A Mail Order Bride Ch. 03


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Matt Daniels

I could feel the familiar tightness of arousal between my legs when she hugged me and her pregnant belly pressed against me; I had to step back, out of her embrace.

I hadn't lied when I said I wasn't seeing my lady friend anymore, but the real reason was that I couldn't stand to be near Katie feeling the way I did about her. I thought putting some distance between us would help, and it did seem to at first.

A few weeks later, Jonas announced he needed to leave on an extended trip. As her time approached, Katie was starting to slow down and tire easily, and though she would have enjoyed accompanying Jonas on his horse buying trip, he convinced her to stay at the ranch with Sally and me during his absence.

I would be alone with Katie for the next three weeks.

Jonas McQuade

A bit upset with me, Katie had been unusually quiet during dinner. I was scheduled to leave on a business trip in the morning, and though I knew Katie would have liked to come with me, it would have been too trying of a journey for her to make this far along in her pregnancy.

That night I helped her out of her bath, and as she sat with a blanket wrapped about her naked body, I stood behind her just as naked and brushed her hair; strange how much pleasure I got from brushing my wife's hair. With each stroke of the brush her soft, fragrant hair feathered across my erect cock until unable to stand it any longer I pulled her out of her chair and kissed her, letting her blanket slithered on to the floor. Turning her around, I bent her over, and I guided my rigid cockshaft between her thighs. Now that she was breeding, her pussy lips were puffy, warm, and moist, and I loved the feel of her tight sheath. I held my breath at the sensation of her pussy lips caressing the sides of my cock as its full length slid back and forth. With each thrust, my cockhead would brush against her engorged clit and finding the best rhythm and pressure I brought her to orgasm. Afterward, Katie rewarded my efforts by taking me in her mouth and sucking me, hungrily milking my cock when I came in a shudder-inducing orgasm that left me spewing cum down her beautiful, white throat.

Katie Alston

I would have loved to accompany him, but he was convinced the trip would have been too taxing and uncomfortable for me, and though Jonas tried to delay the trip again, I knew he would have to go this time, which he reluctantly did.

I watched Jonas board the waiting stagecoach that would take him to Sacramento for his horse buying trip that he anticipated lasting at least three weeks. As the stage pulled away, Matt and I waved him goodbye and then crossed the street and entered the mercantile to pick up a few items for myself, the baby and Sally, my housekeeper.

It was close to noon when we finished shopping and headed back to the ranch. It was a beautiful day, and the ride home was pleasant and filled with casual conversation. Matt seemed like his old self, funny, concerned, thoughtful but . . . a little sad.

There had been a tough period in my relationship with Jonas when I think the friendship between Matt and me could have very easily developed into more. If things had continued as they were with Jonas, married or not, I might have gotten with Matt if for no other reason than I was just so lonely and unhappy. Back then, I needed, wanted only friendship from Matt, but he made it clear that he wanted more. Even though Jonas was his best friend, thinking I was a vulnerable, impressionable girl whom he could convince to doing his will, Matt had begun to pressure me to be with him. But I couldn't.

That day we came to an understanding. I explained that despite how things had been between Jonas and me, he had changed, and I wanted our marriage to be a real marriage. I knew Matt was upset with me, but I told him again that I was Jonas' wife and would not betray him. Matt said he understood and would respect my decision.

As we drew closer to home, we continued to talk, and in a quiet moment, I looked over at Matt and knew there would always be a special place in my heart for him. I supposed in a selfish way I loved both of them.


Matt Daniels

Jonas had been away for almost two weeks and had sent a wire saying it looked as if his business would conclude early and that he hoped to be home within the next couple of days. Katie was excited at the prospect of him being home and literally beamed with anticipation from the time she read his message.

Katie, with Sally's help, had been busy getting things ready for Jonas' return. I had accompanied Katie into town for some shopping, to do some visiting with friends before the baby came, and finally back to the ranch for a late tea with Mrs. Morganston from the neighboring Morganston Ranch and her daughter.

It was already after five o'clock in the afternoon when her guest left, and it was plain to see just how tired Katie was. I remember putting my arm around her shoulder and telling her to go up and get ready for bed and that I would have Sally bring her a light dinner on a tray. She leaned in and rested her head on my chest as I brushed her hair back from her face. Katie suddenly straightened and stepped back with an embarrassed expression on her face. "What's wrong? What's wrong, Katie?" I asked again, as my eyes drifted down to the small, but expanding circles of moisture forming around each of her nipples.

"Oh, my goodness, my breast milk has started leaking," she said, blushing a deep red and trying to cover the wet bodice of her dress she hurried up the stairs to her bedroom. I watched her climb the stairs, and I wondered what it would be like to taste her milk and feel her hard, oozing nipple in my mouth.

I was in the kitchen when a few minutes later, Sally came in after having prepared a hot bath for Katie. She busied herself, preparing a tray for Katie's supper and, as a last thought, decided to make her a small pot for tea.

"Missy is so tired. I think she just about wore herself out today. I'm gonna fix her some of my special tea that'll help her sleep good tonight and get a good rest. Missy and that baby need it!" she said, finishing up the tray and leaving out to take it upstairs.

After a while, Sally descended the stairs carrying Katie's half-eaten dinner tray. "Well, I tried to get her to eat a little, at least. Poor thing was exhausted and after a few bites, drank a nice hot cup of tea and practically fell asleep as soon as her head touched her pillow."

As the hour grew late and Sally finally excused herself, I sat in Jonas' big overstuffed chair near the fireplace and sipped a glass of whiskey until the glass was empty and my thoughts had turned to Katie. Despite my promise to respect her wishes, my mind and heart were still consumed by what even I considered perverse thoughts and feelings for her.

It was well after midnight when I quietly climbed the stairs and opened the door into her darkened room. She had been exhausted and was now immersed in a groggy sleep, thanks to Sally's tea. The room had been pitch dark with the drapes pulled tight, and she lay relaxed on her side, and I could clearly see the outline of her form under the covers. As I undressed, my cock trembled and twitched in anticipation of being with her. Slipping into the bed, I felt her subconsciously adjust herself to make room for me behind her as she usually would have for Jonas. In her half-sleep, she sought my body's warmth and snuggled her back against my chest, her soft behind pressed against my crotch and swelling cock.

"Jonas, you made it home earlier than you thought," she said, more asleep than awake.

Spooning behind her, I leaned over and planted a kiss on her neck and, with a deep breath, inhaled her scent. My hand was resting on her hip, and I remember she placed her hand over mine and feeling the outline of a long scratch I had gotten a few days earlier brought my hand to her lips and lovingly kissed the scratch, lightly running her warm, moist tongue along its length. My naked cock twitched against her ass cheek.

She hadn't questioned my getting into bed with her. . . in her groggy half-sleep, she thought I was Jonas.

"Welcome home, sweetheart," she sleepily, said as she nestled closer, absently pressing her small, warm body against mine. Reaching around her, I caressed her ripening belly, tracing its contours with my hand, gradually inching between her legs to tease her swelling button.

I slid a finger inside her and felt how wet she was, her body instinctively preparing for Jonas' penetration. I slipped another finger inside her and marveled at her tightness when her pussy constricted around my fingers.

"Ummmmm, that feels nice, she said in a whisper. I've missed you, Jonas, I'm so glad you're home."

For the briefest of moments, I thought about the perversity of what I intended to do, but only for a moment. I slid down between Katie's legs and with my tongue, opened the puffy lips of her pussy and inserted my tongue. Alternating between licking her pussy and sucking her swollen clit, Katie began to shiver and moan, and I knew she was climaxing.

My cock ached and had begun to leak when I pulled myself up, and resuming my position behind her, pushed forward, letting my cock slide easily along the pre-cum moistened slit created by her soft, pink pussy lips.

"Jonas, Oh Jonas . . . " she murmured into the darkness. I reached between her thighs and began to fondle her swollen nub, and I had to resist saying her name.


I was pleased and surprised when Katie spread her legs open, wanting me to masturbate her, silently encouraging me to bring her to orgasm again.

Is this the way innocent little Katie was each night with Jonas? I wondered. A beautiful little wife-whore enticing her husband to have indecent relations with her, to do perverted things to her?

Katie lay on her side, shaking as she recovered from her second orgasm. I untied the ribbon closures of her nightgown and took it off her, exposing her heavy breasts and beautiful swollen belly. I lowered my head and began placing wet kisses on the small of her back and ass cheeks, finally using my tongue to lick along her crack and rim her thoroughly before my cock found what it had so patiently longed for.

She gasped when my engorged purple cockhead pushed through and into her warm, pregnant pussy. I heard myself groan with pleasure as I slowly penetrated her warm, tight wetness. In a soft, whispery voice she murmured, "Jonas . . . Oh, Jonas," as her body momentarily resisted, relaxed, and then yielded to me. I slid my full length inside her, not pausing until the tip of my cock tenderly pressed against the mouth of her cervix where Jonas' baby grew. Katie began to moan, swaying, and thrusting her hips back against mine, trying to match her movements with my rhythm.

"Oh, Jonas, don't stop, please don't stop."

With no remorse, no regret, I unhurriedly fucked her. I remember the feeling of her pussy, instinctively tightening and releasing around my cock and the sense of excitement when she began to fuck me back.

"I'm going to cum. Oh, Jonas, I'm not ready . . . don't make me cum yet . . ." was the last thing she said before exploding on my long, thick cock, and when she did, within seconds I began to ejaculate inside her, spurt after spurt of my cum filled her to overflowing. I had fucked my best friend's wife, his pregnant wife, cumming deep inside her, but in that brief moment, all thought of Jonas and my betrayal was forgotten.

Afterward, we lay on the bed, quiet and satisfied; me still buried deep inside her as the residual effects of Sally's tea made her drift off to sleep again. As she slipped into sleep, I stroked my cock in and out of her velvety pussy, milking the last of my semen until I was drained.

She had never doubted that I was her husband, Jonas. I had licked and kissed her ass, molested her swollen clit, hungrily sucked her tits and finally filled her pussy with my cum . . . MY cum. I lay there thinking about what I had done, wondering what the inevitable consequences would be because I knew there would be consequences.

I pulled a sleeping Katie to me and held her, sated and happy for the first time in a very long time before reluctantly leaving her bed.


Katie Alston

I woke late the next morning feeling rested and strangely contented. I was surprised Jonas wasn't in bed or the house considering he had gotten home so late last night.

After a light breakfast, my dog Jack and I went outside and found Sally at the back of the house hanging up the wash. "Morning Sally, I can't find my husband, did he go into town?"

Sally looked at me, confused and said, "Mr. Jonas ain't here, Missy. Remember, he wrote and said he wouldn't be back until probably Friday that would be tomorrow."

"But he was here last night," I began but stopped mid-sentence when I saw the way she looked at me.

"Missy, I know how much you miss him, and I think you must have been dreaming about him last night," Sally added, trying to make me feel better.

"Well, maybe you're right," I said and hesitantly went back into the house.


I hadn't seen Matt all day and had assumed that he and Jonas must have gone into town together and that Sally had just been mistaken.

As the day wore on, I gave Sally the rest of the afternoon off so that she could visit her sister, and I busied myself fixing supper. When supper time came around, and Jonas wasn't home, I could feel myself becoming anxious, wondering where he was. Just as I was about to throw on my coat and go down to the bunkhouse to see if Matt was back, Matt came through the door.

"Matt, where's Jonas? Is he still out in the stable with the new horses?"

He didn't answer.

"Matt? Where's Jonas?"

After what seemed like a long time, Matt finally said, "Jonas' not back yet."

"What do you mean he's not back yet? He was in bed with me last night after he got home," I replied with a growing sense of frustration.

I felt the baby kick, and on shaky legs, I walked over, and I sat down at the kitchen table. I sat there, replaying everything that had happened last night . . . I couldn't have been dreaming. "I'm not crazy!" I thought I know what it feels like when my husband's hard swollen cock is deep inside me."

My eyes began to brim with tears; I felt scared, but I didn't know why.

Matt had lit a cigarette and stood across the room, staring out of the window. He wouldn't look at me.

"Did Jonas leave again this morning before I was awake? What do you mean he's not back yet? Why would you say that? I asked in a barely audible voice as I got up and walked over to him. Matt continued to smoke his cigarette slowly but did not answer my questions.

"You're scaring me, Matt. Please tell me what's going on. Please."

Before he could respond, one of the hands began loudly knocking on the kitchen door looking for Matt, and Matt took that opportunity to head back to the stables with him.


Matt Daniels

I know I must sound crazy, that what I did was crazy . . . but believe me, I'm just as sane as anybody else.

I don't know how to explain what happened with Katie. I'm sorry for taking advantage, for deceiving her, but god help me I'm not sorry that I was finally able to love her. I had wanted to be with her for so long and would do it again if she were willing, but because of her loyalty to Jonas, I knew she would never let our friendship become more than that, a friendship.

We've been friends since she first came here, and despite her situation and her initial dislike for Jonas, I could see her gradually falling in love with Jonas and him with her. Sadly, after a while, I guess I knew nothing would come of my wanting to be with her. When he got her pregnant, I was for some illogical reason initially angry with him and with Katie. As her pregnancy progressed and she began to change physically, she became even more attractive and desirable to me. Still petite and slim when her belly began to grow, I started to feel as if I were in a state of constant sexual arousal from thinking about her, smelling her scent when she was near, talking and laughing with her.

Josh McQuade

I was so glad to be home. I had missed Katie more than I can say. The afternoon I rode up to the house and saw her standing out on the front porch, her hair loose and tousled by the afternoon breeze, her belly protruding, her hand lovingly caressing the baby within. I wanted her. If there hadn't been others there waiting to welcome me home, I would have pulled her inside and made love to her right then and there.

That night as we readied for bed, I could sense there was something wrong, and after a little prodding, she said she had had a dream a few nights before that I had come home, gotten into bed, and made love to her. She said she didn't remember all of the dream and even as she stood trying to tell me about it, it was starting to fade.

"Oh Jonas, it had seemed real," she said, in a distressed sounding voice. "Oh my god, when I got out of bed, I even think I felt a tender soreness between my legs."

"I know it must have felt real, but it was just a dream, Katie," I reassured her. "You know, I think in your eagerness for me to be home (after all I had been away for almost three weeks), I think you may have been pleasuring yourself in your sleep during the night without realizing it."

"You're probably right," she said, not totally convincing. "It was just so real Jonas, I had actually gotten up that next morning looking for you."

It was clear she was upset and confused, and I took her in my arms and held her, trying to reassure her that it had all been a dream. I found her mouth and kissed her passionately, my tongue parting her soft lips and hungrily exploring her mouth, the feel of its familiar contours fanning my arousal.

I was huge, and growing bigger when Katie reached down and lovingly fondled my erection. Katie continued to return my kiss and looking up at me, smiled, and lowering herself to her knees and took my cock in her small hands, and began kissing and sucking its crown. She placed her hands on my hips as I started face-fucking her mouth. I could hear myself groaning and grunting with each thrust into her mouth and feel my ball sack pull up tight against my body in readiness as I began almost to pant and push myself deeper into her throat.

"Oh my God, I had missed her," I thought as I felt that familiar growing tightness in my groin.

"God damn it! I was going to cum" I could feel the cum churning in my balls, but didn't want to cum . . . not yet, and I had to struggle to get myself under control.


Urging her onto her back, I spread her legs and spent a long time loving her clit and sucking her puffy pink pussy lips. I could feel my unborn baby move in obvious protest inside her and gently caressed her belly to calm him.

I pressed my tongue between her swollen petals and tongue fucked my wife.

"Oh, Jonas, that feels wonderful. I needed to feel your mouth on me." Katie began to moan and whimper as I tongued her deeper and faster. My little girl grunted and let out a cry as she came into my mouth.

She lay beside me catching her breath and lightly rubbing her belly soothing the baby who had begun to kick again. I reached over and touched her belly, and then the full roundness of her breast and hard nipples where circles of wetness had begun to form.

I untied the bodice of her nightgown, exposing her beautiful breasts and lowering my head began to suckle her nipples; her pregnancy had made her nipples when aroused and stimulated long and hard, almost brown in color while her full breasts were pink and warm; Katie had actually started leaking ever so slightly before my trip to Sacramento, and though the nectar was scant at that time, it was now increased, and its warm sweetness undeniable. Now just a few weeks later, she had obviously begun producing pre-milk in anticipation of the baby's arrival, and I often fantasized about how full and milk heavy they would become and how eagerly she would nurture her son and satisfy his father.