All Comments on 'A Guy to Love'

by Egmont Grigor

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EMiamiRiverRatEMiamiRiverRatalmost 11 years ago

I will admit this story went far enough to satisfy my desire for a good stop point. A "4", but there is still better in you when it comes to endings

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
so why didn't he screw her for more over the toy boy

she sounds like a desperate whore willing to jump in to bed with any suitable guy...rather pathetic....

Bound2BtakenBound2Btakenalmost 6 years ago
Very good story but:

I really enjoyed reading this story, but had to re-read several lines; due to spelling or grammatical errors. Proof reading, ergo correcting these larches would make this the 5 star story that it deserves to be.

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