A Love Unleashed


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Now with both of us at ease with the situation we drank, danced and talked as the evening progressed. It was a normal date. There were intimate conversations, caresses, kisses and the dancing was slow, close and arousing. We were both trying to seduce the other, and for me at least Jake's seduction of me was complete.

We ordered a bit of supper and in the booth sat, ate, and talked.

Being curious and wanting to feel naughty and aroused I quietly asked him, "What do you think about when you masturbate?"

He smiled at me and replied, "You mostly."

"Tell me what you imagine me doing when you're wanking your cock into my panties."

I looked him straight in the eyes demanding he tell me his deepest, darkest secrets about what he wanted to do with me and to me.

Staring back, he said, "Ok. You know this morning when you were putting that show on for me. It was one of my fantasies. Watching you move around the kitchen with your legs spread and your beautiful rear raised in the air. The only difference was that in my fantasy you're naked and I end up feeding my cock to your pussy."

"Is that why you had such a hard on?" I quizzed, with a smile.

"Hard on?" he replied. "I almost came in my shorts. I'd imagined that scene so many times in my head with you displaying your pussy to me and finally me walking up behind you and filling your pussy with my stiff cock."

Then with the most seductive look I could muster, I whispered into his ear, "Then we'd better try again, but next time we'll do it your way."

As I pulled away from his ear, he turned and looked me straight in the eye, then he pressed his mouth to mine and we kissed passionately and hungrily. It was at this point I had no doubts that when we got home Jake, my son, and I were going to fuck each other.

We finished our supper and had a final dance and drink then eventually we decided it was time for us to leave. I was so excited, and I could see the excitement in Jake as well. There was also a sudden urgency to get out of there, wanting to get home, to what would soon become our incestuous haven. I needed to go to the toilet before we left and asked Jake to call a taxi to take us home.

Jake went to book a taxi and I went off to the toilet. Once in the cubicle I pulled my panties down and was hit by my strong musky aroma. It was quickly arousing me even more than I already was. After peeing, instead of pulling my panties back up I took them off and after bringing them to my nose and inhaling my scent I stuffed them into my bag. I returned to the booth to find Jake waiting for me.

"The taxi should be here in about 5 minutes, so we'd better finish our drink and make a move to the door."

"Before we go I have a surprise for you."

I parted my knees to give him access up my dress then directed his gaze to my legs with my eyes. It only took a second for him to cotton on and he gently ran his hand up my thighs and for the first time he caressed my pussy. I closed my legs trapping his hand and kissed him, before releasing him.

He removed his hand from my pussy and brought his fingers to his nose, and then with a broad grin on his face he said, "It smells much better when it's fresh."

We both giggled and I suddenly became aware that if my pussy leaked it would be straight onto my dress, so I got up and said, "Let's go home."

I turned my back on him and turning my head back towards him I quietly asked, "Any damp spots?"

"No. You're clear." he replied.

I opened my bag and grabbed the panties and as he stood and joined me I pushed them into his hand. He looked at his hand, and then at me and then smiling he stuffed them into his pocket.

As we got to the entrance a taxi pulled up. Jake went to the car and spoke to the driver then beckoned me to him. Meeting me half way he led me to the rear and helped me in then went around the other side and got in beside me. I just cuddled in to him most of the way home. At one point his hand rested on the inside of my thigh, and he slowly pushed it up underneath my dress. He got above my stockings to my bare thighs, and I parted my legs a little to give him easier access. Then he leaned over and kissed me, at the same time pushed further and gently caressed my pussy lips and my clit. I could feel myself melting and it felt like all the liquid was escaping from my cunt. I could feel the fluttering low down in my belly as I was seriously aroused. All I wanted was Jake to fuck me.

A Love Unleashed

We eventually got home and after paying the taxi driver we went in through the front door and as it closed, everything we were carrying hit the floor. I was pressed up against the wall by my strong stud of a son who was pressed against me, kissing me. I could feel the bulge in his trousers pressing against my body, just above my crotch, and then between kisses he said, "Mum, I need to fuck you."

I was in a state of high arousal, already shaking and feeling the tingling in and around my cunt. There were also little waves of heat emanating from my cunt and an intense need for it to be filled and stretched. I replied, "Fuck me please, Baby."

I grabbed the zip on his trousers, lowering it and quickly undid the belt and button. Before we knew it his cock was free and I lifted my dress exposing my dripping cunt. I grabbed his cock and lifting one leg and wrapping it around his hips I placed the head of his cock at the gates of heaven and before I could say anything he pushed straight in.

"Oh God, yes," I cried as I felt that exquisite pressure of my cunt being stretched in all directions. I could feel the texture of his throbbing member as it pushed across my vaginal wall. We both became animals as Jake fucked me, like his life depended on it. There was no tenderness or finesse it was a one hundred percent fuck, which was exactly what I needed right then.

We urged each other on with almost unintelligible encouragement just needing to reach that point where body and mind fuse in an explosion of pleasure. I just concentrated on his cock pounding my cunt. It felt like I was an inflatable being pumped full of air. The more his cock pumped into me the more the pressure built. I needed him to pump his cock into me as fast as he could and burst me.

Suddenly that intense tingling began in my cunt and it felt like the butterflies were turning into an army, intent on battering its way out of my body. I started to shake and suddenly the tingling just erupted everywhere. My cunt exploded with heat and pleasure as I was incinerated in the wave of the most powerful orgasm I'd ever experienced. As this was going on I could feel the pressure increase intensely on Jake's cock as it swelled even more and my cunt clamped down on it, then as we both cried out Jake's cock pulsed with the first ejaculation with my cunt responding with another wave of exquisite heat. My stomach just vibrated as my cunt accepted rope after rope of my son's seed and pulsed with a wave of heat in unison with his pulsing cock. I was trying to milk every last drop of cum from him. I grabbed his face and kissed him and pulled his hips toward me to try to get more of that spewing cock inside of me, while I could feel him trying to bury his cock deeper into me than it already was.

Suddenly my legs went a little weak and Jake held me pressed against the wall. It took me a minute to regain my strength but after I did I just kissed him and kissed him. I didn't really want to move. I wanted to feel his strong body against mine, his lips on mine, his tongue duelling with mine and his cock pumping into my incestuous cunt. But eventually, after a few minutes, I could feel his cock shrink and suddenly the mixed juices of our incestuous union were running down my inner thighs as his cock slipped from me.

I looked deep into his eyes and saw nothing but love. The love of a man for a woman mixed in with the love of a son for his mother. It almost took my breath away. I just kept looking and looking at the beautiful sight of my son's love for me. He smiled at me and very quietly whispered, "I love you Mum."

I could feel my eyes watering and knew I wouldn't be able to prevent myself from crying. I needed to tell Jake that I loved him and whispered, "I love you too Son. Possibly more than you can ever understand."

We stood and just held each other for what seemed like a lifetime trying to deal with the emotional fallout of the most intense physical pleasure either of us had ever experienced. Ever so gently Jake put his hands to my face and tipped it up towards his, and then he gently and lovingly kissed my tears away.

I was totally in love with my son. At this moment I would have died if he had left me. I couldn't imagine living without my son, lover and soul mate.

I kissed him gently then said, "I want you to sleep with me tonight. I want you to hold me and love me. I don't think I can cope without you with me tonight."

Jake smiled, "There's nothing I want more than to be with the one woman in the world that I love and loves me unconditionally."

We kissed tenderly and then eventually breaking our embrace, but still holding hands, we turned and moved towards the stairs. Jake just stepped out of his trousers and pants and left them on the floor where they fell and we headed up to my bedroom. Once inside I undid his shirt and he removed his socks to stand naked. I turned my back to Jake and he undid my dress, and then as he helped push it to the floor I wiggled until it fell, and then stepped out of it. At this point Jake turned me around and stepped back and just gazed at me. My bra was too thin to hide my still very erect nipples and my suspender belt and stockings provided a frame for the place to which a son should never return. Jake just looked and looked, and then eventually he simply said, "There are no words to adequately describe your beauty."

I smiled at him and again a little tearfully I mouthed, "Thank you."

I slipped out of my shoes and then began to unclip and remove my stockings, which I then used to wipe our drying juices from my thighs. I unclipped and discarded my suspender belt and bra and then stood naked in my son's gaze.

We stood facing each other just admiring each other's bodies. Neither of us self conscious or shy, it was just a case of implanting the vision of each other's bodies into our memories. We didn't speak, but after a minute or two I moved towards Jake and embraced him, naked flesh to naked flesh. We held each other for a few moments before I broke the embrace and went into the bathroom. I used the loo and cleaned off my make-up knowing that Jake was in the doorway watching, making me feel protected. I headed back to the bedroom and kissed him as I passed him then got into bed. Jake left the bedroom and used the bathroom as I sat and watched the doorway waiting for him to return. After a few minutes Jake appeared and switching off all the lights on the way, he got into bed beside me, leaving only the small light on my bedside table still on.

We embraced and kissed and spent several hours loving each other. We said very little and just enjoyed the emotional and physical intimacy of our new found relationship. Jake and I made love twice more that night before we drifted off to sleep, and it was still almost overwhelming.

I certainly hadn't been prepared for the emotional intensity of our act of pure lust and talking with Jake over the coming days and weeks he too admitted that it had been an emotional roller coaster that he hadn't expected. It probably took us both three or four weeks before we could fully absorb the emotions that overwhelmed us that night but eventually we settled down into a fun loving couple. We frequently enjoy sex together as a physically fulfilling and fun extension of our love for each other; not only as man and woman, but also as mother and son.

I tried the kitchen show on Jake again a few days later, but this time I was naked. He watched me spread my pussy at him and after about 5 minutes, he thoroughly fucked me from behind. It was truly delicious. Also, about six months later Jake and I eventually sat down and rewrote his story. We enjoyed dreaming up naughty adventures to add to it. Once finished we committed the whole story to memory and then acted it out from start to finish. We had a ball re-writing it and even more fun enacting it. Debs and Jake definitely got it together. But that really is another story.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a7 months ago

I thoroughly enjoy reading mutually consensual incestuous love stories between emotionally and psychologically mature individuakls. There is no guilt, shame, self-loathing, self-recrimination nor self-doubt. Both individual know and accept who they love unconditionally. They know who makes them complete. They know who accepts them as they are. No one attempts to reshape the other. 5 star story.

TabooTales1TabooTales1about 5 years ago
Very good

While I would have preferred a bit more build-up on the mother's behalf (did she struggle with her decision, etc) because it would add a bit more realism to the story, it's still a great piece with tremendous writing. Well done and I'll be following for more stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
My 2 cents

Love the story. Very gratifying to see a mother and son can come to terms of the their love for one another. Thanks for your time and imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Similar To My Own True Story

Mom was still in high school when she got pregnant. We were always close, more like brother and sister than like mom and son. Dad and I were never close. He wasn't mean to me, just indifferent. He died just as I was preparing to leave for college. In the first weeks of college, my mom was cleaning up my room and found my porn stash. I had several magazines of mom and son sex. Needless to say our relationship truly changed after that.

keki123keki123almost 7 years ago
5 stars!!!

What a beautiful love story!!! I really like to believe that there any many mothers and sons who have a deep desire to make love to each other.

rightbankrightbankalmost 9 years ago
fun story

and I loved the comment regarding

UK folk are bimeasural

spot on

nancyharpman17nancyharpman17almost 9 years ago
Another Well-Deserved 5 Stars

Ignore pompous, condescending assholes who hide behind anonymity. Those who can't write criticize those who can. I love well written works of erotic fiction. Consentual sex between mom and son are right at the top of my list of favorites. I didn't GIVE you 5 stars...you earned them.

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2almost 9 years ago
And a large + score of 5 to offset the asshole annony

who reads all of these stories and then bitches about them. he's one sick gay guy!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
American english or English english

This writer writes and expresses himself well. Doesn't make any difference which side of the pond he's on. Just accept it for what it is. A good story, well written. At least he knows the correct words to use when telling a story which is more than can be said for the majority of the writers on this web site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
one to keep

There are a few stories that I readover and over. This one definitely made that list

ansdguyansdguyalmost 10 years ago
Very good reading.

I enjoyed this mother/son romance. The mother's seduction was short and sweet and thats just fine with me.

I like to ad that whenever I read a story which is told from the perspective of the woman, I know immediately that the author is male when the woman refers to her pussy as her "cunt". I don't know about women in the U.K., but the vast majority of American woman despise the word "cunt". They find it extremely crude and demeaning.

SummerXSummerXabout 10 years ago
Reading in bed.

Every once in a while you happen on a story that you wish would never end, this for me was one such. It was as if I could almost 'feel' what Debs must have been feeling, the erotic thrill, upon finding Jakes story, the heightening of sexual arousal through the teasing and shopping for sexy lingerie. Then the sexual intimacy of their 'normal date', a fantasy within a fantasy as I imagined what they may have whispered to each other, told each other they wanted to do to the other,.. did I feel warm breath on my ear at that point?

Like Debs I copied this story, like Debs I took it to bed to read and like Debs I slipped two fingers in my........ but that is another story. :)

Thank you tt' xxx

greenhawk46greenhawk46almost 11 years ago
good story

I always like it when the Mom instigates the seduction-very hot sex, good characters-nicely written- thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
rhia is an excellent story of hot...

motherfucking by a highly talented writer. Young strong Jake is deep'y drawn to his own mother's cunt, a much more common occurrence than a scared society cares to admit. Boys dream of that wonderful hole between their mother's legs, and like Jake it makes them hard in their pants. Jake's mom notices of course, mothers like to see what's happening between their boy's thighs, the big bulge when he's seated, the tent under his fly when he's standing around his mom. Mom teasingly remarks about her boy's boner, while darting sexy glances to his crotch. Like all boys Jake's thrilled to have his own mother discussing and admiring his hard prick, and his mom invites him to see how wet it's making her between the legs. Mom's delectable cunt is drenched, the way a boy loves to find his mother's twat. Mother is aching to have her handsome well-built son shove that big stiff prick of his up where it belongs, up his mommy's slit. Which is what the aggressive young male does, finally flooding his own mother's sultry minge with the large doses of the warm semen waiting for her in his hot young balls. Jake gifts his mom with big twatfuls of his creamy sperm, to their mutual pleasure. One small objections--no reason to call her by her first name. While he's grunting and pounding his mother's cunt Jake should call her mom or even mommy. It's actually what most all boys do when they're tearing up the finest twat in the whole fucking world--their own mother's!

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftalmost 14 years ago
Pay no mind, did rather well. Good for second attempt.

Want more, please.

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