A Little Help Ch. 02 - The Prequel


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Tied to a bed. Burning with unsatisfied desire. My naked dripping sex open and desperate to be touched, rubbed, filled. I heard the front door close and muffled my frustrated roar with the pillow.

This was it now. I pulled at the ribbon's knot, but I had definitely done a good job of stranding myself. The bet was on, whether either of us liked it or not. There was no other way out.

"Fine." I said to myself, and my absent husband. "Fine!"

I took a few long deep breaths to calm myself. I listened for a few minutes for any other sounds in the house. My heart rate slowed. Silence. Another long breath. The moment of truth. I closed my eyes behind the blindfold, curled my toes in tension, and called:


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jokeyjokejokeyjoke23 days agoAuthor

I was thinking the same! I'll give it some thought.

Jlyn1Jlyn123 days ago

Needs chapter 3. Does she do him for the week as per the bet? How does the idiot husband react?

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