A Girl called Areola Pt. 07


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"Don't worry aunt Betty, it would appear that mummy and daddy brought us up like you and her were when you were our age." I replied.

Just then, the door opened and uncle Ian and Noah returned, both wearing only T-shirts and their boxers.

"Hey girls," uncle Ian said, "we have a pretty relaxed dress code here so you can wear, or not, whatever you like, in the farmhouse and around the farm, Betty does, but be aware, we have a farmhand and he sure will appreciate seeing you around the place."

"Thanks uncle," Beaver said, "we were just talking about your sex life when you were our age."

"We were a bit wild in those days weren't we Betty love?"

I smiled, I was getting to like the place, and our relatives, more and more by the minute.

Aunt Betty really does know how to cook, we thought that we, and daddy didn't do too bad but if we stayed there too long we would soon have a weight problem, but I wondered how aunt Betty kept so slim. When I asked her she just said 2 words,

"Hard work."

"So," Noah asked, "are you going to help us round the farm now that you're here?"

"Noah, you don't ask our guests to do some farm work, that's rude."

"No," Beaver said, "that's okay, we'd like to help wouldn't we Areola?"

"Of course we would, but we don't have any wellies or overalls or any old clothes with us."

"It's summer and the place is quite private, so you don't need any clothes, less washing for mum." Noah said.

"Noah," aunt Betty said, "I hope that you're not suggesting that these 2 work naked, that really would be rude of you."

"No," I said, "that's a good idea. I'm sure that Beaver and I could get used to being naked, it's not like this place is in the middle of a city and I'm sure that our bodies wouldn't offend any of you, after all, this is a farm, you must see animals having sex all the time and humans are only sophisticated animals."

"Well that's up to you girls," uncle Ian said, "but we would appreciate the help. You wouldn't get upset if you stood in a pile of cow or pig shit in your bare feet would you, because it's bound to happen."

"Just so long as it's still warm." Beaver joked.

"Yuk." I added.

"You'll soon get used to it, even if you slip and sit in it. We've got a few hose pipes around the place and we could soon hose you down."

"Err thanks, I think." Beaver said.

Over the evening meal we talked a lot more, our 3 relatives wanting to know more about us, daddy and Zack. Not once did Beaver or I mention that we had started to spend most of our time naked or playing with our pussies.

We helped aunt Betty clear up feeling quite full up, while uncle Ian and Noah used the dining table to sort out some paper work to do with running the farm. Apparently running a farm these days is just as much about paperwork as it is about looking after the animals and the crops, uncle Ian joking that you needed a business degree to run a farm these days. We didn't tell them that were are both doing a business studies course at college.

When us women had finished clearing up uncle Ian tossed a piece of paper across the table to us and said,

"Look at the crap that farmers have to put up with, can you understand what that's all about?"

We 3 women looked at the paper, yes it was written in government like gobbledegook but after a little bit of conferring the 3 of us were able to explain it to uncle Ian.

"Brains as well as beauty." He said.

That made both Beaver an I happy.

After more catching up aunt Betty said,

"We go to bed early here because we have to get up early to milk the cows, but if you want to stay up feel free to do so."

We decided to turn in as well, we guessed that we would have a busy time the next day, and the current day had been quite interesting and tiring, so we told uncle Ian and Noah that we were off to bed as well.

"Don't make too much noise with the girly things that you'll get up to," uncle Ian said, "we need to get some sleep as well."

We went up to our room, got ready for bed (naked) then went to the bathroom. When we came out there was Ian waiting to go in.

"It's going to be nice having you 2 around for a couple of days." He said as he looked us up and down.

"Yes, we're going to enjoy it as well." Beaver replied.

We left our room door open hoping that someone would look in on us during the night. I was a warm one and I guessed that the sheet would end up on the floor.

We did get up to a few 'girly' things but we kept the noise down.

We woke the next morning to the smell of bacon cooking and just had to go down to see if we could have some. I looked down and saw that the sheet that had been covering us was on the floor, and the door was still wide open. I wondered if anyone had looked in and seen us cuddling as we slept.

Not bothering with any clothes as we figured that we'd soon be outside getting covered in goodness knows what, we went downstairs and found Aunt Betty stood at the cooker with a pan of bacon smelling wonderful, and she was as naked as we were.

"Good morning girls, I thought that this smell might get you up, wonderful isn't it?"

"Good morning aunt Betty," we replied in stereo.

"Girls, please can we dispense with the aunt and uncle bit, you're making us feel old."

"Sure Betty." I replied, "where's Ian and Noah?"

"Out milking the cows, they should be back soon. I'm assuming that you two aren't vegans or anything crazy like that, and that you'll eat a proper English breakfast?"

"No Betty," Beaver, "we're pretty traditional in what we eat and we both like bacon and a nice hot sausage."

Betty turned to looked at us and grinned. Was she trying to see if there was a euphemism in there? But Beavers face was giving nothing away.

"You'll need a good breakfast in you, farm work is hard work."

"We need the exercise Betty." I said.

"You haven't got an ounce of fat on you but you need to keep your bodies like that to keep the men looking at you."

"In that case you must get lots of men looking at you Betty." I replied.

Betty was just thanking me for the compliment when the back door opened and in walked Ian and Noah.

"Morning girls, looking good, are you ready for hard day's work?"

"Don't work them too hard Ian," Berry said, "they grew up in the city and won't be used to proper work."

Noah had just been standing there looking at us, and when there was a short silence he said,

"Wow, you both look even better without your clothes on." Noah said.

"Noah," Betty said, "stop trying to embarrass your cousins."

"I wasn't mum, I was just trying to tell them that they look good."

"He's right," Ian said, "they do look great without their clothes on."

"Okay," Betty said, "that's enough you 2, you'll embarrass them then they won't want to help out on the farm. Let's just sit down and eat breakfast then get on with the jobs. Besides, you see me naked just about every day and I'm a woman as well."

"Yes love," Ian replied, "a lovely woman too but everyone would rather look at a heifer than an adult cow."

"Hmm, keep going on like that Ian and you might just end up sleeping in the barn."

"Sorry love, but you know what I mean."

"Yes I do, now get your minds back on your breakfast. What's your next job Noah?"

"Mucking out the pigs."

"Lucky you, you've got 2 assistants today, and don't work them too hard."

"No mother."

I had a vision of us covered from head to foot in horrible, smelly pig shit.

"What is the farmhand doing today?" Betty asked.

"Helping me fix the fence down by the stream, I want to get that fixed so that we can get the sheep into that field."

We finished breakfast then Betty told us to leave the clearing up and go with Noah. We watched Noah put his wellies on then followed him out to an old building that looked like what I imagined was an old stables for 4 horses with sort of courtyards out the front.

As we walked through the farmyard the dogs came and had a sniff around us as we walked.

"They're male dogs and you're bitches, sorry, females, and they can tell the difference. They'll give you a good licking and try to mount you if you let them. Just be firm and tell them to go away if you're not interested."

"You think that we might want to be fucked by a dog Noah?"

"Some women do."

"Not me." We both replied in stereo.

"We've only got 2 pigs here, the rest are out in the field, we'll take some food for them later, but we need to get all the muck out of here so that they're not standing around in their own shit all the time."

"So what do we do?" Beaver asked.

"Shovel it into that barrow and take it to the pile at the end. Dad or I use a tractor and trailer to take the pile away when it gets too big."

"So we take the barrow into that pen thing, fill it with all the shit then wheel it to the big pile of shit down there." Beaver said.

"Spot on Beaver, you know I really do like your names."

"So do we; there's 2 of us and just 1 shovel."

"I'll get you another shovel."

Noah turned and walked away.

"This is going to be a real shitty job." I said.

"Yeah, shitty." Beaver replied then we both burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Noah asked when he returned and saw and heard us.

"Nothing." We both replied in stereo.

"Don't let them get their snouts near you, they'll eat anything that's in front of them, including you if they get the chance."

"I don't think that I want to do this." Beaver said.

"Can we hit them with the shovel if they get too close?" I asked.

"You can, but not too hard, we don't want to damage them, there's a lot of money on each set of 4 legs."

"Okay, let's do this sis. Into battle we go."

"I'll come back and check on you in a while."

Noah left and Beaver opened the little gate. I pushed the barrow in then immediately said,


"Yeah," Beaver replied, "we have to put it in the barrow."

"No, I just stood in some, and it wasn't warm."

We both looked at my now brown foot and laughed.

"Oh well." I said, "at least I haven't ruined a good pair of shoes."

We started shovelling and soon got a visit from a big pig.

"Hit it with your shovel." Beaver said as it got very close to me.

I did, on its rear end, and it turned and looked up at me then turned and walked away.

"Did it's backside go red like yours does when it gets spanked?" Beaver asked.

"No, well I don't think so, I wasn't looking." I replied.

We carried on and when the barrow was full I tried to lift the handles but couldn't.

"We're going to have to take some out, it's too heavy." I said.



"Ha, ha."

We shovelled about half of it out then I tried again.

"Okay, open the gate, and don't forget to shut it behind us."

Beaver did and we went and emptied the barrow.

We carried on shovelling the shit and after quite a while Noah came back to see how we were getting on.

"Good job girls, a bit slow, but a good job. Keep going, and don't worry about getting clean, the hosepipe will soon get it off you. Anyway, they say that pig shit is good for the complexion."

We both looked down at ourselves and realised that we would need the hosepipe.

"Beaver," I said, "how did you get pig shit on your beaver."

"I don't know, did you put it there?"

"If I did it would be inside you as well."

"Yuk, I hope not."

We carried on and eventually got the job finished. As we were looking for Noah to tell him that we were done we found Ian and Betty, Berry carrying a tray.

"Lunchtime." Betty said, "you 2 are in a right state. Ian, get them hosed down before they put their filthy hands on this food."

Ian led us to the cowshed where there was a hosepipe outside and he told us to stand facing the wall with our hands on the wall.

"Remember when I used to do this to you Betty?" We heard Ian say just before Beaver squealed as the jet of water hit her butt.

I was glad that it was summer and that the water wasn't that cold.

After Ian had done our backs he told us to turn around. We both helped rub it off our arms and legs then when the jet of water hit Beaver's tits she said,

"Ouch, oh, ohhh."

"Stop that Ian, you don't want to get the poor girl aroused" I heard Betty say.

He did stop but Beaver's tits were clean anyway, and she was smiling.

Ian moved down her torso and when he got to her pussy Beaver spread her legs and Ian concentrated the jet of water on her pussy.

"Nice that isn't it?" Betty said as the jet of water hit Beaver's clit causing her to moan then cum.

By then I had spread my legs and was eagerly waiting for my turn. I saw Betty grinning as Ian turned the hose on me. Before long I too was in the throws of an orgasm with my aunt and uncle, and male cousin watching.

"That was err fun." I said when I had got my faculties back.

"Yes, I used to love it when Ian did that to me as well. It was a good job that water was cheap in those days.

I looked around and the only person who wasn't grinning was Noah. I guessed that the thought of her father making his mother cum with a hosepipe wasn't one that he really wanted to think about.

"Right, into the barn I think," Betty said, "We don't want you 2 getting sunburned do we?"

We talked and ate and when we were done we went out, Noah having told us that we were going to feed the chickens and collect the eggs. Just as we got to the yard, a little red van appeared and a postman got out.

"Morning folks, I see you've got 2 new recruits and that they're following in Betty's footsteps. Is it something that you make women do Ian?"

"No Pete, it's totally voluntary. Don't your womenfolk want to be naked for you Pete?"

"I wish." Pete replied as he handed a couple of letters to Ian.

"Well you're welcome to come and look at these 3 whenever you want but the 2 young ones won't be here for long, they've got to go back to the city and to school."

"With a bit of luck I'll have some more post for you tomorrow Ian. See you."

We watched the red van disappear and I wondered about ordering some more mail order stuff for home.

We did help Noah feed the chickens and collect the eggs; and what's more we stayed relatively clean, except for our feet. Chicken shit isn't as big as pig shit but there were a lot more chickens.

When we were done Noah told us that we just about had time for him to show us around the rest of the farm before it was milking time. He took us to the barn and to a big tractor. When he was sat in it he shouted for us to climb up and stand either side of him. We did, and found that we could sit on part of the big wheel arches.

Noah slowly drove around the fields telling us what was in each field -- if it wasn't obvious, and Beaver and I took it in turns to get out and open and close gates.

We got to where Ian and the farmhand were and we got off the tractor for Ian to introduce us. He didn't appear at all surprised to see 2 naked young women climb down and go and shake their hands. I guessed that he must have seen Betty naked hundreds of times.

Ian told us a bit about what they were doing and also told us that a bit further downstream there was a swimming hole that he used to take Betty and then Betty and Noah, but they hadn't been there for years. Then he told us that we could go and have a look at it and see if it was still possible to swim there.

We said that we might just do that.

Then we got back on the tractor and Noah drove us through another couple of fields and we saw that we were at a road, and there were a few cars on it.

"There's more of the farm over there but 1 of you will have to open the gates on both sides of the road. But if it's too embarrassing for you we don't need to go over there.

"Is that a dare Noah?" Beaver asked.

"I suppose it is, let's see what you're made of girls."

We both got off the tractor. Beaver opened the first gate and as soon as it was open I marched over the road and opened the other gate. One car beeped its horn at me, but it wasn't because I was in its way.

Noah waited for a break in the traffic then drove across the road with Beaver walking behind him. Another car beeped its horn.

"Brave as well girls, or is it that you like being seen without any clothes on, I mean, you're related to my mother and she goes nearly everywhere without clothes on. I guess that exhibitionism runs in the family. Well for the women anyway."

We got back on the tractor and Noah continued the tour. To be honest, there wasn't a lot to see on that side of the road, fields, some with animals in and some with crops in them.

Then it was back across the road to the farmyard. We had the same process to cross the road again and again a couple of cars beeped their horns.

Noah parked the tractor in the barn then whistled for the dogs.

"Time to milk the cows, do you want to come with me to get them?"

"Yes, why not, it's not like we have anything else to do." Beaver said.

The dogs came running in and zeroed in on our pussies. The dog that came to me first managed to get a quick lick before I pushed it away and told it to stop it. Beaver said,

"Oh, that's ... stop that," and I saw her push the dog's head away.

Meanwhile Noah was just smiling. As we started walking he continued,

"You know, a lot of girls do like dogs doing that."

Beaver and I looked at each other and smiled, but said nothing.

We walked out to one of the big fields where Ian kept his herd of about 20 cows. Quite a few were near the gate and started walking towards the farmyard as soon as the gate was open. Noah was whistling at the dogs and they soon had the rest of the cows following the first lot.

I thought that it was funny that they all walked in a singe line following the first one who seemed to know where it was going.

In the milking shed I was impressed as to how clean it was, everything was made of nice, shiny metal and the walls were all painted white and it looked like a recent paint job.

The front cows walked straight to the place where they would get milked and we watched as Noah put the teats on and the milk started coming out.

"That's not like it is when you open a bottle from the supermarket, it goes through all sorts of checks and things to make it stay fresh for longer. I'll let you have a taste later and you'll taste how different the real thing is."

He was right, when we tasted it, it was still warm and soo creamy.

"We can't sell it like that, all sorts of crazy rules, but no ones going to know if we use it like that ourselves. Mother says that this stuff is why she's such a good baker."

With the cows milked it was time to get them back to the field and Noah led the way with the cows, the dogs and Beaver and me following him.

I think that I must have got a little too confident about being around the cows because when I was walking alongside one it turned its head and banged into me. That sent me flying and I ended up on my front, flat on the muddy grass on a long strip of warm cow shit from one of the beasts just in front.

When I stood up and looked down my front all I could say was,


Needless to say that both Noah and Beaver were laughing their heads off.

"Not funny." I said.

"Oh yes it is." Beaver replied, Noah still laughing.

Well I was covered in the brown smelly stuff and my sister was just laughing at me so I walked over to her and before she realised what I was going to do I hugged her then leaned over whilst still hugging her so that we both ended up on the ground and in more cow shit.

"See how you like it." I said when I let go of her.

Beaver's response was to grab a handful of cow shit and rub it on my pussy. Well I couldn't let that go unavenged so I did the same to her.

We stood there looking at each other, laughing, with the 2 dogs barking at us and Noah laughing.

"I bet that you 2 don't want to smell or lick my pussy now." I said as I looked at the 2 dogs.