and make merry," said Lady Daya. "Enjoy yourselves, like the king said."

"But be careful not to muss your dresses or smudge your makeup!" added Antoni.

Then Lady Daya spotted someone she knew, and led her husband away to talk to them, leaving my mistress with myself and Marian. For awhile the two hung out together, talking to various nobles of their age and daintily nibbling on delicacies. Then Anita spotted something.

"Is that Lord Umbron?" she asked Marian.

Marian giggled, and the noble ladies she had been talking to tittered. "I believe it is. You should go talk to him!" she said.

Anita hesitated. "I thought he went to his family's estates."

"He came back," one of the noble ladies offered. "About a month ago. Go talk to him!"

"Yeah, go get him!" Marian chimed in. The other nobles offered various encouragements, some slightly suggestive. I growled, low in my throat. I wasn't sure why.

Anita smiled. "You're right. I should. It was nice talking to you all."

And with that, she headed off towards Lord Umbron.

A few minutes later I watched, unsure what to do, as Lord Umbron made out with my mistress on an empty balcony. Their lips were pressed together, and spread wide open. His hand wormed its way between their tightly pressed bodies to cup one of her breasts. I growled. He had no right! Why wasn't she stopping him?

Anita pulled back. "Stop that," she ordered, abruptly silencing me. I bared my teeth, unable to make any noise. My eyes glowed red.

"Is he jealous?" the young lord asked incredulously.

"No, he just tends to get like this sometime," she lied. "I've got to go. Meet me later, in my rooms?"

The bastard smiled. "I thought you'd never ask."

Anita towed me back towards her rooms. I fought her orders, snarling when I was able, and glaring when I wasn't.

She shoved me into her room, and slammed the door. Instantly I was on her, pinning her to the door, pressing my lips to hers, and trying to capture her hands before-

I was abruptly pushed backwards by an invisible force. Anita clenched her fist, and I doubled over in pain. "Let me go!" I managed to snarl through clenched teeth.

"No," my mistress said. "Turn around, and put your hands behind your back, or the pain gets worse." I turned, and presented my hands. She cuffed them, and my ankles, tightening the chain until I would not be able to walk, and could just barely stay balanced. Then she released me from the agony.

I snarled, fought the chains, and fell over. With the shackles so tight, I was unable to get myself upright again. I lay there on the floor, feeling foolish. Humiliated. Betrayed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Anita snapped. "You just tried to feed without my permission, you growled at Lord Umbron-"

"You just barely met him!" I snarled. "You just met him, and you're kissing him, and letting him feel you up!"

She sighed. "For one, I did not just barely meet him. He is a former lover of mine. For another," she said, clenching her fist again, making me whimper. "My sex life is not your personal property. You should be grateful I allow you to feed the way you do, not jealous of the men in my life. Is that clear?" She released me.

I stayed silent. Why was I so angry? She had to feed me every day, as she'd promised, or I'd not longer be bound to obey her. And this Lord Umbron wouldn't stop her from feeding me the way I now preferred. So why did I want so desperately to rip out and devour his still beating heart? Was this... Jealousy? What did I have to be jealous of?

If Lord Umbron were a demon, this would make sense. A demon might feed, stealing from my source of magic. But he was no demon.

It would also make sense, in a way, if Lord Umbron were a threat to Anita's safety. I was now determined to keep her alive, in order to keep her for myself. But he was a simpering courtier, and not in any way a threat. So why did I feel so...

"I said, is that clear?" Anita asked.

"Yes, mistress," I murmured. But it was not clear at all.


I loosened the chains around my demon's ankles, allowing him to walk. Then I led him to Marian's room. She had just gotten back, and was in the process of getting ready for bed.

"Mind if I leave the demon in your room for the night?" I asked. Saban growled softly. "Stop that," I ordered. "We just discussed this. No growling." The demon stopped, but didn't look happy about it.

"Sure. Just make sure to gag him so he doesn't keep me up all night," said Marian. "I take it things went well between you and Lord Umbron?" She smiled.

I grinned back. "Oh, yeah. He's coming to my room later this evening."

"Well, then, what are you waiting for?" Marian enthused. "Go get ready! Need to borrow any lingerie?"

I laughed. "Like anything you own would fit me."

She giggled. "You may have a point. Now, go!"

I went. Back in my room, it took me awhile to get out of the dress and all the underclothes required to look good at a formal gathering. Then I had to carefully wash off the makeup, which, if left on, would just smudge, and undo my hairstyle, which wouldn't hold up during any strenuous activity anyways. I left on the necklace, for now, anyways, and fished some lacy panties out of my bags. I sighed. Most of my racier dresses and lingerie had been left at Rowan Castle, so this would have to do.

There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I asked, heart pounding.

"It's me. Umbron. May I come in?"

I hurriedly arranged myself on the bed, trying to look relaxed, and, at the same time, sexy. "Yes, you may."

Lord Umbron opened the door. He looked me up and down, and smiled. "Anita. You look gorgeous. Good enough to eat."

I stood, trying to look graceful, and, as he closed the door behind himself, and then knelt and began to undo his pants. As he took off his vest and shirt, I took his cock in my mouth, as deep as I could without gagging. He sighed, and leaned forward, pushing it just a little bit deeper. I coughed and pulled back.

"Sorry," he apologized. I shrugged. No point in trying to talk with my mouth full.

As I licked and sucked his dick, it grew hard, filling my mouth. I looked up at Umbron. He smiled down at me, eyes half closed. Then he pushed me off his erection, pulled me to my feet, and led me to the bed, kicking off his pants and shoes as he went. I lay down, and he knelt between my legs, pulling my panties down to expose my already damp pussy. "Wish you'd shave it," he commented. "Or at least trim it short. I hate getting hair in my mouth." Before I could reply, he pulled my pussy lips apart, grimaced, and began to lick.

For some reason I thought of Saban, and how he seemed to love the task of licking me. Lord Umbron was just doing what was necessary to get me ready to fuck; I could tell, but Saban really liked the task. Of course, that was because he was feeding, but I remembered this morning, how he took a long, deep breath before beginning, as if to savor the smell. Would he enjoy it almost as much, I wondered, if he didn't feed?

Lord Umbron pulled away with a relieved sigh. "Looks like you're ready," he said. "Mind if I'm on top?"

"Not at all," I answered, smiling in anticipation.

I moaned as he slid into me, spreading my pussy wide. Not a thick as Saban, but then, a shapeshifter could choose his dick shape. I pressed my lips to Umbron's neck, licking it. He shivered. "Keep doing that," he murmured. "Keep going."

I pressed myself upward, the best I could, while he pushed himself down into me. We pulled apart, slightly, and then came together again. As we established a rhythm, I licked his neck harder, and gripped his ass in my hands to press him down harder into me.

Umbron gripped my chin and pulled me away from his neck to kiss me. His tongue darted into my mouth, touching the tip of my tongue. I moaned in delight, and tried to wrap my tongue around his. One of his hands began to play with one of my nipples, and I shivered. And, all the while, he kept pounding me, first picking up his pace, and then slowing, and then speeding up again.

I came first, and, as I whimpered and spasmed, he came, shooting his load into my pussy. Then we lay there for a moment, panting. He rolled off to lay beside me. "That was wonderful," he said. I nodded, but couldn't help thinking of how hard Saban could make me cum.

"Mind if I spend the night?" Umbron asked.

"Not at all," I answered, and we settled down to sleep.

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charmscalecharmscaleover 7 years agoAuthor
A Demon's Lust is now a book

A Demon's Lust is now a book. It is better edited and contains a special bonus chapter. It is at:


Check it out! Also, check out my patreon:


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Eeeeep omg you need to make the rest i want to see is anita and saban get together and have kids that would be fun to see

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Good one, though short

Very short one, hoping for more character/relationship development in the next one. I like his jealousy and his protectiveness and her demeanor, but at the same time I hope you don't make him too soft and actually let him stay a dark enough character.

Also I am hoping for a role change soon, you know, in terms of the power relation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

i freaking love this series! i read a demon's child and am absolutely ecstatic at the progress between anita and saban. their chemistry and unique dynamic makes me absolutely want more adventures from them. anita's quickly becoming my favorite character, majorly because of her stern and domineering personality. i'm quite tired of the normal cookie-cutter protagonist who's shown to be a sweet and pure sweetheart. she doesn't let saban push her around and even though saban has been noticeably softening towards her, he still keeps his dark, demonic ways.

i would love for there to be more of your series, and more of saban. i feel like he needs to be fleshed out a little bit more. also, while i already love the world you made, it feels like it's still in fragments. like i get a bit of an image how it is, but there's never really a description or history or whatever, where this world is and its rules etc etc

anyway, looking so forward to more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Short but very interesting!

i found this chapter quite intriguing! I don't think Saban loves Anita but he definitely cares for her and is possessive enough that he dosen't want her to be with anyone but him. Great chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
too short!

I like how this is turning out, and looking forward to the next chapter.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenalmost 9 years ago
Very nice, but...

What happens in the other room this night? Love the thoughts in both of them. Love the chemistry.

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