A dog/slave Weekend Ch. 18

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Negotiating from a position of weakness.
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"I've got to know what it is you want, Frisky," Valerie said as she drove her SUV home with him in the back seat. "You're signing the contract tonight and we're running out of time."

"I told you what I want," John said knowing that she would never agree.

"You're not going to embarrass me in front of my friends. Now tell me what you want so we can get this over with," she said as she spread her fingers on the steering wheel.

"Sex. With you."

"NO, Frisky!"

"Then no contract."

John rode the rest of the way in silence. He was led by the leash on the path to the kennels. At his cage she opened the door to let him in. She closed it and slipped the padlock back in the latch locking him in the kennel once again.

Valerie then knelt down in front of him. She pulled her shirt and bra away to reveal the nipple of both her breasts with the chain link of the kennel protecting her. "I'll tell you what I will do, though," she said. Her fingers ran over her nipples as she fondled her breasts. "I'll let you suck my boobs all you want. And then I'll give you a hand job you will never forget."

It was a tempting offer. The soft flesh of her breasts enticed him. The thought of her exquisite fingers wrapped around his hard cock began to persuade him. But signing that contract might forever alter his life. Why should it not alter her life in some manner as well? It was a big gamble. "No," he finally said.

Valerie's mouth twisted seductively. "I'll give you a hand job every day that you are still here."

Again John began to get lured in. "No, Mrs. Hagan," he said. "I want to have intercourse with you. I want to have intercourse with you until I cum."

Valerie stood up. "You're a disgusting creature." She slammed the cage door and locked it shut. "I don't understand what my sister ever, ever saw in you." She began to walk away only to stop to look over her shoulder at him. She said, "You will sign those papers tonight..."

John sat in the dirt reluctantly for hours. He felt clean for a change and did not want to dirty himself on the kennel dirt floor. The slight breeze on his bare head was a new experience for him.

Whatever time had passed he was uncertain of. Valerie came up the path. She had a different look this time. Her hair was straight, past her shoulders. She wore a low cut black dress. "Are you ready to sign the contract turning you into nothing but property?" She unlocked the padlock and swung the kennel door open.

"No," John answered, despite Valerie's alluring beauty.

She put her hand on the metal pole supporting the kennel wall. "Oh, I think that we can come up with some agreement."

"I told you already."

"You haven't reconsidered, huh?"


"Well then, perhaps a condom might reduce the annoyance such an encounter would include."

"No, no condoms," John said.

"You drive a hard bargain, Frisky," Valerie said with a smirk. "I'll tell you what, puppy, if you go in there and put on a good show for my friends and sign the paperwork, I'll promise you the most remember-able sexual encounter you have ever had."

"With you...?

"With me." She grinned.

"No condoms, no tricks?"

"No condoms, no tricks. I promise. I will give you full access to my body."

John swallowed hard. He in no way wanted to cheat on Ashley. His penis began to grow. She was so beautiful standing there. He was at a loss to understand what he should do.

"You promise?" he said.

"I promise."


"Tonight," she sighed, "after the girls leave."

Valerie took his silence as an affirmative answer. She took the leash and snapped it to his collar. "C'mon, boy. You get to go into my house."

He followed her down the path on all fours, as it was the only way that he could walk. As they past the pool John asked, "Going to introduce me to your husband and family tonight?"

"No, no," Valerie giggled. "He left this morning for New York and the children are with his parents." He struggled to keep up but eventually made it into her beautiful home.

The hardwood floor shimmered with the cleanliness found only in pictures of home advertisements. The curtains were pressed, the glass invisible, and the lighting so illuminating as to make one think they were still outside.

John had been here once with Ashley during one of Valerie's original gloating sessions after the house was first built. Now he had a new perspective of the home; from the floor.

Valerie tugged on his leash in a sterner manner as they rounded a corner into the main room. She was gloating again. This time, the feat of having a man on all fours and on a leash at her feet was a major triumph for her as she held John tightly in front of her three friends.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 minutes ago

Ms. Hagan is speaking with Frisky, but how can she understand him? Dogs don't talk. His harness is her beautiful way of ensuring compliance. Hoping he gets his favorite chew toy back soon, and much more.

AsjoAsjoabout 15 hours ago

I really like the unexpected paths you're taking this story along. It's impressive how you keep going. Love the interactions and how the domination in this story has naturally built up.

I certainly hope he's not going to give up his resistance just for sex - wouldn't make much sense. Of course, doing so out of horniness and going back on it later would make sense. Or the fact that he know such contract is not legally binding, so it effectively changes nothing, except it gives her an alibi for keeping him captive if she's caught by authorities. I suspect she knows this as well, but wants the alibi for authorities and maybe wants to use the contact to show to her sister that he's meant to stay a dog. I'm surprised that she would demean herself to give him a handjob every day, but I suppose she knows she doesn't have to follow up on that either.

Really looking forward to future updates :)

This is really a great story. I suspect more might come across it if the "petplay" (without the space) and "femdom" tags were added to it as well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 hours ago

Where is the girlfriend to save him?

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

I am skimming this as a slow motion train wreck.

AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Really enjoying this series. As others have mentioned, I wish the chapters were longer, but you make up for that with the frequency.

I’m a bit surprised that Valerie is having so many conversations with John/Frisky. After all, dogs don’t talk back. Hoping she does something about that soon.

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